Showing posts with label Odom's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Odom's. Show all posts

Monday, May 28, 2018

Lamar Odom"s NBA Dream Team: Jordan, Magic, LeBron, Kareem And Who?!

It isn’t Shaq. It ain’t Larry Bird. And it isn’t Kobe … but Lamar Odom DOES have a final member in mind for his NBA dream team’s starting five. The first four are obvious: “Magic Johnson, Abdul-Jabbar, Jordan, LeBron,” he told TMZ Sports outside…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Terrified of Lamar Odom"s Upcoming Tell-All?!

Remember the good old days of Khlomar?

Sure, things ended terribly for Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom, and yes, it turned out that things were never actually that great for them, either.

Khloe has said that she managed to keep a lot of Lamar’s issues private for longer than we know, and they’ve both been open about how he cheated on her.

But still, there was a lot of love between them, and when things were good, they were so good, you know?

And that’s why it’s a little surprising that Khloe is reportedly freaking out about the possibility of Lamar writing a tell-all.

To back up a little, yes, Lamar has confirmed that he’s working on a book.

He told Hollywood Life that the book would be an “autobiography of my life,” and that he’s “looking forward to that.”

When asked exactly what would be included in his story, he said “Everything! Everything! Just everything!”

“Open about everything, everything that has been going on in my life! About the facts!” 

He sure seems excited about it, right?

And goodness knows he has plenty of material.

He could write about his basketball career — several ups and downs there — and his troubled childhood.

He could write about his 2015 overdose, how he very nearly died in a brothel. We imagine that information could sell some copies.

He could also write about the Kardashians.

And that seems to be an issue.

According to a source, Khloe’s entire family is “very concerned about this tell-all book,” and they have “reached out to ask him to be respectful.”

“Lamar has spoken recklessly about her family in the past,” the source says, so “Khloe fears what major secrets he could reveal.”

“While Khloe and the rest of the Kardashians try to live a good life, they are no saints.”

… Is that supposed to be a shocker?

“Like any family,” the source continues, “they have skeletons in their closet which could seriously hurt their brand if revealed.”

Their “brand” was started with a sex tape Kim Kardashian made with Ray J. How much lower could they go?

Maybe Lamar knows that he’s usually a pretty sympathetic figure, and he has dirt on Khloe he could twist to his advantage.

Or maybe since he used to be so close with Rob Kardashian, he knows some things about him that the family wouldn’t really want to be made public.

It’s hard to say exactly what they’re afraid of.

It’s also hard to say whether or not Lamar will take it easy on them.

For the most part, he’s been nothing but respectful about the entire family — but he’s also been very honest about how upset he’s been about losing Khloe.

One thing’s for sure: we’ll be eagerly awaiting the release of any and all book Lamar releases from now until the end of time.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

DeAndre Jordan: Lamar Odom"s One of the Best Teammates Ever

DeAndre Jordan is riding hard for Lamar Odom — not only reconnecting with the guy, but giving him one of the best compliments you can get in team sports.  Earlier this week, DJ and Odom hit the L.A. nightclub scene — lookin’ like old times…


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Lamar Odom"s Family Lays Into Khloe Kardashian: What a Disgrace!

If Lamar Odom is really trying to win back Khloe Kardashian, he may want to tell certain family members to stop slamming his ex-wife.

Following the reality star’s admission that she actually faked trying to get pregnant while married to Odom, the former basketball player’s cousin has come out with some harsh words against Kardashian.

“There’s no way to defend what Khloe did. It is disgraceful,” Simone Greggs tells In Touch, holding very little back.

Odom’s relative goes on to acknowledge certain devious actions committed by her loved one, but says they don’t compare to what Khloe pulled.

“Yes, Lamar deceived Khloe with his infidelities, but she deceived him too by faking fertility treatments when she knew all along she didn’t want to bring a baby into the world.

“That’s betrayal.”

On the season finale of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Khloe admitted that she told Lamar she was undergoing IVF in order for the couple to conceive after many years of trying and failing.

But she was apparently misleading her then-husband.

“I knew the circumstances weren’t the healthiest,” Khloe said on camera, referring to her toxic marriage with the NBA star that ended more than three years ago.

“So I just kept pretending I was doing it.”

Khloe and Lamar were married for four years, but the latter struggled with an addiction to drugs and alcohol during a significant portion of their relationship.

“I had to stop [the treatments[ because there was much deeper stuff that was happening in our marriage,” Khloe said during a confessional last Sunday night, adding:

“It wasn’t the right kind of situation to bring a child into, and I think I’ve done a lot of covering up for him.”

We’re guessing Khloe would admit at this point that she didn’t handle the situation so well.

She likely should have been up front with Lamar.

But we can’t begin to understand what she was going through at the time, in terms of Lamar’s drug use and, later on, his admitted infidelity.

At this point in her life, meanwhile, it sounds as if Khloe is ready to take this major step in her personal life.

She’s been dating Cleveland Cavaliers power forward Tristan Thompson for several months now and sources say he wants to have kids.

Actually, he wants to have many kids and Kardashian is all for it.

“Tristan and I definitely talk about starting a family,” Khloe told Kim Kardashian on this same finale, adding of her boyfriend:

“He wants to have five or six kids with me and that’s lovely. We could start at one and we could grow from there.”

And they may be starting at this exact moment, as you’re reading this… considering Khloe also confessed she has gone off birth control.

As many viewers may be aware by now, Keeping Up with the Kardashians suffered a ratings crash on Season 13.

Its popularity has fallen pretty far these days, meaning producers may soon be looking for fresh and exciting storylines to freshen things up for Season 14.

In other words: Can anyone else hear wedding bells? Does anyone else think a televised ceremony may be in the works for Khloe and Tristan?

Sorry, Lamar. You really need to move on, buddy.


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Lamar Odom"s Got a Faux Khloe By His Side (PHOTO)

Lamar Odom took a stroll with a woman who could in almost every respect be mistaken for ex-wife Khloe Kardashian. Turns out it’s Lamar’s assistant, but boy … talk about having a type.


Friday, December 16, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Lamar Odom"s Overdose Gave Me Strength!

Khloe Kardashian has been through a lot in the 32 years she’s been on this planet.

She’s gone through many very public struggles with Lamar Odom, she’s struggled with body image and self confidence, she’s related to both Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner.

Horrors upon horrors, right?

But another thing about Khloe is that she’s always been an open book, ready and willing to share her feelings and her experiences, no matter how personal or how dumb they may be.

And that’s admirable. So admirable that we’re kind of loving her after reading this new interview she did with Health magazine.

Khloe kicks off the interview by talking about her denim line, Good American, and how important it was for her to offer a wide range of sizes without referring to any of them as “plus size.”

She says that she did that because when she was bigger — she was a size 12 at one point, “god forbid!” — people would “shun” her when she was trying to shop for clothes.

She then inexplicably added that her denim line offers jeans with contoured waistbands for women with smaller waists and bigger hips, because “We have booties and hips, and that’s what being a woman is all about.”

Sure, girl, whatever you say.

But then things get a little more personal. Khloe reveals that she started going to the gym in the first place because “I was going through my divorce, and I just really needed an outlet.”

“I would go there and put my headphones on and get on the elliptical or the stairs,” she says, “and no one would bother me or ask me questions — because even at Starbucks, I would get ‘I’m sorry …"”

She says that she “escaped” to the gym while she was having issues with Lamar Odom, and “as a by-product, I started losing weight.”

Poor Khloe got some hate from people who told her “It took you so long to lose weight,” and she also got it from people who told her “I liked you better when you were fat.”

Hilariously and/or depressingly, she adds that “I get body-shamed now that I work out!”

It turns out that running is Khloe’s least favorite activity, even though, as she says “I don’t even have big boobs!” She explains that “Losing weight, I’ve lost my little chichis. But that’s OK.”

But then the interview took a different turn when Khloe was asked about a different kind of strength — the strength she showed when Lamar overdosed and nearly died last year.

On that subject, she says “This is kind of dark, but after that, my whole family changed all of their wills so that I would be their medical adviser, because you don’t know how someone reacts until you’re put in that situation — God forbid.”

“No one should be put in those situations, but with that, I found strength from within. I was super calm, and I was more like, ‘It’s greater than you,’ and you just get strength.”

“I pray a lot,” she adds. “And I talk to my dad a lot.”

That’s not the only time during the interview that she got personal though — she also talked about her boyfriend, NBA player Tristan Thompson.

“My boyfriend’s a cutie, so I do like big men,” she explains. “I’m five-ten, and he’s six-nine. I love athletes.”

“Someone who has the same interests as me, who likes to work out, like that’s their hobby or their job, that’s fine. Tristan is who I’m into. He’s a little cutie.”

So that’s sweet, right? It sounds like, after all she’s been through, she’s feeling peaceful and happy these days.

Let’s just hope it lasts.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Lamar Odom"s Memory of Son"s Death Pushed Him to Rehab

Lamar Odom checked himself into rehab out of fear he’d go on a major bender as his deceased son’s birthday approached … TMZ Sports has learned. Lamar’s son, Jayden, was born Dec 15, 2005, but died the following June from SIDS. We’re told his son’s…


Lamar Odom"s Memory of Son"s Death Pushed Him to Rehab

Lamar Odom checked himself into rehab out of fear he’d go on a major bender as his deceased son’s birthday approached … TMZ Sports has learned. Lamar’s son, Jayden, was born Dec 15, 2005, but died the following June from SIDS. We’re told his son’s…


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: PREGNANT With Lamar Odom"s Baby?!

For obvious reasons, things between Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom aren’t so great these days.

Last time we checked in on the former NBA star, insiders were reporting that Odom’s family fears for his life due to his continued reliance on drugs and alcohol.

Sources say Odom’s family staged an intervention last month, but things didn’t exactly go according to plan.

In fact, the 36-year-old reportedly “left the location” as soon as he realized what was happening.

Of course, there’s one person who may be more focused that anyone else on the task of getting Lamar to finally put the plug in the jug and throw the stash in the trash for good.

Not only did Khloe Kardashian stick by his side and pay for his medical treatments after Odom overdosed at a Nevada brothel last year, but she may have a new reason to worry about the fate of her estranged husband …

Several media outlets have reported that Khloe may be pregnant with Lamar’s baby.

The rumors originated with a Life & Style report claiming that Khloe got knocked up during a brief reconciliation period in May or June.

“Khloe’s friends buzzing that she’s pregnant, and that [the baby] is Lamar’s,” a source tells the tabloid.

Apparently, Khloe knows that the best way to smack some sense into Lamar is by hitting him in the wallet, and a new report from the Inquistr claims that she’s planning to put an end to his partying by demanding he repay her the estimated $ 10 million he owes her.

“[Khloe has] been bankrolling him for years, ever since he quit the Lakers and became a full-time dropout,” says one insider.

Apparently, Khloe is less worried about getting her money back and more concerned with ensuring that Lamar doesn’t have the cash necessary to indulge his bad habits.

Unfortunately, if Lamar is as bad of an addict as those around him claim, he’ll almost certainly find a way to get his hands on drugs and booze.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Opens Up About Lamar Odom"s Drinking on Twitter

If you watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online, you know recent episodes have depicted Lamar Odom’s miraculous recovery after his near-fatal drug overdose last year.

Last week’s installment even saw Khloe discussing the possibility of remarrying Lamar

Unfortunately, the show was filmed several months ago, and in the present day, Khloe is distancing herself from Odom, who appears to be suffering a relapse after months of astonishing progress.

On Sunday, photos of Odom drinking in a bar surfaced for the second time in as many months, and it seems Khloe is fed up with her estranged husband’s apparent indifference toward his own well-being.

“SMH,” Khloe tweeted, just after the photos surface online.

“Hummmmmm … People disappoint,” she added shortly thereafter.

Usually, Khloe is far more verbose when she’s upset about something, but in this case, her lack of words speaks volumes.

Khloe essentially put her life on hold to assist Lamar in his recovery, even seemingly abandoning a promising relationship to devote herself fully to her ex.

Her payoff has been watching Odom unashamedly return to partying just weeks after walking out of the hospital – a feat that many thought he would never achieve.

The first time Lamar was spotted drinking it was in an LA bar, just hours before he met up with Khloe and her family for Easter Sunday church services.

This time, he was spotted downing beers at the Beverly Center mall after allegedly drinking all weekend.

It’s not hard to see why Khloe is on the verge of washing her hands of the situation.

Here’s hoping Lamar can get the help he needs before it’s too late.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Khloe Kardashian KICKED ME OUT, Says Lamar Odom"s Father

While Khloe Kardashian keeps teasing the media on whether or not she plans to reconcile with estranged husband Lamar Odom, her father-in-law Joe Odom has claimed that she kicked him out of his home last year.

Joe, a veteran who suffers from PTSD and pneumonia, lived in a $ 4,000-a-month home with his wife Cecelia in Los Angeles, the rent on which his son Lamar paid for 10 years.

But when Lamar fell into a coma following a drug overdose last November, Khloe took over her husband’s finances and cut Joe off, he told the Post.

“She disrespected me,” Lamar’s dad told the paper.

“She decided to kick me out of my home when Lamar was in hospital in Nevada.”

Joe said the bad news was not delivered by Khloe, but by accountants.

“Khloe didn’t even have the guts to tell me herself that my rent wasn’t going to be paid anymore,” he said.

“She got the guys who handle Lamar’s money to call me and they said the rent wouldn’t be paid, I gotta move and my phone was going to get cut off.”

Joe and his wife had no choice but to move back to Brooklyn, where they are struggling financially.

He says he wishes he could be closer to his son.

“I just wish I could be at his side in LA to support him, but Khloe doesn’t want me there,” he said.

In 2013, Lamar publicly blamed his father for his issues with drugs and claimed his dad was never there for him as a child.

Joe has trashed the Kardashian family in the past and has spoken out against Lamar’s marriage to Khloe.

“They brought him down,” he said.

“He would be better off without them… I think the best thing for him would be to have a clean break, divorce Khloe and as a single man try and get his life back together.”

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Lamar Odom"s Kids: PISSED OFF That He Snubbed Them in N.Y.!

Fans were thrilled to see Lamar Odom back on his feet last week, but two of his biggest fans weren’t pleased after he snubbed them.


His trip to Kanye West’s New York Fashion Week show last Thursday was his first official appearance since being hospitalized last year.

Odom’s recovery has been somewhat miraculous, and there are even rumors of Lamar and Khloe Kardashian back together for real.

Pretty amazing stuff, right? Not for Destiny Odom and Lamar Odom, Jr.

“He didn’t see his kids when he was in NYC and the kids were upset,” an insider says. “They were supposed to come out and see him.”

However, “Lamar has been embarrassed to call, and they are angry.”

Destiny and Lamar Jr., the two surviving children from his relationship with his ex-girlfriend Liza Morales, “were very upset” about this.

The 36-year-old’s NYC trip was very brief – he flew back to L.A. on Friday, February 12 – but it reflects an ongoing issue with Morales.

There’s no love lost between Khloe, Lamar’s wife and the woman who was making medical decisions for him, and his children’s mother.

Morales and the kids rushed to the former NBA star’s side when he was hospitalized following an overdose at a Las Vegas-area brothel.

They also spent Christmas with him, celebrating the holiday in his hospital room at Los Angeles’ Cedars-Sinai before he was discharged.

So to be snubbed as soon as Odom’s feeling better – even if that wasn’t his intention, which we can’t speak to – has got to really sting.

As for the status of Lamar’s health – physically and romantically with Khloe – reports differ from one day to the next, so stay tuned there.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Lamar Odom"s Friend Warns: Don"t Get Back Together With Khloe!

He’s not back to 100%, but those close to Lamar Odom don’t want him getting any ideas about being with Khloe Kardashian.

Jim Harrick, Odom’s former basketball coach and friend of 20 years, spoke to Heat Magazine about visiting his friend.

“The concern now is getting him healthy and back to normal. He’s not himself yet,” Harrick, 77, explained.

Harrick revealed that Odom is as focused on his relationship with Kardashian as he is on his health.

“Lamar’s really concerned about the future and what’s going to happen next,” Harrick admitted.

“I’m just trying to be a friend. Lamar’s grateful for the support.

“You know who your friends are when stuff like this happens.” 

Harrick is worried what might happen if Odom and Kardashian toss out the divorce filing and give their marriage another try.

 “I worry what might happen if things fall apart again [with Khloe],” Harrick told the magazine, adding that they were “on hold right now.”

On Sunday, Odom joined Kardashian and her older sister, Kim for a hike in Calabasas, which Odom was able to complete.

Still, Harrick wants Odom (who is “still living in a rehab facitlity) to put his health above all else.

“All his kidneys and lungs and everything have come back to normal. He’s lost a bit of memory and was forgetting things. I wouldn’t say he’s 100 percent, but slowly he’s getting better. We’re taking it day by day.”

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Lamar Odom"s Recovery: It"s a Miracle!

It was less than five months ago that no one thought he would survive.

Now, it looks like Lamar Odom may make a near-full recovery from his October 2015 overdose at a Nevada brothel.

At the time, sources told TMZ that Odom’s prognosis didn’t look good after he was rushed to the hospital.

A woman at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch South found Odom unconscious in his room, and the manager saw “mucus-type liquid” coming out of Odom’s mouth and nose upon rolling him on his side.

The former NBA player had to be intubated, and his condition was listed as “critical,” while his heart was failing and his kidney and lung functions were in serious trouble.

During those first few weeks, Odom suffered 12 strokes, enough to damage his motor skills indefinitely.  When he finally did wake up from his coma, Odom was unable to recognize family members and could only speak a few works.

Now, Odom appears to have been given a new lease on life.  After beling released from Cedars Sinani Medical Center in Los Angeles, Khloe Kardashian moved him into a home in her gated community, where’s he being looked after.

“Lamar’s cognitive functions have significantly returned,” TMZ reports.  “He’s able to process thoughts, speak them and carry on conversations.”

Although he’s still “a bit slow,” Odom issues are not what they once were.  His memory will lapse from time to time and speaking can be an issue.  

Still, Odom’s hike with Khloe and Kim on Sunday is an indication that he is making huge strides in his recovery.

A source said that Odom’s goal is to not only run again, but to get back into the NBA.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Did KUWTK Just Tease Lamar Odom"s Near-Fatal Overdose?

"The life-changing episode you will never forget."

If the overdramatic preview is any indication, this Sunday"s episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians begins the storyline that leads up to Lamar Odom"s October 13th overdose at a Nevada brothel.

No visual footage was shown, but the snippets of audio on Fishwrapper reveal the normally-mellow family (jk) voicing their concerns over a suspicious phone call.

"She calls me, hysterical" Kim Kardashian says, recounting a phone call with Khloe.

In another snippet, Khloe can be heard saying over the phone, "tell me where you are so I can help you," most likely to Odom.

"Call 911 immediately," Kris Jenner says helpfully.  "No joke."

It was hoped that the Kardashians wouldn"t feature Odom"s medical scare on the series, but RATINGS.

Prior to the brothe incident, Odom allegedly "pleaded with Khloe to stop having the production crew from KUWTK film their phone conversations," according to Radar Online.

"He wanted them to remain private. 

"Because Lamar had previously signed off on having his phone calls recorded when he was married to Khloe, [he could still be] part of the show," the source added. 

"He was powerless."

In November, sources told the publication that the Kardashians "snuck" a camera crew into Cedars Sinai hospital in Los Angeles, where Odom had been transferred from a Nevada hospital.

"They used hand held cameras and wires and just went for it," the source claimed.

Did kuwtk just tease lamar odoms near fatal overdose

Monday, December 21, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: LYING About Lamar Odom"s Health Improvements?!

Over the weekend, promising reports from Lamar Odom’s hospital room indicated that the 36-year-old NBA star was walking for the first time since his near-fatal overdose back in October.

It was a welcome sign of encouragement after weeks of bad news, as sources previously stated that after miraculously emerging from his coma, Odom quickly stalled in his recovery.

Hospital insiders claimed that the overdose left Odom incontinent, immobile and unable to remember his own name, and his loved ones feared that he would need round-the-clock care for the rest of his life.

The news that Lamar was moving about the hospital without assistance was taken as a sign that the former NBA star’s rehabilitation was going as planned, and that Odom might one day be able to live on his own.

Now, however, Radar Online is reporting that Lamar’s progress has been exaggerated reps for the Kardashian family may have played a role in the false reporting of his condition.

“Lamar has made great improvements after the overdose, but he is not walking and unfortunately there is no Christmas miracle for his condition,” says one insider. “He’s still in pretty bad shape.”

So why would the Kardashian family intentionally mislead Lamar’s well-wishers?

Well, it may have something to do with the fact that Lamar is set to leave the hospital sometime in the next few weeks.

Khloe has stated that she will not allow Lamar to live her, and since he’s estranged from the rest of his family, he may be forced to move into an assisted living facility.

Sources close to the family believe the Kardashians are concerned that Lamar’s fans will be angry with Khloe for shutting him out, so they’re preemptively sending the message that his condition isn’t all that bad, and he’ll be ship-shape in no time.

“People close to Lamar believe the Kardashians are completely spinning the story, trying to make it seem like Lamar is better so that when Khloe doesn’t spend as much time with him or let him live with her she won’t get any backlash,” says the source.

“It seems like they are all trying to get ahead of the backlash that is ultimately going to come when Lamar leaves the hospital.”

Say what you will about Kris Jenner – the world’s most cunning momager is always thinking three moves ahead. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Footing Lamar Odom"s Medical Bills?!

While racking up millions of dollars in medical bills, Lamar Odom celebrated his birthday on November 6. The basketball star, who just turned 36, is slowing making progress after overdosing in a Nevada brothel in October.

In the meantime, Odom’s estranged wife, Khloe Kardashian, is stepping in. According to Radar Online, Khloe will foot the bill for her soon-to-be ex-husband’s medical treatment.

An insider revealed, “Lamar is still a rich man on paper, but he’s cash poor because most of his savings are tied up.”

“He burned through an absolute fortune on drugs and hookers this past year or two, so finding immediate funds for these huge private health care bills is getting difficult,” the source added.

Khloe, 31, has shown an overwhelming amount of support and compassion since Odom was admitted into the hospital.

Odom and Kardashian were in the midst of divorcing when Odom overdosed.  Though neither party officially signed the divorce papers, they were in the process off splitting up.

After Odom’s nearly fatal incident, Kardashian rescinded the divorce papers until Odom is healthy again. Now, she is showing her support by paying his medical bills. 

“Khloe told them to send her the bill,” the insider explained. “Money is the least of her worries right now — she just wants Lamar back on his feet as soon as possible.”

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Blocking Lamar Odom"s Kids From Ailing Father?!

Is Khloe Kardashian going out of her way to restrict access to the ailing Lamar Odom, to the point where even his two children can’t see him?

Destiny and Lamar Jr., his children by Liza Morales, flew all the way from New York to L.A. to visit their dad in the hospital this past weekend.

But Khloe tried to block them from seeing him, according to Radar; Odom’s condition is currently dire, but was her decision going too far?

According to a Kardashian family insider, “Khloe tried to stop them from visiting their dad and only wanted things to be on her schedule.”

“But their mom [Liza] stepped in and made sure they had time with [him].”

Previously, the teenagers were by Lamar’s side in Las Vegas hospital where Kardashian ran the show and dictated who could see him.

The Vegas hospital was even more of a “sh!t show,” a source said.

Kardashian and her family members tried to take over, forcing Odom’s children to schedule visits around the reality stars’ schedules.

“Destiny and Lamar Jr. are back in New York now,” the source said, adding, “Their mother is doing everything she can for them.”

“She’s so supportive through all of this terrible situation.”

Some believe Khloe is exploiting Lamar already with her new People cover and amid rumors that Odom will be on Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Still, jumping to the conclusion that she’s more interested in her own fame and her own life than making sure the needs of Lamar’s kids are met?

It’s certainly possible, and given the nature of the Kardashians’ very existence, we can see how people might at least wonder a little.

The evidence is awfully thin here, however. At least so far.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Kris Jenner: Already Cashing In on Lamar Odom"s Overdose?!

There was no truth to the rumors that the Kardashian family brought a camera crew to Lamar Odom’s hospital room following his near-fatal overdose, but that doesn’t mean Momager Kris doesn’t already have big plans for her son-in-law’s return to the spotlight.

According to Radar Online, Kris Jenner is already planning Lamar’s first post-overdose interview. Sources say she’s also working out deals for Lamar’s return to Keeping Up With the Kardashians, and even an E! network special focusing on his recovery.

“All of a sudden, Lamar’s become useful to her again,” says one insider.

And while the reports about camera crews filming a comatose Lamar just hours after his hospitalization turned out to be bogus, the source claims the Kard clan has definitely been compiling footage for eventual use on Lamar’s TV special.

“Anyone saying they’ve not been filming throughout this doesn’t know what they’re talking about,” says the insider.

It wouldn’t be the first time that Kris has used her family’s misfortune to drum up ratings, but the source says her excitement over cashing in on a man who’s still barely able to communicate is particularly unseemly.

“Kris is licking her lips at all the money she’ll make on the back of Lamar’s OD,” the source explains. “She puts on a good show of maternal concern, but there’s always an agenda with Kris and Lamar’s troubles are no exception.”

Monday, October 26, 2015

Lance Bass: Khloe Kardashian Saved Lamar Odom"s Life!

It’s been almost two weeks since Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada.

In that time, the famous faces in Odom’s inner circle have all had their say about the sad situation.

Naturally, Khloe Kardashian gave a statement on Lamar’s health, and her family and friends offered words of support, but there’s one celeb who you might be surprised to learn has an insider’s perspective on Lamar’s near-fatal overdose. 

Lance Bass is a long time Kardashian-Jenner family friend and he’s apparently been in regular contact with Khloe and company in the week’s since Lamar was first hospitalized.

“I was just over at Kris’s house the other day, and, I mean, they put their lives on hold. I give it up to those girls,” Bass told People magazine recently. “Love them or hate them, they really stepped up to the plate and saved his life.” 

“Put their lives on hold” might be a bit of an overstatement, as the stream of half-naked selfies really only let up for a couple days, but we think we know what Lance is trying to say.

It’s true that Khloe appears to be doing everything in her power to nurse Lamar back to health, and she seems to have the full support of her family.

Bass says the situation has been particularly hard on Khloe’s mother, Kris Jenner.

“It’s devastating,” Bass said about Kris. “This is like her son and it’s really sad.”

On a happier note, Bass also stated that Lamar is “improving daily” and he has “high hopes” that Lamar will not only recover, but also devote his life to helping others avoid similar fates:

“If he makes it and he comes out of this, he’s going to change a lot of lives out there and save a lot of lives,” Bass said. “I have a feeling he’s going to really stay clean and really spread the message of living a sober life.”