Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Javi Marroquin Gets Lap Dance From Mystery Woman on Marriage Boot Camp

If you’ve ever seen the exercise in public humiliation and degradation known as Marriage Boot Camp, then you know that the show puts its troubled spouses through all manner of stunts and experiments in the name of therapy.

Obviously, the therapeutic benefits of these tasks are highly dubious, but there’s not question about their entertainment value!

This is a lesson that Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin seem to have learned the hard way during their time on the show.

Now, the Teen Mom 2 stars are already divorced, and thus, don’t have a marriage to save, but they went on Marriage Boot Camp in order to develop a more amicable co-parenting relationship.

And yes, that’s just a fancy way of saying they did it for money.

Anyway, the hosts and producers haven’t gone easy on Javi and Kailyn simpy becaause they’re obviously only there for the paycheck.

Far from it, in fact, as the folks behind the scenes seem to be reveling in putting Lowry and Marroquin through the wringer.

Thus far, we’ve seen Javi placed on “life support” so that Kailyn could experience what it would be like to stand next to her ex’s freaking deathbed.

We’ve seen Javi and Kail attack one another’s character in brutal fights that made us briefly forget they’re no longer married.

We even saw them both admit to infidelity (sort of) in some sort of high-stakes game of marital truth or dare.

If you’ve been enjoying the ongoing debasement of these famous exes, then last night’s episode of MBC certainly didn’t disappoint.

In an experiment based on the idea of a “hall pass” granting one temporary freedom from monogamy, the men were sent out on the town and encouraged to engage in bad behavior.

Just like in real therapy!

For Javi this meant receiving a lap dance from a random woman, and then giving her a lap dance in return, because apparently Javi is a little unclear on the concept of lap dances.

“The women would not be happy if they see what we’re doing tonight,” told the cameras.

“I feel bad because I do have feelings for Kail still, so I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing.”

Of course, he and Kailyn are not in a sexual relationship, so the experiment was kind of pointless, but on the bright side, it may have landed Javi in a world of sh-t, anyway!

Marroquin is currently dating Briana DeJesus, who’s not exactly known for her level-headed demeanor.

No doubt Javi explained that the show was shot several months before he started dating Briana–but something tells us he still spent last night on the couch.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Javi and Kailyn’s tumultuous relationship.
