Friday, June 30, 2017

Drake: PISSED About Rihanna-Hassan Jameel Relationship!

If you’ve been anywhere near social media this week, you probably caught wind of Rihanna’s new relationship.

The singer is dating Hassan Jameel, and the Internet just can’t get enough of scrutinizing this unexpected romance.

At first, there was widespread speculation about Jameel’s identity. (We learned about the relationship through a grainy photo in which he and RiRi appear to be getting intimate in hot tub.)

Eventually, we learned that Jameel is a 29-year-old billionaire who owns the sole right to sell Toyotas in Saudi Arabia and has a freakin’ soccer league named after him.

He’s also no stranger to hooking up with famour hotties.

Hassan dated Naomi Campbell at one point, and the model is said to be angry with Rihanna for publicly canoodling with her ex.

And Naomi’s not the only one who’s pissed.

As you may recall, Drake dated Rihanna on at least two separate occasions, and despite a pair of messsy breakups, it seems he still the Barbadian pop queen as part of his future.

Sources tell Hollywood Life that the rapper is less than thrilled by news of RiRi’s new relationship and he’s made his feelings clear to members of his inner circle.

“Drake is kinda jealous of Rihanna’s new billionaire boyfriend. He has no idea why she likes this guy,” a source tells the site.

“Drake and Rihanna have been off and on for years and he has a lot of strong emotions when seeing her with someone else.”

Apparently, Drizzy feels that even if he can’t be with Rihanna, she should be with a hard-working, self-made dude … not unlike Drake.

“Drake thinks Rihanna is one of the baddest chick’s ever and he doesn’t think this new guy deserves her at all,” says the insider.

Drake may not have Hassan’s buying power, but unless you’re talking about super high-end investment opportunities, isn’t the difference betweek hundreds of millions and billions sort of abstract?

Like, we doubt either Drake or RiRi ever find themselves in the position of saying, “Well, I wanted to buy that thing, but I guess I’ll have to save up for a couple years first.”

Of course, we say that as we’re snacking down on Top Ramen, and Rihanna and Hassan are probably picking out what kind of champagne they want to pop with Elon Musk on their Space-X rocket to Mars next week.
