Showing posts with label Recovery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recovery. Show all posts

Friday, June 3, 2016

Lamar Odom & Scott Disick Compare Stories of Recovery, Get Emotional

This exchange between Lamar Odom and Scott Disick kinda gives us the feels.

And when we say feels, we mean sadness followed by extreme anger.

In a clip for Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the two men open up to one another about their own struggles with rehab and recovery from substance abuse.

As you are likely aware, Lamar has a long history of drug and alcohol use, culminating in his near-fatal overdose in a Nevada brothel last year.

At the time, Lamar had fallen comatose and was given a 50 percent chance of survival. His estranged wife Khloe Kardashian (who called off the pending divorce in light of the incident) and her family prepared for the worst.

Lamar now opens up for the first time to discuss how he felt in the hospital during a conversation with another man with addiction issues – Scott Disick.

"I was super scared when I came and saw you in the hospital," Scott tells Lamar. "Do you remember everything?"

"Yeah," Lamar replies. "I can remember being scared half to death."

Scott admits that he left Lamar"s hospital room because he "couldn"t handle" seeing his friend so close to death.

"You were just dying to talk but you couldn"t," Scott explains.

"I was, I was trapped in my body," Lamar says. "Couldn"t even say excuse me or thank you."

Scott then brings up his own stint in rehab.

"You know, I was in rehab for a while," he discloses. "Like, I didn"t have contact with the world or whatever… It"s a blessing."

Finally, Scott asks whether Lamar has contacted any of his old partying friends, and Lamar says he hasn"t, then suggests he"s done with that lifestyle and doesn"t want to hurt Khloe again.

"I mean, I can"t really take the risk," he says. "I can"t do that to that girl again, of mine."


This is where the frustration sets in. This clip was likely filmed a couple months ago, but since then, Lamar has turned to drugs and alcohol again, a development that some say led Khloe to finally file for divorce for a second time.

Earlier today, we received a report that Lamar is using crack again – just months after he nearly friggin" died.

The hard-partying Scott is not faring much better. Sources have claimed that Scott"s recent drinking is making him sick and friends fear he"s on the verge of liver failure.

We have to wonder what these men think when they watch this clip. But at this point, is there anything that can stop them from using?


Lamar odom and scott disick compare stories of recovery get emot

Lamar Odom & Scott Disick Compare Stories of Recovery, Get Emotional

This exchange between Lamar Odom and Scott Disick kinda gives us the feels.

And when we say feels, we mean sadness followed by extreme anger.

In a clip for Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the two men open up to one another about their own struggles with rehab and recovery from substance abuse.

As you are likely aware, Lamar has a long history of drug and alcohol use, culminating in his near-fatal overdose in a Nevada brothel last year.

At the time, Lamar had fallen comatose and was given a 50 percent chance of survival. His estranged wife Khloe Kardashian (who called off the pending divorce in light of the incident) and her family prepared for the worst.

Lamar now opens up for the first time to discuss how he felt in the hospital during a conversation with another man with addiction issues – Scott Disick.

"I was super scared when I came and saw you in the hospital," Scott tells Lamar. "Do you remember everything?"

"Yeah," Lamar replies. "I can remember being scared half to death."

Scott admits that he left Lamar"s hospital room because he "couldn"t handle" seeing his friend so close to death.

"You were just dying to talk but you couldn"t," Scott explains.

"I was, I was trapped in my body," Lamar says. "Couldn"t even say excuse me or thank you."

Scott then brings up his own stint in rehab.

"You know, I was in rehab for a while," he discloses. "Like, I didn"t have contact with the world or whatever… It"s a blessing."

Finally, Scott asks whether Lamar has contacted any of his old partying friends, and Lamar says he hasn"t, then suggests he"s done with that lifestyle and doesn"t want to hurt Khloe again.

"I mean, I can"t really take the risk," he says. "I can"t do that to that girl again, of mine."


This is where the frustration sets in. This clip was likely filmed a couple months ago, but since then, Lamar has turned to drugs and alcohol again, a development that some say led Khloe to finally file for divorce for a second time.

Earlier today, we received a report that Lamar is using crack again – just months after he nearly friggin" died.

The hard-partying Scott is not faring much better. Sources have claimed that Scott"s recent drinking is making him sick and friends fear he"s on the verge of liver failure.

We have to wonder what these men think when they watch this clip. But at this point, is there anything that can stop them from using?


Lamar odom and scott disick compare stories of recovery get emot

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Lamar Odom"s Recovery: It"s a Miracle!

It was less than five months ago that no one thought he would survive.

Now, it looks like Lamar Odom may make a near-full recovery from his October 2015 overdose at a Nevada brothel.

At the time, sources told TMZ that Odom’s prognosis didn’t look good after he was rushed to the hospital.

A woman at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch South found Odom unconscious in his room, and the manager saw “mucus-type liquid” coming out of Odom’s mouth and nose upon rolling him on his side.

The former NBA player had to be intubated, and his condition was listed as “critical,” while his heart was failing and his kidney and lung functions were in serious trouble.

During those first few weeks, Odom suffered 12 strokes, enough to damage his motor skills indefinitely.  When he finally did wake up from his coma, Odom was unable to recognize family members and could only speak a few works.

Now, Odom appears to have been given a new lease on life.  After beling released from Cedars Sinani Medical Center in Los Angeles, Khloe Kardashian moved him into a home in her gated community, where’s he being looked after.

“Lamar’s cognitive functions have significantly returned,” TMZ reports.  “He’s able to process thoughts, speak them and carry on conversations.”

Although he’s still “a bit slow,” Odom issues are not what they once were.  His memory will lapse from time to time and speaking can be an issue.  

Still, Odom’s hike with Khloe and Kim on Sunday is an indication that he is making huge strides in his recovery.

A source said that Odom’s goal is to not only run again, but to get back into the NBA.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Lamar Odom: Family Speaks on "Miraculous" Recovery

With Lamar Odom out of the hospital after nearly three months, his family could not be more grateful for the basketball star’s turnaround.

The husband of Khloe Kardashian was found on the brink of death in a Nevada brothel in October, and had been hospitalized ever since.

Until this past Friday.

Odom’s aunt JaNean Mercer confirmed that the 36-year-old – who will not be charged with drug possession – is out and on the mend.

“Lamar continues to make remarkable strides and we are asking that you continue to respect our privacy,” Mercer said in a statement.

“Again we thank all of you greatly, your support has been paramount in helping to uplift us during these past last few difficult months.”

Odom’s “miraculous” turnaround comes a few short months after he very nearly died and faced a prognosis that seemed grim at best.

Khloe’s estranged spouse spent the holidays with his kids, Lamar Odom Jr., 13, and Destiny, 17, in his hospital room in Los Angeles.

Said an insider:

“Lamar is doing way better. He was so happy the kids were there with him for Christmas and they were so happy to be with him.”

“The kids were happy … to bring him gifts, all of his favorite things that they wrapped up. They had so much fun. It was very emotional.”

It will still be a long road back to health for the star, but we’re happy to hear he’s making progress and has the support of loved ones.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Lamar Odom: Incontinent, Unable to Walk as Recovery Stalls

It’s been over two months since Lamar Odom nearly died from an overdose after a week of heavy drug use at a Nevada brothel.

Against all odds, Lamar emerged from his coma after several days, and astonished doctors by demonstrating that he was able to communicate and understand what was being said to him.

Unfortunately, Odom suffered 12 strokes in the hours before he was hospitalized, and his family and friends were cautioned that he would likely sustain permanent brain damage.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Odom’s rehabilitation is going more slowly than expected, and the 36-year-old 

“The most difficult aspect of Lamar’s recovery, apart from learning to walk, has been dealing with the ongoing incontinence,” says one source. “He has been unable to control his bladder muscles and the urge to go.

“He refuses to wear an adult diaper, and is going through numerous pairs of underwear daily.”

The insider says that Odom is embarrassed by the problem and “has tried to hide the incontinence from visitors as it’s obviously very embarrassing for him.

He adds, “Everyone has been very supportive and no one has joked about it. It’s just terribly humbling and sad to see Lamar struggling.”

Sadly, it sounds as though Odom has quite a long way to go before he’ll be able to return to his home and adjust to a life that will likely never be the same. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Spending MAJOR Bucks on Lamar Odom"s Recovery, Source Claims

It’s been one week since Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his VIP suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada. Since then, the former NBA star has shown steady signs of improvement, but he still has a long way to go.

Yesterday, Lamar was airlifted to a hospital in Los Angeles where he will undergo a long, difficult physical therapy regimen. 

The cost of his treatment is likely to be astronomical, and though Lamar pulled in substantial earnings during his time as a pro basketball player and reality star, his estranged wife is worth far more money.

So it’s not surprising that Radar Online is reporting that Khloe Kardashian will cover the cost of Lamar’s recovery.

Sources say she began by arranging his recent air transport.

“Khloe and Kris had been working for several days to arrange the medically equipped helicopter for Lamar. As soon as the doctors said Lamar was stable enough to go, Khloe gave the green light for the transport to come to Vegas to get him.

“It was only about an hour and a half trip from Las Vegas to Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles. The cost was $ 120,000 which wasn’t covered by medical insurance.

“But Khloe had no issue paying, even though her mom questioned if Lamar could be billed directly. Khloe appreciated her mom’s concern, but told her it was already paid for, and ended the conversation.”

Many expenses that can’t be covered by insurance are certain to arise over the course of Lamar’s treatment, especially since the Kardashians are said to be seeking out the best available experts from across the country.

Insiders say Khloe has made it clear that she has no problem paying for all of it.

So much for the “Kardashian curse.” Sounds like Khloe’s reputation for compassion and loyalty is well-deserved.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Kim Kardashian on Lamar Odom Recovery: God is Good!

Lamar Odom is not completely out of the woods just yet.

But the former basketball star has regained consciousness after a scary incident in Nevada last night Tuesday and multiple outlets have confirmed Odom has spoken a few words.

That’s not all, according to Kim Kardashian.

The reality star – who flew to Las Vegas to be there for her sister and former brother-in-law as soon as she learned of Odom’s condition – shared the cute photo above on Instagram yesterday.

She also provided followers with an encouraging update.

“I have faith in you. I believe in the power of prayer and positive energy!” Kim wrote.

“Thank you all for your prayers! Lammy- I’m so happy Kendall & I could make you smile today! God is good!”

Kardashian left Odom’s bedside for a couple days, but then returned to the hospital on Friday along with Kendall Jenner.

Kris Jenner, meanwhile, has also been spending as much time with Lamar as possible – and she wrote an Instagram message of her own on Saturday evening.

“Come on Lamar!!!! You are such a champion… I know you got this…. #ourfighter #pleasepray #love #thatsmileiseverything,” the matriarch wrote.

Odom spent all of last weekend partying at a brothel in Nevada owned by Dennis Hof.

He fell unconscious at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, with his body discovered by an employee at the establishment and with a manager calling 911.

After rolling Odom to his side, the manager says an unknown substance poured from his nose and mouth.

Tests have confirmed that Lamar used cocaine and a dangerous sexual stimulant known as “Reload” during his time at the brothel.

He remained in a coma for the first couple days, but started to show positive signs of life late Friday.

Let’s all hope and pray just continues to improve from here.