Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Lamar Odom"s Family Lays Into Khloe Kardashian: What a Disgrace!

If Lamar Odom is really trying to win back Khloe Kardashian, he may want to tell certain family members to stop slamming his ex-wife.

Following the reality star’s admission that she actually faked trying to get pregnant while married to Odom, the former basketball player’s cousin has come out with some harsh words against Kardashian.

“There’s no way to defend what Khloe did. It is disgraceful,” Simone Greggs tells In Touch, holding very little back.

Odom’s relative goes on to acknowledge certain devious actions committed by her loved one, but says they don’t compare to what Khloe pulled.

“Yes, Lamar deceived Khloe with his infidelities, but she deceived him too by faking fertility treatments when she knew all along she didn’t want to bring a baby into the world.

“That’s betrayal.”

On the season finale of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Khloe admitted that she told Lamar she was undergoing IVF in order for the couple to conceive after many years of trying and failing.

But she was apparently misleading her then-husband.

“I knew the circumstances weren’t the healthiest,” Khloe said on camera, referring to her toxic marriage with the NBA star that ended more than three years ago.

“So I just kept pretending I was doing it.”

Khloe and Lamar were married for four years, but the latter struggled with an addiction to drugs and alcohol during a significant portion of their relationship.

“I had to stop [the treatments[ because there was much deeper stuff that was happening in our marriage,” Khloe said during a confessional last Sunday night, adding:

“It wasn’t the right kind of situation to bring a child into, and I think I’ve done a lot of covering up for him.”

We’re guessing Khloe would admit at this point that she didn’t handle the situation so well.

She likely should have been up front with Lamar.

But we can’t begin to understand what she was going through at the time, in terms of Lamar’s drug use and, later on, his admitted infidelity.

At this point in her life, meanwhile, it sounds as if Khloe is ready to take this major step in her personal life.

She’s been dating Cleveland Cavaliers power forward Tristan Thompson for several months now and sources say he wants to have kids.

Actually, he wants to have many kids and Kardashian is all for it.

“Tristan and I definitely talk about starting a family,” Khloe told Kim Kardashian on this same finale, adding of her boyfriend:

“He wants to have five or six kids with me and that’s lovely. We could start at one and we could grow from there.”

And they may be starting at this exact moment, as you’re reading this… considering Khloe also confessed she has gone off birth control.

As many viewers may be aware by now, Keeping Up with the Kardashians suffered a ratings crash on Season 13.

Its popularity has fallen pretty far these days, meaning producers may soon be looking for fresh and exciting storylines to freshen things up for Season 14.

In other words: Can anyone else hear wedding bells? Does anyone else think a televised ceremony may be in the works for Khloe and Tristan?

Sorry, Lamar. You really need to move on, buddy.
