Showing posts with label Boot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boot. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Voice Recap: Who Got The Boot?

Night three of the Battle Rounds brought more of the same Monday night:

The wrong people being sent home. Well, mostly. 

As is becoming the norm with this series, the coaches are keeping the people around they think viewers are tuning in for. 

But who went home?

Find out below.

Team Blake: Dave Fenley vs. Keith Paluso – “I’m a One-Woman Man”

It was clear from the get-go that this was Dave’s competition to lose. Keith was all over the place in rehearsals, forgetting things and just coming across as though he could care less. 

When the performance actually kicked off, both men started well, but Keith quickly faltered, leaving Dave to take the whole thing. 

As expected, Blake opted to stick with Dave as opposed to Keith, but Adam gave Keith a reprieve. The issue here is that Keith is not doing very well, and Adam could be setting himself up for failure. 

Time will tell. 

Team Adam: Reagan Strange vs. Emily Hough – “Photograph”

These two girls became friends thanks to the process and didn’t want to battle one another, but they don’t get to pick the rules. 

While they started the battle well, Reagan quickly towered above her competitor, but that’s not to say Emily was bad. 

There was a lot to like about her voice, but Adam went with his gut and kept Reagan in the competitive loop. 

Team Jennifer: Franc West vs. Matt Johnson – “Too Close”

This battle was the closest of the night. Franc and Matt have distinctly different voices, but they both killed it during their battle. 

Matt definitely had the edge, but Jennifer opted to send him home. 

Team Kelly: Abby Cates vs. Delaney Silvernell – “Love Me Like You Do” 

Delaney continued to struggle with her nerves during the rehearsals, and Kelly wondered whether they would be addressed by the time the show actually kicked off. 

Unfortunately, they were not, and it resulted in a shaky performance that allowed Abby the time she needed to shine. 

Kelly kept Abby in the game, and Adam decided to give Delaney another shot, presumably because he knew there was a star in there somewhere. 

Team Adam: Jake Wells vs. Natalie Brady – “Closing Time”

Jake wondered why he was paired with Natalie because they had different appearances. Natalie was just happy to still be in the game, so she continued to sing. 

When put together, they were probably on the same level, but that was not enough to keep them both there. Jake secured the win, and there was no steal for Natalie. 

Team Jennifer: Tyshawn Colquitt vs. Zaxai – “Love Lies”

Tyshawn wowed everyone with his audition and continued to excel during this final battle of the night.

Zaxai was solid, but there was something about his vocals that were not up to par with Tyshawn’s. 

In any case, Jennifer stuck with Tyshawn while Kelly took on Zaxai. 


Monday, May 14, 2018

Amber Portwood: Did She Sleep with Andrew Glennon on Marriage Boot Camp?!

Amber Portwood and Andrew Glennon just welcomed their first child together, an absolutely precious little boy named James.

But you know what"s not so precious?

The way Amber pretty much lied about how they started dating.

To recap, we saw the beginning — or what we thought was the beginning — of their relationship on the last season of Teen Mom OG.

When Amber and Andrew went public with their love last August, she explained in an interview that although he had been working on the set of Marriage Boot Camp while she was filming her season with Matt Baier, they didn"t interact.

"He didn"t really know who I was and we didn"t talk on the show because, you know, he would get in trouble," she said then, "but I didn"t even know that he even liked me."

"It just simply was he had a little crush on me."

She said that he contacted her a few weeks after the show wrapped, and that "we decided we just wanted to be friends at first," but then he came out to visit her and there was more of a spark between them.

When she introduced Andrew on Teen Mom OG, she said that they were taking things slow and just getting to know each other.

She got pregnant about three seconds after he came in for his visit, so obviously things didn"t work out that way, but that was her story.

Now, thanks to a super juicy little sneak peek for this week"s episode of Marriage Boot Camp, we know that her story was a lie.

This week we"ll be treated to a "Secrets Revealed" episode of the show — special little moments that they couldn"t fit into the rest of the season.

If you watch the video, you"ll see a bunch of dramatic clips from the other guests on the show, but if you make it all the way to the end, you"ll see our Amber.

First, we see her pointing towards the camera, telling someone "I"m gonna figure out your name" — the insinuation, of course, that she was talking to Andrew.

Next, we hear about "the Teen Mom hookup that shocked America," and someone from production says that "we never had a crew member impregnate a Boot Camper before."

He didn"t impregnate her on the show (she would have conceived in August), but we do see him creeping into a bedroom.

After that, the guy doing the dramatic voiceover for the trailer informs us that "our cameras caught everything" while the camera shows a bed with a big "censored" box over it.

And then — brace yourselves — we actually hear Amber go "oh my god."

Like, maybe in a sexy way.

Because as those of us well-versed in reality shows know, bedrooms are not off-limits for filming, and there are always cameras set up permanently in those rooms to get any footage the crew may miss.

So if, as this trailer suggests, Amber and Andrew had sex on set, they most certainly would have been caught.

There"s a lot to unpack here, huh?

For one, this means that Amber lied about when she met Andrew, which is pretty dumb, considering she had to know that this would come out.

For two, it means that Andrew was really creeping on her that hard that he tried to hook up with her during filming.

Like, he saw her slamming back drinks and going off on everyone about everything, and he thought "yeah, I need to get with that kind of lady."

For three, this is a compilation episode of scenes throughout the season, so was Matt still around when these two started talking? Did she cheat on him?

This is a whole, whole lot of drama, and while we"re sad that none of it was in Teen Mom or in the actual season of Marriage Boot Camp, we"ll take what we can get!

See the footage for yourself in the video below:

Amber portwood did she sleep with andrew glennon on marriage boo

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham: Headed to Marriage Boot Camp?

As Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham’s wedding date looms, a lot of fans — and haters — can’t help but wonder if Arie’s going to change his mind again. It’s not unprecedented, after all.

However, Arie and Lauren sat down with Dr. Ish and Dr. V from Marriage Boot Camp recently.

Those counselors, experts in relationships and the signs that they are doomed, are dishing on what they observed.

The controversial couple was spotted dining with Marriage Boot Camp counselors Dr. V and Dr. Ish at the Arizona Biltmore, a Hilton Hotels’ Waldorf Astoria resort.

(Disclaimer, the Arizona Biltmore is part of the “Biltmore Hotel” chain, and not affiliated with the Vanderbilt family or the actual Biltmore Estate)

People spoke to the counselors about Arie and Lauren’s relationship and what the two experts had observed about the two of them.

Dr. Ish said:

“When I see Arie and Lauren, I see a couple who’s both in love and happy to be together.”

He continued, pointing out that this was a special situation that bodes well for thier future.

“Which is great for them because sometimes both of those things don’t always happen at once.”

That makes sense. Sometimes people who are in love drive each other up the wall.

Dr. Ish continued his assessment, speaking about the nonverbal signals that he had detected between the two of them.

“They held hands and sat close to each other the entire time.”

So it doesn’t necessarily take an expert to decipher that they are affectionate.

“That body language says to me that they are literally into each other.​”

Dr. V’s commentary was a bit more succinct.

“They seemed genuinely happy.”

Arie is the sort of person who looks like he has the voice of a Game of Thrones villain but actually has the voice of a villain from a romantic comedy set at any American beach in 1997.

So we can’t say that it was a huge surprise to the Bachelor Nation that he didn’t win as huge of a fanbase as some previous stars have during his season.

But until the information first leaked, few suspected that Arie was going to ditch the winner just weeks after he’d proposed to her on camera so that he could go running back to his runner-up.

And no one in their wildest nightmares imaged that Arie would invite ABC’s cameras to witness his cruel breakup from Becca Kufrin.

But he and Lauren seem genuinely happy with each other.

Based upon the assessment by Arie’s ex, Bekah Martinez, it sounds like he weeded out the women who were more assertive.

He settled on Lauren in the end, who was infamous during the season for not having spoken very much in contrast to her fellow contestants.

So it seems safe to say that Arie prefers to take the lead in his relationships. Which … says a lot about him.

It’s really no surprise that Lauren is coming to live with Arie in Arizona instead of the two of them finding a new place to live.

Here’s a question: Does she even know anyone else in Scottsdale who isn’t Arie?

There was a time when Marriage Boot Camp was a show reserved for, you know, couples who were struggling romantically.

These days, it sometimes seems to be about reality couples who want more exposure.

Which could make it a perfect next stop for Arie and Lauren. The Bachelor Nation is huge, and surely at least some of people would tune in, if only to hate-watch.

But this sit-down may have just been a mutually beneficial photo-op and nothing more. Only time will tell.

Besides, at the moment, Arie and Lauren are busy planning their wedding — they don’t really have time to schedule a TV appearance.

Aside from their TV wedding, that is.


Sunday, March 11, 2018

Amber Portwood Admits She Wasn"t Sober on Marriage Boot Camp!

If you watched Amber Portwood on Marriage Boot Camp Friday night, then you know that it really did not seem to be a good time for her.

She was weird, loud, aggressive … so how she usually is, only way worse.

She picked fights with anyone and everyone, no reason needed, and she just had this quality about her that was alarming and upsetting and just very not good.

And now we know why!

On Friday morning, presumably once she realized how much attention her behavior on the show would receive, she hopped on Twitter to send a special message to her followers.

“No matter what struggles I went through a year ago on MBC..I’m now happy, healthy and sober,” she wrote.

“The struggles & anger I went through are real & I’m happy to have ended such a horrific time in my life! Ready to live life clear headed and full of love.”

“The future is finally bright,” she added.

There’s quite a bit to unpack here, but the most notable thing is that she says she’s “now happy, healthy and sober,” implying that when she was filming the show, she wasn’t any of those things.

This is the first time she’s admitted to not sticking with her sobriety, because being sober is a very big deal for her.

She once said that in early seasons of Teen Mom, we literally never saw her when she wasn’t on some sort of substance — even when we saw her go to rehab.

Back in those days, she had a habit of taking all kinds of pills, primarily, and her drug problem was so bad that when she was in prison, she opted for a longer sentence instead of going to rehab.

She said she believed that was the only way she could truly overcome her addiction.

In the years after her release from prison, she made a big deal out of her sobriety, and for a while, it did seem like she was doing well.

Then there was a troubling Teen Mom episode when we saw her drinking with Matt Baier — at the time, she said it was OK for her to drink because she’d never been an alcoholic.

Unfortunately, that’s not quite how addiction works.

She continued to drink for a good long while with Matt, but she always got very upset whenever anyone suggested that it would be a good idea for her to stay away from all substances, not just the specific ones she preferred in the height of her addiction.

Even in the current season, she got furious when Matt suggested she wasn’t sober.

But for us viewers, it’s been clear for a while now that something hasn’t been quite right with her, and the episode of Marriage Boot Camp really drove that home.

And it looks like now we know what the issue is — or a big part of it anyway.

After making that tweet about her sobriety, someone asked her to clarify what she was talking about, and she explained that she “was drinking heavily on top of my bipolar and borderline medication.”

“Obviously something you shouldn’t do with medications like that,” she added. “However it happened and I went through hard times in order to be truly happy finally.”

It’s nice that she’s being honest about what caused her bizarre behavior on Marriage Boot Camp, but it’s also pretty terrifying.

We obviously don’t know what medications she’s taking, but mixing alcohol with medications can be extremely dangerous — she’s lucky that some embarrassing outbursts were all that happened.

Another thing though is her pregnancy. The timeline here is pretty tight, and deeply concerning.

Judging by the dates she’s given us, she likely got pregnant sometime in August — Marriage Boot Camp was filmed towards the end of June.

That means she had around a month to a month and a half to get off her meds and to get her drinking under control.

Oh, and one more issue: now that we’re seeing what Amber was like while filming this show, we know what she was like when Andrew Glennon became attracted to her.

Is there one happy thing about this whole situation? At all? Even just one tiny little thing?


Friday, March 9, 2018

Amber Portwood: FLIPS OUT on Marriage Boot Camp! Watch!

Amber Portwood has never been known as the most rational of the Teen Moms.

Sure, she might look downright level-headed compared to the likes of Jenelle Evans or Farrah Abraham or any of the losers that she"s dated in recent years, but deep down, Amber is a violent nutjob.

And she reminded us of that fact in a big way recently.

You see, back when Amber was still engaged to Matt Baier, the couple appeared on We TV"s Marriage Boot Camp.

We knew it didn"t end well for them (Matt fled for Vegas before filming was finished, and Amber got pregnant by Andrew Glennon, a producer on the show.), but until today, we didn"t know just how ugly things got.

In a preview clip released this morning, we see Amber absolutely lose it on rapper Jim Jones, who had the audacity to state that maybe "reality TV star" isn"t the most promising career path.

“Especially when you look at the whole overall scheme of reality TV, it’s pretty much bullsh-t to make some money,” Jones said in a conversation that had nothing to do with Portwood.

This simple and 100 percent true statement was enough to make Amber fly off the handle:

"Get the f-ck out of her. Let me tell you something right now," Portwood interrupted.

"I"ve been on reality television for 10 f-cking years. I"ve been real since day one. That"s not true. Not all reality television stars are like that."

She went to attack Jones" fiancee, Chrissy Lampkin, as well as pretty much the entire cast.

It"s anyone"s guess as to why Amber was even more temperamental than usual, but this may serve as confirmation of Brandi Glanville"s claims.

The former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star says that while Amber claimed to be sober during filming, she often far from it.

Check out Amber"s full meltdown below:

Amber portwood flips out on marriage boot camp watch

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Amber Portwood Accuses Matt Baier of Abuse on Marriage Boot Camp!

In just a few short weeks, we will be receiving such a delightful, exciting gift …

And that gift is the premiere episode of the new season of Marriage Boot Camp!

This season, we"re most excited to see Amber Portwood work through her issues with Matt Baier, because even though their relationship obviously didn"t work out, there"s still a lot we"d like to know about their breakup.

We"re also dying to see if Andrew Glennon, her new boyfriend/baby daddy and a crew member for Marriage Boot Camp, makes any sort of cameo.

Plus, if you know Amber, then you know that she"s completely incapable of not bringing the drama, right?

And thanks to this special little sneak peek of what has to be some of her most explosive scenes, we know that she really, really brought it.

The clip begins with sirens and flashing text that reads "Amber Alert," which is in kind of poor taste, considering what Amber Alerts actually are, but we get it.

Next, we see her hitting a punching bag with a baseball bat, then she yells "F-ck you, bitch!" at someone — it looks like her mother.

"Do I look f-cking high?!" she screams at someone else.

Later, Amber tells Brandi Glanville to "shut the f-ck up before I flip this f-cking table against your goddamn head," and while we don"t know the context, it does seem to be a bit of an overreaction.

In another scene, this one with Matt, she tells him that he"s a "piece of sh-t," to which he responds with an incredulous "really?"

"Why do you think I"m so angry?" she asks. "Because you hit me!"


So there"s basically two things this could mean.

One, they did one of those therapeutic exercises that they do on the show, he accidentally hit her during it, and thanks to her clear anger issues during this time, it set her off.

Two, he was physically abusive to her during their relationship.

Unfortunately, there is some evidence to that second option — for example, last summer, right around the time she would have been filming this, she admitted in an Instagram rant that she"d been the victim of domestic violence.

"I"ve been through domestic violence," she said then. "I was the one on the other f-cking end with the domestic violence — it went both ways."

"However," she added, "I never opened my motherf-cking mouth about anybody ever f-cking hitting me! Anybody! Because that"s what a real f-cking woman does!"

"That"s what a real woman does. I can f-cking take that!"

Obviously that"s not true, and it"s really truly awful to state that "real women" don"t seek help if they"re being abused.

But Simon Saran, Farrah Abraham"s sometimes boyfriend, claimed that this was true — he even specified that "Matt has punched her on several occasions."

At the very least, we know that Amber is prone to violent relationships, because we saw her beat Gary Shirley more than once in the early seasons of Teen Mom.

There were also rumors that Amber was abusive to Matt, complete with a photo of Matt"s injuries that he claimed were from a separate incident altogether.

It"s all very, very suspicious, isn"t it?

Check out Amber in action in the video below:

Amber portwood accuses matt baier of abuse on marriage boot camp

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Javi Marroquin Gets Lap Dance From Mystery Woman on Marriage Boot Camp

If you’ve ever seen the exercise in public humiliation and degradation known as Marriage Boot Camp, then you know that the show puts its troubled spouses through all manner of stunts and experiments in the name of therapy.

Obviously, the therapeutic benefits of these tasks are highly dubious, but there’s not question about their entertainment value!

This is a lesson that Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin seem to have learned the hard way during their time on the show.

Now, the Teen Mom 2 stars are already divorced, and thus, don’t have a marriage to save, but they went on Marriage Boot Camp in order to develop a more amicable co-parenting relationship.

And yes, that’s just a fancy way of saying they did it for money.

Anyway, the hosts and producers haven’t gone easy on Javi and Kailyn simpy becaause they’re obviously only there for the paycheck.

Far from it, in fact, as the folks behind the scenes seem to be reveling in putting Lowry and Marroquin through the wringer.

Thus far, we’ve seen Javi placed on “life support” so that Kailyn could experience what it would be like to stand next to her ex’s freaking deathbed.

We’ve seen Javi and Kail attack one another’s character in brutal fights that made us briefly forget they’re no longer married.

We even saw them both admit to infidelity (sort of) in some sort of high-stakes game of marital truth or dare.

If you’ve been enjoying the ongoing debasement of these famous exes, then last night’s episode of MBC certainly didn’t disappoint.

In an experiment based on the idea of a “hall pass” granting one temporary freedom from monogamy, the men were sent out on the town and encouraged to engage in bad behavior.

Just like in real therapy!

For Javi this meant receiving a lap dance from a random woman, and then giving her a lap dance in return, because apparently Javi is a little unclear on the concept of lap dances.

“The women would not be happy if they see what we’re doing tonight,” told the cameras.

“I feel bad because I do have feelings for Kail still, so I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing.”

Of course, he and Kailyn are not in a sexual relationship, so the experiment was kind of pointless, but on the bright side, it may have landed Javi in a world of sh-t, anyway!

Marroquin is currently dating Briana DeJesus, who’s not exactly known for her level-headed demeanor.

No doubt Javi explained that the show was shot several months before he started dating Briana–but something tells us he still spent last night on the couch.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Javi and Kailyn’s tumultuous relationship.


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Odell Beckham Jr. Ditches Walking Boot for Knicks Game

It’s a beautiful sight for N.Y. Giants fans … Odell Beckham Jr. makin’ his way around the Big Apple without his walking boot!! TMZ Sports spotted the NFL superstar heading into MSG for the Knicks vs. Lakers game Tuesday … and although his…


Friday, December 1, 2017

Odell Beckham Jr. Rocks Supreme Walking Boot Because Swag

Somehow Odell Beckham Jr. can even make an injury look cool … ‘cause the N.Y. Giants superstar is turning a negative into a positive by sporting a custom Supreme design on his walking boot!!  Beckham — who suffered a season-ending ankle…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Voice Results: Who Got the Boot?

With 11 people remaining in the mix, it was time to clip one away to leave us with the final ten performers of The Voice Season 13. 

The performance show left us with a lot of emotions after some big acts went with songs that did not do them justice, and probably put them in the firing line as far as voting goes. 

Last week, Adam Cunningham got a reprieve thanks to the instant save, but did he manage to remain in the competition for another week?

The show opened with Team Miley performing a colorful rendition of “Man! I Feel Like a Woman.” It was a great way to kick off the show and showed that some of her acts were very great performers. 

Team Adam followed that up with a rendition of “Go Your Own Way.” To the surprise of absolutely nobody, it only served to show Adam Cunningham in a better light. 

Will the show ever stop trying to make this dude a thing? There is such a thing as favoritism, and it’s clear the producers are betting big on Adam being the one to stick around. 

It was then swiftly revealed which two acts brought up the rear and would have to sing for survival. Adam Cunningham and Janice Freeman were the two unlucky contestants. 

That meant this was the second time in two weeks for Andy to be in this spot, was another instant save in store for him? 

His performance of “Amazed” was a surprisingly good one. It was perfect, and he legit sung for his life. He knew it did not look good to be in the bottom again and wanted to sway votes his way. 

But was it enough?

Meanwhile, Janice went with “Chandelier, ” and it was not great. That song is widely regarded as one of the highest-pitched songs around, so it boggles the mind as to why Janice would think it would be a good choice. 

Her voice was loud, but it came across as though she was shouting for much of it and that’s not a good look. 

Out of the two performances, Adam turned in the best one, and it would be a real travesty for him to go so soon. 

Thankfully, Adam was saved! 

Thus, Janice Freeman exited the competition!

What do you think of this?

Sound off below. 


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Meek Mill"s Lawyers File Legal Docs to Boot the Judge

Meek Mill’s lawyers have just filed legal docs asking the judge who sentenced him to years in prison to take herself off the case because of inappropriate conduct. Meek’s lawyers claim Judge Genece Brinkley has a personal vendetta against Meek, in…


Sunday, September 17, 2017

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin Fight HARD on Marriage Boot Camp!

When you heard the news that Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin would be featured in the upcoming season of Marriage Boot Camp, you may have been a little underwhelmed.

After all, we"ve known that things were over for them for well over a year now.

It was late last year when their divorced was finalized — it"s not exactly a secret how things end up for them.

So why would the show bother to show us footage of a relationship that"s been dead for so long, especially when their breakup drama has already been so well-documented on Teen Mom 2?

We"ll be honest, at first it sounded like a pretty poor choice.

But now we"re finally seeing some scenes between Kailyn and Javi …

And even though the downfall of their relationship is such old news, actually seeing everything go down is proving to be very, very interesting.

You can tell things are going to be good when, in their intro, Javi explains that "Right now we"re currently not together, but I am here to see if maybe that changes."

Then Kailyn adds "I came here with Javi with no intentions of getting back together."

Hey, at least she"s honest.

It does seem like she"s kind of on the fence though, because in another clip she says that she hopes that Marriage Boot Camp "can help us figure out how to solve our issues, because when I envision myself being married, I don"t think that I would have ever anticipated it being this troubled."

Then we cut to a clip of all the cast members together — Kailyn is asked if they"re married, and she laughs and says that they"re "on our way to being divorced!"

Javi explains that yes, they are married, but she stresses that the divorce "will be finalized, like, next week."

If you think this sounds almost too messy, then you"re thinking right.

One of their biggest issues, according to Kailyn, is that Javi refuses to let go of her past mistakes.

For Javi though, one of their lowest points was when he was deployed and "I found out she was sleeping with someone else."

She tries to say that that"s not what happened, because "I don"t believe it"s cheating if you"re separated."

He hits back with "I believe it"s cheating when you don"t know you"re separated."

This touches on something we"ve heard before, which is that she believed the marriage was over before he ever left for his deployment, but he thought they were still working on things.

In yet another clip, she tells him that her heart isn"t in the marriage anymore, that she just wants to be able to co-parent together and go their separate ways.

The doctors on the show are convinced that she"s lying, because if she wasn"t at least a little interested in repairing the relationship, she wouldn"t be there.

Because why else would she do the show? It"s not like she"s getting a nice paycheck and some more exposure or anything.

Javi tries to tell her that the kids deserve for them to give their marriage one last shot, but she argues that sometimes it"s best for a couple to split and be happy instead of staying in a miserable marriage just for the children.

It"s actually all very, very sad.

Will you be tuning in this season?!

Check out Kailyn and Javi"s drama for yourself in the video below:

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin fight hard on marriage boot camp

Friday, August 18, 2017

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin: Headed to Marriage Boot Camp!

Great news for those of us who simply have not had enough of the drama between Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin yet!

Our favorite Teen Mom 2 couple … or ex-couple … and not even our favorite, really, when you get down to it … are going to appear on the next season of Marriage Boot Camp!

It might sound a little strange, considering that Kailyn and Javi have been divorced for a good long while now.

She filed while Javi was still deployed overseas, and it was finalized in late November.

We know that Marriage Boot Camp has been playing a little fast and loose when it comes to the "marriage" part in the title of their show.

After all, Farrah brought her parents on last season.

But still, it seems like an odd move.

As it turns out, the folks who run the MBC empire have been sitting on this season for a while now — Kailyn and Javi actually filmed it last fall, when their marriage was all but over but before the divorce was official.

Interestingly enough, judging by the timeline we"ve seen on Teen Mom 2, there"s a very, very solid chance she was with Chris Lopez at this time, too.

It goes without saying, but this should be a pretty killer season!

It premieres in October — a long wait, but we"re sure it"ll be worth it.

And while we"re certainly excited to see Kailyn and Javi work on their problems, there are also some other lovely couples appearing on the show as well!

Bobby Panahi and Asifa Mirza from Shahs of Sunset will be there, as will Juelia Kinney and JJ Lane from Bachelor in Paradise.

Also on the show will be Peter Gunz and Amina Buddafly from Love and Hip Hop: New York and Meghan James and DeAndre Perry from Bad Girls Club.

Watch the very first trailer below:

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin headed to marriage boot camp

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Amber Portwood and Brandi Glanville: Feuding on Marriage Boot Camp?!

Amber Portwood hasn’t been in the greatest place lately.

If you’ve seen a recent episode of Teen Mom OG or checked out her increasingly concerning Twitter account, then you know what we’re talking about.

It seems like she’s been having a heck of a time dumping Matt Baier, who apparently has a hundred and one tricks to weasel his way back into her life.

We’ve seen him insult her brother and tell cameras that he’d never marry her after she refused to a quickie Las Vegas wedding.

We know that he put himself in charge of her bank account, and that he’d been insisting on holding her driver’s license for her because he was insecure that she’d leave him.

On Monday night’s reunion special, she accused him of stealing over $ 100,000 from her.

But still, Matt always has an excuse, and those excuses made Amber agree to give their relationship one last shot by filming for a new season of Marriage Boot Camp with him.

It did not go well for many reasons.

For one, when filming came to a close, she decided to dump Matt for good.

“Take all my kids pics off your dumb social media and me and you while your at it …” she instructed him in a tweet. “Thanks have fun at whoever’s house your at.”

Because, as she explained, it had been only two days since she broke up with him and he was “already posting videos of Instagram of him at someone’s house with 50 bottles of liqueur everywhere.”

“It’s on,” she added.

She also tweeted “I would lawyer up sweetheart… you owe me a little bit of change. I’ll pray for you.”

If Amber is praying for Matt, then we’ll pray for Amber — even if he did take thousands and thousands of dollars from her, his name was on her bank account, so it doesn’t sound like she’ll be able to get anything back.

But while all this drama with Matt was going on, Amber was also getting into it with someone else on the Marriage Boot Camp set.

“I need to get out of this house!!!” she tweeted recently. “Drunk bimbo with too many opinions!! This isn’t going to end well when I’m done!!! Fake.”

“I’ve literally let this house consume me and set my anger off more than I could ever imagine,” she added. “I know my limits and I’m at the end!!!”

When someone told her to kick out whoever was causing so many issues with her, she replied “I can’t kick this blonde jackass out lol … I can only completely remove myself before I do something I will regret.”

OK, so we don’t know who this person is, but we know that she’s blonde and that Amber described her as a “drunk bimbo with too many opinions.”

Keep that in mind as we reveal this unrelated piece of news …

Brandi Glanville will also be on the new season of Marriage Boot Camp!

She’ll be bringing along her father, Guy Glanville, so they can work on some issues — remember, Marriage Boot Camp is really playing fast and loose with their own title these days.

Brandi does enjoy drinking, she is very blonde, and she’s definitely always been outspoken about her opinions.

Even though Amber appeared on her podcast back when the issues with Matt were really hitting the fan, and even though they seemed to get along, we can see them clashing.

Especially in such an emotionally charged environment.

Also, when Amber made her tweets about the mysterious blonde jackass, someone replied, suggesting she was talking about Brandi.

Amber liked that tweet.

She also deleted a photo of herself and Brandi, taken when she appeared on her podcast.

Did anyone else just get really, really excited for the new season?


Monday, June 19, 2017

Michelle Obama Works Out Her Toned Arms at Boot Camp

Michelle Obama is continuing to move her body even after leaving the White House, and it looks like these days she could take anyone down in arm wrestling. The former First Lady posted a series of pics from a boot camp over the weekend in…


Farrah Abraham: Under Fire for Racist Comments on Marriage Boot Camp!

Farrah Abraham has never been the greatest person.

She’s actually never really been even an OK person.

She says terrible things all the time to everyone — she’s abrasive and rude and she yells and yells and yells. It’s overwhelming.

But as bad as Farrah always is, she’s rarely as bad as she was during the most recent episode of Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars Family Edition.

In the episode, Farah got into a little bit of a spat with Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson’s mother, Paula.

Paula, as Chad explained, was drunk, and she asked Farrah if she’d ever graduated from high school. After that, things escalated quickly.

Farrah told her that she did graduate high school, and then she went through college, “and guess what — I didn’t have to leave my kids like you did!”

Paula didn’t care for that response and called her “trailer park trash.”

Then, for some reason, Farrah told her that she’d send her a picture when she sleeps with her son.

(Over the weekend, Farrah did share some screenshots of some flirty texts between Chad and herself, and she also hinted at a new sex tape.)

Paula lost her mind over that comment and started asking Farrah to compare herself to her son — we’re not sure what exactly that means, but she sure was angry.

They yelled at each other for a while longer, then Paula called her “trailer park trash” one more time, and Farrah couldn’t take it anymore.

She picked a plate off the coffee table and raised it to throw at Paula, apparently to show her some real trailer park trash, but her father stopped her.

Farrah was led away from Paula, but before she was gone she cried out “You f-cking disgusting black piece of sh-t.”

As she disappeared into another room, she shouted it on one more time: “Black piece of sh-t!”


Many cast members were visibly shocked — especially Kendra Wilkinson, who has a black husband and biracial children.

“I’m not going to be in the same room as Farrah, after using the race card,” she told The Situation, who says that she demanded an apology from Farrah.

Later, Kendra called Farrah a “racist bitch,” and said “She didn’t just offend Paula. She offended my husband and children and me.”

“I will not be in the same room as a person who discriminates and judges people on their skin color,” she added.

“I do not accept it and that is what is wrong with the world and this is what is wrong with our country.”

Immediately after Farrah made her terrible comments, Paula flew into an absolute rage and started crying, and she told the therapists on the show that they let Farrah “get away with it,” which they denied.

They sent her to a hotel for the night to calm down, and we guess we’ll see on the next episode how everything plays out.

After the episode aired, viewers began expressing their disgust with Farrah, and Dr. Ish Major, a therapist on the show who happens to be black himself, addressed the issue.

“Guys, we spent the rest of the night after #Paula left talking to the group about race, the fight and how unacceptable it is.”

“We got on [Farrah] strong about the race issue. The ENTIRE group did, wish we would have shown you all that tonight too.”

Kendra also hopped on Twitter to share her feelings on the subject in a series of messages.

“It’s simple,” she wrote. “Really. My fam and friends are black. Camera men n producers were black around. Not going to stand around picking my nose.”

“Felt highly uncomfortable with the things were said and spoke my mind. Paula we all knew had issues and felt bad when she was picked on for a minute. Everyone should’ve just left her alone.”

“Both sides were wrong by throwing out racist sh-t,” she continued — some people thought “trailer park trash” was a racist remark, too.

“But there was one person in that situation that could’ve had self control but didn’t.”

“Do I like Farrah or even know her?” Kendra asked. “NO. But do I honestly believe Farrah is a racist? NO. She f-cked up.”

“I freaked out seeing there were 100 people n cameras on us and nobody was addressing the race card that was thrown.”

As for Farrah, she hasn’t commented directly on the controversy, but she’s retweeted comments congratulating her for “standing up to the bully.”

She also retweeted someone who wrote “Paula said a racial slur 1st ‘trailer park trash’ why was she not addressed for that?!”

Maybe because “trailer park trash” isn’t a racial slur and Farrah has a history of making racist comments?

It’s all just so, so awful. And we’re not even the least bit surprised to having this conversation about Farrah Abraham.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Amber Portwood & Matt Baier: Headed to Marriage Boot Camp?!

Despite the fact that she’s been feuding with Farrah Abraham for well over a year now, Amber Portwood seems to take a lot of her career cues from her least-favorite co-star.

First, Amber planned to star in a sex tape – a trail initially blazed by Ms. Abraham.

Now, it looks as though Portwood will be following in the Backdoor Teen Mom’s footsteps once again – but this time she plans to remain fully clothed.

Radar Online is reporting that Amber is headed to Marriage Boot Camp, alongside her most recent ex, Matt Baier.

You may be thinking you yourself, But Amber isn’t married. In fact, she dumped Matt Baier like a week ago!

Those are both very good points, but it seems that these days the “Marriage” part of the title is being taken as a mere suggestion.

Farrah isn’t married either, but she appeared on the show’s recent “Family Edition” alongside her troubled parents … who are also not married.

Anyway, there’s been no official announcement from either Amber or the show, but insiders say it’s a done deal.

“They’ve been in talks with production for a while,” says one source.

Tellingly, reps for the show didn’t deny that Amber is involved when they were reached by Radar for comment.

So does the fact that Amber and Matt are appearing on the show together mean that they’re hoping to reconcile?

Not necessarily.

Shows like Marriage Boot Camp often pay six figures for just a few weeks work, and we imagine Baier could really use the money.

Amber is far more financially secure, but she must realize her time as a top-level reality star will likely come to a close within the next 2-3 years, and she’s hopefully putting away a nest egg for her daughter (and the remaining decades of her own life).

Amber hosted an Instagram livestream last night and openly laughed at the suggestion that she’s only worth $ 288,000, telling fans that she owns individual cars worth more than that.

We think it’s safe to say she’s living a bit beyond her means these days.

So Amber and Matt will probably just go on the show, scream at each other a lot, and then go their separate ways, each considerably more wealthy than before.

Watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself of how ill-suited they were as a couple.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Voice Results: Who Got the Boot ... and the Instant Save!?

The Voice bid farewell to another hopeful Tuesday as the field continues to narrow and the contenders are starting to see some separation.

Or are they? Did the voters have another surprise in store?

For the second consecutive week, last Tuesday’s The Voice results saw Mark Isaiah capture the Instant Save and a last-second reprieve.

Was this the episode in which his luck finally ran out?

He’d have to talk the tightrope again, as Tuesday’s double-elimination night on NBC’s The Voice sent two artists home, not just one.

The bottom three artists all had to sing for the instant save, which only spared one of the three and sent them on to The Voice semifinals.

The remaining eight artists will then be cut to just four before the finale, in this ever-changing and seemingly random format. Anyway.

Coaches Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani, Alicia Keys and Adam Levine were all sweating this one out, as the iTunes results were tight.

Soon, there were sighs of relief as Carson Daly announced that Team Blake’s Aliyah Moulden and Team Alicia’s Chris Blue both advanced.

America also voted to save Team Blake’s Lauren Duski and Team Gwen’s Hunter Plake and bring them through to the following episode.

The next two to earn a ticket to the semis were Team Adam’s Jesse Larson and Team Gwen’s Brennley Brown. Gwen was 2/2 Tuesday.

The last artist to automatically make it? Team Blake’s TSoul, making it 3/3 for Shelton’s remaining artists even before the moment of truth.

Singing for their lives last night?

Team Adam’s Lilli Passero and Mark Isaiah (his familiar role)and Team Alicia’s Vanessa Ferguson. Only one could prevail … or survive.

First up was Passero, singing “Stormy Weather.” Isaiah, no stranger to this position, shook things up with a take on “Sorry” by Justin Bieber.

Ferguson closed out the instant save performances with a rendition of “For Once in My Life” by Stevie Wonder in a bid to save herself.

Would she be able to get it done?

Keys and Levine both pleaded with viewers on behalf of their artists, but even Adam couldn’t rescue his man for the third time in a row.

By virtue of winning the live vote on Twitter, Ferguson survived to join The Voice Season 12’s top eight next week in the hit competition.

What do you think? Did America get it right with The Voice results? And who do you want to see triumph in the semifinals next week? 

Hit the comments to discuss!
