Monday, August 6, 2018

Demi Lovato Releases First Statement Since Near-Fatal Overdose

Demi Lovato has spoken out for the first time since nearly dying of a drug overdose just under two weeks ago.

In a statement released to the public, the beloved and troubled singer addressed this frightening incident… her road to recovery… and those who have been responsible for her well-being over the past several days.

Scroll down to see what Lovato had to say…

Via Instagram, this is how Demi opened her heartfelt message to fans and supporters:

I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction. What I’ve learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time.

It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet.

Lovato, as you likely know by now, was found unconscious inside her Los Angeles bedroom on Tuesday morning, July 31.

Initial reports indicated that Lovato has overdosed on heroin, but follow-up articles made it clear that the substance Lovato ingested or injected remains unknown.

The same can be said for Lovato’s status.

We know she’s alive. We know she nearly died. And we believe she has agreed to attend some sort of rehab for the third time over the past few years.

Continues Lovato in her statement:

I want to thank God for keeping me alive and well. To my fans, I am forever grateful for all of your love and support throughout this past week and beyond.

Your positive thoughts and prayers have helped me navigate through this difficult time.

Lovato has been hospitalized at Cedars-Sinai in California for well over a week now.

In her message, the artist acknowledges that she came very close to dying.

And that she likely would have passed away if not for those around her (an assistant called 911) and the medical professionals who took over from there.

Writes the singer:

I want to thank my family, my team, and the staff at Cedars-Sinai who have been by my side this entire time.

Without them I wouldn’t be here writing this letter to all of you.

It’s hopefully a positive sign that Lovato recognizes this fact.

If she understands how close she came to accidentally killing herself, perhaps she will take the steps needed to attempt to get better once and for all.

Without revealing her plans for the future, this is how Lovato concluded her post:

I now need time to heal and focus on my sobriety and road to recovery. The love you have all shown me will never be forgotten and I look forward to the day where I can say I came out on the other side.

I will keep fighting.

We can’t say for certain when we’ll next hear from Lovato, but that isn’t important right now of course.

She needs to take as much time as she needs to heal, mentally and physically, and it will likely serve her best to do so far away from the spotlight.

We just hope she knows how much her fans love her as she takes the time she needs to arrive in a healthier place.
