Friday, October 21, 2016

Brad Pitt: IGNORING Angelina Jolie"s Divorce Filing?!

What if you could just refuse to be dumped?

It sounds like the premise for a cheesy rom-com, of the variety that might feature Kate Hudson and a pre-McConaissance McConaughey.

But Brad Pitt seems to be testing the theory in real life, as TMZ is reporting that the actor has failed to acknowledge that Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce.

Brad was supposed to legally respond to Angie’s filing by Wednesday, but has yet to do so.

Insiders say this isn’t just stubbornness on Brad’s part.

Apparently, he feels that a protracted legal battle would be psychologically damaging to the couple’s three kids.

Unfortunately for Pitt, he can’t avoid that by simply refusing to set foot in a courtroom.

Jolie wants sole physical custody, and Brad reportedly believes joint custody is the better arrangement for all involved.

Sources say he believes that contesting Angelina’s petition would draw the battle lines and set the stage for an ugly legal fight.

He’s hoping that his estranged wife will have a change lf heart on her own and decide that joint custody is the way to go.

It’s a bit of a hail Mary move – especially since Brad is being investigated for child abuse, and would likely lose a custody battle – but it’s looking like appealing to Jolie’s love for her children might be the way to go.

Angelina could have set the wheels in motion for a default judgment (that would almost certainly be decided in her favor) as soon as Brad missed his filing deadline.

Of course, there could be a strategic reason for the delay.

Insiders tell TMZ that the Department of Child and Family Services is close to concluding its investigation into the altercation between Brad and eldest son, Maddox, that took place aboard a private jet last month.

Angelina is likely aware that Brad won’t have a leg to stand on if the department finds that there is a legitimate basis for the allegations against him.

Waiting to file for a default judgment could mean a much quicker, more cut-and-dried hearing.

Of course, it’s also possible that both parties have decided to settle the matter out of court.

Sources claim Brad and Angie may be looking to settle the entire divorce privately, so as to avoid media attention.
