Showing posts with label NearFatal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NearFatal. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Isabel Rock Involved in Near-Fatal Car Crash

Isabel Rock says she is lucky to be alive.

The fiancee of former Little People, Big World star has provided Instagram followers with an update on her life…

… and it’s a doozy!

“Today I got in my third car accident,” Rock wrote on social media Monday, prior to delving into further troubling detail as follows:

“Somebody pulled out to turn and went into the furthest lane instead of the lane closest to them. Of course, I tried my best to avoid them but they hit my driver door anyway and threw me into the ditch.”

Whoa there.


Thankfully, Isabel sounds like she’s alright. Physically, at least.

“I am okay, a little sore; my car is not, but my little car potentially saved my life. My entire door ended up coming off and the car is likely totaled,” she added.

Rock and Roloff will be getting married on September 7, 2019.

They got engaged last December following many years of dating.

The two basically spend all of their time traveling around the Pacific Northwest.

They constantly share photos of themselve enjoying nature, each other and their two adorable dogs.

“It’s really hard not to wonder why these things happen to you in the moment, but part of my growth is trying to find the lesson in everything,” Rock added in her upsetting update.

Isabel, over whom Jacob is constantly gushing, also expressed gratitude for the situation.

It really could have been so much worse.

“I am grateful I was alone in my car, that I didn’t have Jacob with me orr Moose with me like I usually do,” she noted of her fiance and her dog, adding:

““I am grateful that the other person was okay. I am grateful that I’ve walked away from all my car accidents without anything more than a concussion and sore muscles.

“I am grateful that it happened close to home so that both my dad and Jacob could be at my side within minutes of the accident.”

What a great attitude, right?

Neither Rock nor Roloff appears on Little People, Big World.

The latter quit the show over a year ago, dedicating his life far less to television and far more to trying to answer some profound life questions.

He and Isabel seem like a perfect match.

“Counting my blessings today,” she concluded in her post, joking:

“Also kind of convinced the universe doesn’t want me to drive anymore because the odds are stacked against me now.”

We’re just glad Rock walked away from this frightening accident in one, perspective-filled piece.


Monday, August 27, 2018

Demi Lovato"s Drug Dealer Actually Speaks on Near-Fatal Overdose

The man who allegedly sold Demi Lovato the drugs that nearly ended her life has actually stopped on the sidewalk and given an interview.

And he’s talked rather openly about the entire situation as well.

Over the past week or so, reports have identified Brandon Johnson as the dealer with whom Lovato had supposedly worked since April.

The two had developement a pretty close relationship that some outlets even claimed cross over from professional… to plutonic… to sexual.

Jacobs had just recently gotten arrested prior to meeting Demi — and has been under fire (even more fire than comes the way of most drug dealers, that is) because there’s a rumor floating around that Lovato took tainted drugs.

This is to say, Demi may have been unaware that the substance she was given had been laced with fentanyl.

Was this the case, TMZ asked Johnson when the website grabbed a few moments with him over the weekend?

No, the drug dealer replied.

The artist “100% she knew what she was taking,” Johnson tells TMZ, adding:

“I disclosed to her that these were not pharmaceutical. There were after market drugs, they were much stronger. She understood fully.”

Johnson would very obviously be an example of the kind of toxic acquiantance that Demi let into her life since she fell off the wagon this past spring.

He says the two had a  “flirty friendship” that did, at times, becomes a “sexual” relationship and that they occasionally “messed around.”

Why did she text him at 4 a.m. the night of July 23, after going out with some friends to celebrate a birthday and then going back to her home with a select few of them?

“Cause she’s a girl and she wanted to kick it,” he said.

What did he and Lovato during at this late hour?

“We hung out. We watched our detective shows as usual… she sometimes has such long days, stressful hours and a stressful job” and she needs to relax.

Johnson admitted that he and Demi also took drugs together, but he didn’t get into any specifics and he claimed to not even have known what the drugs were mixed with.

Moreover, Lovato was a “little drunk” when he showed up, this shady individual confirms, but he tucked her in and left around 7 a.m. or 8 a.m. after she appears to be safely in bed, asleep.

“I’m not here to hurt anybody. I care for her very much,” the drug dealer told TMZ, concluding:

“I care for her a lot. I hope she comes through this better than she was before she got into it.”

Last we heard, Lovato was doing pretty well in rehab.

She is at an undisclosed location and she will remain there for an extensive period of time; the rest of the year, at minimum, according to various insiders.

When she gets out, she’d be wise to continue therapy in some fashion; to rely on her family members and long-term friends; and to never contact anyone such as Johnson ever again.

Hang in there, Demi. We’re thinking of you.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Demi Lovato Releases First Statement Since Near-Fatal Overdose

Demi Lovato has spoken out for the first time since nearly dying of a drug overdose just under two weeks ago.

In a statement released to the public, the beloved and troubled singer addressed this frightening incident… her road to recovery… and those who have been responsible for her well-being over the past several days.

Scroll down to see what Lovato had to say…

Via Instagram, this is how Demi opened her heartfelt message to fans and supporters:

I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction. What I’ve learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time.

It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet.

Lovato, as you likely know by now, was found unconscious inside her Los Angeles bedroom on Tuesday morning, July 31.

Initial reports indicated that Lovato has overdosed on heroin, but follow-up articles made it clear that the substance Lovato ingested or injected remains unknown.

The same can be said for Lovato’s status.

We know she’s alive. We know she nearly died. And we believe she has agreed to attend some sort of rehab for the third time over the past few years.

Continues Lovato in her statement:

I want to thank God for keeping me alive and well. To my fans, I am forever grateful for all of your love and support throughout this past week and beyond.

Your positive thoughts and prayers have helped me navigate through this difficult time.

Lovato has been hospitalized at Cedars-Sinai in California for well over a week now.

In her message, the artist acknowledges that she came very close to dying.

And that she likely would have passed away if not for those around her (an assistant called 911) and the medical professionals who took over from there.

Writes the singer:

I want to thank my family, my team, and the staff at Cedars-Sinai who have been by my side this entire time.

Without them I wouldn’t be here writing this letter to all of you.

It’s hopefully a positive sign that Lovato recognizes this fact.

If she understands how close she came to accidentally killing herself, perhaps she will take the steps needed to attempt to get better once and for all.

Without revealing her plans for the future, this is how Lovato concluded her post:

I now need time to heal and focus on my sobriety and road to recovery. The love you have all shown me will never be forgotten and I look forward to the day where I can say I came out on the other side.

I will keep fighting.

We can’t say for certain when we’ll next hear from Lovato, but that isn’t important right now of course.

She needs to take as much time as she needs to heal, mentally and physically, and it will likely serve her best to do so far away from the spotlight.

We just hope she knows how much her fans love her as she takes the time she needs to arrive in a healthier place.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Bob Harper Goes Vegetarian After Near-Fatal Heart Attack

PETA has a friend in Bob Harper, who says he’s cut meat completely out of his diet after almost dropping dead from a massive heart attack back in February. We got the ‘Biggest Loser’ trainer and host in Bev Hills Tuesday and he looked healthy as a…


Saturday, June 3, 2017

Trista Sutter: Bachelorette Star Suffers Near-Fatal Seizure!

From what we’ve heard of Trista Sutter, she’s had a pretty great life so far.

After all, she will forever be known as the very first Bachelorette, and how could anything else top that prestige?

Trista’s also one of the few people to appear on The Bachelorette or The Bachelor who’s been able to find lasting love: she’s been married to Ryan Sutter since 2003 and they have two children together.

But unfortunately, despite all these good things, things took a dark turn earlier this week.

Trista is currently on a European vacation with her family, and yesterday she shared a shocking photo of herself in a hospital bed.

In a lengthy Instagram post, she explained “This was me yesterday … two hours after I had a seizure.”

“… two hours after I fell on my daughter’s chest & she watched, along with her brother & grandparents, in confusion & horror as her mommy stared blankly off into the distance and started turning blue.”

“… two hours after we were supposed to have an adventure. An adventure to one of the most beautiful National Parks in Europe.”

Sounds pretty dramatic and horrifying, right? It only gets worse.

“Instead,” Trista continued, “I ended up in a euphoric white dream that the voices of my husband and daughter pulled me from and I ended up in a Croatian hospital being poked and prodded and wondering ‘why me?"”

In an inspirational turn, she added “But today, I had to ask, ‘why not me?’ I’m human. I have an expiration date.”

“I’ve always envisioned that date being sometime after my kids have graduated college, met the loves of their lives and created families of their own …”

“But I was reminded yesterday that it could come anytime, in any country, whether I’m surrounded by strangers or people I love, or neither, or both.”

“I’ve never been perfect and I never will be,” Trista wrote, “but from here on out, I vow to try my best to live this life to the fullest.”

“To embrace gratitude and the lessons I wrote about over 3 years ago with a newly acquired perspective.”

“To stress less. To love more. To listen. Be kind. Spread joy. To be a better version of myself as a wife, mother, sister, cousin, niece, aunt, neighbor, daughter, and friend.”

She took time to thank her loved ones, her fans, and, of course, #BachelorNation.

She also thanked the strangers around her when she had her seizure, the ones she said “held my hand, wiped my tears, and hugged my kids.

Finally, she thanked her family, especially Ryan.

“Without you,” she said, “I don’t know that I would be here today. You are my everything and I love you forevermore.”

In closing, she urged anyone who read her message to “be thankful for your life and and blessings. Tell the people you love how you feel and live with grateful enthusiasm.”

Because, as she says, “I plan to.”

Best wishes to Trista, and here’s hoping that her health improves!


Friday, May 5, 2017

"Revenge of the Nerds" Star Admits "Psychotic Breakdown" But Near-Fatal Crash Was Wife"s Fault

“Revenge of the Nerds” star Robert Carradine admits being in a psychotic state when he slammed into a semi-truck head-on that nearly killed him and his wife … but he claims it’s HER fault because she cut off his meds. Robert says he…


"Revenge of the Nerds" Star Admits "Psychotic Breakdown" But Near-Fatal Crash Was Wife"s Fault

“Revenge of the Nerds” star Robert Carradine admits being in a psychotic state when he slammed into a semi-truck head-on that nearly killed him and his wife … but he claims it’s HER fault because she cut off his meds. Robert says he…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"Harry Potter" Actor Reunited With Dog After Near-Fatal Car Crash (VIDEO)

‘Harry Potter’ actor Jim Tavaré is slowly recovering from the car accident that sent him to ICU for 2 weeks, and this week he got a dose of love from his pooch. For the first time since the accident, Jim was taken outside of the…


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Scott Disick: Hospitalized After Near-Fatal Overdose?

It’s been almost three months since Scott Disick finished rehab, and though the troubled reality star has attempted to kick booze and drugs several times in the past, insiders indicated that this time, Disick seemed more committed to sobriety than ever before.

So you can imagine the shock of his friends and family when Disick allegedly overdosed on a potentially deadlty mix of drugs and alcohol last month.

According to Radar Online, Disick was found unresponsive in his bed on January 31 after allegedly consuming alcohol, cocaine and Viagra during a party at his Los Angeles home.

“He was given an adrenaline shot to revive him,” says one insider. “It was a lot like that crazy scene out of Pulp Fiction.

“He had to be shaken for 30 minutes before he finally woke up. Everyone thought he was dead.”

Disick was reportedly checked into a nearby hospital under an assumed name and released the next day.

Frighteningly, sources say it’s not the first time that Scott has nearly killed himself with drugs in recent months.

“He’s a total mess,” says one insider, adding that Disick has been known to combine drugs such as Ecstasy, sizzurp, and oxycodone, usually while drinking.

The behavior is made more shocking by the fact that it comes on the heels of Lamar Odom’s near-fatal overdose in October.

Friends say they’re unsure if Disick hopes to take his own life, but they believe his latest bender indicates that he doesn’t care if he lives of dies.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Did KUWTK Just Tease Lamar Odom"s Near-Fatal Overdose?

"The life-changing episode you will never forget."

If the overdramatic preview is any indication, this Sunday"s episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians begins the storyline that leads up to Lamar Odom"s October 13th overdose at a Nevada brothel.

No visual footage was shown, but the snippets of audio on Fishwrapper reveal the normally-mellow family (jk) voicing their concerns over a suspicious phone call.

"She calls me, hysterical" Kim Kardashian says, recounting a phone call with Khloe.

In another snippet, Khloe can be heard saying over the phone, "tell me where you are so I can help you," most likely to Odom.

"Call 911 immediately," Kris Jenner says helpfully.  "No joke."

It was hoped that the Kardashians wouldn"t feature Odom"s medical scare on the series, but RATINGS.

Prior to the brothe incident, Odom allegedly "pleaded with Khloe to stop having the production crew from KUWTK film their phone conversations," according to Radar Online.

"He wanted them to remain private. 

"Because Lamar had previously signed off on having his phone calls recorded when he was married to Khloe, [he could still be] part of the show," the source added. 

"He was powerless."

In November, sources told the publication that the Kardashians "snuck" a camera crew into Cedars Sinai hospital in Los Angeles, where Odom had been transferred from a Nevada hospital.

"They used hand held cameras and wires and just went for it," the source claimed.

Did kuwtk just tease lamar odoms near fatal overdose

Friday, October 2, 2015

Jill Zarin: Hospitalized After Near-Fatal Car Crash

Former Real Housewives of New York star Jill Zarin was hospitalized this afternoon after surviving a terrifying car crash on the FDR expressway.

Witnesses say Zarin was unconscious at the scene, having suffered what appeared to be a serious head injury.

Little is known about her condition, but insiders report that Zarin has regained consciousness and was released from the hospital moments ago after several hours of tests and observation.

“Jill was in the car with her publicist on her way to promote her film, Night of the Wild, when the driver slammed on the brakes and crashed into a three-car pile up,” a source close to Zarin tells Radar Online.

“The car was going about 30 mph but Jill wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. The lesson from all of this is always wear your seatbelt.”

Zarin was fired from the Bravo series that made her famous back in 2012.

There were rumors that she would be re-hired by RHONY producers last season, but the deal never materialized for an interesting reason.

Apparently, Zarin’s feud with co-star Bethenny Frankel was so serious that Frankel refused to return the show if Zarin was offered a contract.

Several Bravo stars expressed their concern for Zarin via social media today. Not surprisingly, Frankel has yet to do so.