Monday, October 31, 2016

Jill Duggar: Headed for Nervous Breakdown?!

It’s safe to say that Derick Dillard is no Josh Duggar, but nevertheless, fans are downright worried about the state of Jill Duggar’s mental health.

Jill Duggar’s recent behavior also has fans concerned at what the toll their missionary work might be taking on her well-being. 

In a new video, Duggar and Dillard recalled a moment that recently occurred where the family was staying in their home, and heard a “loud, crashing” noise come from somewhere within the house. 

The two were so terrified, they took their children and hid in their bathroom – their “safe zone.” 

About the incident, Jill said, “One night, we were getting ready to go to bed, and we heard this loud crashing sound.” 

“Derick’s like, ‘You go in the bathroom,’ which is our safe room. We have our laptops, so we were messaging people back home like, ‘Pray for us. We don’t know what’s going on.’ “

Jill then broke down, and in an extremely bizarre turn of events, Derick belatedly put his arm around his wife as if to comfort her, but barely touched her. 

The whole thing was really, really awkward. 

Check out the video. 

It turned out not to be an intruder, but a falling shower rack, but Jill’s nerves were so rattled that she cried – weeks after the incident. 

As reported, the couple, Jill and Derick, are back in the states for the time being, but things don’t seem very comfortable at home. 

When a producer told the couple, “It’s good to have you guys here,” Dillard seemed to balk, and looked down at his lap disappointed, and responded, “It’s good to be back. For awhile.”  

Jessa added, “I know when we’ve been down there, we hear gunshots all the time.” 

“It’s really, really intense down there, and I can’t imagine being home alone with a little one, and hoping that your husband makes it back every night.” 

Even then, Derick pushed forward. 

“We’re willing to take that risk,” he shot back, “because of what’s at stake.” 

“We want to help these people, so there’s a fine you’ve got to walk because you want to help, but you don’t want to isolate yourself.”

“So if you just live in isolation the whole time, what’s the point of being there?” he reasoned.  

His demeanor and disposition positively screamed “Back off,” so the sisters – and Jill – held their tongues after that. 

Recently, Dillard was under fire for looking extremely unhealthy and malnourished. 

Fans wrote on Duggar’s social media pages.” 

“Derick looks very sick, and undernourished. Looks like his hair is falling out as a result as well.”

Duggar brushed off the comments, and chalked it up to having better food choices in the third world country. 

We think that Dillard is a little more than malnourished – we think he might be a little off in the noggin, being so headstrong in forcing his meek wife and toddler to not only remain in a dangerous place for a dangerous duration of time. 

And it looks like the couple is set to return to El Salvador soon to resume Dillard’s missionary work. 

Jill already sadly made mention that their current stateside trip was “not permanent.” 

We think that Derick has great intentions, and is doing so much good … we just think that perhaps he should take into consideration his wife’s feelings – and nerves – a little more. 

Give it a break for a little while, you know? 

Focus on building a family before healing the world. 
