Showing posts with label STFU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STFU. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Kailyn Lowry to Fans: STFU About My Kids!

Like most of her Teen Mom 2 co-stars, Kailyn Lowry enjoys interacting with fans and has no problem sharing details of her personal life on social media.

But she"d like to make it perfectly clear that just because she"s a public figure, that doesn"t mean everyone is free to say whatever they"d like about her family.

Sure, Kail"s kids are frequently featured on TV, but when discussing celebs in a public forum, the proper etiquette is to observe Mafia war rules and leave the kids out of it. 

Apparently, some of Lowry"s fans need a lesson in manners — and it seems she"s more than happy to give them exactly that …

1. The Happy Family

Kailyn lowry and three sons family photo

Kail is proud of her adorable kids, and for good reason. For the most part, fans who comment on her family photos are effusive in their praise.

2. A Photogenic Bunch

Kailyn lowry and 2 sons

Even TM2 viewers who take issue with Kailyn’s parenting style are generally in agreement that she and her baby daddies have created some cute kids.

3. The Dark Side of the ‘Gram

Kailyn lowry three sons on the beach

Of course, this is the internet in 2018, which means if there’s any possible way to be a douche bag in a given scenario, some idiot will come along and take full advantage of it.

4. A New Low

Kailyn lowry and baby lux at the beach

Some of Kail’s followers have sunk to deplorable new depths by criticizing the appearance of her youngest son, 1-year-old Lux.

5. People Are the Worst

Lux at 1

And what is it that these morons have an issue with? Well, apparently they believe that there’s something wrong with Lux’s legs.

6. Kail Claps Back

Kail to fans stfu

Not surprisingly, Kail was not too happy about internet strangers throwing shade at a 1-year-old. What IS surprising is how many people gave her flak for defending her kids …

View Slideshow

Friday, September 14, 2018

Debra Messing to Susan Sarandon: STFU About Trump Already!

So Debra Messing and Susan Sarandon are not friends.

Like, at all.

Who knows what their relationship was like before the 2016 presidential election, if they even had one, but when Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton official became the Republican and Democratic nominees, things got real bad, real fast.

Debra has always been a big supporter of Hillary, while Susan was (and still is) one of those people who was super, super into Bernie Sanders.

When Hillary won the primary, Susan was very displeased, and she refused to support her.

She also kind of began to support Trump in a roundabout way, making statements like “Some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately. If he gets in, then things will really explode.”

She said that Hillary was too “dangerous” to endorse, and right before the election, she began endorsing Jill Stein, because she felt that Hillary would easily win so it would be fine for people to “vote their conscience.”

Obviously, things did not work out like that.

Pretty much every single time Susan has made some dumb public statement on Trump, Debra has been there to call her out on it.

They’ve gotten into plenty of Twitter fights, Debra has called Susan “insane” and insisted that she be “held accountable” for her misguided political comments.

And now that Susan is running her mouth again, Debra is there to shut it down.

This week, Variety released a new interview with Susan, and in the interview, she talked more about that “revolution” idea she’s been so excited about.

She said that a good thing about Trump’s presidency so far is that he’s so bad, he’s inspiring young people to get more into politics, and that he’s also inspiring more women and people of color to run for office.

“This is a revolution,” she said. “Maybe things had to get so bad before real change actually could happen. We just have to stay awake.”

When Debra saw the interview … well, she went the f–k off.

“STFU SUSAN,” she began her Twiter tirade. “Oh yes, PLEASE let’s give Trump CREDIT.”

“I mean how else are you able to walk out on the street. Convince yourself that this CATASTROPHE of a president who you said was better that HRC IS NOT ripping children away from people seeking asylum, holding children INDEFINITELY in internment camps with their new policy …”

“DESTROYING all attemps to protect our environment (yes the water you properted to care about), endangered animals, taking away women’s ACCESS to health care and legal abortion, trying to block POC from voting with extreme judges who will support jerrymandering efforts, not to mention destroying ALL goodwill and allied relationships across the globe.”

“Oh,” she continued, “and lest you forget Syria, Crimea, and putting PRO-RUSSIA agenda BEFORE the United States best interests.”

“YES, do go on and LAUD the effect Trump has had out of DESPERATION & PANIC for the DESTRUCTION of the Soul of our country.”

We know, we know, it’s a lot, but she’s still not done!

“You don’t want to look at THAT part of the equation,” Debra wrote. “Because then you’d have to admit you were dead WRONG running around bellowing that HRC was more dangerous than Trump.”

“Only a self righteous narcissist would continue to spout off and not — in the face of Americans’ pain and agony — be contrite and apologize for your part in this catastrophe.”

She wrapped things up with “But you do you Susan.”

Susan responded briefly by telling Debra to actually watch her interview “before you get yourself all self-righteous,” but Debra said that she actually watched the interview twice.

So who’s right here?

Well, Debra, clearly. She uses a lot of caps in her argument, but it’s a solid argument.

Susan has received a lot of criticism since her interview began making the rounds, and she’s been quick to remind people that she’s not pro-Trump by any means.

As she’s been reminding everyone on her Twitter account, she got arrested earlier this summer at an anti-Trump protest, and she has been using her platform to urge everyone to vote.

But it’s hard to forget all those insane things she said in 2016, and it’s still weird how she’s romanticizing the idea of this big revolution when really everything just kind of sucks right now.

So please, just … be better, Susan.



Monday, January 22, 2018

Megyn Kelly to Jane Fonda: STFU, You Hypocrite!

Megyn Kelly has put Jane Fonda on blast.

There"s a sentence we"re guessing you didn"t expect to read today.

But the NBC anchor took a few moments out from her program on Monday to address the quasi feud brewing between her and Fonda, which started a few weeks ago when the veteran actress sat down for an interview with Kelly.

Fonda was on hand at the time to promote the film Our Souls at Night – and she did not respond kindly to Kelly bringing up her many plastic surgery procedure on air.

"I read that you said you felt you"re not proud to admit that you"ve had work done. Why not?" Kelly asked of Fonda, who responded tersely:

"We really want to talk about that now?"

The exchange went viral because, well, it was very awkward.

And now Kelly has gone on the offensive against Fonda, explaining why she pursued this line of questioning and calling Fonda out. Hard.

"When she first complained publicly after the program and repeatedly, I chose to say nothing as my general philosophy is what other people think of me is none of my business," Kelly opened.

"However, Fonda was at it again last week including here on NBC and then again elsewhere, so it"s time to address the "poor me" routine."

Oh, yes, Kelly held nothing back in this mini rant.

"First, some context," she explained, prior to adding:

"Fonda was on to promote a film about aging. For years she has spoken openly about her joy in giving a cultural face to older women.

"Well, the truth is most older women look nothing like Fonda, who is now 80 and if Fonda really wants to have an honest discussion about older women"s cultural face, then her plastic surgery is tough to ignore.

"Fonda herself knows this. She knows this and that is why, to her credit, she has discussed her cosmetic surgery pretty much everywhere before coming on our show."

The show then aired a handful of clips of Fonda talking about her plastic surgery to various outlets and her reasoning for it.

Kelly"s general point is that Fonda has opened the plastic surgery door many times and was out of line in making it look like Kelly was out of line for bringing it up.

"Apparently, when she came here, however, again to promote her film about aging, I was supposed to discern that this subject was suddenly off-limits," Kelly continued.

"Look, I gave her the chance to empower other women, young and old, on a subject which she purports to know well and she rejected it.

That"s ok, but I have no regrets about that question, nor am I in the market for a lesson from Jane Fonda on what is and is not appropriate.

"After all, this is a woman whose name is synonymous with outrage."

From here, Kelly brought up Fonda"s comments during the Vietnam War, saying the actress set out to "shame" American troops.

She also took Fonda to task for more recently telling the BBC that she was NOT proud of her country because it elected Donald Trump as President.

But she is proud of the "resistance."

Seriously, Kelly went deep with this take-down.

"So, the moral indignation is a little much," she concluded of Fonda.

"She put her plastic surgery out there. She said she wanted to discuss the plight of older women in America and honestly she has no business lecturing anyone on what qualifies as offensive."

Watch the full slamming below:

Megyn kelly to jane fonda stfu you hypocrite

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Rachel Lindsay to DeMario Jackson: STFU! You Don’t Know Me!

If you were to ask Rachel Lindsay, DeMario Jackson has a lot in common with Jon Snow.

Because he came back from the dead? Because he may be the Prince That Was Promised?


Because, according to Lindsay, Jackson knows nothing.

Appearing on The E&G Podcast yesterday, Jackson touched on his brief stint as a suitor on The Bachelorette this past season, one in which Lindsay gave him the boot after learning DeMario had a girlfriend.

“I was only there for the two weeks in the house,” Jackson said, prior to delving into controversial territory:

“From the beginning you knew that she was attracted to white men. You knew that. No disrespect, you just knew. She had that vibe.

“From night one, we all set down, all the guys and I said, ‘They’re going to have a black representative, either myself or Eric, and they’re going to have Dean, Peter, and Brian as the final four.’

“We all caught that.”

In the end, Lindsay selected Bryan Abasolo over Peter Kraus on the show’s finale.

Both men are white, but that’s nothing more than a coincidence, Lindsay says.

Commenting on a photo from the podcast’s official Instagram page that was promoting Jackson’s appearance on E&G, she wrote the following on Tuesday:

“Says the guy that dated Lexi [a white woman]. Demario never knew me and still doesn’t.”

DeMario, of course, has become more famous for the controversy that engulfed him and Corinne Olympios on Season 4 of Bachelor in Paradise than for his time on The Bachelorette.

Production on that spinoff was halted for a couple weeks while Warner Bros. conducted an internal investigation that eventually cleared DeMario of all sexual misconduct charges.

He appeared on the show last night, sat down opposite Chris Harrison and discussed all he’s been through.

“I know who I am. I know I’m not that monster they’re trying to portray on TV,” Jackson said.

“Like Michelle Obama said, ‘When they go low, you go high.’ It was hard to go high, but I had to do it because I train and mentor children, and I can’t tell them to be something that I’m not.

“That’s what kept me going. And great family, friends, school teachers, people at the gym. It was crazy to see the response from them… There was just so much love. I was extremely humbled.” 

Olympios will speak on air to Harrison next week.

Asked about his one-time sexual partner turned quasi nemesis, DeMario had only kind things to say.

“I felt bad for her ‘cause she was being slut-shamed,” he said.

“I love my mother and I love the women in my family more than anything in this world, and it hurt me knowing she was going through the same thing I was, but a little bit more aggressive and intense.”


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Paola Mayfield to Critics: STFU, Will Ya?!?

When it comes to revealing her body online, Paola Mayfield has said she remains open to sharing racy photos.

When it comes to critics of her marriage, however, the 90 Day Fiance star says she would like these people to close their misguided mouths.

Right this very moment, please!

Viewers of the aforementioned TLC reality show have had their questionable eyes on Mayfield and husband Russ for awhile now.

They’ve mostly clashed over Russ’ conservative upbringing and how it contrasts significantly with Mayfield’s burgeoning fitness career, which she says necessitates that she show off her figure on social media.

The two do not seem like an ideal match.

But they’re still married.

And Paola would prefer if you butt out of their lives, thank you very much.

“People needs to stop comparing their life/marriage with mine,” Mayfield wrote on Instagram yesterday, adding:

“You are You! My marriage, my life, my decisions! Stop telling me how to live my marriage and my life. 4 YEARS together and we are doing really good.”

After becoming rising to Z-List stardom on 90 Day Fiance, Paola and Russ have continued to let cameras chronicle their universe on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?.

So it’s a tad bit hypocritical to call out critics when Mayfield and her husband are the ones choosing to open up their lives to the public.

Mayfield at least acknowledged this to some extent in her viral rant.

“Ups and downs ARE NORMAL in every single relationship! It’s funny how people talk like they’ve never fight or they have the perfect marriage.

“When someone ask you for your advice give it but if not well you know what to do! Yes I’m public figure bla bla bla go and yelled at the TV if you are frustrated but don’t come to MY ACCOUNT to tell me how to live my life.”

Concludes the outspoken TLC star:

By the way I will be blocking everyone that comes here with negativity.

I will rather have quality that quantity. One last thing move on about my friend Juan, if my husband and I did it why you can’t move on??

Our life, our mistakes, our choices!

Mayfield ended her post by including the hashtags “#90dayfiance,” “#washingtondc” and, most hilariously of all, “#abrahamlincoln.”

We wonder what that iconic President would think of 90 Day Fiance…


Monday, June 12, 2017

Rihanna to Chris Brown: Will You STFU Already?!?

Rihanna is not really angry about Chris Brown beating her up.

It’s sad, but true.

Following a period of contention and awkwardness after this very unfortunate and disturbing incident in 2009, Rihanna and Brown started talking again.

Heck, there’s even been chatter that Rihanna and Chris Brown are back together, which is just gross and depressing to think about.

But just because Rihanna is pretty much over the time her ex-boyfriend turned her face into a punching bag doesn’t mean that she wants Brown to bring this ugly topic back up for public consumption.

And yet that’s exactly what the anger-filled singer does in his new documentary.

Screened for audiences last week, Chris Brown: Welcome to My Life takes fans behind the scenes of this controversial’s artist’s universe.

Brown says early on in the film that he wants to be known going forward as the “baddest motherf-cker on the stage instead of the baddest motherf-ckler in the courtroom.”

And one way in which he tries to fix his image is to hearken back to the incident that is most responsible for destroying it.

Yes, Brown talks in detail his intense relationship with Rihanna from way back in the day.

He explains how they met… how he had to convince his fellow singer that he was serious about her… how they got into various physical altercations over the years … and then, of course, how it came to be that he bloodied and bruised her face on the night before the Grammy Awards in 2009.

According to Brown, the stars got into an argument after one of his ex-lovers surprised them at a party thrown by Clive Davis.

Rihanna was mad this woman was there and Brown tried to convince her that he had no idea she would be in attendance.

They yelled. They screamed. Rihanna allegedly cried. And they left the party in anger to sort things out.

During the car ride home, Rihanna found an unread text message from this same woman to Brown, informing the artist that she’d be at the aforementioned gathering.

At this point, she got especially mad and Brown responded by punching her in the face. Repeatedly.

He says she also scratched and clawed at him and tossed the car keys out the window after they pulled over and that a passer-by heard her screams and called the police.

Rihanna then went to the hospital and Brown was placed under arrest.

He never spent a day in jail, however.

With so much time having passed and with many celebrity gossip followers likely unfamiliar with her past, sources tell Hollywood Life that Rihanna really wishes her awful ex had not made this topic news once again.

“Rihanna is pretty pissed Chris is bringing up their old drama again,” a totally real source tells the website, adding:

“She never wants to be put in that position again, and she still carries pretty deep scars, as much as she tries to act otherwise.

“The experience itself was hugely traumatic, but the way it played out so publicly added yet further to the trauma.”

We can only imagine.

We’d never want to be associated with Chris Brown, period… let alone be associated with him as an ex-girlfriend and victim.

“Rihanna wants to be known as this fierce, independent, strong woman – not be tainted with this weak, victim label,” the insider concludes.

”She’s struggled to get close to anyone and has developed deep trust issues when it comes to men.”

Again, we can only imagine.

This is why Rihanna’s friends keep begging her to leave Brown alone, to get as far away from him as possible.

Perhaps one positive that comes from Brown broaching this topic again is that it will finally hammer that message home for the beautiful star.


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Farrah Abraham to Teen Mom Fans: I Love You But STFU!

Ah, Farrah Abraham.

Between her fondness for getting naked and her emotional instability, you couldn’t build a better reality star in a lab.

Unfortunately, the same volatility that makes Farrah such a compelling trainwreck can also make her a public relations nightmare.

You see, in 2016, there’s a certain expectation that C to D-list celebs will interact with their fans on social media.

Generally, the powers that be encourage this, as it amounts to stars doing promotional work for free.

Unfortunately, everything Farrah touches to turns to PR fecal matter.

Today, for example, seemingly apropos of nothing, Farrah tweeted:

“I love all of you people, I don’t give two drops of dried up pigeon sh-t on concrete how you feel about me.”

What possessed Farrah to believe that it would be a good idea to remind the people who made her rich and famous that she cares less about them than avian bowel movements is anyone’s guess.

(Though she certainly gets bonus points for more poetic imagery than we would’ve expected from a woman who frequently seems to struggle with the basics of the English language.)

Anyway, we scrolled through Farrah’s Twitter page so that you don’t have to, but we couldn’t locate the particular tweet that pissed her off.

However, her anger might have something to do with the fact that Ms. Abraham has had a pretty big day on the gossip blogs.

The morning kicked off with news that Farrah’s mother is engaged to some dude.

That’s not a cause for ridicule in itself, but it’s no secret that Farrah outright detests her mother, so the fact that she’s pretending that she’s overjoyed for the woman might have resulted in some acerbic tweets with Farrah’s name on them.

In addition to that, there were some new revelations about Farrah’s fight with Amber Portwood at a recent reunion show taping.

Namely that the whole thing was almost certainly fake.

Yes, production insiders have revealed that the fight was nothing more than a stunt to promote Farrah’s new reality show.

Seems to us that rather than participating in WWE-like shenanigans in order to boost her career, she could try not publicly insulting her fans.

But what do we know?


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Angelina Jolie to Brad Pitt and Jon Voight: STFU!

According to a hilarious new rumor, Angelina Jolie may write a tell-all.

According to this report, Jolie is sick of being made out to be the “bad guy” in her split from Brad Pitt and will be penning a memoir that hones in on Pitt’s “drinking smoking and clashes with the kids.”

But while Jolie is allegedly ready to talk, she’s also allegedly taking issue with the person to whom Pitt has been talking a lot:

Her father.

An insider tells Us Weekly that Pitt and Jon Voight have remained surprisingly close ever since the former got together with Jolie in 2005.

For what reason? What have they bonded over?

“[Pitt] told her dad that what he loves about her is how passionate and extreme she is,” the source claims. “He’s been drawn to that.”

The actors have apparently talked often throughout the years, which was always a bit awkward for Jolie because she doesn’t have a great relationship with her dad.

But it’s even more awkward now because Pitt and Voight are even talking at length about the famous couple’s divorce.

In their most recent discussions, Voight has told Pitt that Jolie is “erratic” like her mother, the late Marcheline Bertrand, according to this magazine article.

Voight and Bertrand were married from 1971 to 1980; Jolie had a very strong connection to Bertrand, up until she passed away at the age of 56 in 2007.

“She is really pissed at her dad,” the insider tells Us Weekly, adding:

“She is really bothered that he is talking to Brad. … Angelina is speaking to [Voight] but not a lot and not telling him hardly anything because she doesn’t trust him.”

Over the past couple decades, there were periods of many months at a time when Voight and Jolie were so estranged that they didn’t even speak to each other.

The actress, of course, filed for divorce from Pitt on September 19.

This filing took place a few days after Pitt got into a reported confrontation with 15-year old son Maddox.

Details on just what went down between father and son remain unknown at this time, but the FBI was even brought in to investigate claims of child abuse.

Those allegations did not leave to any charges.

However, multiple sources have recently said that Maddox doesn’t want anything to do with his father. Which is really sad, if true.

Jolie was granted temporary physically custody of all six children – Maddox, 15, Pax, 12, Zahara, 11, Shiloh, 10, and 8-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne – although the pair continue to share legal custody.

There may be an ugly divorce battle still to come between these former lovers.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bella Thorne Whines About Her Skin, Needs To STFU

Let me just preface this by saying that Bella Thorne’s skin always, always look smooth and dewy.

But, like all youths, she’s displeased with her complexion, Snapchatting about zits and dry skin.

According to Fishwrapper, Thorne shared a close-up of her Snapchat and revealed that when she was younger, she would “cry herself to sleep over acne breakouts.”

Thorne’s attempt was to hit out at the haters who bullied her and others for their problematic skin.

“I cried every night for months,” Thorne, 18, recently told InStyle.

“It sounds silly to say that I cared so much about my face, but when you’re a young girl, it takes a toll on your self-esteem. It’s unbelievable how people looked at me differently because I had pimples.

“I’m still self-conscious about it.”

As one who still suffers from bad skin, I totally get it.

But bad skin is something almost all of us have had to go through.  I took Accutane twice, and back then it was probably just a little safer than drinking arsenic.

Still, I took it and it cleared up my skin…until freshman year of college, when I took it again.

To this day, I still experience black heads, breakouts, patches of dry skin and clusters of cystic acne. 

And the scars!  Oh the scars.  Don’t pick at your face, children.  Go on Groupon and book a facial.

I’m no doctor, but drinking plenty of water and taking your dermatologist’s advice is the best course of action in the fight against acne.

Find a face wash that works for you.  Wash your pillow cases.  Wear sunscreen.

Somehow, this turned into a skincare PSA.  My bad

If you take a look at Thorne’s Instagrams, all you see if fresh, dewy skin.  

I’ll let her off the hook for being insecure about her bare skin, with the disclaimer that it’s something we all have to deal with.

Bella Thorne Whines About Her Skin, Needs To STFU

Let me just preface this by saying that Bella Thorne’s skin always, always look smooth and dewy.

But, like all youths, she’s displeased with her complexion, Snapchatting about zits and dry skin.

According to Fishwrapper, Thorne shared a close-up of her Snapchat and revealed that when she was younger, she would “cry herself to sleep over acne breakouts.”

Thorne’s attempt was to hit out at the haters who bullied her and others for their problematic skin.

“I cried every night for months,” Thorne, 18, recently told InStyle.

“It sounds silly to say that I cared so much about my face, but when you’re a young girl, it takes a toll on your self-esteem. It’s unbelievable how people looked at me differently because I had pimples.

“I’m still self-conscious about it.”

As one who still suffers from bad skin, I totally get it.

But bad skin is something almost all of us have had to go through.  I took Accutane twice, and back then it was probably just a little safer than drinking arsenic.

Still, I took it and it cleared up my skin…until freshman year of college, when I took it again.

To this day, I still experience black heads, breakouts, patches of dry skin and clusters of cystic acne. 

And the scars!  Oh the scars.  Don’t pick at your face, children.  Go on Groupon and book a facial.

I’m no doctor, but drinking plenty of water and taking your dermatologist’s advice is the best course of action in the fight against acne.

Find a face wash that works for you.  Wash your pillow cases.  Wear sunscreen.

Somehow, this turned into a skincare PSA.  My bad

If you take a look at Thorne’s Instagrams, all you see if fresh, dewy skin.  

I’ll let her off the hook for being insecure about her bare skin, with the disclaimer that it’s something we all have to deal with.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Brandi Glanville to LeAnn Rimes: Happy Anniversary, Now STFU!

Last week, LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary.

Few expected the couple to last this long, and even fewer expected what happened on social media on the day of their anniversary.

Not only did Brandi Glanville wish LeAnn well on the milestone occasion, but the ladies had a friendly back-and-forth like a couple of lifelong besties:

“@leannrimes Happy anniversary Happy 2 watch my boys 4 mybaby daddy so that y’all can celebrate! Get a tan for me #feeling pasty (mean it),” Brandi tweeted.

“@BrandiGlanville Thank you! Happy that we always pick up where the other leaves off. Xoxo,” LeAnn replied.

“@leannrimes that’s the point right?Thanks for taking care of my boys! Have fun,” Brandi tweeted back.

It went on like that – and needless to say, we’re more than a little surprised.

Brandi and LeAnn have been feuding for years, but it looks like they quietly buried the hatchet at some point in the past few weeks.

But the peace may have been short-lived.

Just one day after making nice with LeAnn on Twitter, Brandi posted this video on Instagram:

Needless to say, it’s got a considerably more hostile tone.

Brandi raised even more eyebrows when she followed that up with this tweet:

“I just got my feelings hurt & realize that social media stalking is the root of all evil.”

Hmmm…many fans interpreted the comment to mean that Brandi was stalking LeAnn and had her feelings hurt by something the singer said.

Tellingly, Brandi didn’t respond to the fans who expressed those thoughts online.

Whatever the case, it seems that relations between Brandi and LeAnn are better than they were five years ago – but still far from perfect.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

12 Celebrity Couples That Just Need to STFU

We do not begrudge the following couples their love or affection.

Go! Be in love! Be as affectionate as you want to be!

We"re just asking that they tone everything down a bit, from their outpouring of PDA to their constant status updates to their never-ending baby photos.

Sometimes, it really is best to simply STFU for awhile…

1. Kylie Jenner and Tyga

Kylie jenner and tyga

There’s the awkward age difference. There’s the fact that neither has any talent. There’s just something about these two that makes us wish they’d stop swapping spit on Snapchat every other hour.

2. Ice-T and Coco Austin

Ice t and coco austin

Altogether now: a baby is not an instrument to drum up social media followers… a baby is not an instrument to drum up social media followers… a baby is not an instrument to drum up social media followers…

3. Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed

Ian somerhalder and nikki reed

Look, we love these two. We appreciate their passion for each other. But must every single Instagram message read like they’re trying to win some kind of romantic poetry contest?

4. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

Kim kardashian and kanye west

Must we really explain why?

5. Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag

Spencer pratt and heidi montag

We think these two are actually still together, which is amazing. And we assume they’ll say some dumb stuff again soon. So this is a preemptive STFU.

6. Leann Rimes and Eddie Cibrian

Leann rimes and eddie cibrian

Yeah. See. No one cares about you two. Stop acting as if you’re Brangelina.

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