Showing posts with label Morning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morning. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

"Steve Harvey Morning Show" Star Kier "Junior" Spates" Assistant Found Dead

An employee on Steve Harvey’s radio morning show died this weekend after being found unresponsive in his hotel room by one of Steve’s famous co-hosts … TMZ has learned. According to an incident report, obtained by TMZ, cops were called to the W…


"Steve Harvey Morning Show" Star Kier "Junior" Spates" Assistant Found Dead

An employee on Steve Harvey’s radio morning show died this weekend after being found unresponsive in his hotel room by one of Steve’s famous co-hosts … TMZ has learned. According to an incident report, obtained by TMZ, cops were called to the W…


Friday, May 11, 2018

Amber Portwood: I Had BRUTAL Morning Sickness the Whole Pregnancy!

In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, Amber Portwood welcomed her baby boy.

Amber is happy that her son is born and that she’s given Leah a baby brother. But … she is also relieved.

Apparently, Amber’s pregnancy was harder on her than she ever let on. This sounds brutal.

A source tells People that Amber Portwood’s pregnancy complications were intensely rough on her.

“Amber spent almost her whole pregnant feeling sick.”

A little morning sickness — which involves, ugh, vomiting — is not uncommon early on during pregnancies. For some women, it’s the first indicator that they are pregnant.

“Not just the first trimester, and not just in the mornings.”

That sounds like a truly miserable existence.

“She was sick day and night.”

That is heartbreaking to hear.

“It was brutal.”

The good news, of course, is that Amber Portwood welcomed her son with Andrew Glennon.

“Baby James is here and Amber is over the moon”

He was born weighing 7 pounds and 11 ounces, which is above average but doesn’t make him a goliath by any measure.

We knew that he was born early on Tuesday, but the insider confirms that he was born at 1:39 in the morning. That’s very, very early.

All of that suffering must have felt worth it when she looked at his tiny little face, right?

Apparently, the extreme sickness did not come as a surprise — because she had gone through the same thing with Leah.

“It was the same problem she had in her first pregnancy, she was just sick all the time.”

Nine years is a long time, but not long enough to forget what it’s like to spend nine months being betrayed by your own body.

But, apparently, she felt that it would be worth it.

“In spite of all that she was just so happy to be starting over with a guy like Andrew.”

That’s nice to hear, since fans have heard how messy Amber and Andrew’s relationship is.

“And now that the baby is here, they are over the moon.”

Okay, that insider needs to find some new idioms. (But we’re all guilty of that from time to time)

This wasn’t actually a huge surprise to Amber’s fans.

While she didn’t tell fans exactly how bad it was, she certainly let people know that her pregnancy was not all smooth sailing.

When Amber went into early labor, she was unable to sleep, and she shared with her fans that she was having a hard time.

But that was last weekend, just two days before she gave birth.

it is absolutely horrifying to imagine that she was sick at all hours of the day.

Even if that insider is exaggerating … many people are amazed that she decided to have another baby at all, given what she was in for.

The first photos of sweet baby James that we’ve seen are so cute.

And Amber seems so at peace, too.

We also love seeing 9-year-old Leah cradling her baby brother.

That’s a hell of an age difference. In a lot of households, this would lead to Leah being yet another primary caregiver for her little sibling.

But we’re sure that Leah and baby James will have plenty of time to bond with each other and forge a beautiful sibling relationship.

We are so sorry to hear that Amber had such a hard time bringing him into this world, however. But at least that ordeal is in the past.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Rihanna Parties in NYC Until Morning After Met Gala

When the sun shines, we all shine together — especially when Rihanna’s one of the first people there to greet you at daybreak after a night of celebrating an epic Met Gala. We got RiRi leaving a couple NYC nightclubs early Tuesday morning — the…


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Scott Baio Denies Nicole Eggert"s Sexual Abuse Claims on "Good Morning America"

Scott Baio came out swinging against Nicole Eggert Wednesday, saying he never did a single inappropriate thing to her and, in fact, he wasn’t even attracted to her. We got Scott leaving “Good Morning America” and he was still fired up, saying…


Monday, December 25, 2017

LeBron James to Family: I"m Not Missing Presents! Facetimes In For Xmas Morning!

LeBron James will NOT be denied when it comes to spending Christmas morning with his family … even if he’s across the country! With the Cleveland Cavs gearing up to the play the Golden State Warriors in the Bay Area on Monday, LeBron FaceTime’d…


Friday, September 29, 2017

Meghan Markle is NOT a Witch and Did Not Magically Cure Kate Middleton of Morning Sickness

We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but it sounds like Meghan Markle is not a witch.

Hmmm … this might require some context.

You see, it’s about a story relating to Kate Middleton’s pregnancy. …

Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third royal baby.

Everyone’s excited about it.

Admittedly, this kind of thing has diminishing returns in terms of public excitement, but still, everybody’s pumped.

Among other things, another royal child will be a welcome distraction to the Brits in the face of the looming chaos and despair that is Brexit.

Over a week before they announced Kate’s pregnancy, we told you that Kate Middleton was probably pregnant again.

We even listed the reasons why — one of which being that there were signs that she was “ill.”

Kate is known to suffer from particularly unpleasant morning sickness.

Specifically, she has hyperemesis gravidarum, which means that her morning sickness is so unpleasant that it has a name that sounds like a Harry Potter spell.

Which brings us to Meghan Markle and her alleged healing powers:

So, there was a story going around that said that Kate Middleton couldn’t eat because of her extreme morning sickness.

(Sorry, late ’90s television shows — not everything’s better when it’s “extreme”)

That sounds totally believable, right? Morning sickness, even the normal kind, can be hell on the body.

Star came forward with a story in which their source claims that Meghan Markle provided a solution to Kate Middleton’s problems.

“Meghan put her culinary expertise to royal use. She researched all-natural, ancient remedies for morning sickness, then made a mild broth using organic herbs.”

There’s … so much in that.

One, there’s the implication that MegMar was able to fix something that Kate’s doctors could not.

Two, the always dubious “all-natural ancient remedies.” We’re all for herbal remedies (sometimes) but just because people did something a long time ago doesn’t mean that it works.

Three, citing her “culinary expertise” is next-level amazing. Using food to heal an illness is something normally reserved for video games.

“[Markle] had it rushed to Kate’s bed chamber.”

The use of the word “chamber” is always more fun than “rooms.” Because, you know, they’re royalty.

“Grateful Prince William gushed it was the first thing his pale princess had been able to get down in days.”

Nice alliteration.

So, like we said, we are sad to say that Meghan Markle does not seem to be a witch.

We’re sure that this would be great relief to Prince Harry’s ancestor, King James I, who was absolutely terrified of witches to the point where he’d have probably fainted on the spot if someone had offered to read his palm.

But gosh, it sure is less interesting than Prince Harry’s girlfriend and very likely his future wife secretly being able to cure incurable ails through natural remedies and the culinary arts.

But Gossip Cop reports that the story is bogus.

They report that a reliable source close to Meghan Markle assured them that it’s a total fabrication.

So … that’s that.

The fact of the matter is that people are thirsty for stories showing what kind of relationship Meghan Markle has with Harry’s family.

Kate Middleton was an outsider in that she wasn’t royalty already. That was, at the time, a big deal.

Meghan Markle is a divorced actress and she’s American. We’ve come a long way from Princess Diana having had to “prove” her virginity.

But … some worry that Meghan is such an outsider that Harry’s family might just put on polite smiles in public but secretly be discouraging their union.

People want reassurance that she’ll get along well with the people who could very well become her in-laws.

That, we imagine, is why this story had such appeal.

And, again, there’s entertainment value in an actress having magical powers. Even if it’s not true.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Kate Middleton: Already Suffering Severe Morning Sickness?

Yesterday, the world learned that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.

While it’s joyous news that’s been met with applause and well-wishes from the global community, there has been some concern among those who follow Kate’s personal life closely.

During her first two pregnancies, Kate suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum, a rare condition that results in morning sickness so severe it often leads to hospitalization.

The illness is generally at its worst in the first months of pregnancy, and according to Life & Style, Kate spent time in the emergency room shortly after learning of her third pregnancy.

The Duchess of Cambridge was rushed to a medical facility in Marleybone, London last month, for what was initially reported as a bout of dehydration and exhaustion.

It’s now widely believed that her condition was caused by hyperemesis gravidarum.

The illness typically results in nausea and uncontrollable vomiting.

Sadly, these difficulties are nothing new for the 35-year-old.

Kate was hospitalized for the first time while she was pregnant with Prince George.

She became ill again while pregnant with Princess Charlotte, but was treated at home in Kensington Palace.

The fact that she was rushed to an emergency room again this time around has led many to the conclusion that the symptoms are more severe than they were during her last pregnancy.

Unfortunately for Kate, the illness often becomes more unmanageable with age.

Fortunately, however, it’s at its worst during the first trimester, so the worst might already be over.

Whatever the case, Kate’s latest struggle is a reminder of what’s led fans all over the world to fall in love with the soon-to-be mum of three.

Despite knowing that battling another round of severe illness, Kate has put a smile on her face and done her best to downplay her disease.

Royals are generally thought of as being a particularly rugged breed, but coping with a serious medical issue in the public eye requires a toughness few are capable of.

Thus far, Kate has handled her most recent battle with hyperemesis gravidarum the same way she handled the first two – with courage and grace befitting a future queen.

We’ll keep you updated on Kate’s condition as more information becomes available.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Taylor Swift Not Doing Mysterious "Good Morning America" Gig

Taylor Swift fans got duped hard into thinking she was following up her record-breaking single and music vid debut with a live performance, but someone pulled a fast one … TMZ has learned. Fans thought Taylor was appearing on ‘GMA’ Friday…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Linkin Park Releases "Talking To Myself" Music Video Morning of Chester Bennington"s Suicide

Linkin Park released a new music video on the same day frontman Chester Bennington committed suicide. The American rock band released its “Talking To Myself” video at 9:01 AM … minutes after Chester’s body was discovered Thursday at a private…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

MSNBC"s "Morning Joe" Verbal Shots That Set Off President Trump

Mika Brzezinski took plenty of jabs at President Trump Thursday on “Morning Joe” … and it appears this is what sparked his Twitter attack. Mika and her co-host/fiance, Joe Scarborough, went off on Trump over several topics — from the…


Sunday, May 7, 2017

SNL Nails Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski"s Engagement on "Morning Joe" Cold Open (VIDEO)

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski couldn’t hide their engagement on SNL’s version of “Morning Joe” …  packed with sexual tension, penis jokes and a “Donald Trump” cameo! Kate McKinnon and Alex Moffat did their best…


SNL Nails Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski"s Engagement on "Morning Joe" Cold Open (VIDEO)

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski couldn’t hide their engagement on SNL’s version of “Morning Joe” …  packed with sexual tension, penis jokes and a “Donald Trump” cameo! Kate McKinnon and Alex Moffat did their best…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Michael Strahan: Making Enemies at Good Morning America?

When Michael Strahan broke the single-season sack record in 2002, most observers believed he was given preferential treatment by Brett Favre.

The quarterback, a close friend of the defensive lineman’s, very clearly ran right at Strahan and then basically fell down in order to ensure Strahan recorded sack number 22.5.

But that’s nothing compared to the preferential treatment sources claim Strahan is receiving from producers at Good Morning America.

“They roll out the carpet for him, while seasoned talent is treated like dirt,” a source tells Page Six of The New York Post of Strahan, adding:

“He’s been given a lot of opportunity [and] flexibility, when the others who have been working there longer don’t get that kind of treatment.”

Interesting, huh?

Strahan, of course, bolted for GMA under somewhat controversial circumstances.

About a year ago, ABC announced that Strahan would leave Live with Kelly and Michael for a new, permanent role on its flagship morning program.

But Kelly Ripa only learned about this departure at the last second, causing her to react with anger… causing major tension between the co-hosts for the duration of Strahan’s role on Live… and then causing him to depart the program four months earlier than originally planned.

He debuted on GMA in September and was welcomed with open arms at the time by Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos.

That was then, however.


Strahan signed a unique deal that allows him to continue to analyze football at Fox during the NFL season and also host ABC’s “$ 100,000 Pyramid.”

Such an arrangement has alienated Strahan from his GMA colleagues, as has his alleged behavior on set.

Lara Spencer “feels like her role has been minimized with Strahan,” Page Six writes, with the insider explaining:

There’s not a lot of love between the two. They know how to put it on for the cameras, but he’s doing a lot of what Lara should be doing [on the show] and she’s not happy. She’s the pop person.”

Stephanopoulos has also had it with Strahan.

“He’s bored with the fluff,” the newspaper claims of Stephanopoulos, a former political operative who doesn’t like the direction Strahan has taken the show in.

“He goes into work, does the show and leaves by 8:57 a.m. He doesn’t interact. He’s been phoning it in for quite some time.”

However, an ABC News executive was given a chance to respond and disputed a lot of this account.

First, regarding Strahan and Spencer, he or she says the following:

“That’s just bullsh-t. They get along great. She loves having someone with his sense of humor on the show. Michael is lovely with the staff.

As for the assertion that Stephanopoulos isn’t giving it his all at work?

“The idea that George is phoning it in is absurd,” this same source says, adding:

He gets to GMA at, like, 3 in the morning. He works 16 hours a day. He goes home because he does all of the special reports in addition to GMA, and he’s calling sources and getting ready for his Sunday show.

“He comes back to the office in the afternoon . . . And he’s incredibly engaged in the news coming out of DC right now.”

As for any perceived struggles at the show?

This executive looks to the only barometer of success and scoffs at any notion of trouble.

“We’ve tripled our lead over the Today show [in total viewers]. The show has never been better.”


Friday, December 16, 2016

Kim Jong-Un Drunkenly Planned Executions, Forgot Next Morning

This, folks, is why we should all be grateful that Donald Trump is a teetotaler.

If you only know Kim Jong-Un for his flawless pompadour, hatred of James Franco, and ruthless oppression of millions of his own people,  then you’re about to get your first glimpse of the North Korean dictator’s lighter side.

You see, Kim likes to party.

And there ain’t no party like a Kim Jong-Un party, because a Kim Jong-Un party features blacked-out execution orders.

Yes, according to Tokyo newspaper Shimbun, the Jonger got Stalin-grade wasted back in September and started laying the groundwork to have several of his generals convicted of treason and “disappeared.”

Fortunately, like your plans to totally grab brunch and then go rock-climbing last Sunday, the whole thing was completely forgotten by morning.

We assume that instead of overseeing a firing squad, Kimmy spent the afternoon binge-watching Stranger Things and drinking Gatorade. 

Per the sources who described the incident to Shimbun, Kim got loaded and had the generals summoned to his summer villa for an all-night reprimand sesh.

“That none of you were able to produce not even one military satellite is a misconduct that is commensurate to treason,” Jong-Un reportedly told the generals.

He concluded the boozy all-nighter by forcing them to write confession letters and coyly hinting that they were all to be rubbed out in the morning.

“Be careful about your health because you are all old,” a sh-thoused Kim allegedly slurred, his immaculate coif likely tousled into a fat-Elvis-in-his-second-encore disaster.

Basically, it was like that episode of Mad Men where Don and Peggy spend all night working on the Samsonite campaign, but at the end, Don has Peggy dragged outside and shot.

The generals were marched back to their sleeping quarters where we assume they spent the remainder of the night drafting badass final words.

But in the morning, instead of being blindfolded and offered a Marlboro, the generals were stunned to learn that they were the beneficiaries of a miracle that could only be the work of a loving God or Johnnie Walker.

Kim had apparently forgotten why they were at his home, a fact they probably put together when he sleepily offered to order them an Uber.

“They were relieved because they thought they were going to be purged,” a source was quoted as saying.

“Everyone is showing loyalty out of fear of being executed and no one dares speak against Kim.”

So if you’re in a management position, you may want to take note of Kim’s strategy:

Next time your staff is under-performing, just get loaded and threaten to murder them.

If those jerks from HR get involved, simply inform them you look forward to the sight of their heads on spikes outside your palace.

Be sure to shoot us a thank you when you land that promotion,.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Michael Strahan Debuts on Good Morning America: Good Riddance, Ripa!

Michael Strahan is ready to tackle a new challenge.

A few months after his very awkward and contentious exit from Live! with Kelly and Michael, the former New York Giants defensive star made his debut Tuesday as a full-time anchor on Good Morning America.

And while Strahan was basically shown the door in angry fashion by Kelly Ripa back in May, he was welcomed warmly to the morning desk by colleagues George Stephanopoulos and Robin Roberts this morning.

You can see the opening few moments for yourself below.

They included a few cheers from those on set, behind the scenes:

“This is GMA with RobinRoberts, George Stephanopoulos and Michael Strahan,” said the voiceover, while Roberts joked that this feels like “the first day of school.”

For many kids around the country, of course, today is the first day of school.

“The only thing I’m missing is my Spider-Man lunchbox,” Strahan joked.

Strahan has appeared numerous times before as a GMA correspondent, but he announced this spring that he was leaving Live to pursue that gig full-time.

Ripa, according to many sources, was not informed of this decision before the public was made aware of the move.

She responded in understandable anger, not showing up for a work for a couple of days out of protest.

When she did finally come back, she and Strahan tried to joke around about the career change, but their interactions were nothing but forced and tense until Strahan’s departure on May 13.

To wit:

In response to this awkward set-up, Strahan moved his exit date way up.

When he originally announced he was leaving Live, Strahan said it would make the switch in September.

But producers couldn’t possibly continue with Ripa and Strahan as co-hosts for much longer, resulting in the latter getting the heck out of there four months earlier than initially planned.

I’m not dying! I’m still in the family!” he said on air upon making the GMA announcement, adding:

“And I’m still available to come back if I’m ever called to co-host so I’m not going anywhere. I’m not gone.”

Yeah. We somehow doubt he’ll ever be called upon for that.

Ripa is yet to announce a permanent replacement for Strahan, following rumors that the two hated each other away from set.

But Strahan is clearly keeping his eyes on the future, not the past.

He will co-anchor the ABC morning show each weekday and he recently told People Magazine of accepting the new position:

“Can’t wait to be there full-time. Great, great family to work with over there, I’m looking forward to it.”

Fair enough.

With our eyes also affixed to the future, above is a look at stars we’d love to see take over Strahan’s old seat alongside Kelly.

Who would your ideal co-host be?

Friday, October 30, 2015

Morning Show Halloween Costumes: Who Wore It Best?

Good Morning America and The Today Show battle it on in the ratings department on a constant basis.

But why stop there? Why not pit the anchors and correspondents of these programs against each other in a different way as well?

Like, which of them pulled off the best Halloween costume in 2015? Feast your eyes on the various ensembles below and make your selection…

1. Nuts for Peanuts

Nuts for peanuts

The Today show hosts all pose here at characters from the Peanuts franchise. Let no one accuse them of not going all out.

2. Al Roker as Charlie Brown

Al roker as charlie brown

The world’s most famous weatherman went as the world’s most down-on-his-luck comic character.

3. Natalie Morales and Tamron Hall as Marcie and Peppermint

Natalie morales and tamron hall as marcie and peppermint

It’s tiring to wear an impressive Halloween costume. These two need a breather.

4. Willie Geist as Schroeder

Willie geist as schroeder

Looking sharp, Willie Geist! You make an impressive Schroeder.

5. Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford as Snoopy & Woodstock

Hoda kotb and kathie lee gifford as snoopy and woodstock

No, really, Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford are underneath these costumes. We swear!

6. Regis Philbin as the Red Baron

Regis philbin as the red baron

Regis Philbin, everyone! We didn’t see this cameo coming!

View Slideshow

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Demi Lovato Expresses "Confidence" on Good Morning America

Demi Lovato is brimming with confidence these days.

Just consider her recent actions:

  • The artist recently stripped down naked and makeup free for Vanity Fair.

  • She recently danced with strippers and got really close to a few dongs.

  • Oh, and she recently released an album titled "Confident." Let"s not forget about that.

Lovato appeared Thursday on Good Morning America in order to promote for the album (which debuted at number-two on the Billboard chart) and also to sing her latest track.

Before doing so, however, Lovato gave an interview to Good Morning America co-host Amy Robach in which she talked of her desire to "empower" fans and of how self-confidence (or a lackthereof) is an issue that affects nearly everyone around the world.

She received props for her makeup-free Mondays and the ways in which she"s always so open to the public.

Demi also confirmed her upcoming tour with Nick Jonas, not revealing too many details about what the long-time friends have planned, but making it clear she excited to "play for the audience."

Lovato proceeded to say she’s been very happy with the response to her new music so far, which prompted the fans watching in the studio to cheer loudly.

Asked what they’re saying, Lovato replied:

“You’ve grown as an artist, and we’re growing with you.”

It really is true. Demi has grown both as an artist and also as a human being. She"s one of our favorites, in terms of how she"s handled her personal life and her struggles over the years.

Check out the following footage for a look at this complete interview now.

Demi lovato expresses confidence on good morning america

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Skunk Handler Pulls Epic Morning TV Prank

On the scale of mean pranks, it may not get any worse than pretending to blow up your three-year old son.

Heck, not even any of these over-the-top pranks can compete with that dastardly maneuver.

But Kip Smith, an animal handler who works for a company called Wildlife Encounters, still deserves some recognition.

Smith recently appeared on The Morning Blend, a talk show that airs in Omaha, Nebraska, and he brought a friend with him. If anyone can really be "friends" with a skunk, that is.

About three minutes into the clip featured here, Smith used a hidden water bottle to trick hosts Mike DiGiacomo and Mary Nelson into thinking they were sprayed by the animal.

Which would be just about the grossest thing that could ever happy to anyone.

Check out the funny sneak peek now and take special note of DiGiacomo"s reaction. It"s safe to say he wasn"t amused.

Skunk handler pulls epic morning tv prank

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Country Singer Eddie Montgomery Reveals Son Hunter Has Died After Being Removed From Life Support Sunday Morning

This is awful.

Eddie Montgomery, the 51-year-old member of country mega-star duo Montgomery Gentry, revealed on Sunday that his 19-year-old son Hunter has died.

Related: Bobbi Kristina’s Cause Of Death Has Been Determined

Hunter, who had been in critical condition in the hospital all week after a very serious accident in Kentucky, was taken off life support Sunday and passed away.

Montgomery said in a statement on the band’s website:

“My son Hunter went to heaven today. I appreciate all your prayers and love and thank you for giving us privacy as we grieve and say goodbye.”

So, so sad.

Our thoughts are obviously with Hunter’s friends, family, and loved ones during this sudden and unbelievably difficult time.

[Image via Aruna Gilbert/WENN.]