Showing posts with label Lays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lays. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Wendy Williams Lays Into "Desperate" Kim Kardashian

Wendy Williams has turned her judgmental attention to Kim Kardashian.

The cruel and always-misguided talk show host took aim this morning at the often-naked reality star, taking Kardashian to task for… well…

… for often being naked.

Over the past few days, Kim has hearkened back to her birthday suit-filled past, sharing one risque photo after another on Instagram.

It has been a little bit strange to witness, but also a lot harmless.

Most people would look at these mostly nude Kim Kardashian photos, shrug and move on.

But most people (thankfully) are not Wendy Williams.

“Kim, it’s clear Kanye has nothing for you except dribble and dribble and evil conversation,” Williams said on air, adding of Kardashian and her husband:

“It is clear that Kanye does not pay attention to you. It’s clear to me that you’re desperately trying to stay in the spotlight.”

Wait… can we back up here a moment?

Did Williams just allege that Kanye West lacks mental capacity, following his nervous breakdown toward the end of 2016? Hence the “dribble” comments?

And “evil conversation?”

What the heck is she talking about?!?

We often ask this question of Williams.

She wasn’t done, either.

“Kanye makes money, Kim makes more, why are you still doing this?” Wendy asked, continuing as follows:

“It’s not even about the mother thing, forget the mother thing, because a lot of people will say, ‘Oh, she’s a mother.’ It’s about, she doesn’t have to do that anymore.”

Wendy’s point is that Kim maybe had to pose naked in order to build her brand, but the brand has now been built.

She’s a success. She’s a mega millionaire. She has millions of online followers.

What’s the point at this point?

“That would be like Cardi B returning to the poll on a Saturday night or something like that,” added Williams.

“There were a lot of racy pictures. We saw full boob. She has a beautiful body, but so what?”

We don’t necessarily disagree with Williams here.

This isn’t her most ridiculous take of late, that’s for sure; this isn’t her calling Oprah fat again or saying she’s sick of the #MeToo movement or anything.

It’s just a waste of breath and another example of Williams only being able to make a name for herself by slamming other celebrities.

Kim, meanwhile, went on the offensive against Lindsay Lohan yesterday, questioning the weird accent Lohan sometimes uses.

(This was in response to Lohan saying she is “confused” by Kardashian’s new hairstyle.)

And Lohan was recently a guest on Williams’ terrible talk show.

Wendy, therefore, felt a need to defend Lindsay, hilariously deciding this is one star she does NOT feel a need to judge.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

“Lindsay is back and ready to be back on top,” Williams said this morning.

Okay, that settles it. 

That is clearly Williams’ most absurd opinion to date.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Lamar Odom"s Family Lays Into Khloe Kardashian: What a Disgrace!

If Lamar Odom is really trying to win back Khloe Kardashian, he may want to tell certain family members to stop slamming his ex-wife.

Following the reality star’s admission that she actually faked trying to get pregnant while married to Odom, the former basketball player’s cousin has come out with some harsh words against Kardashian.

“There’s no way to defend what Khloe did. It is disgraceful,” Simone Greggs tells In Touch, holding very little back.

Odom’s relative goes on to acknowledge certain devious actions committed by her loved one, but says they don’t compare to what Khloe pulled.

“Yes, Lamar deceived Khloe with his infidelities, but she deceived him too by faking fertility treatments when she knew all along she didn’t want to bring a baby into the world.

“That’s betrayal.”

On the season finale of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Khloe admitted that she told Lamar she was undergoing IVF in order for the couple to conceive after many years of trying and failing.

But she was apparently misleading her then-husband.

“I knew the circumstances weren’t the healthiest,” Khloe said on camera, referring to her toxic marriage with the NBA star that ended more than three years ago.

“So I just kept pretending I was doing it.”

Khloe and Lamar were married for four years, but the latter struggled with an addiction to drugs and alcohol during a significant portion of their relationship.

“I had to stop [the treatments[ because there was much deeper stuff that was happening in our marriage,” Khloe said during a confessional last Sunday night, adding:

“It wasn’t the right kind of situation to bring a child into, and I think I’ve done a lot of covering up for him.”

We’re guessing Khloe would admit at this point that she didn’t handle the situation so well.

She likely should have been up front with Lamar.

But we can’t begin to understand what she was going through at the time, in terms of Lamar’s drug use and, later on, his admitted infidelity.

At this point in her life, meanwhile, it sounds as if Khloe is ready to take this major step in her personal life.

She’s been dating Cleveland Cavaliers power forward Tristan Thompson for several months now and sources say he wants to have kids.

Actually, he wants to have many kids and Kardashian is all for it.

“Tristan and I definitely talk about starting a family,” Khloe told Kim Kardashian on this same finale, adding of her boyfriend:

“He wants to have five or six kids with me and that’s lovely. We could start at one and we could grow from there.”

And they may be starting at this exact moment, as you’re reading this… considering Khloe also confessed she has gone off birth control.

As many viewers may be aware by now, Keeping Up with the Kardashians suffered a ratings crash on Season 13.

Its popularity has fallen pretty far these days, meaning producers may soon be looking for fresh and exciting storylines to freshen things up for Season 14.

In other words: Can anyone else hear wedding bells? Does anyone else think a televised ceremony may be in the works for Khloe and Tristan?

Sorry, Lamar. You really need to move on, buddy.


Monday, May 29, 2017

Gunnar Peterson Lays Out Gym Plan for "New Lakers" (VIDEO)

Get the ice ready, ‘cause the Lakers’ new strength and conditioning director, Gunnar Peterson, says he ain’t playing around when it comes to getting the squad in championship shape.  Peterson — who trained the Kardashians, Magic Johnson…


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Meets Aerosmith and Lays on the Jokes! (VIDEO)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met Aerosmith this week, and the man’s got jokes. Steven Tyler and co. got to meet the PM after performing in Tel Aviv Wednesday night, and Netanyahu was quick to point out he’s more Bostonian than them.…


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

21 Savage Swarmed by Little Kids, Lays Out First Tour Demands (VIDEO)

21 Savage appeals to all demographics … and that includes a bunch of 8-year-old kids. Parental discretion be damned! The rapper and his crew were leaving Avianne & Co. in NYC Tuesday night when he got swarmed by a horde of kids that…


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Amber Heard Lays Legal Smackdown on Johnny Depp: Now I Want TWICE As Much!

It’s been over a week since Johnny Depp and Amber Heard reached a divorce settlement, but it looks like these the legal head-butting shows no signs of letting up.

Bizarrely, the latest trouble began when Heard announced plans to donate her spousal support to charity.

Many interpreted the move as a middle finger to Depp, as well as to his defenders who insisted that her claims of domestic abuse were financially motivated.

Depp countered by offering to cut out the middle man and give the $ 7 million to charity himself.

Not surprisingly, Heard’s legal team was not thrilled by this proposal, as it not only makes Depp out to be the good guy, but suggests to the public that she couldn’t be trusted to make the donation herself.

As a bonus, Depp would be able to write the payments of as charitable donations, a move that would save him big bucks on his taxes.

Amber and her attorneys reportedly saw right through the move, and now they’re saying they want Depp to fork over twice the original settlement amount.

Yes, according to TMZ Heard is demanding $ 14 million from Depp if he wants to make the payments directly to the charities instead of to Amber.

“If Johnny wishes to change the settlement agreement, we must insist that he honor the full amount by donating $ 14M to charity, which after accounting for his tax deduction, is equal to his $ 7M payment obligation to Amber,” a sources tells the website.

Obviously, this puts Depp in the awkward position of either donating a whopping $ 14 mill to the two charities of Amber’s choice (the ACLU and Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles) or sheepishly forking over the original $ 7 million directly to Heard.

Yet again, Depp is one of the year’s top earning actors, so he could easily afford either option, but whatever he chooses, his gambit is seriously backfiring, as thus far it’s only serving to keep his increasingly ugly divorce in the headlines.

With claims of domestic violence and leaked video showing that Depp is at the very least an angry drunk…

…it seems that he would be more concerned with his reputation than with taking petty digs at Heard.

The longer this thing drags on, the more damage it does to both parties careers.

And as one of the world’s biggest movie stars with an estimated $ 48 million in earnings last year, Depp is clearly the one with the most to lose in that respect.

Of course, that may be why he has no qualms about putting Amber through the ringer legally.

It’s hard to scare a man as well-loved and independently wealthy as Johnny Depp.