Showing posts with label Releases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Releases. Show all posts

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Ariana Grande Releases Song Just Before "SNL" Referencing Pete Davidson, Mac Miller

Ariana Grande isn’t going to let Pete Davidson define their relationship and breakup on “Saturday Night Live” tonight, because TMZ has learned she’s releasing a song 30 minutes before “SNL,” and his name is right there in the lyrics. Record label…


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Mac Miller Update: Family Releases Statement, Awful People Blame Ariana Grande for Rapper"s Death

As previously reported, tragedy has once again struck Hollywood.

Around noon on Friday, authorities, responding to a call from an unknown individual, arrived at the San Fernando Valley home of Mac Miller and found the rapper dead.

He was 26 years old.

As of this writing, the likely cause of death is a drug overdose.

The artist had been well known and respected across the music industry ever since his debut album in 2012… but he was perhaps better known of late for his long-term relationship with Ariana Grande.

This romance ended in May, with sources saying that Miller’s substance abuse issues played a significant role in Grande deciding it was time to part ways.

Just a week later, Miller was arrested for drunk driving.

Shortly afterward, in July, he an interview to Zane Lowe on Beats 1 on Apple Music in which he referred to himself as a “self-destructive depressed drug user.”

But he also assured fans at this time that he was doing okay and that he was “happy” for Grande, who he dated for two years.

Just over a month later, Miller is dead.

“Malcolm McCormick, known and adored by fans as Mac Miller, has tragically passed away at the age of 26,” his family said in a statement provided to multiple outlets.

“He was a bright light in this world for his family, friends and fans. Thank you for your prayers. Please respect our privacy. There are no further details as to the cause of his death at this time

Elsewhere, Warner Bros. Records added the following:

“Mac was a hugely gifted and inspiring artist, with a pioneering spirit and sense of humor that touched everyone he met.

“Mac’s death is a devastating loss and cuts short a life and a talent of huge potential, where the possibilities felt limitless.”

The Los Angeles Fire Department has confirmed that first responders were dispatched Friday after an 11:42 a.m. call about a medical complaint at a residence in Studio City, California.

They did not transport anyone from the scene, making it safe to assume that Miller had passed away before they arrived.

“I just wanna go on tour,” Miller Tweeted on Thursday. “The show is going to be special every night. I wish it started tomorrow.”

Meanwhile, while music heavyweights mourn Miller’s passing (“Great man. I loved him for real. Im completely broken. God bless him,” Tweeted Chance the Rapper), a handful of terrible trolls out there are blamng Grande for what has transpired.

They somehow think the singer is responsible for Miller’s addiction and for driving him to this fatal place due to their split.

In the wake of this tragedy and upon seeing what these awful people were writing on her Instagram page, Grande disabled Comments for a period of time.

She appears to have now turned them back on.

And if she is checking, we sincerely hope she sees that the supporters out there far, far, FAR outweight the misguided haters.

“The amount of tweets blaming Ariana Grande for what happened to Mac Miller is disgusting, his addiction and lack of help is what drove this to happen, don’t point the finger and blame,” wrote on fan.

And another chimed in as follows:

“Just noticed Ariana Grande disabled comments on her Instagram account after a barrage of Mac Miller-related comments. Recognize the true problem here, rather than using someone else as a scapegoat & continuing the cycle.

All so sad & nauseating.”

Following Mller’s aforementioned crash and DUI arrest, someone on the Internet dared to blame Grande for the rapper’s fate.

She wasn’t having it.

“I am not a babysitter or a mother and no woman should feel that they need to be,” clapped back the singer, adding:

“I have cared for him and tried to support his sobriety & prayed for his balance for years (and always will of course) but shaming / blaming women for a man’s inability to keep his s— together is a very major problem.”

That is oh so true.

And also so not the point right now.

A young man is dead at the age of 26.

It’s a tragedy.

This is especially the case when you consider what Miller said in a documentary a few years ago:

“I’d rather be the corny white rapper than the drugged-out mess who can’t even get out of his house. Overdosing is just not cool. You don’t go down in history because you overdose. You just die.”

May he rest in peace.


Friday, September 7, 2018

Kanye West Creative Directs Pornhub Awards and Releases New Song with Lil Pump

Kanye West has taken his talents to the XXX screen — he’s the creative director for the Pornhub Awards — and he’s got his hand in just about every aspect of the show.  Thursday night’s inaugural show will be presented in VR live from The…


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Gwyneth Paltrow Releases Goop Furniture Line

Gwyneth Paltrow seems to know a quartz egg for your vagina just isn’t for everyone — so instead, she’s Gooping up furniture, ‘cause we all need an indoor swing chair, right? Yeah, Gwyneth’s caught a lot of crap over the years for her Goop lists –…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Animal Crackers Releases New Design With Creatures Free From Cages

Animal Crackers are now FREE … from their cages, that is. It took 116 years, but the packaging of Barnum’s Animals no longer depicts the exotic creatures in pens. Nabisco’s popular snack now features a zebra, an elephant, a lion, a giraffe and a…


Animal Crackers Releases New Design With Creatures Free From Cages

Animal Crackers are now FREE … from their cages, that is. It took 116 years, but the packaging of Barnum’s Animals no longer depicts the exotic creatures in pens. Nabisco’s popular snack now features a zebra, an elephant, a lion, a giraffe and a…


Saturday, August 11, 2018

Carole Radziwill Mourns Dennis Shields, Releases Statement

Carole Radziwil is no longer a member of The Real Housewives family.

But the former Bravo star still chimed in this evening in response to a major loss for someone within this family.

We’re talking, of course, about Dennis Shields.

The 51-year old, known well to The Real Housewives of New York City viewers as the on-again/off-again boyfriend of Bethenny Frankel, was found dead on Friday morning.

According to a number of outlets, Shields appeared to have overdosed on prescription pills, with various sources saying he actually asked his assistant to give him a dose of Narcan around 9 a.m. on Friday because he knew something was amiss.

Narcan is a drug that is used to combat the effects of an opioid overdose.

Sadly, the request came too late.

Shields fell unconscious and was pronounced dead a short time later.

An autopsy is pending, but it is believed that Shields overdosed on oxycodone.

Frankel, who just discussed her relationship with Shields on the latest episode of the aforementioned Bravo series, has not yet commented on this tragedy.

But her main nemesis on the program has gone ahead and released a statement.

Via Twitter, Radziwill acknowledged Shields’ passing and said the following:

I just heard the sad news about Dennis. He was a good man. My condolences to all his family and friends. So tragic.

CR Tweet

Radzwill is the first of Frankel’s costars to speak on the Shields’ passing. 

The journalist announced last month that she’s leaving the program after six seasons, telling Us Weekly:

“I have decided to return to what I do best: journalism and producing.”

Many fans of this franchise believe that Radzwill was either forced out by producers due to her feud with Frankel or left due to this rivalry.

Either way, things between Carole and Bethenny have been contentious for a long time now.

But an awful event such as this pushes all of that tension to the side. It puts things into perspective.

Frankel and Shields starting dating in 2016, about 30 years after they first met.

The two stayed in touch over all those decades, eventually getting together at Shields separated from his wife and Frankel divorced Jason Hoppy.

The romance was up and down and was often chronicled on The Real Housewives of New York City.

On the August 8 installment of this series, Frankel confided in Dorinda Medley, saying she needed a break:

“I didn’t say it to Dennis, but in my own mind, I said, ’90 days. I’m not saying a word to Dennis for 90 days.’ It’s a really hard thing to realize that someone you love, it doesn’t mean they’re the right person,

“And I wish he was.”

Shields was still technically married to his estranged wife Jill at the time of his death.

This is what she said soon after the news became public:

“We are all heartbroken. Dennis was, and will always be, the love of my life. His spirit lives on in our children. Please respect our family’s privacy at this time.”

The NYPD, meanwhile, has confirmed hat “police responded to a 911 call of an aided male inside of 721 5th Avenue. Upon arrival, they discovered the unconscious male at the location. E

“MS responded and pronounced the man deceased.”

We send our condolences to the loved one sof Dennis Shields.

UPDATE: Sonja Morgan has now also spoken out about Shields’ death, telling Radar Online of Bethenny:

“Dennis is her rock. Dennis was important to her, and her daughter. Another tragedy in her life. I’m so sad for her.”

We feel the same way.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Demi Lovato Releases First Statement Since Near-Fatal Overdose

Demi Lovato has spoken out for the first time since nearly dying of a drug overdose just under two weeks ago.

In a statement released to the public, the beloved and troubled singer addressed this frightening incident… her road to recovery… and those who have been responsible for her well-being over the past several days.

Scroll down to see what Lovato had to say…

Via Instagram, this is how Demi opened her heartfelt message to fans and supporters:

I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction. What I’ve learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time.

It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet.

Lovato, as you likely know by now, was found unconscious inside her Los Angeles bedroom on Tuesday morning, July 31.

Initial reports indicated that Lovato has overdosed on heroin, but follow-up articles made it clear that the substance Lovato ingested or injected remains unknown.

The same can be said for Lovato’s status.

We know she’s alive. We know she nearly died. And we believe she has agreed to attend some sort of rehab for the third time over the past few years.

Continues Lovato in her statement:

I want to thank God for keeping me alive and well. To my fans, I am forever grateful for all of your love and support throughout this past week and beyond.

Your positive thoughts and prayers have helped me navigate through this difficult time.

Lovato has been hospitalized at Cedars-Sinai in California for well over a week now.

In her message, the artist acknowledges that she came very close to dying.

And that she likely would have passed away if not for those around her (an assistant called 911) and the medical professionals who took over from there.

Writes the singer:

I want to thank my family, my team, and the staff at Cedars-Sinai who have been by my side this entire time.

Without them I wouldn’t be here writing this letter to all of you.

It’s hopefully a positive sign that Lovato recognizes this fact.

If she understands how close she came to accidentally killing herself, perhaps she will take the steps needed to attempt to get better once and for all.

Without revealing her plans for the future, this is how Lovato concluded her post:

I now need time to heal and focus on my sobriety and road to recovery. The love you have all shown me will never be forgotten and I look forward to the day where I can say I came out on the other side.

I will keep fighting.

We can’t say for certain when we’ll next hear from Lovato, but that isn’t important right now of course.

She needs to take as much time as she needs to heal, mentally and physically, and it will likely serve her best to do so far away from the spotlight.

We just hope she knows how much her fans love her as she takes the time she needs to arrive in a healthier place.


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Farrah Abraham Releases Graphic Photo of Gross Injury, Is REALLY Starved For Attention

In the months since Farrah Abraham was fired from Teen Mom OG, she"s done an impressive job of remaining a fixture in the tabloid headlines.

Of course, the incidents that have kept her in the spotlight are the sort of things that would lead most people to delete their social media accounts out of embarrassment.

Last month, Farrah was arrested after allegedly assaulting a staff member at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Two weeks later she ignited a feud with Mob Wives star Drita D"Avanzo that might eventually get her killed.

But don"t worry — Farrah"s latest bloodshed is self-inflicted.

And just like those other incidents, she should probably be embarrassed about it — but she"s totally not.

1. Guess Who’s Back

Farrah abraham in a gold and black dress

Sure, we all want Farrah to go back to Nebraska and focus on being a real mom to daughter Sophia, but when she does something ridiculous, we just can’t look away.

2. Cam Life

Farrah abraham cam girl

Farrah was fired from Teen Mom OG for her refusal to stop performing in live online sex shows, but the end of her reality TV career hasn’t meant the end of her public life.

3. Violent Times

Farrah abraham on insta

While she may have spent most of her career cashing in on sex, these days, Farrah is appealing to the other part of the Freudian unconscious mind with a series of bizarrely violent incidents.

4. Stay Classy

Farrah abraham in a bowtie

Farrah was recently arrested after drunkenly attacking a male staff member at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Her daughter was in the hotel at the time of the altercation.

5. Farrah vs. Drita

Farrah drita split

Shortly thereafter, Farrah launched a feud with D’Avanzo after the two of them appeared at an event together. Drita has since publicly vowed to slap Farrah in the face.

6. All In a Day’s Work

Farrahb abraham photoshop fail

Like we said, not the sort of track record most people would take pride in, but at least Farrah has found a way to remain relevant. Of course, she may have pushed the envelope too far with her latest stunt, which has really brought her to a new low …

View Slideshow

Friday, June 15, 2018

Courtney Stodden Releases a Haunting New Music Video: WATCH!

Courtney Stodden is launching her music career. If you think that that"s funny, then you"ve clearly never heard her sing.

Some of her past projects were a little over-the-top (though we"ll always have a place in our hearts for "Asphalt"), but her new music is serious.

Now she has a music video out. This one is haunting, beautiful, and deeply bizarre. And you can watch it below.

Courtney stodden as ember

Under her new persona, Ember, Courtney Stodden has graced us with three new singles.

"Pink Flamingo" and "Me Too" are pop.

The former has some clear EDM influences and some entrancing qualities.

"Me Too" has a topical title, but before you accuse her of titling it in poor taste, remember that Courtney Stodden has shared two stories of sexual assault.

This is very much her heartbreaking story to tell.

You can find both of those songs here on iTunes, where you can also find the song "For You."

And "For You" has its very own music video.

Courtney stodden for you music video still

The music video"s opening isn"t the strongest. She speaks in a British accent, giving the intro an almost fairytale quality.

At times, her singing reminds us a bit of Blondie.

Part of that may be this particular song"s musical elements. She doesn"t somehow resemble the entire band.

At other times, between the filters employed and the wig and the singing itself, we get some very genuine Lana Del Rey vibes.

In these moments, the similarity is primarily visual.

There"s this powerful retro quality with some intense witchy vibes, and we"re here for it.

Courtney stodden purple

Bits of Japanese kanji appear on the screen from time to time.

Courtney — or Ember — lounges in a robe in the grass, or lays out in a skimpy white outfit to soak up a little sun.

(Yes, Courtney is famous for her body, so she"s not exactly wearing a nun"s habit for the video)

Later, things take a turn for the psychedelic.

We see her in purple with red eyes, but the vision is distorted. it"s an interesting effect.

Courtney stodden casket

Eventually (and yes, this is a spoiler, so spoiler alert), we see that she has been singing to herself all along.

Well, singing to her open casket.

(Or is this Ember singing to Courtney? I"ve never watched Hannah Montana, but the alter ego thing seems complicated)

The launch of her (serious) music career could be seen as Courtney"s rebirth as Ember.

Ember, of course, is evocative of fire imagery. Phoenixes are reborn in flames, and there is nothing more symbolic of rebirth than a phoenix.

We don"t know how much of that is intentional and how much the serindipidous symbolism just fell together (sometimes it"s like that), but we expect more along these lines as Ember releases more music videos.

Don"t be too disturbed by the "Courtney is dead" imagery. What the public has seen of Courtney was a persona, just like Ember.

Courtney stodden as ember pink flamingo

Courtney-slash-Ember isn"t stopping at these three singles, by the way.

Her album, "Off The Record," drops on July 8. That"s in less than a month!

While some of Courtney"s older songs like "Asphalt" and "Mistletoe Bikini" were a bit more sensational, we"re excited to see more of her artistic side.

And we"ll be eager to see more music videos, of course.

The "For You" music video was a wild ride but we keep getting back in line.

Courtney stodden releases a haunting new music video watch

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Andy Spade Releases Statement, Is in "Complete Shock" Over Kate Spade Suicide

Andy Spade has spoken out in great and heartwrenching detail about his estranged wife’s death.

The statement comes a day after we learned that world famous fashion designer Kate Spade committed suicide inside her Park Avenue apartment in New York City.

She was 55 years old.

“Kate was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was the kindest person I’ve ever known and my best friend for 35 years,” said Andy to open his lengthy message, which continues as follows;

“My daughter and I are devastated by her loss, and can’t even begin to fathom life without her. We are deeply heartbroken and miss her already.

Andy and Kate were parents to a 13-year old girl.

And Andy is the brother of David Spade, who released his own statement on Tuesday night.

He went on to address his wife’s mental condition:

“Kate suffered from depression and anxiety for many years. She was actively seeking help and working closely with her doctors to treat her disease, one that takes far too many lives.

“We were in touch with her the night before and she sounded happy. There was no indication and no warning that she would do this. It was a complete shock.

“And it clearly wasn’t her. There were personal demons she was battling.”

Andy says he and Kate had been living separately for close to a year.

They continued to dine together on occasion and remained a part of each other’s lives, however, for the sake of their child.

He references her in the next part of his statement:

Bea was living with both of us and we saw each other or spoke every day. We ate many meals together as a family and continued to vacation together as a family.

Our daughter was our priority. We were not legally separated, and never even discussed divorce. We were best friends trying to work through our problems in the best way we knew how.

We were together for 35 years. We loved each other very much and simply needed a break.

Spade went on to shoot down any talk to the contrary, while emphasizing that his daughter is now his only concern.

“This is the truth. Anything else that is out there right now is false. [Kate] was actively seeking help for depression and anxiety over the last 5 years, seeing a doctor on a regular basis and taking medication for both depression and anxiety. There was no substance or alcohol abuse.

There were no business problems. We loved creating our businesses together. We were co-parenting our beautiful daughter.

I have yet to see any note left behind and am appalled that a private message to my daughter has been so heartlessly shared with the media.

(According to multiple sources, Kate Spade left a suicide note that assured her child that she loved her and that her fate was not her fault.)

Concluded Andy:

My main concern is Bea and protecting her privacy as she deals with the unimaginable grief of losing her mother. Kate loved Bea so very much.

Since Kate’s passing, a multitude designers, celebrities, fashion lovers and family members have been paying tribute online via photos, statements and personal memories.

We are all devastated by today’s tragedy,” a family statement read, according to The New York Times, adding:

“We loved Kate dearly and will miss her terribly. We would ask that our privacy be respected as we grieve during this very difficult time.”

Our condolences go out to the Spade family and all affected by this tragedy.


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Kanye West Releases New Track "Lift Yourself"

Kanye West’s new track is out, and the lyrics include lines like “poopity scoop,” “scoobity doop” and more “scoopity woops.” Kanye tweeted a link to his site Friday, which shows the song is labeled “Lift Yourself Master.” Like a lot of things the…


Friday, April 27, 2018

Amy Schumer Hospitalized, Releases Statement on Her Health

Has this week worn you out? Amy Schumer’s had it worse.

The comedian has taken to social media to reveal that she’s spent the past five days in the hospital.

This is serious.

Beside a series of photos that show Amy in a hospital bed, she writes:

“Here’s what I’ve been up to this week. I was hospitalized for 5 days with a horrible kidney infection.”

That is not good.

“I want to give a big thank you to the doctors, the bad ass nurses, also my husband who’s name is, i want to say, Chris?”

Her husband’s name is, in fact, Chris Fischer. The two got married back in February. Famously, Amy’s vows included a promise to continue blowing him.

“And my sisters Kimby and mol who have been by my side the whole time.”

They must be very concerned for her. And of course they are — they love her.

She then speaks to her fans:

“I wanted to share this with you because this is sexy as hell.”

On a more serious note, she wants to apologize for having to cancel.

“But mostly because I was meant to go to London for the opening of I Feel Pretty and my doctors have told me that’s a no go.”

I Feel Pretty, of course, is a new film starring Amy Schumer, Emily Ratajkowski, and Michelle Williams.

“I’m really disappointed selfishly to miss this trip because I love London and Europe in general and all the great people (food) there.”

(In my experience, food in the US tends to taste better than most of what you’ll find in Europe, but … Amy has a brand to maintain)

“But I need to put my health first.”

Of course.

Amy Schumer Hospital Room Snap

She wants to express her gratitude.

“I am so grateful for all the support the movie is getting.”

She almost starts to sound a little (understandably) loopy, though it’s hard to tell if it’s just Amy Schumer being Amy Schumer or if her illness and stay in the hospital are taking its toll.

“I hope people check it out in England and everywhere else in the world.”

Is it weird that it’s kind of touching that she’s plugging her movie from her hospital bed?

“It’s sweet and fun and you will walk out feeling better.”

Naturally, we all hope that she feels better, too.

“Which is something I hope to feel soon too.”

Amy Schumer Replies of Worry

Amy immediately received an outpouring of support.

From regular fans, and from celebrities.

Andy Cohen, Amber Rose, Octavia Spencer, Tan France (from Queer Eye), Reese Witherspoon, and Busy Phillips were among the fellow stars who wish her well.

And those are, of course, just the public messages.

(Our favorite has to be Andy offering to send Sonja Morgan to sing to her)

Some especially cynical folks might be tempted to theorize that Amy is exaggerating the situation to promote her movie.

While it’s true that she does give the film a boost in her captions, she’s doing that because she can’t actually be there at the premiere.

And, you know, she stars in the movie. Not everything is a conspiracy theory.

We don’t know what kind of kidney infection it is, only that it caused her to remain in the hospital for five days.

We wish Amy Schumer a full, speedy recovery.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Quavo Releases High School Football Highlight Reel, And He"s Ballin" Like Mike Vick!

Quavo just dropped the never-before-seen highlight package of his days as a high school QB — and we gotta say, Huncho’s GOT GAME. In the tape, the Migos rap star shows why he’s Gwinnett County, Georgia’s all-time completions leader … breaking…


Monday, March 12, 2018

Taylor Swift Releases Music Video. Does Anyone Care?

Remember when the release of a Taylor Swift music video was more than just an Internet event?

Remember when it was practically a national holiday?

Those days are not all that long ago… yet it certainly seems as if buzz surrounding the artist has died down considerably since nearly the entire world scoffed as her "Look What You Made Me Do" video.

Has the music world moved on from Taylor Swift?

It"s an interesting question in light of her unveiling the video for the single "Delicate" at the 2018 iHeartRadio Music Awards.

The singer, who did win Female Artist of the Year at the show, opens the clip by being interviewed on the red carpet.

She is then handed some kind of magical note before she walks into a hotel lobby, where she’s asked to pose for a selfie by a fan prior to her bodyguards taking her away.

From here, Swift realizes she’s suddenly become invisible (yes, invisible) and celebrates by tossing off her shoes and dancing up a storm … including shaking it off on top of the hotel bar.

There has to be a message in here somewhere, right?

About Swift sort of wishing she could be invisible at times?

Next, Taylor is in the subway, crawling barefoot on to the cleanest train anyone has ever seen in the history of this transportation system.

The scene then shifts to show her up at street level, where it’s pouring rain.

(There"s a glimpse at one point of Joe’s Deli, which we"re guessing is and to boyfriend Joe Alwyn.)

At this point, Swift truly goes for it, spinning on the roof of a car and doing some splits.

She feels more free and more content than ever before, it seems.

Eventually, however, the note dissolves in Taylor"s hand and suddenly all the patrons at a bar can see her again. Darn!

And while it does seem as if Swift"s reputation has taken a hit of late, she still has quite the passionate fan base on social media.

“@taylorswift13 the music video is so pure and real i cant stop crying and the meaning behind is important i love you with my whole heart,” one person wrote in response, while another added:

"Honey the freedom and the happiness you showed in the video was everything…such an amazing reminder to be yourself and to never be afraid to do what’s right for you I LOVE YOU."

Ready to react for yourself?

Check out the video now:

Taylor swift releases delicate music video no one seems to care

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Jill Zarin Loses Husband to Cancer, Releases Moving Statement

Bobby Zarin has lost his battle against cancer.

The husband of Real Housewives of New York City star Jill Zarin, Bobby passed away on Saturday while surrounded by family members and loved ones.

He was 71 years old.

In tribute to her late soulmate, Jill posted an official statement on her website on behalf of the family.

It reads as follows:

“With the heaviest of hearts, we are devastated to share the news that our beloved Bobby Zarin passed away peacefully today surrounded by family after a courageous battle with cancer.

“There are no words to describe how heartbroken we are. Thank you, everyone for all your love, and support during this difficult time.”

Along with this simple and sentimental message, the website included a photo of Bobby in a suit.

Here it is:

bobby z

Bobby Zarin was initially diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2009.

He went on to have his thyroid removed, while also undergoing radioactive iodine treatment in an attempt to overcome the very serious illness.

“He’s in a better place now,” said friend and fellow Bravo personality Ramona Singer to E! News.

In July of 2015, Bobby spoke to People Magazine about the diagnosis and treatment.

“The radioactive iodine usually kills off whatever undetectable cancer cells are left in your body after surgery,” he explained at the time, adding:

“We thought it was cured – and it usually is in about 93 percent of cases. But I wasn’t able to absorb the radioactive iodine. So it came back.”

b and j

In emotional footage shared on her Instagram page back on December 3, Jill discussed how her husband was in the hospital and “was [doing] okay.”

But she clearly knew the end was sadly near.

“I’m just going to miss Bobby,” she said tearfully in this video. “I’m going to miss my life with him.”

Although the Real Housewives of New York City veteran tried to be optimistic throughout Bobby’s treatment, she said “his cancer took an unexpected turn” over the summer.

In July of last year, Bobby was admitted to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, where he recovered from a procedure related to his disease.

“He is not going down without a fight,” Jill told People. “We’re hoping for a miracle.”

The couple was married for 17 years at the time of Bobby’s death.

In addition to Jill, Bobby is survived by his children – David Zarin, 41, Jennifer Zarin, 38, Jonathan Zarin, 35; along with 25-year-old stepdaughter Ally Shapiro.

A service for Bobby will be held at a Riverside Memorial at a yet-to-be determined date.

Our thoughts go out to Jill Zarin and all others affected by this tragedy.

May Bobby Zarin rest in peace.


Friday, January 12, 2018

Taylor Swift Releases "Endgame" Music Video, Featuring Ed Sheeran & Future!

Taylor Swift"s "Endgame" music video quietly dropped, folks! It features partying, drinking, dancing, and more drinking.

Oh, and some hefty appearances by Ed Sheeran and Future. Check it out below!

Taylor swift endgame

Taylor Swift was tremendously popular, even a decade ago. But, for a while, she was a very niche celebrity. Not only was she a hopeless romantic, her music was primarily of the Country variety.

That changed with her 2014 album, 1989. And those of us who weren"t already became obsessed with the undeniably pleasant music of one Ms. Swift.

For more than a year, Taylor Swift was sailing high above the clouds. Everyone wanted to be on her side and no one wanted to cross her.

Until, in 2016, she broke up with underwear model and DJ Calvin Harris. After it was revealed that she had written (and even performed some uncredited vocals in) his biggest hit song, he lashed out at her on Twitter, referencing her feud with Katy. A number of people, fatigued with Taylor"s overexposure in the media, began to turn on her.

And that was when Kim Kardashian struck, releasing a series of months old, edited videos of a conversation between Taylor and Kanye that appeared to frame Taylor Swift as dishonest or "playing the victim."

Taylor swift endgame picture

What"s important to remember about the fued-related songs on Taylor Swift"s Reputation album is that … they"re not really part of the feud.

These songs aren"t weapons designed to hurt Kim Kardashian.

And we don"t know how someone would go about "hurting" Kanye with music.

She slams Kanye with her music, but the guy basically lives on his own private planet.

Taylor"s purpose — in addition to telling her story — is much more practical.

Taylor swift endgame photo

You know they say that success is the best revenge? Well, Taylor Swift is really good at revenge.

Reputation was the top-selling album of 2017. Because of course it was.

Taylor"s success is taking everything that Kim threw at her in 2016 and singing about it for heaps of cold, hard cash. Several of the songs directly reference the feud.

Kim, though she"s never had trouble being wealthy and is arguably a master at turning bad press into a financial gain, won"t find it so easy to directly monetize her side of the feud.

Unless she, like, comes out with some kind of fragrance line called "Snake Repellant" or whatever.

Taylor swift endgame pic

Based on what Taylor put into her "Endgame" music video, you"d think that she"d taken to drinking to cope with her epic feud and the resulting fallout.

Of course, the music video just shows her at a bunch of parties, where drinking is pretty standard. So there"s that.

Taylor"s big guns for the music video are her guest stars.

Remember when Reputation came out, and people were like "wait, did she just get Ed Sheeran to rap?"

That was this song. Long the original track, this music video features both Ed Sheeran and Future.

Taylor swift endgame image

Overall, this video is less powerful than "Look What You Made Me Do" or the high-ish concept video fro "Are You Ready For It."

And, in my opinion, so is the song. (My bestie likes "Endgame" a lot, though)

Some of us prefer the videos with stunning visuals to the ones with drinking and partying. We can all drink and party, even if we can"t do it with quite Taylor"s budget.

You know what music videos we"d really like to see from Taylor? "This Is Why We Can"t Have Nice Things" and "Getaway Car." Those were two of the best songs on the whole dang album and don"t get the attention that they deserve.

A nice music video or two could change that.

Taylor swift releases endgame music video featuring ed sheeran a

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Cowboys" Cole Beasley Releases Rap Single, Name Drops Dak, Jerry Jones

Dallas Cowboys WR Cole Beasley … can rap.  The 28-year-old slot receiver just dropped the first single from his new album. It’s called “80 Stings” and Cole hits on everything from Dak Prescott’s throwing ability to his professional…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Sia Releases Nude Photo For Awesome Reason

If you’re familiar with singer Sia’s craeer and public persona, then you’re probably aware that the 41-year-old Aussie doesn’t exactly court the spotlight.

Quite the reverse, in fact, as she routinely conceals her face with outlandish wigs or paper bags when appearing in public.

But while Sia may prefer to remain hidden and keep the focus on her music, she proved today that she’s willing to bare all in order to thwart criminals who seek to profit from invading her privacy.

It seems Sia caught wind of the fact that a secretive group was looking to sell several illicit photos taken by paparazzi while she was in a private residence.

Rather than allow these bastards to cash in on their crimes, she undercut their efforts by posting the images online for free.

“Someone is apparently trying to sell naked photos of me to my fans. Save your money, here it is for free. Everyday is Christmas!” Sia tweeted along with a link to the images.

Obviously, Sia shouldn’t have had to take such drastic actions, but this is certainly a masterclass in turning a negative into a positive!

She even snuck in a plug for her forthcoming holiday album, Everyday Is Christmas.

Sia handled the situation like a boss, but for many, the story is bringing to mind other instances in which public figures saw their privacy invaded by hackers in the most appalling fashion imaginable, the most notable of which may have been the so-called “Fappening” that took place in 2014.

Once again, the issue here is about consent.

Sia has posted nude photos in the past, but she did so of her own volition.

This time, her hand was forced, which makes what happened to her nothing less than a sex crime.

Astonishingly, in 2017 there are grown adults who believe that if a public figure has posted nude photos in the past, they’re now considered fair game, and anyone in possession of additional explicit images can post them with impunity.

This makes about as much sense as arguing that because a woman has had sex before, she can’t be raped.

Sexual assault in Hollywood has been in the news a lot lately, with many brave souls coming forward with shocking stories of abuse.

It’s important to bear in mind that being publicly exposed against one’s will can be a traumatizing experience that takes a lifelong toll on the victim–and the perpetrators of such misdeeds are criminals who must be brought to justice, just the same as Harvey Weinstein and his ilk.
