Showing posts with label Mental. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

NFL"s Takkarist McKinley Detained By Police ... Mental Evaluation

Atlanta Falcons defensive end Takkarist McKinley was detained by police in L.A. on Tuesday and is undergoing a mental evaluation following an incident at a hotel … TMZ Sports has learned. 
McKinley was with a friend at a high-end hotel around noon when something happened and the ...
NFL"s Takkarist McKinley Detained By Police ... Mental Evaluation

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Justin Bieber Looking Distraught at Church Following Selena Gomez Mental Health News

Justin Bieber needed a hug and some love on his way out of church, clearly impacted by our story about Selena Gomez’s mental health crisis.  The first signs Justin wasn’t his normal self came when he showed up alone to his usual…


Selena Gomez Has "Emotional Breakdown" and Now Receiving Mental Health Treatment

Selena Gomez was hospitalized twice in the last 2 weeks … and the second time she suffered what sources called an emotional breakdown … she’s now at a mental health facility for treatment. Multiple sources tell TMZ, the 26-year-old singer…


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Lindsay Lohan"s Friends Alarmed at Her Mental Health and Want Her Back in the U.S.

Lindsay Lohan’s friends are so alarmed about her mental state after accusing a homeless family of trafficking children and then getting punched in the face in Moscow … they’re practically begging her to return to the States. Sources close to…


Sunday, September 30, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: I Had a Mental Breakdown Last Year, Too!

2017 was not a great time for the Baltierra family.

And that’s a pretty huge understatement.

Lots and lots of things happened for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra last year, and it seems like not a whole lot of them were great.

Tyler’s father, Butch, kicked off the year dealing with his lifelong drug addiction, but thankfully he did check into a longterm rehab.

As far as we know, he’s still doing well, so that’s something.

Amber, Tyler’s sister, checked into rehab too with problems of her own.

Hopefully she’s doing as well as their father is!

As far as family stuff goes, those are clearly some pretty big ups and downs.

But nothing affected Catelynn and Tyler as badly as her miscarriage did.

As we saw last season on Teen Mom OG, the longtime couple made the decision last year to try for another baby.

They already had Carly, the girl Catelynn got pregnant with when they were teenagers, the one they placed for adoption.

And in 2015, they welcomed Nova, another darling little girl.

But after Nova was born, Cate suffered from severe postpartum depression.

It eventually got so bad that she checked into a treatment center, but even after leaving there, her depression persisted.

At some point early last year though, things started to turn around, and like we said, they decided the time was right to have another baby.

She got pregnant pretty soon after they started trying to conceive, and they quickly shared the news with family.

Then the miscarriage happened.

We didn’t see too much of it on the show, which is good.

As reality stars, they share a lot of themselves, but some things should stay private.

During one segment, we did see Tyler explaining what happened, and he was clearly broken up about it.

Catelynn, however, began contemplating suicide, so she checked into that treatment center once again.

We all know what happened after that — she completed six weeks of treatment, went home for a bit, then went back for six more weeks of treatment.

As difficult a time as she had then, things are looking up now.

She’s pregnant again, and she and Tyler both seem to be really excited about it.

But in a new interview, Tyler got really, really candid about how difficult things got last year, particularly with the miscarriage.

And man, is it rough to hear.

He calls the miscarriage a “traumatic loss” and admits that it was “very emotionally intense,” but he says that his first reaction was to tend to Catelynn.

“I ran to her, held her,” he recounts. “We cried. We just held each other for probably two hours and cried.”

“That was our way of kind of letting go and accepting reality for what it is.”

“From a guy’s perspective,” he continues, clarifying that he doesn’t mean “to sound sexist,” but “it’s almost more acceptable for a woman to break down and be emotional.”

“But I swear, as a man, when I walked away from Cate and I didn’t have to be so strong, I was breaking down every single day.”

When she went away to get treatment, he says “I was taking Nova to school and just crying every single day.”

“I’m assuming a lot of women do the same thing. It’s just not really talked about a lot with men.”

It’s heartbreaking to hear all of this, but there’s one thing that helped him cope, and that was his daughter.

Tyler says that “Seeing Nova and realizing that I can’t sit here and sulk in my pity” got him through the difficult time.

“I’ve gotta be strong, engage with my daughter, play with her, take her to the park.”

“I still had a job to do of raising her around the happiest environment I could make for her,” he explains.

“I kind of felt that she was my motivation to keep strong, looking at her and saying, ‘I did lose this child, but look at this beautiful child I’ve got now."”

As touching as it is, he adds that Nova “helped me push myself forward and keep going.”

During that time, Tyler says that he’d put his daughter to bed, then “go in my room and cry about it.”

For him, it was important not to hide his emotions from her, but it was also important not to break down in front of her, either.

From where we’re sitting, it looks like handled the situation well.

In the newest clip of Catelynn and Tyler on Teen Mom OG, the one where they tell Nova they’re having a baby, she looks like a very happy little girl.

Hopefully, in other scenes, we’ll see more happiness from them.

After all they’ve been through, they definitely deserve it!


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Korn Frontman Jonathan Davis Speaks Out About Wife"s Death & Mental Illness

Jonathan Davis says his wife Deven was very sick for the past decade, and suggests her mental illness led to her addiction … and it’s to blame for her death. Korn’s lead singer shared a message on Instagram Wednesday night to address what…


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Kendall Jenner Opens Up About "Mental Breakdown"

Kendall Jenner might not be an almost-billionaire like her sister Kylie, but she’s still almost unimaginably successful. 

Kendall is one of the world’s highest-paid models, and her peers in the field have been effusive in their praise of her poise, grace, and confidence when walking the runway.

But as anyone who’s ever struggled with anxiety or depression can tell you, sometimes the most assured facade is concealing the most intense inner turmoil.

Kendall’s struggles with anxiety have been well-documented over the years, and while the 22-year-old says modeling has helped her in some ways to overcome her demons, she’s still prone to intense bouts of anxiety.

Kendall covers the new issue of Love Magazine, and in one of her most candid interviews to date, she reveals that she bowed out of scheduled fashion shows in Paris recently due to stress,

“Last season I didn’t do any shows,” Kendall says.

“Just ‘cause I was working in LA and I was like ‘Oof, I can’t right now – I’m gonna go crazy."”

Kendall says her “debilitating anxiety” has caused her to opt for self-care over professional opportunities several times in the past.

She tells Love that there have been times when she’s “up in the middle of the night with full-on panic attacks,” adding that she begins to feel uncomfortable when she’s not in control.

“If something isn’t going the way I planned, I freak out,” Jenner says.

Fortunately, Kendall has been able to face her fears enough to become one of the most in-demand models working today.

No easy feat, as in addition to the stress of walking the runway in front of her industry’s best and brightest, Kendall’s personal life is under intense and constant scrutiny.

Currently, Jenner’s relationship with NBA star Ben Simmons is a subject of tabloid fascination.

Add to that the fact that a new season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians kicked off Sunday night, and it’s hard to imagine how Kendall ever gets a moment’s privacy.

The situation would be enough to give anyone anxiety.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Destiny"s Child Michelle Williams Checks into Mental Health Facility for Depression

Michelle Williams of Destiny’s Child has checked herself into a mental health facility to seek help for her struggle with depression … TMZ has learned. Sources tell us Williams is getting treated in a facility just outside of Los Angeles and has…


Destiny"s Child Michelle Williams Checks into Mental Health Facility for Depression

Michelle Williams of Destiny’s Child has checked herself into a mental health facility to seek help for her struggle with depression … TMZ has learned. Sources tell us Williams is getting treated in a facility just outside of Los Angeles and has…


Friday, July 6, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Details Mental Illness in Powerful New Poem

Teen Mom OG star Tyler Baltierra struggles with his mental health, and has to defend himself and explain to fans that his mental illness doesn’t make him a bad parent.

He’s absolutely right. He has coping mechanisms, and one of those is expressing himself through poetry.

In a powerful and evocative new poem, he explains what it’s like to endure the fog of depression and anxiety on a daily basis.

On Instagram, Tyler Baltierra shared a somewhat freeform poem that, at first, might resemble prose.

“Living with this depression & anxiety causes hurt.” Tyler’s poem begins. “Its brain is like an alien stuck in a foreign body.”

A lot of people can feel that way. Particularly those who endure a chronic battle with an illness.

“That body just keeps getting up,” Tyler continues. “it keeps putting on these clothes & it goes about the day doing whatever is required.”

It sounds like he is describing an empty routine that feels devoid of meaning.

“But It barely eats,” Tyler laments. “It’s always weak & it’s always tired.”

Many feel betrayed by their flesh prisons, and Tyler is no exception.

“But I’m so confused,” Tyler writes. “I just don’t get it, because if it’s so weak & it’s so tired, then why can’t it sleep when it’s time for its mind to retire.”

Insomnia is a special kind of torment that adds insult to injury for those enduring the chronic fatigue that can accompany depression.

“It’s like its mind is this tire that keeps spinning in circles & it gets lost every time it takes a spin while driving on that thin of a wire.”

By this point, you have no doubt noted that retire and wire rhyme with some earlier words. There’s a lot of that going on.

“But even though it lacks the ability to see what is required,” Tyler says. “That doesn’t mean It’s not allowed to desire the love & compassion every other human being desires.”

“It feels like it’s a conspire to not have known this information prior,” Tyler writes.

He means a conspiracy, but he’s using poetic license to play with the word.

“Because now all these thoughts in its brain caused by all these demons inside won’t stop talking with such an evil tone that’s dire…”

To be clear, he’s not talking about delusions of demons. He’s talking about the horror of intrusive thoughts.

(On their own, intrustive thoughts are supposed to be prompts to do things that we don’t want to do, so that our horrified internal reactions reinforce our resistance to those impulses. Mental illness can make that much worse)

Tyler writes: “& that tone distracts it from ever being able to see the positivity in this life it could actually acquire.”

That’s depression for you.

Tyler Baltierra ends his poem with the tag: “#PoetryIsMyBrainsFreedom.”

The Teen Mom OG star has opened up about his mental health struggles in the past.

Recently, he shared a heartbreaking poem that he wrote while battling suicidal ideation after getting the news of his father, Butch Baltierra, once again going to jail.

A person’s parent’s screw-ups, as a parent or as a human being, can haunt their children well into adulthood.

Tyler has explained that he shares all of this, not only because expressing himself through poetry is therapeutic, but because he hopes to help people.

Sometimes, the most powerful thing that you can do for someone is to make them understand that they are truly not alone.

The comments under Tyler’s poem were filled with expressions of support and sympathy.

A number of followers mentioned that they very personally understood his experiences.

Others recommended CBD oil, which they say can alleviate anxiety and depression like marijuana without producing the high.

It is always heartwarming to see people come together with solutions that worked for them, but not every solution is universal.


Saturday, June 30, 2018

Heather Locklear to Undergo Long-Term Care for Substance, Mental Health Issues

Heather Locklear will soon move from the psychiatric ward at an L.A.-area hospital to a long-term facility so doctors, psychiatrists and others can help her deal with serious substance abuse as well as mental health issues … TMZ has learned.…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Claps Back at Haters: My Mental Health Doesn"t Make Me a Bad Parent!

Earlier this week, Teen Mom OG star Tyler Baltierra shared a poem about his heartbreaking suicide attempt. It must have taken a lot of courage for him to share such an intimate piece of self-expression.

Unfortunately, some people had the nerve to use this opportunity to suggest that he and Catelynn shouldn’t be allowed to be parents because of their mental health.

Tyler took to Twitter to clap back against this very dangerous line of thinking.

One Twitter user, an Instagram model whose claim to fame is having been on Bad Girls Club, decided to ask a not-so-innocent question about Tyler and Catelynn.

“Sad that him and his wife are struggling with depression and bi polar disorder,” Danielle says.

Unfortunately, she did not stop there.

Tyler and Catelynn have her sympathies, “but is that really a healthy environment for a child to grow up in?” she asks.

She also does that thing that some people do when they have a decent following on social media and would rather be able to say that they are “starting a conversation” than voicing an opinion.

“[I don’t know,] thoughts people?” she asks, as if her entire tweet were just an innocuous question about Catelynn’s hairstyle.

Tyler saw this and, very understandably, felt the need to speak out.

“So everyone who has a mental health issue shouldn’t be allowed to have children?” he tweeted.

You can really feel his righteous indignation.

Tyler continued, describing parenting as getting to “experience the most beautiful thing this life can give you.”

Not everyone will necessarily agree that parenting, with its many ups and downs, qualifies for that lofty superlative … but we’ll let it slide for the moment.

“It’s the same,” Tyler continues. “As telling someone who has diabetes or any manageable condition, that they shouldn’t have kids.”

Sadly, people have probably made arguments along those lines, too. No, wait, people have definitely made arguments along those lines. And it’s horrifying.

Tyler makes his feelings clear, writing: “I highly disagree with that!”

Tyler was not the only one who strenuously objects to the notion that people being treated for their mental health are disqualified from being parents.

One Twitter user replied to the original tweet: “Wow really?? I have anxiety and manic depression as well! I’ve raised two healthy sons to adulthood! Shame on you for that statement! I’ve had this since age 20! I’m 44 now!”


“This is the problem with most people,” another person tweeted. “If they have never experienced it they can’t understand. I’m raising 3 children while I suffer from anxiety. I’m a GREAT mom and they are very well taken care of! I am on medication and I take care of myself so I can take care of them!”

Many mental illnesses are totally treatable. If you argue that someone’s depression makes them a bad parent, you sound like a sleezy divorce lawyer.

Another tweets: “Were you not just begging twitter to pay your rent a few months ago? Worry about yourself & not the mental health of others.. btw Tyler is a WONDERFUL dad.”

Wow. Somebody brought some reciepts to the roast.

Another wrote, more simply: “Just because they struggle doesn’t mean [they’re] bad parents.”

Others simply couldn’t believe this woman’s audacity to ask the question.

“Why in 2018 is mental health still being stigmatised?!” another tweeter asks. “Why should people feel ashamed for having an illness that is out with their control?! This needs to STOP!”

Another decided that Danielle needed a little more roasting.

This person tweeted: “At least their kids can look back and see that their parents had positive impact in life and on tv. What are your kids gna see when they google your name? Bad girls clubs clips bahaha now thats sad.”

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw shade.

Others, however, defended the question … sort of.

“I don’t think it’s a bad question,” another fan tweeted. “You have to truly understand that some are completely unaware of how it feels to live with a mental illness. Educate those whom do not understand.”

That’s a good point, honestly — sometimes, people have to ask questions to learn. Even if those questions have horrifying implications.

Speaking of horrifying thoughts, however, some people went above and beyond when agreeing with Danielle’s question.

One person tweeted: “Selective breeding, we do it with animals, why not humans…only way to stabilize society and weed out illness.”

Let’s just hope that this person is, like, 12 and still coming to grasp with right and wrong. Because, and I hate Nazi comparisons, but … that is one scary tweet.

Obviously, if someone is a bad parent, either abusive or neglectful or otherwise unable to give their child love and support, the child needs a better home where they can be safe and healthy.

But mental illness — in addition to being treatable — does not disqualify someone from being an amazing parent. It’s just a thing that they have to deal with.

In fact, that personal struggle can make them more empathetic to a child’s potential struggles.

In the mean time, the world has no shortage of truly awful parents who don’t have any mental illness. Being a terrible person is a character trait, not an ailment.

Good for Tyler for sticking up for himself, his wife, and for every other parent with mental health struggles.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Lil Xan Breaks Down Mental Breakdown That Included Keying G-Wagon

Lil Xan says he suffers from anxiety and that’s what everyone saw on display when he keyed his whip … but he’s good now, and so is the G-Wagon. We got the rapper Tuesday at LAX, and asked what led to his mental breakdown a couple weeks ago.…


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Kanye West Thought Doctors Would Kill Him During Mental Breakdown

Kanye West thought he’d get killed while being hospitalized at UCLA after suffering a mental breakdown. In the newly released interview with Charlamagne tha God, West talks about his 8-day hospitalization in 2016. He says Kim was out of town when…


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Addresses Haters: Mental Illness Does NOT Make Me a Bad Mom!

Over the course of the past 18 months, Catelynn Lowell has checked into rehab three times.

Sadly, she’s taken a fair bit of flak from insensitive fans as a result of her struggles with mental illness.

While it certainly wasn’t her intention when she first decided to seek help, Catelynn has become a sort of spokesperson for young mothers struggling with mental health issues.

Most have applauded Lowell for her willingness to share her struggle with Teen Mom OG fans.

But as is always the case in 2018, haters have come out of the woodwork with the apparent goal of raining on Lowell’s parade.

Fortunately, Cate has no patience for their trash-talk:

“You’re not the only parent struggling with mental health issues,” a Twitter user wrote this week.

“I am a single parent with mental health issues BUT, I still have to provide for my family and be there when my children need me.”

Catelynn was quick to clap back by pointing out that in seeking treatment, she was doing what was best for her family:

“I wasn’t ‘running away from my problems. I was FIXING them! Working HARD & getting on the right medication,” she tweeted.

“I wouldn’t wish this crap on my worst enemy! But I guess I’ll have haters no matter what! Just glad I got myself better and if ppl r mad then be mad I guess.”  

Catelynn further confirmed that her health is on the upswing these days by posting the photo below on Instagram:

“I love you so much!!!” she captioned the pic, in apparent tribute to her husband, Tyler Baltierra.

“And for all you haters vows say —in SICKNESS and in health . . . remember that . . . Because this man has done that for me beyond what could imagine.”

We’re sure Catelyn understands the frustrations of moms who are struggling but can’t afford in-patient treatment.

But at the end of the day, she’s making no apologies for taking steps to ensure her own health and the happiness of her husband and daughter.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more of Catelynn’s courageous struggle.


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: We Want to Teach Your Kids About Mental Health!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have had quite a year.

There may have been more ups and downs in the past 12 months, but the beloved Teen Mom OG couple deserves praise for consistently turning negatives into positives.

Unfortunately, the most noteworthy recent development for the young couple is a tragic one:

Catelynn suffered a miscarriage, and the trauma of the event took a tremendous psychological toll on both her and her husband.

Lowell checked into rehab to be treated for various mental health issues in the aftermath of the shocking loss.

Clearly, it’s difficult to find any sort of silver lining in such a painful series of events, but it does seem as though Cate and Tyler have both emerged from the wreckage with a better understanding of theit minds’ inner workings.

And fortunately for fans, the Baltierras are seeking out ways to share what they’ve learned with the world:

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup points out, Catelynn and Tyler appeared on Kailyn Lowry’s podcast this week, where they discussed a wide array of topics, including their plans to help fans who are coping with issues similar to their own.

“We’re talking to MTV and trying to come up with a couple different pitches for a mental health special,” Tyler said.

“Ironically ‘Teen Mom’ has had a lot of mental health [issues] that have been covered on a lot of the stories. We really want to do a public thing, possibly with Dr. Drew [Pinsky].

“The hard part is crafting a message and making it be genuine and not just trying to cash in on this thing we’ve got going on,” Baltierra added.

As for her struggles with PTSD and depression, Catelynn said she’s turned a corner as of late:

“I feel way better,” Cate said.

“I did a whole med switch and genetic testing. I found out that the medication I was on for five years doesn’t even work for me.”

She added:

“They put me on different medications and they seem to be working really well. It all stems from the trauma of my past so I’m going to have to keep digging into that.”

And it seems Cate and Tyler feel their both in a position where they can turn their attention to helping others.

As longtime Teen Mom OG fans know, the couple made the painful decision to place their youngest daughter, Carlee, up for adoption before she was born back in 2009.

While they still believe they did what was best for their baby, the decision has clearly caused the couple a good deal of pain over the years, as they’ve struggled to maintain a relationship with Carlee, despite the fact that they’re not her legal guardians.

Now, Catelynn and Tyler are hoping to channel that pain into a second children’s book, this one focusing on the unique challenges fced by adopted children.

“Me and Catelynn have been talking lately about doing an adoption book for kids who are adoptees and for kids who have siblings that have been adopted,” Tyler said.

“I think it would be cool to explain to the kids, in their language, how [adoption] works.”

Watch Teen Mom OG online to relive the rocky road that brought the Baltierras to where they are today.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Amber Portwood: Suffering from Mental Health Issues During Pregnancy

Amber Portwood is not in a good place right now.

But then again, she’s never been in a good place, not once in all the years we’ve known her, so it’s to be expected at this point.

After years of dealing with drug addiction and massive anger management problems and, you know, prison, not to mention the supreme creepiness of Matt Baier …

She’s been through a lot, to say the least.

So now that she’s settled down a little bit, since she’s cut Matt loose and found a new creeper to play house with and since she’s pregnant again, you’d think things would be easier, right?

At least a little bit.

But if you honestly thought that, then you must not be too familiar with Ms. Portwood.

While it looks like she gets along better with Andrew Glennon than she did with Matt, we don’t imagine that will be the case forever — Andrew has two exes with restraining orders against him, so a happy ending with Teen Mom’s OG felon doesn’t seem likely.

And while it may look like she’s in a better situation to have a child now than she was when she was a broke teenager, it really doesn’t feel that way.

After all, she doesn’t really parent the child she already has, and we all saw how maternal she was when she did have custody of Leah.

Spoiler if you missed the first few seasons of Teen Mom: most inanimate objects appear to be more maternal than Amber.

Look, the point is that it’s all just bad, everything about this whole situation is bad and weird and scary.

And in a new interview Amber just did with People, she’s opening up about how bad things are for her these days.

In the interview, Amber revealed that she “had a concern” with her depression recently, and after speaking with her doctor, they concluded that “it was a concern that postpartum [depression] was something that could happen because of how I’m doing right now.”

She explained that she wants to “nip it in the bud before anything gets too bad or you go into a really deep depression, which is not good for me right now, obviously.”

So she began taking antidepressants, which she said is “just something you have to do to make yourself feel better, and you have to make sure it’s safe for the baby and just move forward from that.”

First of all, it’s sincerely wonderful that Amber took the steps to get help if she’s been feeling depressed. Lots of antidepressants are perfectly safe during pregnancy, and it’s a great thing that she’s taking care of herself like this.

Obviously there’s no shame in admitting you’re struggling, and if she does develop postpartum depression down the line, she’s got a head start on battling it.

It’s also good that she seems to be wising up a little when it comes to her health.

Last year, after Amber broke up with Matt, she made statements about how she’d stopped taking her medications because she thought it was just her situation that was making her feel depressed.

Except she’s said many times that she’s bipolar, which isn’t something you just get over by getting out of a bad situation — not that depression is either, but bipolar disorder is a lifelong thing.

She’s also said before that the medications she normally took weren’t safe for pregnancy, but maybe since she’s already on antidepressants, she’ll consult her doctor about any other meds she made need after having the baby.

Maybe this is the first step to a whole new and improved Amber!

We can dream, right?

Oh, also in the interview, she specified that she’s 33 weeks pregnant right now, which means that she conceived within the first few weeks of dating Andrew.

What a world.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Reveal Heartbreaking Mental Health Problems

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have been through so much in their lives.

Just way, way too much.

Catelynn has April for a mother, and we’ve seen April be mentally and verbally abusive to her on several occasions in the early seasons of Teen Mom.

Tyler has Butch for a father, and we know it wasn’t easy on him to watch his dad go in and out of jail for literally his entire life.

But because they had such intense issues with their own parents, they were able to make the remarkably responsible, admirable decision to place their daughter Carly for adoption when Catelynn became pregnant at 16.

Unfortunately, even though it was the right thing to do, it was still obviously incredibly painful for them, and it’s clear that they still struggle with their decision somewhat, even today.

When they had their second daughter, Nova, Catelynn developed some serious postpartum depression, so much that she had to check into a treatment center.

And then when she and Tyler decided to try for another baby, she ended up having a miscarriage, which was very hard for both of them.

It was a big trigger for Cate’s depression, and she actually began considering suicide because of it, and so back to rehab she went.

Meanwhile, Tyler struggled at home, dealing with his own grief while caring for Nova and running their household.

Like we’ve said, these two have been through a lot.

But Catelynn’s been home from rehab for a few weeks now, and it looks like she and Tyler are dedicating themselves to raising awareness and bringing attention to the kinds of mental health issues they’ve been dealing with.

They’ve been talking about it on the show, of course, and on social media, and now they’re taking the time to do interviews on the subject.

Earlier this week, they made an appearance on a podcast called Voices for Change 2.0, and they really shared a lot.

And here we were, thinking their story couldn’t get any more heartbreaking …

During the podcast, they both revealed the mental illnesses they’ve been diagnosed with, with Catelynn explaining that she’s dealing with a few different things.

“It’s panic disorder, PTSD — I like to call myself a trauma survivor — and it’s depression, but it’s co-occurring depression or something like that,” she said.

“It will go away and it will come back with the panic disorder.”

She also said that it “kind of surprised” her to be diagnosed with PTSD, but that “it makes a lot of sense too.”

Honestly, if you’ve watched those first few seasons of Teen Mom, a diagnosis of PTSD makes perfect sense.

From the way she was raised to that super painful adoption, it’s actually pretty surprising she didn’t get that diagnosis sooner.

As for Tyler, he revealed that he first felt depressed when he was just 11 years old.

A big issue for him was his father “going in and out of prison all the time,” but he said that “at 11, though, that’s when I attempted suicide and failed.”

If you blocked that horrible story out of your head, he’s been very open about his suicide attempt in the past — he tried to hang himself but it didn’t work, and he had to walk around school with rope burns around his neck.

“After that my mom started to take me to therapy,” he recounted. “I was on anti-depressants a bit.”

But in the past few months he’s been going back to therapy, and he said that people there told him that he could be bipolar.

“That was pretty shocking to figure out,” he admitted, “but also it made a lot of sense back to when I was younger … But that was a lot to obviously digest that day.”

During the podcast, Catelynn also discussed why she felt comfortable airing so much of what she’s been through in the past few months on Teen Mom OG.

“I talked a lot about it with my therapist when I was in treatment,” she said, “my whole thing about me being vulnerable and sharing it. I could have said no to the producers and the people who work on the show and they would have totally understood.”

“If I was like, ‘Listen, I’m going through a rough time and I’m not filming it and I don’t want it to be aired,"” she said that MTV would have respected her wishes.

“But my whole thing is, if I can save somebody’s life and show them that it’s OK to not be OK sometimes and there’s things that you can do to get help, that’s the only reason I did it,” she continued.

“I wanted to bring awareness to the mental health issues and show that it’s real.”

She said that “Some people think, ‘Oh, you’re depressed, get the hell out of bed,’ but no, that’s not how it works. I just wanted to shine a light on that.”

It seems like she’s doing a great job so far, and we couldn’t be prouder of them both for taking care of themselves so well!


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Farrah Abraham Shuts Down Mental Illness Claim: My Mom is Pure Evil!

In a recent interview, zero-time mom-of-the-year Debra Danielsen claimed that Farrah Abraham is suffering from multiple mental illnesses.

While mental illness doesn’t deserve its stigma, offering an armchair diagnosis of your famous daughter is … inexcusable.

Farrah is now responding by firing back at her mother.

As you may recall, Debra shared her “compassionate” words about Farrah in an interview.

“If you have Borderline Personality Disorder, if you have narcissism, any of these kinds of things, they’re all highly treatable.”

Whether or not you imagine that someone is having symptoms of something, it’s irresponsible to assign them a diagnosis. Um, especially in an interview.

“All is not lost, but I will say that deep down inside I know my daughter. She is kind, loving and she is sweet and very compassionate.”

Despite her upbringing, we guess.

“I think she works extremely hard, I think she just needs to step back a moment, and take some time and get healthy and take time for her so she can heal.”

Farrah tells People that it is “sad to hear my own mother would say these untrue things about her own child.”

We should keep in mind that Farrah has claimed that Debra has Asperger’s … which is also not an okay thing to guess in an interview, and seems better designed to malign the autistic community than anything else.

But Farrah goes in on her mother’s words.

“It’s evil and alarming. After all these years, I still have her best interests at heart.”

Evil is a very strong word, but honestly … people don’t use it enough. Not for the right things, anyway.

Farrah is perhaps not the best judge of what is and is not reasonable, but she’s right about this being a crappy stunt to pull on her mother’s part.

Farrah goes on to reveal how she views her mental health.

“Clinically & honestly, none of my TV show therapists & personal therapist have all said I’m balanced.”

That’s … an interestingly worded statement, but we think that she means to say that her therapists all say that she’s fine.

We’re not saying that they really said that, we’re just saying that this is what Farrah meant to say. Obviously, we don’t know what her therapists have told her, only how she’s apparently interpreted it.

“I started therapy in my past at the age of 14 due to my mother and I not getting along as our family therapist sided with me about my safety and my life choices that my mother has never been supportive or caring to help guide her own children.”

In the past, Farrah has accused her mother of terrible abuse. Which might explain some of Farrah’s … quirks … but not excuse things like Farrah’s race-fueled rants.

Farrah then shares that her therapists “have come to the conclusion my mother is jealous” of Farrah.

“I always wish my mother the best as I attended her wedding supporting her.”

As Farrah continues to talk about her mother, her sentence structure takes on exciting new forms.

“Saying horrible things about your own child after I’m the only one who has ever strived to overlook her demons she fights daily against.”

You know, Farrah’s said that she’s going into scripted television now that she was fired from Teen Mom OG. “Farrah Abraham: Demon-Slayer” sounds like an amazing trainwreck that I would watch every week. Just saying.

Farrah continues.

“This brings sadness to our family and I wish her all the best for the sake of my health & safety I wish her all the best.”

So … she wishes her mother the best … for the sake of her own health. Not very selfless, but that probably is healthy if Farrah means it.

That said, Farrah says that she and her daughter are getting the hell out of Dodge.

“I hope she has enjoyed the Teen Mom MTV ride that Sophia brought to her life as I’m moving on from that toxic environment she dwells in.”

In other words, Farrah plans to cut off Debra from her granddaughter after this.

“I hope she ceases talking about me since she does not love me she does not need to speak about me to stay relevant in a disgustingly hateful way. God Bless.”

Don’t worry, Debra … at least you’ll always have your bond with Amber Portwood, right?


Monday, March 19, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Suffering from Multiple Mental Illnesses?

Whether you love her or hate her, one thing is certain about Farrah Abraham: she"s been through some stuff.

She got pregnant at 16 with her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Derek Underwood, and during the pregnancy, Derek passed away in a car crash.

After that happened, she didn"t get a ton of emotional support from her parents, and we saw how much it all affected her in therapy sessions featured in those early seasons of Teen Mom OG.

We also saw her mother, Debra Danielsen, slap her, and while the incident itself wasn"t filmed, we also saw the aftermath of an incident involving Farrah, Deb, and some police officers.

You remember — they got into some sort of fight, Farrah called 911, and when officers arrived to their house Deb answered the door holding a knife, because cooking waits for no one, not even the law.

Farrah has maintained that she suffered horrific abuse during her childhood, but her parents have denied it — it really is a mess.

And now, Debra is introducing another little piece of this sad puzzle: she"s claiming that her daughter suffers from both borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.

Debz made an appearance on a webshow called Shot Topics, where she discussed Farrah, Teen Mom, her wedding, and more.

To start, she was asked about Farrah being fired from the show — she says she actually found out about it from the tabloids, which is a neat way of learning your daughter pretty much cost you your job.

She also says that she doesn"t know much about the whole thing, since her relationship with Farrah is a little tough right now, but she does know that "she terminated any relationship or agreement" in regards to filming those adult webcam shows.

And that"s strange, since that pretty much seemed to be the reason she cut ties with MTV, because she wanted to be able to work in the adult industry.

But still, Deb says that the reason she"s not doing Teen Mom is that she wants to focus on scripted television, which should be a fun adventure for all of us!

Later, she starts talking about how it might have been a good idea for Farrah to take a step back from filming anyway, so she could focus on her own wellbeing.

From there, she starts making some general statements about mental illness, how there"s nothing shameful about it and how treatment can help so much, which is a wonderful sentiment to express.

It"s also pretty clear who she"s talking about.

"If you have borderline personality disorder, if you have narcissism, if you have any of these kinds of things," she says, "they"re all highly treatable."

"All is not lost, but I will say deep down inside I know my daughter, she"s kind, she"s loving, she"s sweet and very compassionate."

She adds that she thinks Farrah works hard, "she just needs to step back a moment and take some time and get healthy and take time for her so she can heal."

When asked specifically if she thinks Farrah has those disorders, she said that she does.

It"s kind of a weird thing to reveal about your daughter in an interview, but Farrah once claimed Debra has Asperger"s, so maybe that"s just a fun family activity for these people, you know?

Whether or not Farrah really does suffer from borderline personality disorder and/or narcissistic personality disorder, it seems pretty clear that Deb is right about one thing.

The girl could definitely use plenty of time to focus on herself and work through some stuff away from cameras, whether the cameras are for Teen Mom or porn or anything else.

Farrah abraham suffering from multiple mental illnesses