Monday, October 31, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Bashes Interractial Couple Critics: Who the Eff Cares?!?

Khloe Kardashian has dated many black men.

This, of course, is not a racist statement. It’s simply a fact.

Over the years, this reality television star has been married to Lamar Odom, while also making love on various occasions to French Montana, James Harden and Tristan Thompson.

Like so many other guys and gals out there, she has a type.

But this type has also exposed Khloe to the darker side of humanity at times.

Over the weekend, Khloe made her feelings known when it comes to idiots who still take issue with men and women of different color actually being boyfriend and girlfriend.

“Interracial dating in today’s society is still looked down upon by many people,” someone named Kelsey Wells wrote to Kardashian on the latter’s app, adding:

“I am a woman who dates a man. Why can’t it just be that simple?”

Wells went on to explain how she lives in the South and everywhere she and her boyfriend go, “there are always stares,” and “people often make rude comments and gestures toward us.”

Even so, she concludes: “I brush it off because I know the man I love is HUMAN.”

Kardashian took this sentiment and ran with it in a blog post.

“Thank you Kelsey for talking about this important issue,” the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star wrote.

“I don’t support racism or discrimination of any kind and I especially don’t understand why some people are still against interracial relationships.”

Khloe shared this viewpoint just as her relationship with Thompson (below) appears to be getting serious.

The E! star helped Thompson celebrate his NBA Championship ring ceremony this month by attending his season-opening game in Cleveland.

She’s been spending so much time with the power forward that sources claim LeBron James is concerned.

He’s worried about the Kardashian dating curse and Khloe serving as a distraction and has allegedly made it clear to Thompson that he better end the romance ASAP.

“So many guys in the NBA blame Khloe and the Kardashians for their role in destroying Lamar Odom, and Kim’s ex Kris Humphries’ career never recovered,” an insider told OK! Weekly last week, adding:

“James Harden, whom Khloe dated last, hit a slump. They’re all telling Tristan that he’s going to be next.”

Through three games this season, Thompson is averaging 9.3 rebounds in an average of 28 minutes per contest.

That’s pretty solid and, most importantly, the Cavs are 3-0.

Added Khloe in her angry blog post from Friday, when it comes to interractial dating critics:

“Like who the F cares anymore?! It’s so crazy because we’re all human beings capable of love so why does skin color have anything to do with it.”

It’s a great question, but remember: people are ignorant racists. It’s just a sad fact of society.

There’s been chatter of late that Kardashian is pregnant with Thompson’s baby AND that the two are engaged.

Oh, and that they will be getting married on TV and that they will have their own reality show.

We aren’t buying any of that chatter, but it’s clear there are serious feelings at work here.

“[We like to] just chill at home,” Khloe told Us Weekly of her and Thompson.

“That’s really what we do, mellow. We’re not that exciting. I feel like people think I’m, like, wild and like hanging from chandeliers.”
