Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Leah Messer: Slammed For Ignoring Doctor"s Orders About Daughter Ali

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Leah Messer occasionally struggles with the demands of raising three young children as a single mom.

And by “occasionally struggles,” we mean that she constantly seems to be on the verge of hopping into her SUV and never coming back.

Already this season we’ve seen Leah suffer a breakdown over the possibility of running a few minutes late for an appointment, and subsequent episodes have led fans to wonder if she’s up to the task of sharing custody of all three of her daughters.

Leah’s stress over time management is understandable, as she lost custody of her twin daughters back in 2015, in large part because she consistently struggled to get them to school on time.

Unfortunately, she doesn’t apply that same vigilance to other areas of her life, as evidenced by her unwillingness to follow orders when it comes to her daughter Ali.

As fans of the show know, Ali – one of Leah’s two daughters with Corey Simms – suffers from muscular dystrophy.

The condition requires her to use a wheelchair much of the time and wear a helmet when she’s not using her chair.

Unfortunately, it seems that both Leah and Corey have been ignoring the very important orders of their doctor with regard to Ali’s use of her helmet.

MTV cameras have spotted Ali walking around without the proper protection, and Leah struggling in vain to convince her daughter to wear the helmet.

Not surprisingly, fans have been highly critical of Leah for what they feel is an appalling lack of concern for her daughter’s safety:

“Dr. Tsao prob watches #teenmom2 and cringes at fact that Leah and especially Corey don’t take his professional advice serious! Ali needs help,” one viewer tweeted.

“Leah should not be asking her daughter if she wants to wear her helmet. She needs to make her for her own safety!” wrote another one.

For his part, Simms has defended giving his daughter more freedom than doctors recommend, stating that he’s optimistic her condition is improving:

“I’ve seen a lot more positive out of Ali,” Simms said recently.

“I’m still holding onto the faith that she’s going to improve more.”

Well, at least this time Leah doesn’t have to worry about Simms using her actions as justification for another custody battle.
