Showing posts with label Portwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portwood. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Amber Portwood Melts Down In Bizarre Instagram Rant: I Am NOT a Bad Mom!

We think it"s safe to say Amber Portwood is going through a bit of a tough time.

Over the course of the past two weeks, Amber has gotten emotional on social media multiple times while discussing recent events in her life.

And she"s not exactly welling up with joy.

Amber recently "quit" Teen Mom OG over what she says is bullying and harassment from fans.

It"s unclear if she"ll actually be leaving the show, but in the week since, she"s complained about poor treatment from viewers several more times.

And last night, she delivered what might be her most emotional tirade to date.

Take a look:

1. Tough Times

Amber portwood winces

Amber appears to be stuck in a downward spiral these days. The Teen Mom OG star is now in the habit of unleashing her anger toward fans in bizarre social media rants.

2. When the Bullied Becomes the Bully

Amber portwood new selfie

Amber has accused TMOG viewers of bullying her, but as many have pointed out, she’s recently engaged in quite a bit of behavior that could be described as bullying.

3. Crossing the Line

Amber portwood cant chill

In the first of her recent rants, Amber threatened to get violent with fans and insulted one of her followers by referring to them using the R-word.

4. Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

Amber portwood deals with matt baier

Shortly thereafter, Amber took to Twitter to deliver another rant, this time threatening to quit the show that made her famous.

5. In Case It Wasn’t Clear …

Amber portwood wedding dress tryout

“I can’t do this anymore,” Amber tweeted. Shortly thereafter, she followed that up with “I have to quit this show.”

6. Amber’s Heartache

Amber portwood reunion special image

“The heartache this show has put me through is too much to bear anymore,” she continued. “If I will not be shown then there’s nothing more to do. My name will not get smeared anymore.”

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Saturday, November 10, 2018

Amber Portwood: Secretly Married to Andrew Glennon?!

Amber Portwood …

What a roller coaster ride her whole entire life has been, huh?

She’s dealt with a very serious drug addiction, she’s been to prison for domestic violence.

She was in a relationship with serious creeper Matt Baier for a few years, and that alone is just a nightmare to consider.

She’s been through so much in her life, but fortunately, things seem to be settling down for a little bit now.

Her relationship with Andrew Glennon has lasted for over a year now, and that’s something, right?

Sure, he has a sketchy past with two separate restraining orders from two different exes.

And yeah, lots of Teen Mom fans get a weird, unsettling vibe whenever he appears on the show.

And all right, yes, it’s still super strange that he apparently met her while she was an absolute train wreck on Marriage Boot Camp with Mat Baier, saw her acting like a monster, and thought ‘wow, I have to get to know her."”

There are just lots and lots of red flags when it comes to Andrew, but hey, at least he’s not hiding a bunch of kids and obviously stealing her money like Matt.

They also share a precious little baby boy, James, so that’s neat.

Yep, these days, Amber is living her life as a full-time mom to James — she has Leah, too, of course, but her ex, Gary Shirley, has had primary custody of her for a long, long time.

It seems like the little family has been going back in forth between Amber’s home state of Indiana and Andrew’s work in Malibu, which she’s been loving.

And now, thanks to a new statement from Amber, it sounds like they’ve got something else going on, too.

Are these two already married?!

They’ve discussed marriage on Teen Mom OG, of course and honestly, Amber hasn’t seemed to be too into the idea.

For example, during last season’s reunion, Andrew brought up the idea of a surprise proposal, and she shut it down pretty quickly.

They’ve also mentioned in interviews that they don’t have any plans to marry anytime soon.

She’s been content just being together without any formal commitment, which is fine, obviously.

But has it all been a lie?

Have they already gotten married, and for whatever reason, are they hiding it?

Lots of people think so after a live video Amber made on Instagram last night.

In the video, she brought up the subject of the wildfires that have been raging in California — the ones that burned the Bachelor mansion down.

Answering one of her followers, she said “Yes, I have heard about the fires in Malibu and Calabasas.”

“And my hubby is freaking out because his mom’s house is in Malibu and he has a lot of family that lives around that area.”

She have a little update on that situation on Twitter after that, explaining that “Andrew’s family had to evacuate their home in Malibu.”

It’s great that they were able to get to safety, and now that we know they’re all fine, we can focus on that one little word that Amber slipped in there.

You know the one.

So Amber called Andrew her “hubby” — short for husband, if you just managed to get an internet connection for that rock you’ve been living under.

This could mean a couple of things.

One, as we said earlier, they could already be married.

Maybe Amber didn’t want any more criticism for moving so fast with Andrew — she got plenty of it when her big pregnancy news came out.

Or maybe it’s just that she’s living a more private life in general.

There’s also a chance that they’re saving the big reveal for Teen Mom OG.

That would actually make a lot of sense, considering the show’s ratings haven’t been too stellar this season.

Two, and this is the not-so-fun option, Amber could just be throwing words around.

Lots of people call their boyfriends their “hubby,” and it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re married.

It could be a pet name, or maybe the relationship is serious enough to feel like a marriage without the paperwork.

At this point, it’s hard to say what exactly is going on here.

Help us out with an explanation, Amber!


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Amber Portwood Opens Up About Heartbreaking Miscarriage

When it comes to her personal struggles, Amber Portwood is not always as forthcoming as some of her Teen Mom co-stars.

Amber has been through a lot over the years, and sometimes she would understandably prefer to not share her most painful moments with fans.

But Amber seems to understand that sometimes she can help others who might be struggling by opening up about her own heartache.

And she"s done exactly that this week by opening up about one of the more difficult times in her life.

Take a look:

1. Turning Things Around

Amber portwood on insta

Following some painful years marred by addiction, bad relationships and jail time, Amber seems to have gotten her life back on track.

2. Finding Love

Silly andrew glennon

After an unhealthy relationship with Matt Baier, Amber has found love again with TV producer Andrew Glennon.

3. Expanding Her Family

Amber portwood with james

Together, Amber and Andrew have welcomed their first child together, a son named James.

4. Healing the Scars of the Past

Amber portwood with leah shirley

Amber has even made progress in repairing her relationship with Leah, her 9-year-old daughter from her relationship with Gary Shirley.

5. Better Days

Amber portwood wedding dress tryout

Of course, as longtime TMOG viewers know, things haven’t always been this easy for Amber.

6. Bad Baier

Amber portwood and matt baier photo

It wasn’t all that long ago that Amber was engaged to deadbeat dad and conman Matt Baier.

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Thursday, August 2, 2018

Amber Portwood Celebrates Andrew Glennon, One-Year Anniversary

Amber Portwood and Andrew Glennon have achieved a milestone.

The Teen Mom OG star and her boyfriend have now been together for a year.

And they’ve been going strong for that year, as well. 

This relationship has been surprisingly drama-free, which is terrific for Amber and Andrew, even if it’s disappointing for a website such as this one that subsists on scandal.

“One year from yesterday I met this amazing man and it is truly a dream!” Portwood captioned an Instagram photo of Glennon Wednesday, August 1.

She then added simply:

“Happy 1 year Anniversary baby.”

Portwood met Glennon back when she was filming Marriage Boot Camp with former fiance Matt Baier.

Amber, of course, was a member of the Teen Mom cast back then, while Glennon worked as a cinematographer and producer on the program.

According to Amber and Andrew’s telling, the latter reached out to Portwood after production wrapped and the pair proceeded to hit it off.

(Of course, according to various reports from several months ago, Portwood and Glennon actually slept together during the filming of this reality show.

They made their red carpet debut at the MTV Video Music Awards in August of 2017, as you can see below.

As for what Portwood sees in her man?

“[Andrew] doesn’t hit me or cheat on me so yeah I treat him like a real man,” Amber wrote in February of this year, taking a swipe at past lovers perhaps and adding:

“If you are a liar and cheater yeah bless your soul lol and get out of my way.

Three months after Portwood and Glennon alerted the world to their romance, they then dropped an even bigger bombshell.:

Amber was pregnant!

Portwood, who also shares a nine-year-old daughter named Leah with ex-fiancé Gary Shirley, gave birth to son James in May of this year.

To date, his photos look adorable and we hear he’s happy and healthy and precious and we continue to be so very happy for Amber and Andrew.

Now a year into their relationship, one question continues to hover over Portwood and Glennon:

When will they get married?

Heck, WILL they get married?!?

Portwood responded to this question in March when the topic was broached by Us Weekly.

We “haven’t talked about marriage or anything like that,” she replied at the time, concluding:

“We’re happy where we’re at. If it happens, it happens and there’s no rush.”


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Amber Portwood: I"m Actually Going to Try to Be a Good Mom This Time!

So hey, have you been keeping an eye on Amber Portwood lately?

Because what’s been going on with her is pretty darn bizarre.

Like, if you think of Amber Portwood, you don’t think of anything good, you know?

You think about the time she hauled off and hit Gary Shirley in the face, or you think about the time he was walking down some stairs and she kicked him right in the back, and how if he wasn’t such a big dude she actually could have seriously hurt him with that.

Or you think about how much she always screamed and yelled at Gary right in front of their daughter, Leah.

Or you think about how she used to leave Leah crying in her crib while she laid in bed.

Or about how she chose to serve a five-year prison sentence instead of giving rehab another go, and how she thinks that makes her the best mother in the history of mothers.

Maybe your Teen Mom OG viewing began a little later in the series, and hearing Amber’s name brings back memories of the greasy horror that was Matt Baier.

There’s also a chance that the way she picked up Andrew Glennon while on Marriage Boot Camp with Matt sticks out the most in your mind, or how she went on to get pregnant with his child after knowing him for like two weeks.

Basically, Amber has always been a mess.

A great big one.

She’s violent, rude, self-centered, and just so many bad things.

But the weird thing is that lately, she’s been kind of … nice?

She went off on a few of her classic Twitter rants during her pregnancy — she’s never been great to turn down a chance to tell everyone what a “damn good mom” she is, even after getting called out for only seeing Leah twice during her summer vacation last year.

But as she got closer and closer to her due date, she seemed to calm down a lot, and after giving birth to a seriously adorable baby boy she named James back in May, she’s been almost serene.

It’s been nothing but calm, sweet social media posts, including the most precious pictures of her new baby.

And in this new interview she did with Us Weekly, she explains why she’s been so different lately …

Because this time around, she wants to be a damn good mom, for real!

About her first go at motherhood, she admits “I was clueless.”

“I didn’t want to ask questions because I didn’t want to sound young or stupid. This is a chance for me to really show what kind of mother I am.”

Leah’s is going to be 10 years old in November, so Amber’s had plenty of time to show what kind of mother she is with her, but sure, let’s focus on the baby, whatever.

“Before, I wasn’t mature nor was the relationship right,” she explains. “I want to make sure I don’t fall into old patterns and get into a depressed state.”

“I have to take care of myself. Healthy mommy, healthy baby.”

She also says that unlike back when she and Gary had Leah, “I’m more driven and have the means to take care of a baby better.”

No one would argue that a 28-year-old would have an easier time raising a baby than an 18-year-old, but isn’t it a little odd how she’s acting like she’s completely done with parenting Leah, like she had her chance but it’s gone now?

Anyway, as for Andrew, Amber says “He is such an amazing man and loves taking care of James.”

“He was afraid of postpartum depression, so he’s always checking up on me. He just wants to make sure I’m loved. It’s almost perfect.”

We’re sure we’ll see that “almost” part in the next season of Teen Mom OG — after all, Amber is known for her habit of making things seem perfect on social media before everyone sees how messy things actually are on the show.

But for now, we hope things really are going as well as they seem to be.

We also hope she realizes that she still has a chance to be a great mother to Leah, but one thing at a time, right?


Monday, May 14, 2018

Amber Portwood: Did She Sleep with Andrew Glennon on Marriage Boot Camp?!

Amber Portwood and Andrew Glennon just welcomed their first child together, an absolutely precious little boy named James.

But you know what"s not so precious?

The way Amber pretty much lied about how they started dating.

To recap, we saw the beginning — or what we thought was the beginning — of their relationship on the last season of Teen Mom OG.

When Amber and Andrew went public with their love last August, she explained in an interview that although he had been working on the set of Marriage Boot Camp while she was filming her season with Matt Baier, they didn"t interact.

"He didn"t really know who I was and we didn"t talk on the show because, you know, he would get in trouble," she said then, "but I didn"t even know that he even liked me."

"It just simply was he had a little crush on me."

She said that he contacted her a few weeks after the show wrapped, and that "we decided we just wanted to be friends at first," but then he came out to visit her and there was more of a spark between them.

When she introduced Andrew on Teen Mom OG, she said that they were taking things slow and just getting to know each other.

She got pregnant about three seconds after he came in for his visit, so obviously things didn"t work out that way, but that was her story.

Now, thanks to a super juicy little sneak peek for this week"s episode of Marriage Boot Camp, we know that her story was a lie.

This week we"ll be treated to a "Secrets Revealed" episode of the show — special little moments that they couldn"t fit into the rest of the season.

If you watch the video, you"ll see a bunch of dramatic clips from the other guests on the show, but if you make it all the way to the end, you"ll see our Amber.

First, we see her pointing towards the camera, telling someone "I"m gonna figure out your name" — the insinuation, of course, that she was talking to Andrew.

Next, we hear about "the Teen Mom hookup that shocked America," and someone from production says that "we never had a crew member impregnate a Boot Camper before."

He didn"t impregnate her on the show (she would have conceived in August), but we do see him creeping into a bedroom.

After that, the guy doing the dramatic voiceover for the trailer informs us that "our cameras caught everything" while the camera shows a bed with a big "censored" box over it.

And then — brace yourselves — we actually hear Amber go "oh my god."

Like, maybe in a sexy way.

Because as those of us well-versed in reality shows know, bedrooms are not off-limits for filming, and there are always cameras set up permanently in those rooms to get any footage the crew may miss.

So if, as this trailer suggests, Amber and Andrew had sex on set, they most certainly would have been caught.

There"s a lot to unpack here, huh?

For one, this means that Amber lied about when she met Andrew, which is pretty dumb, considering she had to know that this would come out.

For two, it means that Andrew was really creeping on her that hard that he tried to hook up with her during filming.

Like, he saw her slamming back drinks and going off on everyone about everything, and he thought "yeah, I need to get with that kind of lady."

For three, this is a compilation episode of scenes throughout the season, so was Matt still around when these two started talking? Did she cheat on him?

This is a whole, whole lot of drama, and while we"re sad that none of it was in Teen Mom or in the actual season of Marriage Boot Camp, we"ll take what we can get!

See the footage for yourself in the video below:

Amber portwood did she sleep with andrew glennon on marriage boo

Friday, May 11, 2018

Amber Portwood: I Had BRUTAL Morning Sickness the Whole Pregnancy!

In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, Amber Portwood welcomed her baby boy.

Amber is happy that her son is born and that she’s given Leah a baby brother. But … she is also relieved.

Apparently, Amber’s pregnancy was harder on her than she ever let on. This sounds brutal.

A source tells People that Amber Portwood’s pregnancy complications were intensely rough on her.

“Amber spent almost her whole pregnant feeling sick.”

A little morning sickness — which involves, ugh, vomiting — is not uncommon early on during pregnancies. For some women, it’s the first indicator that they are pregnant.

“Not just the first trimester, and not just in the mornings.”

That sounds like a truly miserable existence.

“She was sick day and night.”

That is heartbreaking to hear.

“It was brutal.”

The good news, of course, is that Amber Portwood welcomed her son with Andrew Glennon.

“Baby James is here and Amber is over the moon”

He was born weighing 7 pounds and 11 ounces, which is above average but doesn’t make him a goliath by any measure.

We knew that he was born early on Tuesday, but the insider confirms that he was born at 1:39 in the morning. That’s very, very early.

All of that suffering must have felt worth it when she looked at his tiny little face, right?

Apparently, the extreme sickness did not come as a surprise — because she had gone through the same thing with Leah.

“It was the same problem she had in her first pregnancy, she was just sick all the time.”

Nine years is a long time, but not long enough to forget what it’s like to spend nine months being betrayed by your own body.

But, apparently, she felt that it would be worth it.

“In spite of all that she was just so happy to be starting over with a guy like Andrew.”

That’s nice to hear, since fans have heard how messy Amber and Andrew’s relationship is.

“And now that the baby is here, they are over the moon.”

Okay, that insider needs to find some new idioms. (But we’re all guilty of that from time to time)

This wasn’t actually a huge surprise to Amber’s fans.

While she didn’t tell fans exactly how bad it was, she certainly let people know that her pregnancy was not all smooth sailing.

When Amber went into early labor, she was unable to sleep, and she shared with her fans that she was having a hard time.

But that was last weekend, just two days before she gave birth.

it is absolutely horrifying to imagine that she was sick at all hours of the day.

Even if that insider is exaggerating … many people are amazed that she decided to have another baby at all, given what she was in for.

The first photos of sweet baby James that we’ve seen are so cute.

And Amber seems so at peace, too.

We also love seeing 9-year-old Leah cradling her baby brother.

That’s a hell of an age difference. In a lot of households, this would lead to Leah being yet another primary caregiver for her little sibling.

But we’re sure that Leah and baby James will have plenty of time to bond with each other and forge a beautiful sibling relationship.

We are so sorry to hear that Amber had such a hard time bringing him into this world, however. But at least that ordeal is in the past.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Amber Portwood Welcomes Son: First Pics & Cast Reactions!

Earlier this week, Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood welcomed a baby boy.

It"s her second child, and the first for her baby daddy, Andrew Glennon.

Today, Amber released the first photos of little James Andrew Glennon (or JAG, as we like to call him), and fans can"t get enough of her newest bundle of joy.

Amber"s co-stars have also been gushing about baby James.

In fact, even Portwood"s biggest rivals appear to have offered an olive branch in honor of the latest addition to the Teen Mom OG  family …


1. Amber Portwood and Son

Amber portwood and son

Amber Portwood has welcomed a son. Little James Andrew Glennon is her second child, and the first for the baby’s father, Andrew Glennon.

2. Sweet Baby James!

Sweet baby james

Amber obviously couldn’t be happier about her new arrival. In pictures with little James, she’s positively beaming.

3. Leah and James

Leah and james

Leah tweeted this pic of her daughter, Leah, enjoying the company of her new little brother. “Big Sis and little James! She was so excited to meet her little brother!” Amber captioned the pic.

4. All the Support

Amber portwood with andrew glennon

Obviously, Amber hasn’t always been a fan favorite, but Teen Mom viewers have been outspoken in their love and support as she once again embarks down the path of motherhood.

5. The Name James, Though…

Amber portwood teen mom og pic

Some have expressed hope that Amber will begin referring to her child in less formal fashion, but it seems she’s sticking with “James.” We see their point – it’s a bit like meeting a baby girl named Karen – but it’s her prerogative.

6. Back to the Positive

Amber portwood with baby bump

But all that’s just nit-picking. For the most part, fans have had nothing but kind words for the growing Portwood-Glennon clan. In fact, Amber has received praise from some very unlikely sources …

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Amber Portwood: Good Riddance to Farrah, But I Don"t Know About Mackenzie McKee

Early Tuesday morning, Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood welcomed her baby boy.

While she’s excited and busy with her new baby, Amber always has time for her longstanding feud with Farrah Abraham.

And she’s speaking about Farrah’s firing … and her replacement.

Amber Portwood spoke to HollywoodLife.

“Everyone knows why Farrah’s not on the damn show.”

While the exact story varies depending upon whom you ask, Amber is definitely not buying the “Viacom hate crimes” angle.

“She pushed her limits every season, she knew that she did.”

Farrah was reportedly a nightmare for producers and others responsible for making the show.

Amber says that, eventually, enough was enough.

“And you can’t keep doing that.”

Drama is the fuel that keeps reality television going, and Amber acknowledges that Farrah was nothing if not wildly dramatic.

“Yeah, it works for a little while, it brings some ratings.”

Amber explains that there are limits to how much of a real-world disaster you can be and still have people willing to work with you.

“But when you keep pushing back and it’s a big network, you can’t go too far.”

Eventually, like a bear being harassed by a racist squirrel, MTV got tired of it.

“This is bigger than her.”

But since Farrah has been claiming that this was all about her sex work, Amber thinks that Farrah may genuinely believe it.

“I think she didn’t realize that and she got booted for it.”

But Amber won’t lose any sleep over Farrah’s departure.

“I’m just fine with it, s–t. I don’t care.”

That’s fair.

Reportedly, Teen Mom 3 star Mackenzie McKee is replacing Farrah on Teen Mom OG.

But Amber says that she is in the dark — or at least that she cannot confirm anything.

“I don’t know what’s going on with that.”

Obviously, the stars aren’t going to comment until the network makes things nice and official.

“Again, everything’s up in the air.”

Amber does suggest that MTV’s cameras may have included her giving birth to her newborn boy.

“I can’t say that yet. I really don’t know if my birth will be filmed because I may have him before the due date, so it’s getting crazy.”

Amber’s due date was May 13, so she’s absolutely right.

But we do wonder if cameras are rolling.

The biggest thing in Amber’s life right now has nothing to do with her past, present, or future castmates.

She just gave birth!

As Amber revealed back in December, her son’s name is James Andrew Glennon.

Huge congratulations to the whole family — Amber, Andrew, baby James, and of course, Leah!

When Amber went into early labor over the weekend, we knew that the countdown had begun.

Obviously, Amber Portwood has had her issues over the years … and even recently.

Among other things, her anger issues have made her interesting to watch on television, even as they have alarmed viewers.

A lot of fans are also concerned about her whirlwind romance with Andrew Glennon. Some even worried that he used her emotional vulnerability to become her rebound.

But she seems to be much happier with her current situation than she has been in a while.

And congratulations for the birth of her son are absolutely in order.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Amber Portwood Welcomes Son with Andrew Glennon: Can Their Relationship Last?

Amber Portwood is now a mother of two!

Early this morning, she gave birth to James Andrew Glennon, her second child and her first with Andrew Glennon.

But while the baby news is very exciting, we"re still super intrigued by her relationship with Andrew.

And that"s for many, many reasons …

1. Awkward

Amber portwood and andrew glennon

First off, let’s get this out of the way: Amber and Andrew just welcomed a child together, but they’ve known each other for less than a year.

2. Yikes

Amber portwood and matt baier on marriage boot camp

And we know, we know, sometimes you fall in love quick or forget how to use birth control or whatever, but they met when Amber was filming Marriage Boot Camp with Matt Baier. Like, they met when Amber was making that face in the photo above.

3. What a Gem!

Amber portwood cant chill

Andrew was working behind the scenes on the show, and he’s said that he developed a crush on Amber while filming her. Which, if you’ve seen any bit of footage at all from Amber’s season of Marriage Boot Camp, you know is literally insane.

4. Falling in Love

Amber portwood gets angry

Amber was the HOTTEST mess on Marriage Boot Camp. Constantly yelling and screaming and arguing and just generally being difficult. It’s hard to imagine that Andrew could have been watching that and thought “yeah, I’d like to get to know that lady better,” but apparently that’s what happened.

5. Weaseling In

Andrew glennon selfie

So after filming wrapped, Amber went back to Indiana and Andrew stayed in L.A., but, wouldn’t you know it, he creeped her on Twitter and they started talking. After a few weeks, she invited him out for a visit, and he never left. He literally never left.

6. Not a Great Start

Matt baier reacts

If you’re thinking that story sounds familiar, that’s because it does: Matt Baier also contacted Amber on Twitter, and after visiting her once, he pretty much set up shop in her house. But Andrew was different, because reasons Amber made up to justify repeating the same dumb mistakes.

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Amber Portwood Welcomes Baby Boy!!!

It’s a big day for Amber Portwood!

Early this morning, she welcomed her little baby boy!

Unfortunately, we don’t have too many details yet — we’re sure Amber will be sharing plenty of information as soon as she’s recovered and gotten settled in though.

As of now, we know that, like we said, she gave birth this morning.

It’s a boy, as she revealed back in December, and his name is James Andrew Glennon.

This is Amber’s second child, and her first with Andrew Glennon — her first, of course, was the adorable Leah with Gary Shirley. 

James was his late father’s name, and obviously we know where the baby’s middle name comes from!

Amber originally had a due date of May 13th — Mother’s Day — but we’re not surprised she delivered a little early.

A few days ago she tweeted that she was already three centimeters dilated and “home waiting for labor!”

On top of that, she’d revealed that she had gestational diabetes, a condition that sometimes causes doctors to induce early and that also can make for some big babies.

And since Andrew is a giant himself (he’s around 6’8″), we imagine baby James is a big boy that was more than ready to make his grand entrance!

Amber has actually been pretty laid-back during her pregnancy, which was surprising, considering she can generally be a bit hot-headed, to say the least.

Maybe that’s because everything happened so fast — she was only dating Andrew for a few weeks at most when she got pregnant.

They met when Amber was doing Marriage Boot Camp with Matt Baier last June.

Andrew was working behind the scenes on the show, and he apparently saw something special in her.

After filming wrapped, he contacted her, and they struck up a bit of a friendship.

He went to visit her in August, and he never left.

In the beginning, Amber said they were going to take things slow and see what happened, but obviously that didn’t work out so well, because in September she had her positive pregnancy test!

As we saw during the last season of Teen Mom OG, they did have a few arguments, one notable one being about whether or not to find out the baby’s gender.

But for the most part, they actually seem to get along pretty well.

Better than she got along with Gary or Matt, at least.

If you watched the early seasons of Teen Mom, you know that Amber didn’t exactly take to motherhood after having Leah.

She got very easily overwhelmed by the crying and the way that the baby pretty constantly needed her, and we saw her leave Leah crying in her crib so she could sleep more than once.

But for the sake of optimism, let’s say that maybe in all these years, Amber has changed, and that she’s more than ready to care for little James.

Congratulations, Amber!


Monday, May 7, 2018

Amber Portwood: I"m in the Early Stages of Labor! I"m Ready!!

Did you get a lot of well-deserved rest this weekend? Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood did not.

It looks like Amber’s baby shower a few weeks ago was just in time.

She’s revealed on Twitter that she is dilated. How long until she gives birth?

In the wee hours of Sunday morning, Amber Portwood tweeted:

“Another nocturnal night with my uncomfortable preggy belly but it’s all worth it!”

We know that it’s tempting to laugh at a phrase like nocturnal night, but she just means that she can’t sleep. She’s super pregnant, you guys.

This is when she shares the big news.

“I’m 3 cm dilated and home waiting for labor!”


That’s a huge deal! She then shares a rhetorical question with her followers.

“Wonder if I’ll make it to my due date?”

Amber is due on May 13, which is next Sunday and just so happens to be Mother’s Day.

Amber herself was born on Mother’s Day in 1990.

The reality star hopes to remain in the thoughts of her fans and followers.

“Wish me luck loves! Goodnight.”

She follows that with a “hugging face” emoji.

Now, hold your horses and don’t cut that Congratulations Amber cake yet, folks.

We know that “she’s dilated!” sounds exciting, but this is just one early sign of labor.

As she says, she is waiting to actually go into labor.

This is just an early labor sign, like a tremor before an earthquake. Or the water receding before a tsunami. Or hairs standing up on your arm before a lightning strike.

(Childbirth is amazing but it’s also terrifying)

Amber’s May 13 due date is looming, but she still might not make it to that day.

Her due date is significant because, as Amber reminds fans, it is right before her birthday on the 14.

Obviously, it’s neat when you share a birthday with someone.

But for practical reasons, nobody wants to share a birthday with their parent.

You’re supposed to get to pick where you go out for dinner on your birthday (bare minimum), and nobody wants to have to share that honor with someone else.

And then there are the logistics of Amber hosting her child’s birthday party on the day of her own party. it’s no fun.

Even one day of separation would make that easier. Better if it’s several days.

Since this tweet, Amber has continued to be moderately active on social media.

She threw a little shade over some recent Kailyn Lowry drama, she complimented a lot of photos of her fans as new mothers holding their babies, and she reminded people about multiple food recalls.

(Seriously, if you think that there’s even a realistic chance that any food in your fridge might contain e. coli, please dump it. That deadly bacteria is no joke)

Hopefully, she (or someone acting on her behalf) will tweet when her water breaks and at other stages of labor and delivery.

In the mean time, her fans and followers and of course her family and loved ones continue to wait with anticipation for her to give birth to her child with Andrew Glennon.

We hope that Amber finds a way to get comfortable and sleep a little before she gives birth. She’ll need the rest.
