Showing posts with label Lindsay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lindsay. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Lindsay Lohan"s Friends Alarmed at Her Mental Health and Want Her Back in the U.S.

Lindsay Lohan’s friends are so alarmed about her mental state after accusing a homeless family of trafficking children and then getting punched in the face in Moscow … they’re practically begging her to return to the States. Sources close to…


Monday, September 3, 2018

Lindsay Lohan Mocked by Busy Philipps Over Drunk Mykonos Video

Lindsay Lohan’s drunk video has inspired an untold number of “fans” … almost Gangnam Style!!! Busy Philipps and pal Kelly Oxford re-created the dance Lindsay just made famous at her club in Mykonos. She was filming her MTV reality show, “Lohan…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ben Affleck Confirms Breakup With Lindsay Shookus

Well, folks, it looks like everyone’s favorite SNL power couple has called it quits.

No, not Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande. No, not Colin Jost and Scarlett Johansson. Okay, maybe “everyone’s favorite” was a bit of an exaggeration …

Ben Affleck, Lindsay Shookus

There, that’s the one.

Yes, after just over a year of dating, Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus have broken up.

Rumblings of a split began over the weekend, when Affleck was spotted on a date with Shauna Sexton, a 22-year-old Playboy model.

And today, reps for the actor confirmed that he and Shookus have decided to go their separate ways.

Ben and Shookus

“They are still very amicable and have stayed friends,” a source tells E! News.

“They both tried to make it work, but the distance just proved to be too much for them right now,” the insider adds.

“Family comes first for them both.”

Yes, it’s the usual boilerplate nonsense, and as expected, it isn’t fooling anyone.

We all know what really happened here. 

And it’s exactly what we all predicted from the very start of this relationship:

Lindsay is a smart, successful career woman in her late thirties.

She has a child, and those who know her best hold her in high esteem, both as a mom and a TV producer.

She makes sense as a partner for a rich, divorced dad in his mid-forties.

Which is exactly why Ben had to kick her to the curb.

Look, on a long enough timeline, Affleck is eventually gonna Affleck.

He probably woke up one day and remembered that he’s Batman and could easily be banging Playboy models in their early twenties.

Then he went out and did exactly that — possibly getting hammered first in celebration of his newfound freedom.

We all know a guy like Ben:

He recognizes that he needs to change, and he makes occasional half-hearted attempts at progress, but those are quickly abandoned in favor of the behaviors that keep dragging him down.

We suppose it’s to his credit that he keeps trying, but maybe he should sort some things out by himself before he enters another serious relationship.

Poor Lindsay probably never knew that she was more attractive to Ben as an idea than as a person.


Friday, August 17, 2018

Ben Affleck Has Dinner at Nobu Malibu with Playboy Model, Not Lindsay Shookus

Ben Affleck’s latest sighting shows all the signs of a bachelor lifestyle, which has us wondering … has he broken up with GF Lindsay Shookus? Ben was spotted Thursday night leaving Nobu Malibu rocking a very casual single-guy look — loose…


Ben Affleck Has Dinner at Nobu Malibu with Playboy Model, Not Lindsay Shookus

Ben Affleck’s latest sighting shows all the signs of a bachelor lifestyle, which has us wondering … has he broken up with GF Lindsay Shookus? Ben was spotted Thursday night leaving Nobu Malibu rocking a very casual single-guy look — loose…


Friday, August 10, 2018

Lindsay Lohan Is "Canceled Forever" After Bashing #MeToo Movement

In a perplexing interview, Lindsay Lohan slammed the #MeToo movement … and said that coming forward with allegations of sexual abuse makes the accusers "look weak."

"I think by women speaking against all these things, it makes them look weak," Lindsay said. "When they are very strong women."

As if that weren"t bad enough, she then went on to imply that maybe some of the young women shared harrowing stories of sexual harassment, abuse, and even rape were just in it for, you guessed it, "attention."

While that has been debunked time and time again, a lot of people were outraged and horrified.

We can only guess that they had forgotten that Lindsay had supported Harvey Weinstein, of all people, and encouraged his wife to stand by him.

Aisha Tyler, like so many others, took to social media to slam Lindsay.

When Aisha announced that Lindsay is canceled, it prompted a lot of discussion. Take a look:

1. Aisha Tyler said what many were thinking

Lindsay lohan slammed and canceled tweets 01 aisha

Aisha received a lot of thoughtful responses. And also a lot of less thoughtful replies.

2. A classic internet burn

Lindsay lohan slammed and canceled tweets 02 who

This is obviously a joke, poking fun at the fact that Lindsay hasn’t really been culturally relevant for about a decade.

3. Survivors spoke up

Lindsay lohan slammed and canceled tweets 03 tough not weak

This tweet is absolutely right — speaking up takes a tremendous amount of strength.

4. Others chimed in with support

Lindsay lohan slammed and canceled tweets 04 courage

Speaking truth to power is a brave act.

5. As the young people say: we been knew

Lindsay lohan slammed and canceled tweets 05 been canceled

In other words, Lindsay Lohan was canceled a long time ago, in this person’s eyes.

6. Others were more sympathetic

Lindsay lohan slammed and canceled tweets 06 care about brokenne

A lot of people believe that Lindsay Lohan was just saying in the interview what she tells herself about her own life.

View Slideshow

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Lindsay Lohan Slams #MeToo Movement: These Women Are Weak!

Lindsay Lohan has been back in the news lately, which is exciting if you’re the kind of person who reflects fondly on Charlie Sheen’s meltdown, but highly triggering if you’re disturbed by the sight of track marks wending their way through an archipelago of ginger freckles.

We kid LiLo, of course.

By most accounts, the actress-turned-wannabe-reality-star is sober(-ish) these days — which makes her latest comments all the more baffling.

In case you’ve been blissfully unaware, Lohan is currently filming a new show for MTV, a reality series that’s been described as a “docu-series” focusing on Lindsay’s eponymous nightclub in Greece.

Sources say the show was “inspired” by the Bravo hit Vanderpump Rules (read: it’ll be a lame attempt to piggyback on that series’ success).

The show just started shooting and it’s not set to debut until next year, but Lohan is already basking in the media attention generated by news of the project.

And proving once again that you can take the girl out of Hollywood but you can’t stop her from saying idiotic things, Lindsay is already shooting herself in the foot every chance she gets.

During a recent interview, Lohan was asked about her thoughts regarding the #MeToo movement that’s shedding light on the rampant sexual assault and harassment that’s been plaguing Hollywood for decades.

Lindsay began by stating that she doesn’t “really have anything to say” … and she should have just left it there.

Instead, she pressed on with the sort of comments that would be career-ruiners — if Lindsay still had a career left to ruin.

“I can’t speak on something I don’t live, right? Look, I am very supportive of women. Everyone goes through their own experiences in their own ways,” Lohan began.

For reasons that defy logic or explanation, she went on to argue that victims discredit themselves by not reporting abuse immediately:

“If it happens at that moment, you discuss it at that moment,” Lohan said.

“You make it a real thing by making it a police report,” she added.

“I’m going to really hate myself for saying this, but I think by women speaking against these things, it makes them look weak when they are very strong women.”

Oof. Obviously the part about sexual assault survivors looking “weak” is getting the most attention on social media today, but this statement is atrocious for so many other reasons, as well.

Imagine telling an abuse survivor that their attack wasn’t “real” because they failed to report it prior to a deadline that exists only in Lindsay Lohan’s mind.

Hopefully, Lindsay doesn’t really believe this stuff, and she’s still just working as a mouthpiece for various foreign governments.

But if that’s the case, she should probably tell us soon before she’s forced to hire Paul Manafort’s legal team.


Lindsay Lohan Steps Out to Film Reality Show in Greece

Lindsay Lohan isn’t letting the backlash from her recent comments on the #MeToo movement keep her from doing her thing in Greece. Lindsay was spotted Wednesday heading out to film her new MTV reality show, “Lohan Beach Club,” in Mykonos. She was…


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I Want to Fight Lindsay Lohan AND Paris Hilton!

It’s only been eight months since Farrah Abraham was fired from Teen Mom OG, but the former reality star has already embarked on a new career.

Currently, Farrah is seeking a partner who’s willing to strip down, strap on some protection, and sweat it out on camera.

No, she’s not re-entering the porn world (at least not that we know of).

Instead, Farrah is trying her hand at boxing.

Perhaps she looked at the career of Floyd Mayweather and realized that you can be a truly repugnant human being and still make a ton of money in the ring, or maybe she caught some old episodes of MTV’s Celebrity Death Match and thought it was a documentary.

Whatever the case, Farrah is looking to float like a butterfly and sting like an STD.

She just needs to find an opponent who’s as starved for cash and attention as she is.

Yes, believe it or not, Farrah is having a hard time finding someone who’s willing to punch her in the face.

Perhaps other washed-up celebs are worried about losing to Farrah and falling even further down the pseudo-fame ladder.

Or maybe they’ve heard that urban legend about how if you get too close, the stench of Farrah failure will never wash off and no casting director will ever talk to you again. 

Whatever the case, The Blast is reporting today that both Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton have been offered $ 250,000 to box Farrah.

Even after promoters threw in $ 100,000 to the charity of their choice, both women turned the offer down.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup points out, there’s good reason for this.

Lohan has a new reality show on the way, and while she’s desperate for the series to be a hit, fighting another MTV star on camera is likely a bridge too far even for LiLo.

For her part, Paris is getting married soon, and she’s probably in no hurry to have her face rearranged before she walks down the aisle (well, maybe by a licensed plastic surgeon, but that’s a conversation for another time).

And even though her career may have taken a nosedive in recent years, Paris is still a Hilton, which means she’s not exactly hard-up for cash.

So Paris and Lindsay aren’t interested, but that doesn’t mean Farrah is out of options.

Former 16 and Pregnant star Lindsey Nicole recently took to Instagram to talk major trash to Ms. Abraham:

“Really Farrah, you think you’re not a bully?” Lindsey wrote.

“Have you watched any of your episodes?

“You bully your mom, dad, producers, cast members, & anyone you think is less than you. Why don’t you get in the ring with me & try to bully me around and see how that goes.”

You would think that Farrah’s people would be making Lindsey an offer.

Instead, Abraham simply blocked her on Instagram.

Sadly, it’s looking more and more like the only celebrity Farrah will be going toe-to-toe with is Ron Jeremy.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Paris Hilton Slams Lindsay Lohan"s New Reality Show

Paris Hilton is absolutely one to hold a grudge when it comes to Lindsay Lohan, and because of that she says there’s NO chance she’ll watch LiLo on MTV. We got the reality TV OG — as she describes herself — and her fiance, Chris Zylka,…


Paris Hilton Slams Lindsay Lohan"s New Reality Show

Paris Hilton is absolutely one to hold a grudge when it comes to Lindsay Lohan, and because of that she says there’s NO chance she’ll watch LiLo on MTV. We got the reality TV OG — as she describes herself — and her fiance, Chris Zylka,…


David Eason SLAMS MTV For Hiring Lindsay Lohan: She"s Worse Than Farrah!

It’s been almost six months since David Eason was fired by MTV, but apparently, Jenelle Evans’ repugnant husband is still pissed about being unceremoniously kicked to the curb.

In fact, pretty much every time the network makes a major personnel decision, Eason takes to social media to throw a public temper tantrum.

When Bristol Palin joined the cast of Teen Mom OG, David whined on Facebook in embarrassing fashion.

So it should come as no surprise that he has much to say about MTV’s decision to partner up with one of the most infamous “actresses” on the planet.

In case you haven’t heard, Lindsay Lohan is set to star in a new reality show about her nightclub in Mykonos, Greece.

Sources say the series was inspired by Vanderpump Rules, and Lindsay will preside over the proceedings in the fashion of that show’s titular star.

Of course, Lisa Vanderpump is a successful businesswoman with decades of experience as a club owner, and Lindsay Lohan is what would happen if you injected a bloated liver with a newly-discovered strain of super-herpes, but we digress.

Anyway, David is not happy about his former home network’s decision to work with Lindsay.

“WOW! Lindsay Lohan,” David wrote on Facebook.

“MTV sure does love the drama. Great way to get some views, put the craziest person you can find on her own program!”

He went on to rag on Lindsay for her past substance abuse issues and compare her to one of the network’s most notorious former stars:

“I’m such a bad person but you go hire Lindsay??? WTF, that girl is gonna run off with your gear and sell it for cocaine!” Eason wrote.

“I mean everyone has their ups and downs in life but that’s more downs than ups! She will be MTVs new Farrah, only worse!”

Well, David would know all about a life that’s “more downs than ups.”

His own prodigious list of deep valleys includes such ignominious low-lights as marrying Jenelle Evans, doing drugs with her while she was pregnant, and having CPS called to his home 20 times in a single year.

Oh, and let’s not forget Eason’s homophobic tirade that got him fired from Teen Mom 2.

But please, David, tell us more about how Lindsay Lohan is the worst.

Compared to you, she’s an upstanding pillar of the global community.

If it weren’t sad to the point of being tragic, it would actually be impressive that you’ve managed to make Lindsay freakin’ Lohan look good.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Lindsay Lohan Injures Foot While "Beach Club" Reality Show Shoots

Lindsay Lohan’s new reality show with MTV is already hobbled — ‘cause its star is nursing a bum wheel. Lindsay was in Mykonos, Greece Monday with a large brace wrapped around her right ankle and foot. It’s unclear if she injured herself while…


Lindsay Lohan Gets MTV Reality Show Focused on Running Greece Nightclub

Lindsay Lohan is snapping back to reality … as in a new reality show, cause she’s doing one for MTV. The “Mean Girls” star will show what it’s like to run her club biz when MTV launches “Lohan Beach Club” in 2019. The show will center around…


Lindsay Lohan Reality Show is a Thing That"s Happening

Pack your bags, television viewers.

We"re about to head to Greece…

… with Lindsay Lohan!

MTV has announced that it is partnering with the former singer/actress/total and complete trainwreck on an upcoming reality show tentatively titled "Lohan Beach Club."

The series began shooting this week in Mykonos, where Lohan has settled in and reportedly made a very calm and drama-free life for herself.

Lohan said as much in a recent interview that aimed to paint her as just a nice and normal girl next door.

"My past has to stay in the past," Lohan told The New York Times this summer, emphasizing that she"s a "good person" and people need to "let go" of the mistakes she made during her dark period.

These mistakes, of course, included multiple arrests for drunk driving, numerous public meltdowns and that one really weird poem to ISIS.

That was then, however.


The new series, which will debut in early 2019, will chronicle Lohan as "she works to expand her business empire with the launch of Lohan Beach House," per a MTV press release.

It continues:

The exclusive seaside destination will serve as a backdrop for the series, and features luxury spa amenities, a renowned restaurant and a transformative day and nightclub poised to redefine the Mykonos experience.

The debut of Lohan Beach House marks the star’s third business venture in the Greek Islands, following the opening of Lohan Nightclub in Athens, Greece and Lohan Beach House Rhodes in Rhodes, Greece.

“Lohan Beach Club offers viewers VIP access to one of the most exclusive destinations in the world, and a behind the scenes look at how a young, successful entrepreneur runs her empire,” said Nina Diaz, President, Programming and Development for MTV, adding:

“We are thrilled to have such a passionate and creative partner in Lindsay to help explore this intriguing culture, all through the eyes of her brand.”

Over the course of the show, Lindsay will lead a team of handpicked brand ambassadors to make her mark on what many folks consider to be the vacation capital of the planet.

These team members will be asked to prove their expertise, ambition and charm while helping bring Lohan’s vision to life.

Sounds… intriguing? We guess.

MTV, of course, has found incredible succes in dredging up the past of late, as Jersey Shore: Family Vacation earned huge ratings in the spring of 2018, while Kristin Cavallari is even back with her very own program.

So why not Lohan, right?

See what Lindsay herself has to say about the project in the video featured here.

Will you tune in for it?

Lindsay lohan reality show is a thing thats actually happening

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Lindsay Lohan and Tiffany Trump Party on Mykonos

How’s this for a Grecian Formula … Tiffany Trump and Lindsay Lohan in Mykonos. Tiff and LiLo partied Friday night at a fundraiser to help victims of the Greek wildfires.   Turns out Donald Trump’s youngest daughter and Lindsay are old…


Friday, July 27, 2018

Lindsay Lohan"s Dad Makes 911 Call Over Alleged Domestic Violence

Michael Lohan called cops to report his wife, Kate Major Lohan, was drunk and on the attack. Lindsay Lohan’s father made the call Thursday night, telling the 911 operator Kate had been drinking heavily and broke his cell phone, and threw a glass…


Jennifer Garner to Lindsay Shookus: Stay Away From My Kids!

Long before Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson or Colin Jost and Scarlett Johansson, another SNL staffer entered an unexpected romance with a Hollywood A-lister.

We’re talking, of course, about Lindsay Shookus, who’s been dating Good Will Hunting screenwriter and noted awful tattoo enthusiast Ben Affleck for over a year now.

For the past several months, rumors about Affleck and Shookus getting married have been circulating non-stop.

In fact, some have gone so far as to claim the only thing holding the couple back is the fact that Ben is still married to Jennifer Garner.

While that’s technically true, we’re sure the couple could iron things out and sign the papers in a hurry if need be.

After all, it’s not like they’re getting back together, and they’re both independently wealthy.

Ben was Batman, and Jen’s Capital One commercials now feature cameos from Captain Obvious himself!

Now, sources say what’s really holding up the proceedings are concerns about Affleck and Garner’s kids.

But this isn’t your typical Hollywood custody battle — sources say Ben and Jen both want to divide up time with their children as equitably as possible.

No, what’s holding up the parade is the fact that Jen reportedly doesn’t want Lindsay anywhere near her kids.

“Jen doesn’t want the kids around Lindsay or having her in their lives. She has many reasons,” a source tells Us Weekly.

“Ben understands and has honored her request.”

Needless to say, Jen’s stance complicates the situation just a bit.

We imagine it’s tough to be a good stepmom when you’re not allowed to see your stepkids.

But amazingly, it seems Ben is totally cool with his ex’s request.

“They’re good friends,” the source adds.

“She wants him to be honest and he usually is. She tends to find out about things, and Ben is very open with her. They both want what’s best for the kids and have made a commitment to see that through.”

The insider says that in all likelihood, Jen will eventually relax her anti-Shookus stance.

But one thing she’ll remain vigilant about is Affleck’s drinking.

“The one thing she’s not flexible on is sobriety,” the source tells Us.

“Jen is hesitant to sign off until she’s certain that the kids will be in the best hands at all time.”

The insider adds:

“Finalizing the divorce has been a long process because of it.”

The source was mum on the question of whether or not the fact that Ben and Lindsay have been seen drinking together has contributed to Garner’s skepticism.

But you don’t have to be the world’s greatest detective to piece that one together. 


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Rachel Lindsay: If Becca Kufrin Picks Garrett, She Owes The World an Apology!!

If you follow The Bachelorette Spoilers, you already know who Becca Kufrin picks. If not … you must be on the edge of your seat with worry.

Major concerns are that Becca will choose Garrett Yrigoyen, whose bigoted social media history was exposed … but after the finale was filmed.

Well, Rachel Lindsay is no stranger to being Bachelorette or to having a bigoted suitor. And she has some advice for Becca if Garrett is her man.

Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, former Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay has advice for Becca — if she should choose Garrett as her fiance.

“I want to hear more than just an apology,” Rachel says, speaking for a large swathe of the Bachelor Nation.

Garrett apologized for his hateful posts, but a lot of fans felt that he was just sorry that he was caught.

Rachel explains that an apology isn’t enough: “I want to hear an explanation.”

If Becca does choose Garrett — who was one to watch from the first day and who has now made it to the very end — Becca won’t want this cloud hanging over her engagement.

“They have to talk about it,” Rachel advises.

Rachel talks about why Becca, in particular, will need to explain why she’s engaged to Garrett — especially after Becca defended Garrett.

“Becca’s a liberal,” Rachel points out. “And the things he was liking were very conservative, far right.”

Rachel thinks better of her words and corrects her characterization of the content that Garrett was enjoying on Instagram.

Rachel adds that it was “more than conservative [and] a little offensive.”

As multiple bloggers commented when it first broke the news, the material that Garrett seemed to love so much transcended party lines.

“So,” Rachel says. “I think they need to address it now.”

You don’t want this kind of thing to follow you to your wedding day. Assuming that Becca makes it that far with whichever new man she chooses.

Rachel says that Becca should step up “and have a game plan of how they’re going to face the media.”

“People will read through the BS,” Rachel warns.

So she cautions them: “Don’t try to cover it up and put a Band-Aid on it.”

“Just say what you did, why you did it,” Rachel advises. “People will forgive you.”

Rachel even delves into how she would address the situation if Bryan Abasolo had been exposed as a bigot.

“[I would handle it] probably the same way I did with Lee,” Rachel says.

Lee was, of course, a contestant on her season. She was the franchise’s first-ever black Bachelorette, and Lee … well, Lee was racist.

“I addressed it,” Rachel reminds the world. “I said, ‘If you need a history lesson, I can give you one backstage.’ That’s how I would deal with it.”

Of course, Lee absolutely did not make it to the end of Rachel’s season. Garrett is another story.

Rachel says that, if she were in Becca’s shos, “I would have to address it head-on and I’d be pretty tough about it.”

People had a lot of concerns about Rachel Lindsay’s own choice last year.

As you may recall, she picked Bryan Abasolo, whom many people perceived as a liar who would say whatever she wanted to hear, over Peter Kraus.

But Rachel and Bryan are still together and seem happy. Sometimes, people do know what’s best for themselves.

Perhaps Becca sees something in Garrett that the rest of us, who have known for quite a while what sort of man he is beneath the surface, do not.

But … regardless, they’re going to need to face this head-on.


Paris Hilton Calls Lindsay Lohan Out as a "Liar," Internet Wonders If It"s 2006

Paris Hilton is celebrating #ThrowbackThursday a few hours early.

But she isn’t doing it via some memorable or funny photos from several years ago.

She’s doing it by reigniting a decades-old feud with the one former celebrity who may be more irrelevant than she is these days.

Yes, Lindsay Lohan, we’re talking about you.

The former A-Listers, both of whom have seen their Q-Rating drop more precipitously than Hilton’s pants in her infamous amateur porn video, are evidently at odds once again as a result of something Paris wrote on Instagram.

This is all a little bit confusing and a whole lot random, but here we go…

A Paris Hilton fan account (yes, these actually exist!) on Instagram shared a montage of paparazzi videos of Lohan in the 2000s this week.

During her darkest period, of course, the ex-actress was involved prominently during this decade in many scandals and disagreements.

The first clip from the aforementioned video is from November of 2006; it features Lohan claiming that Hilton had hit her in the arm the night before at a friend’s house and also poured a drink all over her.

Then, in the second section of footage, Lohan takes this statement back and says she loves Paris.

“Paris is my friend. Everyone lies about everything. She’s a nice person…she never did that. She’s a good girl,” Lindsay tells photographers as she ducks into the car with Hilton behind the wheel in this snippet.

Then, there’s a third segment of the video in which Lindsay seemingly calls Paris a “cunt,” prior to immediately claiming she did no such thing,

(A certain President of the United States stand up and applaud Lindsay for her ability to tell fudge the truth, if you will.)

At some point, this video must have made its way into Hilton’s feed because actually left a comment on it that reads:


Lohan and Hilton go back a VERY long way.

Lindsay allegedly dated Hilton’s ex-boyfriend, Stavros Niarchos, about 12 years ago.

Lohan, meanwhile, once quipped that Paris is “very comfortable making videos,” a clear reference to her sex tape.

Then, in 2013, Hilton’s younger brother alleged that Lohan was actually behind a beating he took in Miami.

We haven’t heard much about their relationship since then; nor much from either star since then, period.

However, Lohan recently went after Kim Kardashian, indicating that she’s unafraid to stir things up with fellow celebrities just like she did in the old days.

Although she’d claim otherwise.

“I’m a normal, nice person. A good person. I don’t have any bad intentions. And my past has to stay in the past,” Lohan explained in a new interview, adding:

“People have to just let go of it and stop bringing it up because it’s not – it’s gone. It’s dead. And that’s the most important thing to me.”

Okay, fine. Fair enough.

But someone better pass that message along to Paris Hilton.

(At press time, Lohan had not responded to Hilton’s liar diss.)
