Friday, December 29, 2017

Roloff Christmas Album: Adorable Baby Photos Galore!

The stars of Little People, Big World had an extra special reason to enjoy the holiday season in 2017.

Actually, TWO extra special reasons:

  1. Jackson Kyle Roloff.

  2. Ember Jean Roloff.

The son of Tori and Zach and the daughter of Audrey and Jeremy both got to experience their very first Christmas and, naturally, various family members had to snap photos of the babies for the occasion.

We"ve collected a number of these adorable images below.

Click through and enjoy!

1. Lucky Grandpa

Lucky grandpa

Matt Roloff made a point to often say how fortunate he was to have two adorable grandkids to spoil on Christmas. He’s so great with them both!

2. Christmas Eve Celebration

Roloffs on xmas eve

Awww! Jackson and his father are wearing matching shirts!

3. Actually, Matching ONESIES

Actually matching onesies

Wow. This is even better.

4. With Santa!

With santa

We don’t know what Jackson asked Santa for, but we just want more and more photos of this adorable child!

5. Who Are You, Again?

Who are you again

Santa? Santa CLAUS, you say? Sorry. Never heard of you.

6. First Christmas!

First christmas

Look at how proud Audrey and Jeremy are of holding their daughter in this holiday pic.

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