Showing posts with label Ignoring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ignoring. Show all posts

Monday, September 25, 2017

Metta World Peace: Trump"s Ignoring Chicago Violence, Send More Help!

Metta World Peace says Donald Trump needs to ignore the NFL protests — and refocus on stopping the violence in Chicago.  The NBA legend says Trump has forgotten the promise he made to clean up Chi-Town after labeling the violent crime…


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Tamra Judge Responds to Daughter"s Callout Post: I"m Ignoring the Hate!

When your fame-shy daughter writes up a massive callout post that takes aim squarely at you, how do you respond?

If you’re Tamra Judge, you apparently go for a walk on the beach and post the pics!

Seriously. Sunday night, Tamra’s daughter Sidney said that Tamra Judge was no mother to her and slammed her for neglect and verbal abuse. Tamra’s big retaliation is to share pics of her renewing her wedding vows.

For ages, part of Tamra Judge’s storyline has been her estrangement from her teenage daughter, Sidney Barney.

Tamra has even taken to social media to talk about the hardships of being apart from her daughter, even on happy occasions like Sidney’s high school graduation.

Sunday night, Sidney took to Facebook and dropped a lengthy post about how that’s all a big crock of nonsense, basically.

Sidney says that she isn’t separated from Tamra because of the divorce — that she actually initially sided with her mother, mostly due to the fact that her mother’s constant badmouthing of her father, Simon Barney, had led her to take her side.

Tamra would reportedly ridicule her children if they did things that she didn’t like, calling them “Simon” or “mini-Simon” to insult them, which is just all sorts of awful.

Sidney also mentioned that Tamra would sometimes just ignore the children and not stock any food at home.

Making sure that your kids have food to eat is about as basic as parenting duties get, and Tamra couldn’t even get that right.

Clearly what had driven Sidney to go public is that she’s been asking, nonstop, for Tamra to stop posting about her and to stop talking about her.

Sidney was forced to allow her mother’s presence at her graduation (which is absolutely wrong; shame on Simon Barney for that), but Sidney asked her mother that, if she’s going to be part of the event, would she please not post anything from it.

Clearly, if Tamra cared about her daughter’s desires and feelings, they’d have a very different relationship.

So, naturally, Tamra posted photos and talked about it, presenting it as evidence that she and Sidney were repairing their relationship.

Sidney went public to set the record straight.

And here’s Tamra’s big response:

There she is, walking the beach with Eddie Judge as if everything is fine.

We guess that she won’t have as easy of a time milking audiences for sympathy now that Sidney’s spoken up.

Tamra did refer to Sidney’s message, if very indirectly, in her caption:

“Celebrating love [heart emoji] with all the hate that’s going on. May God bless your life because it’s not always easy. But God has a plan.. a big plan.”

Okay, so, we’re no theologians, but “God has a plan … a big plan” sounds like the ramblings of a certain orange president 

But while obviously she’s celebrating love, the “with all the hate that’s going on” sounds like something that a celeb would post after getting roasted in a feud.

Tamra … that’s your daughter calling you out for the things that you’ve done.

This is not the time to double down.

This is the time to apologize once in public and then never speak about Sidney if you ever want even a chance at contact with her ever again.

And yes, it can be done.

If Nicole Kidman can avoid saying anything negative about Tom Cruise and Scientology so that she won’t lose contact with her adult, Scientologist children, then Tamra can avoid using her estrangement from Sidney as a prop to get sympathy and continue to be famous.

On The Real Housewives of Orange County but also on social media.

Maybe she can pursue that “help I’m being bullied by Vicki Gunvalson” storyline some more.

Even her worries over Shannon Beador’s slight weight gain would make a better storyline than shamelessly using her children for fame.

Tamra Judge apparently really liked Aruba.

And, you know, more power to her for that.

Her romance with Eddie Judge is a totally appropriate thing to post about on social media.

Tamra did respond publicly to RHOC alum Gretchen Rossi, slamming the other woman for … reaching out to Sidney with some supportive words.

Gretchen told Sidney:

“You have no idea how your brave words are helping so many who have been wronged by your Mother’s manipulation and lies as well….so thank you for being brave enough to speak the truth.”

That’s nice, right?

“I am so sorry your mother and your family is going through any of this, especially publicly, but continue to stay strong. Your morals and strength are commendable and inspiring.”

Tamra flipped out in a now-deleted Instagram post that featured a screenshot of Gretchen’s comment:

“I usually don’t give this troll any attention because it’s exactly what she wants. But after years of her bashing me and now reaching out to my daughter I must say. Gretchen you are the biggest piece of s— I’ve ever met. Move on with your sad empty childless life and stay out of mine you thirsty wannabe.”

Super mature.

“You have NO IDEA What my family is going through or what the truth is, Nor do you care. It’s just an opportunity for you to get your name in the press. #obsessedfreak. Funny you of all people should be talking about morals. You have none!”

Tamra … maybe this isn’t the best time to be calling out people for ploys for fame.

Evidently she did think better of it, 

That’s progress.

Progress or not, Sidney doesn’t owe Tamra anything.

Sadly, not all commenters understood this.

Sidney’s post got more than a few comments about how “you have only one mother,” which is a transparent effort to pressure people into trying to repair toxic relationships.

Even non-famous people who’ve cut off contact with a parent get vile messages like that from time to time over social media.

A word to the wise: even if someone hasn’t told you why they’ve cut ties with a family member, it’s usually for a very good reason and nobody owes you an explanation.

And, again, Sidney doesn’t owe Tamra the time of day, much less a relationship.

We just hope that Sidney’s relationship with her siblings isn’t too strained by all of this.

A toxic parent can tear apart sibling bonds. Sometimes forever.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Leah Messer: Slammed For Ignoring Doctor"s Orders About Daughter Ali

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Leah Messer occasionally struggles with the demands of raising three young children as a single mom.

And by “occasionally struggles,” we mean that she constantly seems to be on the verge of hopping into her SUV and never coming back.

Already this season we’ve seen Leah suffer a breakdown over the possibility of running a few minutes late for an appointment, and subsequent episodes have led fans to wonder if she’s up to the task of sharing custody of all three of her daughters.

Leah’s stress over time management is understandable, as she lost custody of her twin daughters back in 2015, in large part because she consistently struggled to get them to school on time.

Unfortunately, she doesn’t apply that same vigilance to other areas of her life, as evidenced by her unwillingness to follow orders when it comes to her daughter Ali.

As fans of the show know, Ali – one of Leah’s two daughters with Corey Simms – suffers from muscular dystrophy.

The condition requires her to use a wheelchair much of the time and wear a helmet when she’s not using her chair.

Unfortunately, it seems that both Leah and Corey have been ignoring the very important orders of their doctor with regard to Ali’s use of her helmet.

MTV cameras have spotted Ali walking around without the proper protection, and Leah struggling in vain to convince her daughter to wear the helmet.

Not surprisingly, fans have been highly critical of Leah for what they feel is an appalling lack of concern for her daughter’s safety:

“Dr. Tsao prob watches #teenmom2 and cringes at fact that Leah and especially Corey don’t take his professional advice serious! Ali needs help,” one viewer tweeted.

“Leah should not be asking her daughter if she wants to wear her helmet. She needs to make her for her own safety!” wrote another one.

For his part, Simms has defended giving his daughter more freedom than doctors recommend, stating that he’s optimistic her condition is improving:

“I’ve seen a lot more positive out of Ali,” Simms said recently.

“I’m still holding onto the faith that she’s going to improve more.”

Well, at least this time Leah doesn’t have to worry about Simms using her actions as justification for another custody battle.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Brad Pitt: IGNORING Angelina Jolie"s Divorce Filing?!

What if you could just refuse to be dumped?

It sounds like the premise for a cheesy rom-com, of the variety that might feature Kate Hudson and a pre-McConaissance McConaughey.

But Brad Pitt seems to be testing the theory in real life, as TMZ is reporting that the actor has failed to acknowledge that Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce.

Brad was supposed to legally respond to Angie’s filing by Wednesday, but has yet to do so.

Insiders say this isn’t just stubbornness on Brad’s part.

Apparently, he feels that a protracted legal battle would be psychologically damaging to the couple’s three kids.

Unfortunately for Pitt, he can’t avoid that by simply refusing to set foot in a courtroom.

Jolie wants sole physical custody, and Brad reportedly believes joint custody is the better arrangement for all involved.

Sources say he believes that contesting Angelina’s petition would draw the battle lines and set the stage for an ugly legal fight.

He’s hoping that his estranged wife will have a change lf heart on her own and decide that joint custody is the way to go.

It’s a bit of a hail Mary move – especially since Brad is being investigated for child abuse, and would likely lose a custody battle – but it’s looking like appealing to Jolie’s love for her children might be the way to go.

Angelina could have set the wheels in motion for a default judgment (that would almost certainly be decided in her favor) as soon as Brad missed his filing deadline.

Of course, there could be a strategic reason for the delay.

Insiders tell TMZ that the Department of Child and Family Services is close to concluding its investigation into the altercation between Brad and eldest son, Maddox, that took place aboard a private jet last month.

Angelina is likely aware that Brad won’t have a leg to stand on if the department finds that there is a legitimate basis for the allegations against him.

Waiting to file for a default judgment could mean a much quicker, more cut-and-dried hearing.

Of course, it’s also possible that both parties have decided to settle the matter out of court.

Sources claim Brad and Angie may be looking to settle the entire divorce privately, so as to avoid media attention.


Friday, March 18, 2016

Leah Messer: IGNORING Doctor"s Orders About Ailing Daughter?!

Earlier this week, MTV released a preview for the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2 that showed Leah Messer receiving some devastating medical news about her daughter Aliannah, who suffers from muscular dystrophy.

In the clip, a doctor informed Leah and her first husband, Corey Simms, that Aliannah’s trouble with walking will likely only increase as she gets older, and that she should begin using her power wheelchair on a regular basis both to get accustomed to the controls and to minimize her risk of injury.

Now, an insider tells Radar Online that Leah and Corey have not followed the doctor’s orders, and Aliannah continues to walk on her own, both at home and at school. 

“Ali has her wheelchair available, but she only uses it for long distances,” says a source close to Leah. “She’s usually on her feet.”

The insider adds that the sad situation is made even more difficult by the fact that Aliannah’s twin sister, Aleeah, is healthy and incredibly active, and Aliannah wants to participate in all of the same activities she sees her sister enjoying.

Leah reportedly doesn’t have the heart to tell Aliannah to stay off her feet and use her wheelchair, and frankly, we don’t blame her.

It’s hard to imagine a more heartbreaking thing for a young mother than being asked to confine her 6-year-old to a wheelchair when the child is (for the time being, at least) capable of walking on her own.

Rumors that Leah is depressed and neglecting basic duties such as keeping her house clean have been circulating for weeks, and now it looks as though we may now the cause of her lethargy.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive some of Leah’s happier moments with her girls.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga: Totes BFFs, Totes Ignoring Jacqueline Laurita

It’s natural for some women to become close to one another if they have a mutual disdain for another woman.

Such is the case for Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga, who are now besties because they’ve fallen out with their Real Housewives of New Jersey co-star, Jacqueline Laurita.

“Teresa and Melissa are real friends,” a source told Radar Online of the once-warring siser-inlaws

“They are getting along very well.”

On March 15th, Gorga and Giudice attended co-star Robyn Levy and wife Christina Flores‘s Autism fundraising event in Saddlebrook, New Jersey with their respective husbands.

“Melissa arrived with her husband Joe first to the event, but as soon the Giudices walked in the door, Melissa ran over and grabbed Teresa like she was excited to see her,” someone at the event recalled.

“Melissa and Teresa then hugged and chatted with their husbands and a few friends for several minutes. They were all smiles and didn’t seem to have any hate going on between them.”

After they wrapped up their pleasantries, “the Joes moved to the other side of the room while Teresa and Melissa side-by-side walked around saying hi to people.

“They seemed in good spirits and to be enjoying each other’s company.”

The event came a few weeks after Laurita and Levy fought while filming in Vermont.  Lawyers had to get involved because Levy had physically threatened Laurita.

Laurita was furious that Giudice and Gorga didn’t stand up for her, and is currently not on speaking terms with either.

“Teresa and Melissa took Robyn’s side because they thought Jacqueline provoked her, and that made Jacqueline absolutely crazy,” a source told Radar Online.

Laurita is allegedly planning to reveal a bunch of “deep, dark secrets” that Giudice and Gorga have kept over the years.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Rob Kardashian: Putting Life in Danger By Ignoring Diabetes Diagnosis, Source Says

Last week, Rob Kardashian was hospitalized after complaining about various ailments that caused concern amongst his family and friends. 

Upon being admitted, Rob was diagnosed with diabetes, and sources close to the situation say that he could’ve lapsed into a coma if he hadn’t received the proper treatment. 

His loved ones hoped the health scare would serve as a wake-up call for Rob, but now the 28-year-old is reportedly ignoring his doctor’s warnings and carrying on with his reckless lifestyle.

“[Rob] continues to drink Red Bulls which are loaded with sugar,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. “He’s eating junk food too.

The insider says Rob is in denial about the severity of his problems, which is particularly frustrating for his inner circle, as he could potentially reverse the damage he’s done to his body with a few simple lifestyle changes.

“The diabetes diagnosis should have been a wake-up call for Rob, but he is in absolute denial about it,” the source says.

“He refuses to monitor his blood sugar daily as doctors have told him to do. Even more frustrating is that Rob’s diabetes would likely go away if he began working out and eating healthy!

“There is nothing the family can do to help Rob because he is shutting everyone out. With all of the resources available to him, including nutritionists, chefs, and trainers, this is completely manageable but Rob isn’t willing to make any effort.”

The insider adds that while Rob could recover if he were to take immediate action, his situation is currently dire – and it looks as though it will only get worse.

“His pancreas is basically not functioning,” the source says. “He also has kidney problems. He’s very, very sick.”