Showing posts with label Stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stories. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2019

R. Kelly Ex-Wife Says He was Abusive ... Women"s Stories Ring True

R. Kelly‘s ex-wife says the stories on “Surviving R. Kelly” rang true to her because of what she says she went through with the singer — including alleged abuse in all forms. 
Andrea Kelly went on “Good Morning Britain” after appearing on Lifetime’s ...
R. Kelly Ex-Wife Says He was Abusive ... Women"s Stories Ring True

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Donald Trump Spent $27k In Taxpayer Money Tracking Media Stories after Stormy Daniels Sued Him

Donald Trump spent $ 27,000 of taxpayer money to monitor media reports … and it was done the day after Stormy Daniels sued the President. According to Federal Procurement documents obtained by TMZ, the payment was authorized March 7 by the…


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Courtney Stodden Shares Two Stories of Sexual Abuse

She wishes it were not the case, but Courtney Stodden is having a moment.

A #MeToo moment, that is.

Actually, Courtney Stodden is unfortunately having a pair of #MeToo moments and she’s finally opening up about them to a national audience.

The reality star – known for appearances on Couples Therapy and Celebrity Big Brother, as well as for marrying a much older man – opened up last night on something called The Tomorrow Show.

Asked if she could relate to the women who have shared their stories of sexual abuse and harassment of late, Stodden replied in the affirmative.

She didn’t provide many details, but she did explain that she’s been victimized on two occasions.

“When the first incident happened, I, didn’t tell [then-husband Doug Hutchison]. It was actually during the first time we separated,” she said, continuing:

“It actually happened to me two times when we were separated.

“At that age, ya know, I was only 19… I didn’t really think it was wrong, which is the crazy part.”

Stodden filed for divorce from Hutchison just a week ago.

When the two got married, she was 16 years old and he was 51 years old.

This unusual (and inappropriate? And illegal? And ridiculous?) age difference is what sky-rocketed Stodden to Z-List stardom.

The relationship, however, suffered through many ups and downs, including various separations and temporary break-ups.

It was during one of these brief splits, Stodden says, that she was abused sexually.

The thing is, she didn’t exactly know it at the time because she had only slept with Hutchison prior to this awful experience.

We’ll let Courtney explain further:

“I only had sex with one man before that… So gentle, not to get explicit. But I was like, ‘OK, maybe that’s just a rough way of going on a date.’

“I really didn’t realize it was sexual abuse until I started hearing these women talking.

“It wasn’t until #MeToo started that I was like, ‘Wow, maybe that wasn’t OK.’ So yeah, it’s really a sad thing, but it happens all the time.”

The #MeToo movement started several months ago in response to numerous stories of women in Hollywood being harassed (or much worse) by men in power.

It has given females across the world a chance to speak out and to be heard; or just to feel as though they aren’t alone in having endured some terrible acts by some pretty terrible men.

Stodden, who has been through a lot over the years, doesn’t want to get into specifics over what she went through in these two instances.

But she says both centered around “power and sex” and concluded:

“It’s just like all the other women’s stories. It’s nothing different. Each woman should be heard.

“I’ll definitely be a part of the movement, for sure.”


Friday, November 10, 2017

Louis C.K. Admits: “These Stories are True”

After years of rumors followed the comedian, five women have come forward and accused Louis C.K. of sexual harassment.

Now that these rumors have become outspoken allegations, and now that he’s getting slammed by comedians and fans alike, Louis C.K. is making a statement.

And he’s … admitting to it. To all of it.

Louis C.K.’s statement gets right to the point:

“I want to address the stories told to The New York Times by five women named Abby, Rebecca, Dana, Julia who felt able to name themselves and one who did not.”

Here it comes:

“These stories are true.”

We’ve all wondered what’s must have been going through his mind as he pulled out his penis in front of various women.

(We no longer have to write “allegedly” for him!)

Louis C.K. provides a little insight:

“At the time, I said to myself that what I did was O.K. because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is also true.”

That … sounds like some bizarre mental gymnastics were going on in his mind to excuse his behavior.

The sort of excuse that only he himself could buy.

“But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your dick isn’t a question. It’s a predicament for them.”

Power can mean professional authority. It can mean celebrity status. It can even mean physical strength and size.

Remember, folks: the cashier or barista smiles at you because it’s literally part of her job, not because she wants to see your genitals.

“The power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly. I have been remorseful of my actions. And I’ve tried to learn from them. And run from them. Now I’m aware of the extent of the impact of my actions.”

Louis C.K.’s statement continues:

“I learned yesterday the extent to which I left these women who admired me feeling badly about themselves and cautious around other men who would never have put them in that position.”

One of those women said that the experience discouraged her from pursuing her career in comedy.

“I also took advantage of the fact that I was widely admired in my and their community, which disabled them from sharing their story and brought hardship to them when they tried because people who look up to me didn’t want to hear it.”

That “widely admired” bit sounds a little like self-praise, which is not tonally appropriate … but maybe he’s just trying to make sure that people understand that he knows that it was wrong and why?

“I didn’t think that I was doing any of that because my position allowed me not to think about it.”

A lot of men never think about the damage that they do.

“There is nothing about this that I forgive myself for. And I have to reconcile it with who I am. Which is nothing compared to the task I left them with.”

That’s proper.

“I wish I had reacted to their admiration of me by being a good example to them as a man and given them some guidance as a comedian, including because I admired their work.”

“The hardest regret to live with is what you’ve done to hurt someone else.”

Well, maybe his hardest regret.

“And I can hardly wrap my head around the scope of hurt I brought on them.”

Louis C.K.’s actions are now impacting more than just himself and these women. Remember, HBO gave him the axe.

“I’d be remiss to exclude the hurt that I’ve brought on people who I work with and have worked with who’s professional and personal lives have been impacted by all of this, including projects currently in production: the cast and crew of Better Things, Baskets, The Cops, One Mississippi, and I Love You, Daddy.”

That’s a lot of people screwed over, professionally, because Louis C.K. couldn’t keep it in his pants (literally).

“I deeply regret that this has brought negative attention to my manager Dave Becky who only tried to mediate a situation that I caused.”

If you don’t want to negatively impact the people who consider it their job to clean up your messes, maybe don’t make messes.

(Some have pointed out that Louis C.K.’s wealth is in the 8 digits, and that he mgiht want to cut some checks to the people whom he’s left hanging)

“I’ve brought anguish and hardship to the people at FX who have given me so much The Orchard who took a chance on my movie. and every other entity that has bet on me through the years.”

We cannot imagine how his family is feeling right now.

“I’ve brought pain to my family, my friends, my children and their mother.”

Louis C.K. finishes off his statement with this:

“I have spent my long and lucky career talking and saying anything I want. I will now step back and take a long time to listen. Thank you for reading.”

It’s good that he’s admitting this, and a refreshing change from endless denials in Hollywood, but we’d like to point out a couple of things:

One: if there was a actual, explicit apology in this, we don’t think that we saw it. Maybe it’s implied, but that’s actually not how apologies work. You have to say them.

Two: some have pointed out that Louis C.K. could have spoken out years ago when Gawker (before the site was destroyed by a vengeful, Trump-supporting billionaire) first talked about these rumors. Or in the summer of 2016, when Roseanne Barr spoke about it.

It almost seems, to some, that Louis C.K. was less concerned about how his actions impacted these women … and was only moved to speak up because it’s now hurting his career.

That’s a cynical view, but … you can see why people feel that way.

Especially people who have their own #MeToo stories and will never trust the people responsible for them.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Lindsay Lohan: Where Were These #MeToo Stories When I Was Abused?!

Hey, remember a hot minute ago when Lindsay Lohan rushed to Harvey Weinstein’s defense, shamed his wife for leaving him, and suggested that because Weinstein had never assaulted her, these multiple other actresses must be lying?

That was what you call a “bad take.”

Well, Lindsay isn’t done commenting … unfortunately. 

We remember Lindsay Lohan’s history with domestic violence all too well. As with so many aspects of Lindsay’s life, she deserved so much better.

There was an alarming photo of Lindsay’s injured leg shared early in 2016 along with a somewhat cryptic message.

At the time, the world didn’t even know which person she was vaguely alleging of having done it.

It wasn’t until months later that Lindsay Lohan finally accused Egor Tarabasov of domestic violence.

Alarmingly, she said at the time that no woman should stay with a man who hits her if he refuses to apologize, as if abusers don’t apologize all of the time and as if an apology for something so vile could change anything.

But fans from all around the world read the harrowing tale. Lindsay, who had already been so much — from her awful parents to her child stardom — should never have had to endure domestic abuse.

No one should.

Fans only grew more worried when Lindsay Lohan sported a tremendous bruise on her arm around that same time.

And all of this was after Lindsay cried out for help after Egor allegedly tried to strangle her.

She revealed that she ultimately realized that you can’t stay in a relationship just for love, and she’s absolutely right.

That is why fans were so, so disappointed in Lindsay Lohan’s response to the Harvey Weinstein scandal. At first, you remember, he was accused of being a serial harasser.

That was before women came forward and accused him of being a serial rapist, as well.

But sexual harassment is a big deal all on its own. And it impacts millions of women every single day.

Many fans were crushed by Lindsay’s support of Weinstein.

(When his own wife leaves him, maybe it’s well past time to give him the benefit of the doubt)

Just because Weinstein had never invited Lindsay, personally, to come and shower in front of him isn’t exactly proof that he never did that — or worse — to other women.

Apparently, Lindsay Lohan saw the reactions as accusations that she isn’t pro-woman.

And, yeah, that was at least part of the response.

She posted and deleted a defense of herself … and included a very accusatory tone.

Her initial caption read:

“Whatever anyone says, I am FOR #womenempowerment as if most women in America cared how I was abused by my exfiancé… when not one person stood up for me while he was abusing me…”

She seems to be ignoring countless people who posted concern for her and condemnation of her (now former!) fiance.

(I know that I certainly wrote about it at the time)

“You could only imagine what it feels like to come out as a #strongwoman BUT, acknowledge this, we all make our own choices and wake up in our own beds in the morning.”

That line does not make much sense. At all.

“I prefer to go to my home and wake up alone. #BESTRONG let us not blame anyone as #karma will always takes its toll. #womensrights”

Note that her first hashtag reads “be strong,” not “best rong.”

So … Lindsay spiraled into incoherence in a way that we normally expect from people who are still mastering English and are not native speakers.

But you know what? Anyone can find that their thoughts didn’t quite translate to paper.

In any case, Lindsay Lohan deleted that original caption and replaced it.

The Mean Girls star and tabloid legend has changed her tune … up to a point.

At the very least, she’s much more succinct and no longer seems to be trying to shame the women of America.

“Whatever anyone says, I am FOR #womenempowerment #strongwoman #BESTRONG #karma will always takes its toll. #womensrights”

We guess that, to Lindsay, she saw a fan response but not a massive movement that she now sees in the wake of the Weinstein scandal.

Maybe that rubbed her the wrong way. Maybe she was just being defensive and trying to deflect.

Honestly, we don’t even know if poorly Lindsay herself could tell us why she says some of the things that she does. Let’s cut her some slack.

Remember that, in her own way, Lindsay is sharing a #MeToo story.

“Whatever anyone says, I am FOR #womenempowerment #strongwoman #BESTRONG #karma will always takes its toll. #womensrights”


Monday, October 16, 2017

#MeToo: Stars Share Stories of Sexual Harassment, Assault

Alyssa Milano and a host of female celebrities are doing what they can on social media to raise awareness about sexual harassment and/or assault.

In the wake of the troubling Harvey Weinstein rape allegations, and the ways in which Hollywood has appeared to cover the producer"s actions up, Milano has Tweeted a call-to-action.

She"s asking people to speak out about being sexually harassed or assaulted by replying to her tweet with the words "Me Too."

(According to Twitter, #MeToo has been tweeted nearly half a million times in the past 24 hours.)

Scroll down to see what we mean and to see who has joined in this campaign…

1. Let’s Band Together

Lets band together

This was the original post on Twitter. It explains it all.

2. Hilarie Burton

Hilarie burton

The former One Tree Hill star also made headlines when she forced Ben Affleck to apologize for groping her in 2003.

3. Lady Gaga

Lady gaga

The singer has been very open for years about having been sexually assaulted.

4. Rosario Dawson

Rosario dawson

Yes, her too.

5. Lea Thompson

Lea thompson

And her, too.

6. Sophia Bush

Sophia bush

This actress, too.

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Monday, October 9, 2017

23 Scandalous Sports Stories: From Kneeling to Snorting...

The world of sports is not immune to scandal.

Remember Lance Armstrong? What about Michael Vick? Even Tom Brady has crossed the line, according to many.

We"ve rundown some of the most memorable and most distasteful sports scandals below and we"re asking readers to weigh in on the worst of the worst…

1. Aaron Hernandez Kills Himself

Aaron hernandez image

Hernandez was found guilty of first degree murder and then hanged himself in prison.

2. Curt Schilling Sucks

Curt schilling on set

Good riddance, Curt Schilling! The former baseball All-Star was fired by ESPN after mocking transgender people in an offensive meme.

3. LIAR!

Lance armstrong and oprah winfrey

Lance Armstrong denied it and denied it, but he eventually came clean: yes, he cheated to win every Tour de France.

4. A Tiger in Bed

Tiger woods ny post cover

Tiger Woods was seemingly a happily married man while winning many golf majors. Then it came out that he cheated – A LOT – on his wife and his career has never been the same.

5. A Knockout Blow

Ray rice janay palmer fight

This video depicts running back Ray Rice knocking his then-fiancee unconscious inside a casino elevator. It sadly speaks for itself.

6. Out of Bounds

Adrian peterson mugshot

Adrian Peterson is a record-setting running back on the Vikings. He’s been accused of abusing at least one child by hitting him many times with a switch.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Jesse Williams Lashes Out Over Divorce Stories on Jay-Z"s "4:44" Release

Jesse Williams had harsh words for people who harshly judged him over his divorce … and he did it on a Jay-Z video. Jesse had 25 seconds on Jay-Z’s 11-minute newest release, “Footnotes from 4:44” … talking about the ongoing divorce and…


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

16 First Date Horror Stories to (Poor #9!)

The following text message exchanges about men or women who have agreed to go on a first date should make one group of people very happy:

Those who are in stable marriages!

Be thankful you never need to experience anything like what is relayed in the conversations below…

1. Autocorrect Can Ruin Even the Best First Impressions

Autocorrect can ruin even the best first impressions

Hilarious case in point.

2. I Didn’t Actually Barf

I didnt actually barf

But nothing interesting came out of his mouth, either.

3. Eating Dinner on a Date?

Eating dinner on a date

What a foreign concept… to at least one person, apparently.

4. Hey, This Story Did Take Place Due to a Blind Date

Hey this story did take place due to a blind date

And it’s hilarious. So we’re counting it!

5. A Case of Mistaken Identity

A case of mistaken identity

Why do we feel like this date actually went well, though?

6. After One Date? How Sweet!

After one date how sweet

Oh, oops. We meant: how scary!

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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Twitter Users Lament #MyValentinesRemorse, Share Romantic Horror Stories

Valentine"s Day is an occasion for chocolate, flowers and bubble baths.

In an ideal universe.

In reality, however, Valentine"s Day is often an occasion for attempts at chocolate, flowers and bubble baths, among other romantic gestures.

Fortunately, when these gestures go awry, Twitter is around with hashtags such as "#MyValentinesRemorse" to make us feel better about all those times we royally screwed up on February 14.

To wit…

1. No Regrets!

No regrets

We bet those nuggets tasted great. And we also bet he still totally had sex with you.

2. It’s Not?!?

Its not

This is good to know for future reference.

3. Valentine’s Day Remorse?

Valentines day remorse

More like Valentine’s Day Goals, are we right?!?

4. OOPS!


For President’s Day, we’re guessing his wife is getting him divorce papers.

5. Hey, No Judgment Here!

Hey no judgment here

Just add nuggets to the evening and you’re set.

6. Only 8 Hours of Sleep?

Only 8 hours of sleep

The struggle is real.

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Friday, December 30, 2016

13 Biggest Celebrity Stories of 2016: Deaths, Breakups & the Donald!

2016. At this point, we don"t even need to make a joke here, right?

Those four numbers are setup, punchline, and Shakespearean tragedy all rolled into one.

For the celebrity world, the year was one long series of unfortunate events, both minor (See: the Brangelina split) and staggeringly major (See: the incredible number of celebrity deaths that shook the entertainment world to its foundations).

This may have been the year a reality TV host became the leader of the free world, but that certainly wasn"t the only celeb story that had our jaws on the floor.

Check out the gallery below for the most shocking (and baffling) Hollywood events from 12 months that will live in infamy:

1. A Year of Tragedy

Prince pic

Prince, David Bowie, Muhammad Ali, Alan Rickman, Carrie Fisher, George Michael, Merle Haggard, Leonard Cohen, Christina Grimmie … The amount of loss in Hollywood this year was staggering. Each of those names constituted a massive story in his or her own right.

2. Taylor Swift Drops Calvin Harris For Tom Hiddleston

Taylor swift in a gold dress photo

Taylor Swift has material for her next 17 albums after this year. The singer made tabloid headlines when she dumped Calvin Harris for Tom Hiddleston … whom she proceeded to date for about 4 seconds.

3. Miley & Liam: Together Again!

Miley cyrus and liam hemsworth on christmas

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are once againheaded for the altar. The couple previously broke off their engagement in 2013.

4. Johnny Depp & Amber Heard: One Ugly Divorce

Johnny depp amber heard image

It wasn’s shocking that Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s marriage didn’t last long. It was shocking that heard claimed the beloved actor abused her throughout their relationship.

5. Beyonce Hints at Marital Trouble With Lemonade

Beyonce lemonade photo

Beyonce dropped the most epic diss album of all time … and it was targeted at her husband, Jay Z. Months later, the world is still wondering about the identity of Becky With the Good Hair.

6. Kim Kardashian Robbed at Gunpoint

Kim kardashian out and about photo

Kim Kardashian was relieved of $ 10 million in jewels after being held up at gunpoint in Paris. The star laid low for several weeks followint the traumatic event.

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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Lil Wayne -- No Show For Big Concert ... Conflicting Stories

Lil Wayne will not be appearing Saturday night at what looks like an epic concert and we’re getting different reasons for the cancellation. Wayne was supposed to headline SummerFall in Curacao, along with Rick Ross, Meek Mill, French Montana, Fat…


Friday, June 3, 2016

Lamar Odom & Scott Disick Compare Stories of Recovery, Get Emotional

This exchange between Lamar Odom and Scott Disick kinda gives us the feels.

And when we say feels, we mean sadness followed by extreme anger.

In a clip for Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the two men open up to one another about their own struggles with rehab and recovery from substance abuse.

As you are likely aware, Lamar has a long history of drug and alcohol use, culminating in his near-fatal overdose in a Nevada brothel last year.

At the time, Lamar had fallen comatose and was given a 50 percent chance of survival. His estranged wife Khloe Kardashian (who called off the pending divorce in light of the incident) and her family prepared for the worst.

Lamar now opens up for the first time to discuss how he felt in the hospital during a conversation with another man with addiction issues – Scott Disick.

"I was super scared when I came and saw you in the hospital," Scott tells Lamar. "Do you remember everything?"

"Yeah," Lamar replies. "I can remember being scared half to death."

Scott admits that he left Lamar"s hospital room because he "couldn"t handle" seeing his friend so close to death.

"You were just dying to talk but you couldn"t," Scott explains.

"I was, I was trapped in my body," Lamar says. "Couldn"t even say excuse me or thank you."

Scott then brings up his own stint in rehab.

"You know, I was in rehab for a while," he discloses. "Like, I didn"t have contact with the world or whatever… It"s a blessing."

Finally, Scott asks whether Lamar has contacted any of his old partying friends, and Lamar says he hasn"t, then suggests he"s done with that lifestyle and doesn"t want to hurt Khloe again.

"I mean, I can"t really take the risk," he says. "I can"t do that to that girl again, of mine."


This is where the frustration sets in. This clip was likely filmed a couple months ago, but since then, Lamar has turned to drugs and alcohol again, a development that some say led Khloe to finally file for divorce for a second time.

Earlier today, we received a report that Lamar is using crack again – just months after he nearly friggin" died.

The hard-partying Scott is not faring much better. Sources have claimed that Scott"s recent drinking is making him sick and friends fear he"s on the verge of liver failure.

We have to wonder what these men think when they watch this clip. But at this point, is there anything that can stop them from using?


Lamar odom and scott disick compare stories of recovery get emot

Lamar Odom & Scott Disick Compare Stories of Recovery, Get Emotional

This exchange between Lamar Odom and Scott Disick kinda gives us the feels.

And when we say feels, we mean sadness followed by extreme anger.

In a clip for Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the two men open up to one another about their own struggles with rehab and recovery from substance abuse.

As you are likely aware, Lamar has a long history of drug and alcohol use, culminating in his near-fatal overdose in a Nevada brothel last year.

At the time, Lamar had fallen comatose and was given a 50 percent chance of survival. His estranged wife Khloe Kardashian (who called off the pending divorce in light of the incident) and her family prepared for the worst.

Lamar now opens up for the first time to discuss how he felt in the hospital during a conversation with another man with addiction issues – Scott Disick.

"I was super scared when I came and saw you in the hospital," Scott tells Lamar. "Do you remember everything?"

"Yeah," Lamar replies. "I can remember being scared half to death."

Scott admits that he left Lamar"s hospital room because he "couldn"t handle" seeing his friend so close to death.

"You were just dying to talk but you couldn"t," Scott explains.

"I was, I was trapped in my body," Lamar says. "Couldn"t even say excuse me or thank you."

Scott then brings up his own stint in rehab.

"You know, I was in rehab for a while," he discloses. "Like, I didn"t have contact with the world or whatever… It"s a blessing."

Finally, Scott asks whether Lamar has contacted any of his old partying friends, and Lamar says he hasn"t, then suggests he"s done with that lifestyle and doesn"t want to hurt Khloe again.

"I mean, I can"t really take the risk," he says. "I can"t do that to that girl again, of mine."


This is where the frustration sets in. This clip was likely filmed a couple months ago, but since then, Lamar has turned to drugs and alcohol again, a development that some say led Khloe to finally file for divorce for a second time.

Earlier today, we received a report that Lamar is using crack again – just months after he nearly friggin" died.

The hard-partying Scott is not faring much better. Sources have claimed that Scott"s recent drinking is making him sick and friends fear he"s on the verge of liver failure.

We have to wonder what these men think when they watch this clip. But at this point, is there anything that can stop them from using?


Lamar odom and scott disick compare stories of recovery get emot

Friday, September 18, 2015

Watch Bill Cosby Accusers Tell Their Disturbing Stories Of Being Drugged & Raped On Cosby: The Women Speak

We can’t believe some of these details!

The Bill Cosby rape victim’s documentary, Cosby: The Women Speak, aired Thursday night on A&E, and it was quite shocking!

More than a dozen women came forward to share their stories about what the comedian did to them.

Related: Tina Fey Makes A Shocking Cosby Joke Talking To Mindy Kaling

The emotional stories include Beverly Johnson talking about how Cosby allegedly drugged her, Joan Tarshis reportedly being forced to perform oral sex on Bill, and even Barbara Bowman fighting back to prevent her being raped.

All the women have their own story, each as hauntingly disgusting and disturbing as the next.

Watch a few of their stories (below) to get more details about how malicious and evil this man truly is

[Image via A&E/Guillermo Proano/WENN.]