Showing posts with label Doctor's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doctor's. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

"The Doctors" Dr. Andrew Ordon Sued for Assault Over Unwanted Breast Implants

Dr. Andrew Ordon — one of the stars of “The Doctors” — botched a woman’s boob job by filling her chest with large implants she insisted she didn’t want … according to a new suit. A California woman says she contacted Ordon in 2016 about…


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Kanye West Thought Doctors Would Kill Him During Mental Breakdown

Kanye West thought he’d get killed while being hospitalized at UCLA after suffering a mental breakdown. In the newly released interview with Charlamagne tha God, West talks about his 8-day hospitalization in 2016. He says Kim was out of town when…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: Leaving Rehab Against Doctor"s Orders?!

If you’re a Teen Mom fan, then chances are than you’ve been keeping a close eye on Catelynn Lowell lately.

And that’s because … well, she just hasn’t been doing that great.

Last month, she announced on her social media accounts that she’d be leaving to seek treatment for her issues with anxiety and depression.

“Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment,” she wrote on Twitter.

Then, in a more lengthy statement she released to a few media outlets, she explained “I’m taking the time I need right now to take good care of myself.”

“On November 17th I thought of every way possible to commit suicide… from wrapping a belt around my neck to just running my car into an electric pole.”

“THANK GOD I have a support system and a HUSBAND and a DAUGHTER.. thank god I am self aware,” she continued. “I’m seeking treatment and I WILL get better.”

“Anyone feeling alone you ARE NOT ALONE! This world needs all of us! We are all here for a reason… Thank you for your support during this tough time.”

After making that statement, she and husband Tyler Baltierra traveled down to Arizona so she could check into the same rehab facility she visited last year — she was also seeking help for her depression then.

Since then, we haven’t gotten a ton of updates on Catelynn.

Tyler has told us that she’s doing well, and she’s been able to get on her phone for a little while each day, too.

She was even able to make a special Thanksgiving tweet, telling her followers “Today I am thankful for LIFE and thankful for my daughters!!”

It sounds like she’s doing well, right?

Well enough, it seems, to come home!

In a post he made on Instagram last night, Tyler wrote “Cate gets out of treatment this Friday & we can’t wait! We have been in Arizona for the past 2 weeks visiting her every Sunday.”

“I have taken a break from everything & chose to really take this time for me & Nova,” he continue. “Without her mom around, she needs me & my devoted attention. Family always comes first!”

That’s nice, and it’s so great that Catelynn will get to go home to her family.

But according to a source who spoke about the situation with Radar Online, it’s actually not such a great development.

“It wasn’t planned for Catelynn to get out,” the source claims. “They had a group/family session during their visit and Catelynn pretty much said she wanted to go home.”

This insider explains that she’s no longer on suicide watch, but “her counselors think more time in treatment would be beneficial.”

However, “it’s ultimately her choice.”

As for Tyler, he’s reportedly “a little worried” about her decision to come home early, but he’s still “supportive overall.”

“She looks and sounds great,” the source says. “Cate just misses Nova and wants to be home for the holidays. She’d ultimately feel really guilty [if she missed Christmas] and that might set her back.”

“She feels she needs to be home for these milestones.”

It’s definitely understandable that she’d prefer to be home for the holidays, but it’s also understandable that Tyler might feel concerned.

After all, she didn’t complete her treatment the last time, and that obviously did not turn out so well.

It really just seems to be a tough situation all around, but thankfully, the source says Catelynn will continue outpatient treatment when she gets back to Michigan.

Here’s hoping for the best for her and that darling little family of hers!


Monday, December 4, 2017

"Little Women: LA" Star Christy Gibel Sues Doctors Over Alleged Botched Spinal Surgery

One of the stars of “Little Women: LA” is taking a bunch of doctors to court for a BIG payday … ‘cause she claims they screwed up her neck in surgery. Christy Gibel just sued some M.D.s from a surgery center in Beverly Hills called 90210 Surgery…


Sunday, November 19, 2017

David Cassidy, Doctors Say the End in Near

David Cassidy’s condition has deteriorated and he’s now in ICU and the family is preparing for the end … TMZ has learned. TMZ broke the story … David was rushed to a Florida hospital earlier this week.  His organs were failing and he was in…


Friday, October 20, 2017

LFO Singer Devin Lima Recovering After Doctors Remove Football-Sized Tumor

LFO singer Devin Lima has a huge weight lifted off his entire body today, after doctors removed a massive tumor as well as 2 organs — and his prognosis is good.  Lima’s surgery Thursday was considered a huge success since doctors also…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Aaron Carter Talked Into Rehab After 2-Day Effort from "The Doctors"

Aaron Carter’s getting the help he desperately needs in rehab largely in part to precision, patience and execution from the guys at “The Doctors.” Sources close to the Carter family tell TMZ … “The Doctors” sent an interventionist to Aaron’s…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Aaron Carter Admits to Drug Problems, Storms Off Set on The Doctors

Former child star Aaron Carter appears to have hit quite a rough patch in recently.

Last week, police visited Carter"s house four times in just 34 hours in response to requests for welfare check-ins from concerned loved ones.

Prior to that, Carter was arrested for DUI and drug possession after being pulled over for driving erratically in a Georgia suburb.

At the time, Carter insisted that he was not drunk, and was simply having a bad reaction to prescribed medications.

To prove to fans that the reports of his hard-partying ways have been greatly exaggerated, Carter sat down with the hosts of The Doctors today.

First the good news:

Host Travis Stork confirmed that Carter is taking a number of prescribed drugs to treat a persistent anxiety and pain disorders, but does not appear to be abusing any substances.

The bad news, however, is that Stork cautioned that the "mixture of benzodiazepines and opiates" found in Aaron"s blood is a combination that frequently results in accidental overdoses.

Carter"s sister, Leslie Carter, died of an overdose, and the singer says he lives in fear of a similar fate.

At one point in the episode, Stork described Carter as "malnourished," noting that his BMI "is in a very scary range" with a score of just 17.

(18.5 to 24.9 is considered a healthy range.)

Doctors on set reportedly advised Carter to check into rehab immediately, but according to TMZ, the 29-year-old stormed off set and drove from all the way from LA to his home in Florida.

Reps for Carter say the report is bogus and contend that Aaron "quietly and professionally" left the set more than half an hour after he completed filming.

Check out a clip of Carter"s appearance on the show below:

Aaron carter admits to drug problems storms off set on the docto

Aaron Carter Stormed Off "The Doctors" Set at Mention of Rehab

Aaron Carter is willing to talk about his prescription drug abuse, but bolted as soon as the topic of rehab came up on “The Doctors” … according to family members. Aaron agreed to a drug test when he taped the show about a month ago — it…


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Lil Wayne, Screw Doctor"s Orders, He Goin" Back to Work!!!

Lil Wayne’s manager, Cortez Bryant, says the only thing Lil Wayne is addicted to is work, and brushed off an early retirement, despite Sunday’s hospitalization for seizures. We got Cortez at LAX Wednesday and he told us Weezy has no plans to…


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Manchester Arena Explosion Victims Offered Free Surgeries by Beverly Hills Doctors (PHOTO GALLERY)

The surviving victims of the Manchester Arena explosion have a new ally … 5,000 miles from the UK. Face Forward — a Beverly Hills-based non-profit that helps survivors of violent and disfiguring crimes — has sprung into action after the nail…


Thursday, March 30, 2017

"Married to Medicine" Star Lisa Nicole Cloud Quitting Show, Happy National Doctors" Day! (VIDEO)

Lisa Nicole Cloud’s got a strange way of celebrating National Doctors’ Day — she’s done with docs, on TV, anyway. The “Married to Medicine” star told us she and her husband, Dr. Darren Naugles, are leaving the Bravo series. Lisa says she’s…


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Beyonce Bails On Coachella, Doctor"s Orders

Beyonce has just canceled her gig at Coachella … because her pregnancy makes it just too dicey. Bey cited “doctor’s orders” as the reason for bailing on the festival. The singer says she will headline at Coachella the following year. As for the…


Beyonce Bails On Coachella, Doctor"s Orders

Beyonce has just canceled her gig at Coachella … because her pregnancy makes it just too dicey. Bey cited “doctor’s orders” as the reason for bailing on the festival. The singer says she will headline at Coachella the following year. As for the…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Leah Messer: Slammed For Ignoring Doctor"s Orders About Daughter Ali

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Leah Messer occasionally struggles with the demands of raising three young children as a single mom.

And by “occasionally struggles,” we mean that she constantly seems to be on the verge of hopping into her SUV and never coming back.

Already this season we’ve seen Leah suffer a breakdown over the possibility of running a few minutes late for an appointment, and subsequent episodes have led fans to wonder if she’s up to the task of sharing custody of all three of her daughters.

Leah’s stress over time management is understandable, as she lost custody of her twin daughters back in 2015, in large part because she consistently struggled to get them to school on time.

Unfortunately, she doesn’t apply that same vigilance to other areas of her life, as evidenced by her unwillingness to follow orders when it comes to her daughter Ali.

As fans of the show know, Ali – one of Leah’s two daughters with Corey Simms – suffers from muscular dystrophy.

The condition requires her to use a wheelchair much of the time and wear a helmet when she’s not using her chair.

Unfortunately, it seems that both Leah and Corey have been ignoring the very important orders of their doctor with regard to Ali’s use of her helmet.

MTV cameras have spotted Ali walking around without the proper protection, and Leah struggling in vain to convince her daughter to wear the helmet.

Not surprisingly, fans have been highly critical of Leah for what they feel is an appalling lack of concern for her daughter’s safety:

“Dr. Tsao prob watches #teenmom2 and cringes at fact that Leah and especially Corey don’t take his professional advice serious! Ali needs help,” one viewer tweeted.

“Leah should not be asking her daughter if she wants to wear her helmet. She needs to make her for her own safety!” wrote another one.

For his part, Simms has defended giving his daughter more freedom than doctors recommend, stating that he’s optimistic her condition is improving:

“I’ve seen a lot more positive out of Ali,” Simms said recently.

“I’m still holding onto the faith that she’s going to improve more.”

Well, at least this time Leah doesn’t have to worry about Simms using her actions as justification for another custody battle.


Monday, December 12, 2016

Kanye West: Defying Doctors & Driving Kim Kardashian Away?

Last month, Kanye West was hospitalized following an emotional breakdown that resulted in at least one 911 call.

The rapper received nearly two weeks of in-patient treatment at the UCLA Medical Center, and while he has since been released, he remains under 24-hour medical supervision.

Sources say Kanye is getting better by the day, but he reportedly continues to suffer setbacks, in large part because he frequently defies doctor’s orders.

“Everyone in the family is still very worried about Kanye, but he will not listen to anyone because Kanye thinks he knows it all,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

The insider adds that West’s refusal to slow down and make his recovery his top priority has left his family and medical staff deeply concerned about the possibility of a relapse.

Of particular concern is Kanye’s decision to bury himself in his work rather than confront his problems:

“He has just become even more withdrawn and, instead of getting rest and relaxation, he is at his studio working 24/7,” the source claims.

It seems part of the problem is that Kanye and Kim Kardashian are living in separate homes for the safety of their children.

(The severity of West’s condition has not been conclusively determined.)

The forced estrangement is reportedly taking a considerable toll on Kanye and making it even more difficult for him to focus on his mental health.

“Kanye has spent very little time at home with Kim and the kids, which is why they have stayed at Kris’s house several times after Kanye had his breakdown,” says the source.

Insiders claim that the reports about Kim and Kanye getting divorced are bogus, and insist that they’re only living under separate roofs out of an abundance of caution.

It seems the couple is currently stuck in a sort of catch-22 situation:

Kim’s absence is exacerbating Kanye’s condition, but he can’t live with his wife and children again until he’s well enough that he won’t be putting them at risk.

We’ll have further information on this story as more information becomes available.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Lena Headey -- Ultimate Doctor"s Note ... We Need You in Europe for "Game of Thrones"

Lena Headey has pulled out the big guns in her custody war — passing a letter to the judge from the “Game of Thrones” Executive Producer demanding her presence on the set. Lena and ex-hubby Peter Loughran are in a ‘GoT’ war over custody of…


Lena Headey -- Ultimate Doctor"s Note ... We Need You in Europe for "Game of Thrones"

Lena Headey has pulled out the big guns in her custody war — passing a letter to the judge from the “Game of Thrones” Executive Producer demanding her presence on the set. Lena and ex-hubby Peter Loughran are in a ‘GoT’ war over custody of…
