Showing posts with label Glanville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glanville. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Brandi Glanville Accused by Actor Kobie Randolph of Halloween Attack

Actor Kobie “DJ K-LUV” Randolph says he was attacked at George Clooney’s Halloween party, and depending on who you believe … Brandi Glanville either broke it up or attacked him. Randolph told cops Brandi was with a woman with whom he had a…


Friday, April 27, 2018

Brandi Glanville: I Can Totally Explain Why I Tweeted a Nude Selfie!

It looks like Brandi Glanville has been drink-tweeting again. We’ve all been there, but most of us don’t post nudes while we’re at it.

In the tantalizing thirst trap that Brandi tweeted and deleted, the reality star is wearing nothing but a pair of panties. And she’s barely wearing those.

See the steamy pic and her explanation for why she posted it in the first place, below.

Accompanying the initial photo, Brandi wrote:

“Having an @kourtneykardashian sexy mom moment.”

While Kourtney is undoubtedly both a mother and very sexy, it’s kind of funny that she’s the touchstone — at least in Brandi’s mind — of hot moms.

Brandi then makes a little dig at Kourtney, but immediately makes it clear that it’s all in good fun.

“I named my son Mason first jk. Mad love.”

Brandi has since deleted the original tweet, but a cropped version of the sexy photo survives.

Take a look:

Brandi Glanville Naked on Twitter (Censored)

She looks incredible.

Unfortunately, the backlash that she received was enough that she felt the need to not only delete the tweet, but explain herself to her fans and followers.

Under an image of her book, which is not-so-coincidentally titled: Drinking & Tweeting and Other Brandi Blunders, she writes:

“Sooo this happened last night :/”

Hey, there’s no need for shame, girl.

“I guess it’s #1 because it’s still an epidemic anyway they are just boobs.”

She’s absolutely right. It’s sad that some people can’t handle the hotness.

“Ugh live and learn #drinking and tweeting.”

Look, if drinking and tweeting were a crime, we’d all be in jail.

Brandi has shown her stuff on social media before.

But she continues to explain her mindset when she shared that nude selfie.

And honestly … it’s kind ofa  bummer.

“I was having a mom of two and not bad for 45 moment after a crappy date.”

That crappy date may have been with a man named “Aaron,” based upon her previous tweets.

This is where it gets sad.

“Sometimes we all question wether we’re still desirable or not.”

Brandi is notoriously hot. We wish that she weren’t so plagued by doubts.

Recently, Brandi made peace with her long-time adversary, Leann Rimes.

While obviously, a woman cannot “steal” another’s husband unless she literally kidnaps him, Eddie Cibrian did cheat on Brandi with Leann and then leave Brandi for Leann.

That was followed by Leann seeming to flaunt her relationship with Brandi’s children on social media.

Many perceived that as a directly hurtful jab at Brandi, and it went on for years.

But now, they’ve totally buried the hatchet. And the results are beautiful — and definitely what’s best for the children.

However, just because Brandi has made nice with her ex and his wife doesn’t mean that her life is free of troubles. She’s still looking for love.

We don’t know what made her feel like she wasn’t desirable.

Perhaps it was that she didn’t get the impression that this guy — whose name may have been Aaron — was into her.

Or maybe he flat-out told her that he didn’t want to date her again.

It’s even possible (again, just possible) that the two hooked up but he found himself unable to perform, and Brandi somehow interpreted that to mean that she was not desirable.

Or maybe the guy was just obnoxious and she found herself wondering why she can’t find a decent guy. Who knows.

We wish Brandi better luck next time. She’s gorgeous and she deserves to be happy.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Brandi Glanville: Lisa Vanderpump Is Still Ruining My Life!!

Last week, in a stunning turn of events, Brandi Glanville and Leann Rimes quashed their feud.

But Leann wasn’t the only other celeb with whom Brandi had a beef.

And in a new podcast episode, she’s making it clear that her feud with Lisa Vanderpump is still going strong.

Brandi Glanville may be a generally likable person with sympathetic struggles, but she sure knows how to feud.

Leann Rimes was her most famous enemy until the two buried the hatchet. 

But Leann has dragged Gerard Butler and quarreled with Amber Portwood and is always prepared to say exactly what she thinks of someone.

And her feud with Lisa Vanderpump is no new thing.

See, Vanderpump Rules star Scheana Shay had an affair with Brandi’s ex, Eddie Cibrian while Brandi and Eddie were still together.

And Brandi believes that Lisa brought that about by deliberately putting Scheana in Eddie’s path.

(Though, to be clear, that would still be 100% Eddie’s fault)

So, fresh from making nice with Leann and Eddie for the good of the children (and, honestly, for their own good), Brandi is speaking on her podcast, Brandi Glanville Unfiltered.

And she shares that she’s not really taking it well that Scheana Shay now has her own podcast.

Brandi of course knows that anyone can do a podcast, but at the same time, coming from Scheana, it apparently feels a little invasive.

“Oh, my God. I’m being cheated on again with Scheana.”

As if the concept of podcasting itself were stepping out on her with Scheana, we suppose.

Earlier this year, Scheana spoke about Brandi.

“She asked me to be on her podcast.”

But she was hesitant to agree.

“But out of respect for Lisa, I haven’t accepted that offer yet.”

That’s … interesting, since most people would not feel the need to ask the permission of a third party.

Brandi did not take it well. Specifically, she says that she “saw red” when she heard that Scheana would wait for Lisa’s blessing.

“Are you kidding?”

Brandi really does not like getting obstructed in this manner.

“This b–ch is still ruining my life. I’ve been here almost five years.”

She means that she has been podcasting for that long.

“This is the one thing that I have that she can’t touch, and now she’s telling me whether I can interview Scheana or not?”

Brandi goes on, continuing to rail against Lisa.

“[Lisa] is very controlling.”

But she says that she won’t back down.

“I’m not afraid of Lisa, obviously, but she did try to ruin my life for the past four years.”

Again, she feels like podcasting is her territory.

“And then having her just in this world, I was like: ‘Hell, no."”

So that’s its own mess.

But at least Brandi is no longer feuding with Leann Rimes.

And she even made it official, tweeting:

“The three of us sat and talked for hours hashed everything out and the feud with @leannrimes Eddie and I is over! They will not be getting rid of me on any holidays #modernfamily”

That is such wonderful news!

For the adults and also for the children.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes: Ending Their Feud?!

Check out your window to see if you spot any flying pigs, folks. In fact, check up and see if this is one of your culture’s signs of the end of days.

Because it looks like Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes, after years of intense feuding, have finally made peace.

And they’ve snapped a selfie to prove it. Yes, really.

Brandi Glanville posted this selfie with LeAnn Rimes on her Instagram.

It’s a photo that no one ever expected to see — not unless one or both of them were held hostage and forced to make nice.

Brandi explained the monumental photo in the captions, writing:

“Peace in #calabasturd hanging for Jakes bday.”

Jake Cibrian is Brandi’s son — and LeAnn’s stepson.

He celebrated his 11th birthday in Calabasas. He was born on April 7, 2017, but plenty of people celebrate their birthdays on other days.

The fan reaction was immediate and mostly positive.

“Love this!!! Peace for the kids is the way to go!”

Parents should always put their children first.

“I’m so shook.”

(Shook of course is a fun informal term that means shocked or surprised)

“This is everything. Well done both of you.”

They both look like they’re genuinely getting along.

“Oh I am so happy to hear this!!! Amazing!”

Another fan chimed in who sounded as if they were speaking from firsthand experience.

“she’s hanging with the stepmother of her kids….. so SHE can have more time with her children!!! Splitting holidays & birthdays isn’t easy. You end up missing a lot. This is beautiful”

Not everyone was put in a celebratory mood by the happy, peaceful photo, however.

“Wait wait wait wait what.”

While that person was shocked, another person still sounds bitter.

“Shes still a homewrecker…you are wayyyyy bigger than me.”

It looks like some of Brandi’s fans were Team Brandi because they relate to her story.

Memorably, Brandi Glanville and her ex, Eddie Cibrian, parted ways in 2009.

Because she learned that he had been carrying on an affair with LeAnn Rimes. Yikes.

He then went on to marry LeAnn, who became the stepmother to Brandi’s children, Mason and Jake.

To make matters worse, LeAnn has appeared to stoke the flames of Brandi’s distress multiple times over the years, with social media posts featuring Brandi’s children that seemed designed to rub Brandi’s nose into all that she was missing.

Last year, a clearly exasperated Brandi Glanville just wanted to be left alone instead of being taunted by her ex and his wife.

Since imploring Eddie and LeAnn to back off, Brandi’s life has still had its conflicts.

Like feuding with Amber Portwood on Marriage Boot Camp and facing a court battle over Joanna Krupa’s alleged vaginal odor.

Neither of those were nearly as personal, though, because they did not involve Brandi’s children.

It’s a wonderful sign that Brandi and LeAnn were getting along well enough to pose for a selfie together. Perhaps things have really mellowed out.

We hope that the peace lasts. For the sake of everyone involved.


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother Recap: Did Brandi Glanville Go Too Far?!

Keshia Knight Pulliam may have left the Big Brother house on Monday night, but we got more insight than ever before into her big decision to get the house to send her packing. 

We flashed back to the hours leading up to the eviction, and Keshia revealed all to her alliance about the depleted breast milk. It was the first time we have ever witnessed an expression on Brandi Glanville’s face. 

She was annoyed because this was supposed to be the time to send Shannon Elizabeth out in a backdoor eviction. Brandi ran her mouth like she was still on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, before ultimately making peace with the decision. 

Before the HOH competition got underway, Brandi chatted about the way she spoke to Keshia and said she knew that they would be friends when they reunited on the outside. 

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Brandi. This is a game, and it should not be made personal. Brandi has been catty all season long and has wanted to get Shannon out for no apparent reason. 

Shannon seemed confused about why Keshia was trying to blow her game up during her eviction speech. Those who thought Shannon Elizabeth was a great player should probably exit stage left. 

During the HOH competition, Shannon took an early lead, and everyone aside from James looked annoyed. As soon as Ariadna emerged victoriously from the competition, everyone was a little too excited for her. 

That did not do much to make Shannon’s paranoia disappear. She knew there was some backstab in the works, and that’s why she tried to speak to her supposed allies about what was coming. 

However, her allies made sure Ariadna was never alone without either Omarosa or Metta, and that made it difficult for Shannon to get an answer. 

Before the nominations ceremony, the penny dropped for Shannon that she would never find a role as big as the one she had in American Pie. We’re totally kidding about that last part. 

Shannon figured it all out and said some words right before Ariadna confirmed who was on the block. Brandi countered that Shannon was cutting deals with the others. 

Shannon balked at this idea and was subsequently put on the block next to James. It looks like Shannon’s time in the Big Brother house is coming to a dramatic close!

In any case, it looks like the producers are trying to give Shannon another chance. The reason? A game-changing vote is coming our way in the next few days. 

Wouldn’t it be great if it affected the next eviction? What if the viewers could vote instead of the house?

That would shake things up and give Shannon a fighting chance. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below. 


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Brandi Glanville Drags the Living Heck Out of Gerard Butler

Brandi Glanville has officially gone on amazing record:

She is not a woman scorned.

She is a woman ANGRY.

Like, very, very, very, very angry. And we are so here for it!

The former The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast member – who thinks Joanna Krupa’s vagina smells and who thinks Amber Portwood is an unstable narcissist – has set her scathing sights on Gerard Butler in a new open letter…

… and it’s a thing of totally vicious beauty.

You see, many years ago, Glanville and Butler had a fling.

Both sides admit it. Both sides say the brief sexual was a lot of fun and that they parted ways afterward, never to see each other again.

No hard feelings. Just a hard penis and a wet vagina, basically.

When asked about the naked encounter by TMZ awhile ago, Butler reacted in shock, claiming he didn’t know who Brandi Glanville was because she never told him her last name back when they banged.

This subject was broached again last week on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen.

This is what Butler said about Glanville:

“It was kind of a crazy time…  we hung out, we had fun, and then I never saw her again. And then suddenly, I was walking down the street with a director, and these guys from TMZ come running down the street going, ‘Hey, what about you and Brandi Glanville?’

“And I’m like, ‘Who’s Brandi Glanville?’

“Because I didn’t even know her last name! So I’m like, ‘Who’s Brandi Glanville?’ She got pretty upset.”

Well, now she’s REALLY upset.

And we sort of don’t blame her.

In a lengthy letter addressed to “Gerry” on her official website, Glanville absolutely destroyed Butler late Monday, taking digs at his career, his sexism and his tone deafness in light of the #MeToo movement.

Brandi Glanville On Hollywood Today Live


“I’m not exactly sure when misogyny became so hip, cool and accepted but what I will tell you is that I won’t f-cking stand for it anymore!” Glanville wrote, adding at the start of her letter:

“I’m talking to you, Gerard Butler! Honestly who the f-ck do you think you are?

“You, Mr. ‘movie star,’ can choke on your own…ego. Not that I even remember your last hit movie but it seems like ‘300’ was years ago.”

It’s true: 300 came out in 2006 and Butler has since starred in such non-epic films as Law Abiding Citizen… Machine Gun Preacher… and Olympus Has Fallen.

“I would like to make something crystal f-cking clear to you,” Glanville continued.

“Your behavior the other night, publicly acting as if you were embarrassed to have ever met me or had relations with me as if I were some horrid decrepit troll is not only disgusting but unacceptable.

“#TimesUp on this kind of behavior.”

That’s a reference to the organization that supports victims of sexual harassment and misconduct.


We hope you put a pot of coffee on, readers… because Brandi was far from finished.

“Respect the women you invite into your bed and into your life,” she wrote, addressing Butler and elaborating:

“Whether you know their last name or not! Whether they are famous or not! Just be a proper human being.

“Imagine that some man was on TV speaking of your mother, sister, daughter or even friend cringing with embarrassment. Exactly the way you acted and spoke of me.

“Well my two sons Mason, 14 and Jake, 10 don’t have to imagine it because it just happened to them, to me and to all of us.

“With the Me Too movement I have found my voice again and I refuse to stay quiet.

“I may not have been sexually harassed but I have been humiliated, embarrassed, financially tortured and emotionally abused by men in power, in my work life and by men like you in my personal life.”

Glanville has become known as a rather big drama queen – but we sort of see where she’s coming from here.

There’s no reason for Butler to be drudging up the past in this manner. Why show such disrespect?

But of course, this is Brandi Glanville.

So she did end up takings things to a forehead-slapping level toward the end of her message.

“I honestly never sought out the life that I live now filled with insecurities, trust issues and doubt,” she wrote, adding that if it were up to her, she would be “f-cking happily married to a ‘faithful’ Eddie Cibrian quietly-ish raising our 2 beautiful boys with no cameras other than the ones he worked in front of.”

Cibrian, an actor, cheated on Glanville with LeAnn Rimes.

And Brandi reminds the public of this every chance she gets.

Not that Cibrian should ever live that deed down, of course.

Added Glanville, on a strong roll:

“You seem to be caught up on the fact that I didn’t tell you my last name or what I did for work before we actually ‘hooked up.’

“When I’m out at a party and someone walks up to me and says hi what’s your name, like most people I simply say ‘hi I’m Brandi nice to meet you.’

“Furthermore if you have to tell someone you’re famous…you’re not only an asshole but you clearly are not that f-cking famous!!!”

Finally, after rhetorically asking Butler if he was “too big of a movie star to be associated with lowly reality television personalities,” Glanville concluded in iconic fashion, simply writing:

“I think you suck and my dad wants to kick your ass.”

Bravo, Brandi.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Brandi Glanville, Joanna Krupa Settle Foul-Smelling Vagina Lawsuit

Our long national nightmare is over.

… Because Brandi Glanville and Joanna Krupa have finally settled their lawsuit.

That’s right, folks. The Curious Case of the Allegedly Smelly Vagina has reached its conclusion.

It’s hard to go into a highly publicized lawsuit and come out smelling like roses.

Given the circumstances, though, we wouldn’t care to speculate on Joanna’s odor. She apparently tends to overreact.

Brandi Glanville and Joanna Krupa have put an end to Joanna’s $ 15,000 lawsuit with an out-of-court settlement, the details of which are still under wraps.

But it looks like Joanna, at least, is happy with the results.

Because it’s Brandi Glanville who’s issuing a public apology.

Brandi Glanville’s apology, shared with E!, doesn’t admit to any slander or whatever but nonetheless gives Joanna about as much out-of-court vindication as she could expect.

“I want to apologize to Joanna Krupa for the statements I have made about her.”

Honestly, and we absolutely love Brandi, but that’s long overdue, right?

“I regret making such statements about Joanna Krupa; I also certainly never intended my statements to be taken so seriously and out of proportion”

She regrets making the statements — well, of course she does, since nobody likes getting sued.

As for regretting them being “taken so seriously and out of proportion,” well … the only one who really did that was Joanna Krupa herself.

You gotta admire a woman who throws shade even in her public apology.

“I apologize as I never wanted my statements to affect Joanna Krupa’s reputation and I wish her nothing but continued success in life.”

That last part’s … diplomatic.

Not necessarily true, but that’s a tasteful ending to an agreed upon apology.

As for the details of the settlement, which haven’t been revealed, we can only give you our educated guess:

Since they settled, they probably didn’t exchange money. 

Both Brandi and Joanna are worth millions, so we don’t imagine that the $ 15,000 was the big deal here.

No, what was at stake was their respective reputations and clearly shared stubbornness.

Seriously, these two have more in common than gorgeous looks and Real Housewives fame.

It’s unbelievable that this absurd farce of our legal system made it into court for this long.

We’re guessing that the “nail in the coffin” for Brandi’s defense — whatever forced her to capitulate and apologize — was the recent testimony of Joanna Krupa’s ex.

If you remember, Romain Zago claims that Joanna Krupa’s vagina smells wonderful.

That’s a real thing that he said in court, claiming that her genital odor is the “best in the world.”

By the end of that guy’s testimony, you’d have thought that Joanna’s genital odor doubled as an air freshener.

But however it came to be, thank goodness that this particular bit of nonsense is over.

Though we still don’t know if Joanna Krupa is ever going to live down the “smelly vagina” association.

And that’s not Brandi’s fault — we don’t think that people would still be talking about it if Joanna hadn’t made such a stink about it.

(Pun not intended, we swear)


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Joanna Krupa and Brandi Glanville Settle Smelly Vagina Lawsuit

The big stink is over — Joanna Krupa and Brandi Glanville struck a settlement in the infamous smelly vagina lawsuit … TMZ has learned. We just got a hold of new docs filed Tuesday confirming both sides have reached a “full and final settlement.”…


Monday, July 31, 2017

Joanna Krupa ex Romain Zago Testifies: Her Vagina Smells GREAT! Brandi Glanville is LYING!

Imagine going through seven years of school to become a lawyer … only to work an entire legal case about alleged genital odor.

That’s right — it’s time for another update about the actual court case in which Joanna Krupa is suing Brandi Glanville for claiming that her vagina stinks.

This time, it’s not Brandi Glanville testifying about Joanna Krupa’s vagina … it’s Joanna Krupa’s ex, Romain Zago. And he had a lot to say.

Yeah, it’s time for an update in the stupidest slander case that we’ve heard of in a good, long while.

Presumably, as her ex, Romain Zago would be the closest thing to an expert in how her genitals smell.

(Though some people have unbelievable hangups about oral sex, so you never know)

The two filed for divorce only a few days before the deposition, but apparently it’s an incredibly amicable divorce.

In the deposition obtained by TMZ, Romain Zago tells Brandi Glanville’s lawyer in no uncertain words that he disagrees with Brandi’s, um, olfactory observation:

“If you want to know the answer to this stupid comments from your client, (Joanna’s) vagina smells amazing.”

In case anyone doubted his sworn testimony, he added an oath:

“And I swear on God, Jesus, my father, my brothers.”

We’re sure that all of the parties that he just named would have preferred to just be left out of this discussion.

Romain also compared Joanna’s genital odor to other women.

“Better than any other woman in the world.”

That’s … high praise.

That’s also the weirdest high praise that we’ve ever heard.

As you might recall, Joanna Krupa is suing Brandi Glanville for $ 15,000 for apparently insulting her good name in what we’d call the most ridiculous feud … except that most feuds are similarly ridiculous.

We have to imagine that both women have spent at least that much already on legal bills.

It seems like Joanna is after vindication in court that her vagina doesn’t smell bad.

Instead, she’s just going to forever associate herself with Brandi’s comment, which may or may not have been accurate.

Joanna’s a beautiful woman — does she really want to forever be “the Real Housewife who sued to prove that her vagina isn’t smelly” in people’s minds?

Because that’s what she’s going to get, no matter how this case ends.

So … do we need to talk about genital odor in general, here?

Everybody’s genitals have some sort of smell. They’re supposed to.

Vaginas are self-cleaning, but sometimes their pH balance can get a little messed up.

The result can be a change in odor (and discharge).

Just a few things that can mess up pH balance:


-exposure to a penis

-soap or bodywash

But there are a few things that require treatment can mess with genital odor, such as yeast infections.

That shouldn’t be a source of shame — at least 75% of adults with vaginas will have at least one yeast infection in their lifetimes.

There are simple creams to treat these, but in the mean time, odor might change a little.

As to whether or not this was behind Brandi Glanville’s comments about Joanna Krupa … we have no idea.

This might be an expensive exchange for Brandi Glanville, but considering how unpleasant Brandi’s other feud is, this must be an almost welcome distraction.

Seriously, Brandi has accused LeAnn Rimes of trying to steal her life.

Being sued in court over something so ridiculous should feel like a vacation after all of that.

So far, the only person who’s coming out of this case looking good is Romain Zago with this testimony.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Brandi Glanville: Joanna Krupa Refuses to Hand Over Gynecological Records

Brandi Glanville’s had it with Joanna Krupa refusing to turn over medical records … so she’s asking the judge to toss out the smelly vagina lawsuit. Brandi filed docs saying the court ordered Joanna back in January to hand over her…


Monday, July 10, 2017

Brandi Glanville SLAMS Amber Portwood in Epic Tweet!

Brandi Glanville testified about Joanna Krupa’s allegedly stinky vagina in court, but Brandi’s clearly a great multitasker — she can handle a $ 15,000 lawsuit and a feud at the same time!

Remember how we mentioned that Brandi Glanville might be feuding with Amber Portwood on the set of Marriage Boot Camp?

Brandi’s finally speaking out, and what she had to say was even better than we’d hoped.

So, Amber Portwood kept angrily subtweeting “someone.”

She was not being subtle.

Amber referred to a “drunk bimbo with too many opinions.”

Now, that could be almost anyone.

But later, Amber’s “subtle hints” narrowed things down.

Because she lamented not being able to kick out the “blonde jackass” who was allegedly plaguing her.

Which more or less spelled out that she was feuding with Brandi Glanville.

Or, at least, that there was some one-sided loathing going on.

But then Brandi Glanville, having clearly heard the rumors, tweeted.

And it’s not exactly your run-of-the-mill denial.

“I’m not feuding with ANYONE especially unstable overmedicated narcissistic people that pretend like they’re sober.”

That line is beautiful.

It’s art.

And it wouldn’t be the first time that Amber Portwood’s been called a narcissist.

Plus fans have questioned her sobriety after her bonkers Instagram rants.

She added:

“[You] can’t fight with crazy.”

That’s pretty true.

Now, some would point to this and say that Brandi is feuding right back at Amber.

And that may be so.

Like, the definition of “feud” can be complicated.

Some feuds are over jealousy or perceived slights.

Then there’s Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna’s feud, which could result in a serious criminal prosecution.

Brandi’s not naming Amber Portwood or anyone else … but she makes it kind of obvious, right?

It sounds like it would be hard to make a libel case against her for a tweet that doesn’t even name any names.

So it sounds like Brandi’s learned from her legal battle with Joanna Krupa.

If you’re going to subtweet someone, either make sure that you want them to see it or make sure that they can’t see it.

It sounds like Amber Portwood was trying to milk sympathy from her followers.

(And, hey, it worked)

But maybe Amber didn’t count on the possibility that people would figure out who she meant.

(Though, if that’s the case, why did she name the hair color?)

Clearly, it’s backfired, because nobody wants to be read to filth like Brandi just did to … “whoever.”

Do you know what would be so funny, though?

If Amber Portwood, poor thing, was actually trying to gripe about someone else.

It’s hard to see who else that might be, but it’s possible.

And then everyone latched onto the idea that she was feuding with Brandi, and Brandi decided to tell the world exactly what she thought of that mess of a girl.

We don’t think that this is actually what happened, but if it were to happen to any reality star, it would happen to Amber Portwood, right?

Honestly, we can’t wait to see where this goes next.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Brandi Glanville Testifies: Yes, Joanna Krupa"s Vagina Stinks!

So, Joanna Krupa is suing Brandi Glanville for saying that her vagina smells. That’s a thing that’s really happening in the world. And it’s reached the point of Brandi Glanville giving sworn testimony on the matter.

Take a moment to imagine going to law school and passing the bar exam only to be involved in this particular case. Okay, stop — stop screaming.

Brandi Glanville may not be a lawyer, but she makes a great argument for why this lawsuit should be thrown out. Aside from the obvious absurdity, we mean.

Remember that it was back in 2015, on Watch What Happens Live, when Brandi Glanville said that Joanna Krupa’s p—y stinks, which didn’t really seem like a vicious attack.

It was a line said for easy laughs, right?

In fact, Brandi at the time was just repeating her 2013 comments, because everybody wants to entertain when they’re being interviewed.

It’s hard to imagine that anyone, least of all Brandi, imagined that Joanna Krupa would sue for $ 15,000 over it.

There’s being overly litigious and then there’s whatever this is.

Don’t get us wrong, we have absolutely no opinion on Joanna Krupa’s genital odor, because we haven’t smelled it.

And we pray that this continues to be the case.

That’s no slight against Joanna.

(We don’t want to investigate the genital odor, pleasant or unpleasant, of any Real Housewives)

But whatever the odor, this whole lawsuit is a mistake.

Joanna could win this (probably not, but she could) and it would still be a huge mistake.

Joanna Krupa signed up for p—y odor comments when she signed up for the show, Brandi said in the TMZ-acquired court transcript.

Brandi says that she “didn’t say anything that I knew to be false.”

That could be the crux of this case.

Slander suits are complicated and lawsuits over slander and libel vary across the globe.

But generally speaking, it’s going to be hard to convince a jury that Brandi committed slander if she didn’t knowingly make false statements.

And then there’s just general knowledge about the human body.

Vagina’s are self-cleaning, but a degree of odor can be normal for a lot of people, though it’s seldom unpleasant.

Strong or unpleasant odors are usually the result of an upset pH balance.

That can happen from soap or sex or menstruation.

That means that, well, strong genital odor is a believable claim.

There was more to Brandi’s testimony, however.

Because Brandi said that comments like hers automatically went with the territory of becoming a reality star, Joanna Krupa’s lawyer challenged her with a question:

“Do you think that means you can say things like her p—y smells?”

Brandi’s reply?

“Well, yeah.”

Brandi has also repeatedly stated that their Real Housewives contracts prevent castmembers from suing each other.

But we don’t know the details of their contracts (if only!) and we don’t know whether Brandi repeating the comments on Watch What Happens Live creates some sort of lawsuit loophole.

Ultimately, this has to turn out to be counterproductive for Joanna.

First of all, this makes her look vindictive.

Second of all, it makes her look super defensive.

And finally, while we may all be able to spout off five facts about Brandi Glanville off of the top of our heads, not everyone is super familiar with Real Housewives stars.

But this lawsuit is making all kinds of headlines and even people who aren’t familiar with the parties involved are paying attention.

So, true or not, Joanna Krupa risks making herself known as the “woman with the stinky p—y” to a lot of people, all in the hopes of a little empty vindication.

There is such a thing as bad publicity.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Brandi Glanville Says Smelly Vagina Jabs Come with Territory, Laughs Off Joanna Krupa Suit

Brandi Glanville had carte blanche to criticize or poke fun at Joanna Krupa’s genitals … at least that’s what Brandi claimed under oath. Brandi was deposed in the infamous smelly vagina lawsuit filed by Joanna — and told Joanna’s lawyer…


Amber Portwood and Brandi Glanville: Feuding on Marriage Boot Camp?!

Amber Portwood hasn’t been in the greatest place lately.

If you’ve seen a recent episode of Teen Mom OG or checked out her increasingly concerning Twitter account, then you know what we’re talking about.

It seems like she’s been having a heck of a time dumping Matt Baier, who apparently has a hundred and one tricks to weasel his way back into her life.

We’ve seen him insult her brother and tell cameras that he’d never marry her after she refused to a quickie Las Vegas wedding.

We know that he put himself in charge of her bank account, and that he’d been insisting on holding her driver’s license for her because he was insecure that she’d leave him.

On Monday night’s reunion special, she accused him of stealing over $ 100,000 from her.

But still, Matt always has an excuse, and those excuses made Amber agree to give their relationship one last shot by filming for a new season of Marriage Boot Camp with him.

It did not go well for many reasons.

For one, when filming came to a close, she decided to dump Matt for good.

“Take all my kids pics off your dumb social media and me and you while your at it …” she instructed him in a tweet. “Thanks have fun at whoever’s house your at.”

Because, as she explained, it had been only two days since she broke up with him and he was “already posting videos of Instagram of him at someone’s house with 50 bottles of liqueur everywhere.”

“It’s on,” she added.

She also tweeted “I would lawyer up sweetheart… you owe me a little bit of change. I’ll pray for you.”

If Amber is praying for Matt, then we’ll pray for Amber — even if he did take thousands and thousands of dollars from her, his name was on her bank account, so it doesn’t sound like she’ll be able to get anything back.

But while all this drama with Matt was going on, Amber was also getting into it with someone else on the Marriage Boot Camp set.

“I need to get out of this house!!!” she tweeted recently. “Drunk bimbo with too many opinions!! This isn’t going to end well when I’m done!!! Fake.”

“I’ve literally let this house consume me and set my anger off more than I could ever imagine,” she added. “I know my limits and I’m at the end!!!”

When someone told her to kick out whoever was causing so many issues with her, she replied “I can’t kick this blonde jackass out lol … I can only completely remove myself before I do something I will regret.”

OK, so we don’t know who this person is, but we know that she’s blonde and that Amber described her as a “drunk bimbo with too many opinions.”

Keep that in mind as we reveal this unrelated piece of news …

Brandi Glanville will also be on the new season of Marriage Boot Camp!

She’ll be bringing along her father, Guy Glanville, so they can work on some issues — remember, Marriage Boot Camp is really playing fast and loose with their own title these days.

Brandi does enjoy drinking, she is very blonde, and she’s definitely always been outspoken about her opinions.

Even though Amber appeared on her podcast back when the issues with Matt were really hitting the fan, and even though they seemed to get along, we can see them clashing.

Especially in such an emotionally charged environment.

Also, when Amber made her tweets about the mysterious blonde jackass, someone replied, suggesting she was talking about Brandi.

Amber liked that tweet.

She also deleted a photo of herself and Brandi, taken when she appeared on her podcast.

Did anyone else just get really, really excited for the new season?


Monday, June 19, 2017

Brandi Glanville to Eddie Cibrian: Happy Father"s Day, You Suck!

Sometimes when you dislike another person very, very strongly, you’re still able to put aside your feelings on occasion to be the bigger person.

If that’s you, then congrats — but Brandi Glanville is not that person.

Which, honestly, is pretty fair: she actually dislikes two people very, very strongly, and she has good reason for it.

Her ex-husband, Eddie Cibrian, cheated on her with multiple women, and he ended up leaving her for one of them.

That woman, LeAnn Rimes, proceeded to rub her relationship with Eddie in her face at each and every turn, and to this day, they still don’t get along.

Hey, you don’t have to like everyone, and it makes sense that Brandi doesn’t like them.

And if her most recent story is true, she has a good reason for not even pretending.

As Brandi tells it, LeAnn has been stalking her and her boyfriend’s social media accounts, and when she saw that they had plans to go to a specific restaurant, she made sure to bring Eddie along.

She also brought Brandi and Eddie’s two sons, because they were celebrating Stepmother’s Day together.

Eddie says that Brandi’s lying, that they had reservations for days and that they only looked at Brandi’s boyfriend’s Snapchat to see if she’d posted anything embarrassing about them.

But Brandi insists that LeAnn is just trying to still her whole entire life.

Like she has been for the past eight years.

So you see where things are bad for them, right? Possibly the worst it’s ever been

And that’s why Brandi thought it was acceptable to tweet the following message on yesterday, Father’s Day:

“Happy Father’s Day @EddieCibrian you may not have been the best husband but you’re much better father enjoy your day.”

Beautiful, right?

Unfortunately, many of Brandi’s followers didn’t think so.

“Luv u Brandi, but seriously??? Was this necessary? Why even bother then?” one person asked.

Another advised her to “Just be civil and make it all about the kids. That little dig about being a bad husband is uncalled for.”

Others applauded Brandi for even wishing him a happy Father’s Day at all, with the way he’s been treating her lately.

As those people pointed out, Eddie didn’t say a word about her on Mother’s Day, so for her to reach out to him, even with this shady remark, is sweet.

But while he may not have gotten too much love from the woman who made him a father, LeAnn still managed to pump him up on social media.

“Happy Father’s Day to my beautiful husband,” she wrote on Twitter. “I am so proud of you and the father you choose to show up as on a daily basis.”

“Watching you mold their world into a safe haven of joy and providing them with a solid foundation of healthy boundaries and deep connections makes my heart flood with great appreciation and true LovE.”

“I LovE you,” she finished, “WE love you so very much.”

A short message about Father’s Day requires talk of “healthy boundaries?”

Yeah, don’t think we don’t see that Brandi shade, LeAnn.

Eddie and LeAnn’s side of the story is that Brandi is a drunken mess who doesn’t understand boundaries and what’s appropriate in co-parenting, so this is a nice little dig.

Looks like the new chapter in this feud isn’t ending anytime soon.
