Showing posts with label BREAKDOWN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BREAKDOWN. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Selena Gomez Out of Psychiatric Facility After Treatment for Emotional Breakdown

Selena Gomez has left the East Coast psychiatric facility where she was being treated after suffering an emotional breakdown. Sources confirm with TMZ, Selena is out and laying low … at least for a while. TMZ broke the story, Selena had been…


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Justin Bieber: Selena Gomez Had Her Breakdown Because She Still Loves Me!

Justin Bieber has been struggling with feelings of guilt in the wake of ex Selena Gomez’s breakdown.

That continues, and a new report says that he believes that his newfound happiness and marriage are to blame for his ex’s downward spiral.

Poor Hailey, in the mean time, is trying her best to be supportive.

Earlier this month, shortly after news broke of Selena Gomez’s breakdown, the Biebs was photographed crying with his wife, Hailey.

HollywoodLife reports that now, even weeks later, Justin is still feeling guilty for Selena’s health crisis.

An insider says that Justin “won’t stop blaming himself for her breakdown.”

“Deep down,” the source says. “Justin knows she still has feelings for him.”

Oh boy.

“And,” the insider continues, Justin fears “that his marriage to Hailey would’ve upset her.”

In reality, of course, Selena was undergoing treatment for an alarmingly low white blood cell count.

It appears that the treatments themselves and the strain of her ongoing health battle with lupus was too overwhelming.

But in Justin’s mind, this is all about him.

“Selena was Justin’s first love,” the source points out.

“And,” the insider continues. “Everyone can see that he still cares for her.”

Hailey Baldwin deserves better than this, folks.

As you can imagine, she has definitely noticed — and she’s even trying to be helpful.

“Hailey is one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet,” the source says.

That is totally consistent with everything that we’ve heard. She is nothing like her father or uncles.

“And,” the insider continues, Hailey “is doing her best to support Justin.”

“But the whole Selena situation is putting a strain on their marriage,” the source admits.

We can imagine so.

The good news is that Justin and Hailey are taking steps to make sure that their marriage is off to a healthy start.

The two of them have reportedly entered some form of couple’s counseling.

“Justin and Hailey want to ensure that they deal with any hiccups like adults,” an insider explains.

The source says that they want to deal with things now “rather than letting them drag out and develop into something bigger.”

That is … astoundingly wise and healthy.

A lot of couples could benefit from doing the same.

Of course, in the mean time, some people are worried about Justin’s behavior.

Recently, he was out and about barefoot and wearing a bathrobe. That’s normal for a college student but a little odd from an adult celebrity.

Justin, a source says, “has been acting bizarrely.”

“His friends are begging him to get help,” the insider reports.

Some worry that Justin may fall back on old habits — from bad behavior to substance abuse.

We think that those concerns may be a little premature.

It’s funny — though not in a way that makes you laugh — that Hailey and Justin are in this situation because of Justin’s ex’s health.

As soon as these two became engaged, they were immediately compared to Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson’s engagement.

Well, Ariana and Pete fell apart, and it was Ariana’s ex’s fatal overdose that is said to have ultimately broken them up.

Now, Justin and Hailey are having their newly wedded bliss strained by Justin’s ex’s health.

Will their relationship survive? And, if Justin is really this hung up on Selena, should their relationship survive?


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Donnell Rawlings Gives A (Hilarious) Breakdown Of Rondo/CP3 Fight

If you thought you knew everything about the Rajon Rondo vs Chris Paul fight, boy were you wrong … Donnell Rawlings has the only breakdown you need to hear, and he telling it to TMZ Sports. We got Rawlings out in L.A. and asked him about all…


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Justin Bieber: Struggling With Guilt Following Selena Gomez Breakdown

Selena Gomez suffered an emotional breakdown during her battle with lupus, and had to be hospitalized as a result.

As it turns out, her very much engaged ex Justin Bieber is feeling wrecked over her current health.

Despite his engagement, he’s said to be feeling “confused.”

According to what a pair of sources tell E!, Selena Gomez’s emotional breakdown and subsequent hospitalization is just too much for the Biebs.

An insider reports that Justin feels “conflicted and confused” over his own feelings.

“They have both had emotional struggles,” a source explains.

Justin’s angry outbursts over the years were well documented, and people close to him have spoken openly about his past struggles with substances.

“And,” an insider details, Justin and Selene “bonded over that in the past.”

Now, however, things are different.

Even if Justin wanted to come rushing to her side, that doesn’t seem likely.

“Justin and Selena are not in touch,” a source makes clear.

That’s no surprise. For one thing, Selena is cut off from all but a few trusted individuals.

“But,” an insider notes. “Him hearing the news about Selena definitely upsets him.”

“Justin,” a source adds. “Also feels guilty.”

Apparently, it is Justin’s innate nurturing nature, rather than merely their lengthy relationship history, that has him deep in his feelings.

“He wants to help everyone,” an insider says.

Awww. Bless his heart.

A source insists that “he truly wants Selena to be happy.”

“And,” an insider explains. “It’s upsetting to know she’s battling health issues.”

That makes a lot of sense. it’s upsetting to us that Selena is going through all of this, too.

Justin has admittedly “been very emotional” since this news broke.

However, insiders make it very clear that he is taking his engagement to Hailey “very seriously.”

In other words, don’t expect him to drop her and go running back to Selena.

To him, a promise to get married is sacred.

In fact, a source says that Justin raced to the altar with Hailey in an effort to “show her he was serious this time.”

Ah, yes — the best possible reason to marry someone is to prove a point.

So it sounds like Justin and Hailey’s engagement — or marriage, depending upon whom you ask — is secure for now.

But how is Selena doing?

An insider reveals that Selena is “already feeling better” now that she is receiving treatment.

Selena is “getting the help she needs,” a source affirms.

Lupus is already a hell of a thing, but we’re glad that she’s getting emotional support as she copes with it.

“Depression is something she’s always struggled with,” an insider explains.

That makes sense. Tens of millions of Americans cope with depression every day.

“But whenever it gets really bad for Selena,” a source details. “She removes herself from social media.”

Shortly before her breakdown, Selena took a step back from Instagram.

“And,” an insider continued, Selena then “withdraws from people who aren’t a handful of the people she trusts.”

That is a smart policy. Don’t over extend yourself when you are at your lowest point.


Monday, October 15, 2018

Demi Lovato Reaches Out to Selena Gomez Following Breakdown

Back in July, Demi Lovato was hospitalized following a heroin overdose that nearly claimed her life.

Last week, Selena Gomez checked into rehab in the wake of what’s been described as a “devastating” emotional breakdown.

Demi Lovato-Selena Gomez

Having found career success at roughly the same time, Demi and Selena are more than just friends — they share a unique understanding of the pressures of fame and the ways in which a fan base of millions can be both a blessing and a burden.

In many ways, tens of millions can relate to Selena’s plight, as anxiety, depression, and addiction are astonishingly prevalent afflictions in modern America.

But in some respects, Demi is one of only a handful of people who can truly understand what Selena is going through right now.

So it’s something of a comfort to know that Demi has reportedly reached out to Selena to offer support during this tremendously

“This just breaks Demi’s heart but she definitely understands what Selena is going through more than anyone right now,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“She has spoken to her and will continue to be there for her just as Selena was there for Demi following her overdose.”

Yes, it seems Selena was an invaluable source of love and support in the early days of Demi’s latest stint in rehab.

Of course, this is a trying time not only for Demi and Selena but for their worried loved ones, as well.

Thankfully, it seems Selena and Demi’s mothers have found solace in one another as they attempt to guide their children through the rough waters of addiction and mental illness.

“Demi’s mom Dianna and Selena’s mom Mandy have been close friends forever too, and Dianna has definitely been a huge source of support and strength for Mandy this week, just as Mandy has always been for her,” says the source.

“It’s just been so hard to watch their kids suffer right now, especially after they were so sure that Selena and Demi had overcome their demons.”

Sadly, the singers’ current situations serve as painful reminders that recovery is a lifelong process.

The majority of the millions of Americans who have struggled with these issues may never have recorded a platinum record, but they can certainly relate to Demi and Selena in that respect.

Our thoughts go out to both young women and their families during this painful time.

We’ll keep you updated on both situations as more information becomes available.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Selena Gomez Suffers "Emotional Breakdown," Agrees to Treatment

Selena Gomez is once again in need of professional help.

According to TMZ, the pop star was hospitalized on two occasions over the past two weeks for health concerns related to Lupus.

(Gomez was diagnosed with this autoimmunse disease in 2015; the illness can damage almost any part of the body – including joints, skin and internal organs – because it causes the immune system to be unable to tell the difference between foreign invaders and healthy tissues.)

The first hospital visit took place toward the end of September and was the result of a low white blood cell count in the wake of her kidney transplant last year.

The artist was released after a few days days later …

… but had to be re-admitted last week because her blood cell count remained at a dangerous level – and this development prompted Selena to fall into a downward emotional spiral.

She insisted on leaving nearly as soon as she was under doctors’ care again, only for these same doctors to say she had to stay in the hospital.

TMZ writes that Selena had “a meltdown” and “freaked out.”

She allegedly tried ripping the IV’ out of her arm, with multiple sources referring to the episode as “an emotional breakdown.”

Once she recovered from this state, Gomez agreed to check into an East Coast psychiatric facility, at which she is receiving dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

This is a treatment method designed to identify, and then change, negative thinking and behavioral patterns. She has undergone the same treatment before.

Let’s all pray it works this time.

“She has had a tough few weeks and the panic attack in the hospital was the tipping point,” a source tells People Magazine, confirming the TMZ report and adding:

“She realized she needed to seek additional help for her ongoing emotional issues. She’s surrounded by close family and has a lot of support. She’s doing better now.”

We’re very glad to hear it.

Sadly, however, this incident and everything related to it wasn’t all that hard to see coming.

Just two weeks ago, Gomez took a break from social media, explaining why in a heartfelt video that touched on her battle with depression.

“As much as I am grateful for the voice that social media gives each of us, I am equally grateful to be able to step back and live my life present to the moment I have been given,” she wrote.

“Kindness and encouragement only for a bit! Just remember— negative comments can hurt anybody’s feelings.”

In this Instagram Live session, Gomez admitted that she had been dealing with mental health issues for about five years.

She also said she had been “kinda just going through the motions and figuring out who I am and just doing the best I could and then slowly but surely doing that” for about half a decade.

Translation: Gomez is truly unsure about who she is and who she wants to be.

Watch the emotional footage here:

Many folks are naturally wondering whether Justin Bieber’s engagement to Hailey Baldwin is playing a role in Selena’s latest troubles.

The short answer, of course, is that we have no idea.

We’d rather not speculate.

Gomez has entered rehab at various times over the past few years and Lupus is a serious disease that does result in a myriad of physical ailments.

It’s only natural for these physical ailments to eventually take a mental toll, as well.

It’s also only natural for anyone to have a very hard time dealing with a serious ex moving on in such a significant manner.

All we can do right now is wish Selena Gomez the best and hope she has a full recovery.

We’re thinking of you, Sel.

And we love you.


Selena Gomez Has "Emotional Breakdown" and Now Receiving Mental Health Treatment

Selena Gomez was hospitalized twice in the last 2 weeks … and the second time she suffered what sources called an emotional breakdown … she’s now at a mental health facility for treatment. Multiple sources tell TMZ, the 26-year-old singer…


Sunday, September 30, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: I Had a Mental Breakdown Last Year, Too!

2017 was not a great time for the Baltierra family.

And that’s a pretty huge understatement.

Lots and lots of things happened for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra last year, and it seems like not a whole lot of them were great.

Tyler’s father, Butch, kicked off the year dealing with his lifelong drug addiction, but thankfully he did check into a longterm rehab.

As far as we know, he’s still doing well, so that’s something.

Amber, Tyler’s sister, checked into rehab too with problems of her own.

Hopefully she’s doing as well as their father is!

As far as family stuff goes, those are clearly some pretty big ups and downs.

But nothing affected Catelynn and Tyler as badly as her miscarriage did.

As we saw last season on Teen Mom OG, the longtime couple made the decision last year to try for another baby.

They already had Carly, the girl Catelynn got pregnant with when they were teenagers, the one they placed for adoption.

And in 2015, they welcomed Nova, another darling little girl.

But after Nova was born, Cate suffered from severe postpartum depression.

It eventually got so bad that she checked into a treatment center, but even after leaving there, her depression persisted.

At some point early last year though, things started to turn around, and like we said, they decided the time was right to have another baby.

She got pregnant pretty soon after they started trying to conceive, and they quickly shared the news with family.

Then the miscarriage happened.

We didn’t see too much of it on the show, which is good.

As reality stars, they share a lot of themselves, but some things should stay private.

During one segment, we did see Tyler explaining what happened, and he was clearly broken up about it.

Catelynn, however, began contemplating suicide, so she checked into that treatment center once again.

We all know what happened after that — she completed six weeks of treatment, went home for a bit, then went back for six more weeks of treatment.

As difficult a time as she had then, things are looking up now.

She’s pregnant again, and she and Tyler both seem to be really excited about it.

But in a new interview, Tyler got really, really candid about how difficult things got last year, particularly with the miscarriage.

And man, is it rough to hear.

He calls the miscarriage a “traumatic loss” and admits that it was “very emotionally intense,” but he says that his first reaction was to tend to Catelynn.

“I ran to her, held her,” he recounts. “We cried. We just held each other for probably two hours and cried.”

“That was our way of kind of letting go and accepting reality for what it is.”

“From a guy’s perspective,” he continues, clarifying that he doesn’t mean “to sound sexist,” but “it’s almost more acceptable for a woman to break down and be emotional.”

“But I swear, as a man, when I walked away from Cate and I didn’t have to be so strong, I was breaking down every single day.”

When she went away to get treatment, he says “I was taking Nova to school and just crying every single day.”

“I’m assuming a lot of women do the same thing. It’s just not really talked about a lot with men.”

It’s heartbreaking to hear all of this, but there’s one thing that helped him cope, and that was his daughter.

Tyler says that “Seeing Nova and realizing that I can’t sit here and sulk in my pity” got him through the difficult time.

“I’ve gotta be strong, engage with my daughter, play with her, take her to the park.”

“I still had a job to do of raising her around the happiest environment I could make for her,” he explains.

“I kind of felt that she was my motivation to keep strong, looking at her and saying, ‘I did lose this child, but look at this beautiful child I’ve got now."”

As touching as it is, he adds that Nova “helped me push myself forward and keep going.”

During that time, Tyler says that he’d put his daughter to bed, then “go in my room and cry about it.”

For him, it was important not to hide his emotions from her, but it was also important not to break down in front of her, either.

From where we’re sitting, it looks like handled the situation well.

In the newest clip of Catelynn and Tyler on Teen Mom OG, the one where they tell Nova they’re having a baby, she looks like a very happy little girl.

Hopefully, in other scenes, we’ll see more happiness from them.

After all they’ve been through, they definitely deserve it!


Saturday, August 18, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Suffering Breakdown After Dumping Younes Bendjima?!

As far as relationships go, Kourtney Kardashian has always been the boring one in her family.

A lot of people would call her the boring one in general, but that’s not exactly fair.

She may have only been with two guys the entire time she’s been famous — Scott Disick and Younes Bendjima, and remember, she was with Scott for over a decade.

(She also had that fling with Justin Bieber, so we guess she’s been with two and a half guys since her family began their reign of terror on the world.)

But with all the drama that came from her relationship with Scott alone, it just wouldn’t be appropriate to call her boring, you know?

There’s been all those terrifying benders during the Scott years, all the fights, and the pregnancy rumors … nobody has the time to get started on how many pregnancy rumors there were.

And believe it or not, now that she’s broken up with Younes Bendjima, it seems like that’s going to provide a solid amount of drama, too.

They really do spoil us, those Kardashians, don’t they?

We heard about their breakup just a couple of weeks ago, and while we haven’t heard a concrete reason for the split yet, there have been a few theories.

One is that Kourtney dumped Younes because she was suspicious that he was cheating on her — remember, we saw those photos of him looking pretty cozy with Jordan Ozuna, former love interest of Justin Bieber.

Gross, right?

Reports claimed that she never caught him in the act, but that she had sufficient evidence that he’d stepped out on her, so she cut him loose, even though he denied doing anything wrong.

Another theory is that he isn’t a fan of the kind of scandalous pictures she shares of herself on social media, and that he always wished she was more modest.

This makes sense, because last month, when she shared a bikini picture, he commented with “That’s what you need to show to get likes?

Again, gross, right?

Finally, other sources say that their age difference was just too much to overcome — Kourtney is 39, and Younes is 25.

Maybe it was all of those issues combined, or maybe it was something else altogether, we don’t know, but one thing everyone seems to agree on is that she’s the one who did the dumping.

And now, according to a new report from Radar Online, she’s having a very, very hard time with it all.

“She’s hurting and humiliated after her split from Younes,” a source tells the website.

“She always thought she knew what she was doing, even with the huge age difference between them.”

But now that she’s seen him getting all cuddly with Jordan, “She’s gone completely into her shell, won’t talk to any of her sisters, and refuses any kind of therapy.”

“Kourtney scoffs that she’s fine,” the insider continues, “but she’s never turned her back on her family like she is now.”

It seems that the only reason she spends time with them is “when they do have to hang out contractually to film their TV show.”

Poor Kourtney allegedly “feels like an idiot” for spending nearly two years with what everyone thought was a rebound, and how pitiful is that?

It’s also not so great for the people around her, as the source says that “She’s silent and snaps at everyone.”

“No one knows what she gets up to when she’s alone and Scott has the kids, but all signs are pointing to it not being good.”

What does that mean, what could Kourtney possibly be getting into in her alone time that is that bad?

Maybe she’s eating gluten? Processed foods, even? Could she be searching around for another young pop star to have hotel meet-ups with?

But even if she’s not doing horrible things now that she’s single, it does sound like she’s having a hard time dealing with everything.

And if she is, then here’s hoping she pulls through soon!


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Kendall Jenner Opens Up About "Mental Breakdown"

Kendall Jenner might not be an almost-billionaire like her sister Kylie, but she’s still almost unimaginably successful. 

Kendall is one of the world’s highest-paid models, and her peers in the field have been effusive in their praise of her poise, grace, and confidence when walking the runway.

But as anyone who’s ever struggled with anxiety or depression can tell you, sometimes the most assured facade is concealing the most intense inner turmoil.

Kendall’s struggles with anxiety have been well-documented over the years, and while the 22-year-old says modeling has helped her in some ways to overcome her demons, she’s still prone to intense bouts of anxiety.

Kendall covers the new issue of Love Magazine, and in one of her most candid interviews to date, she reveals that she bowed out of scheduled fashion shows in Paris recently due to stress,

“Last season I didn’t do any shows,” Kendall says.

“Just ‘cause I was working in LA and I was like ‘Oof, I can’t right now – I’m gonna go crazy."”

Kendall says her “debilitating anxiety” has caused her to opt for self-care over professional opportunities several times in the past.

She tells Love that there have been times when she’s “up in the middle of the night with full-on panic attacks,” adding that she begins to feel uncomfortable when she’s not in control.

“If something isn’t going the way I planned, I freak out,” Jenner says.

Fortunately, Kendall has been able to face her fears enough to become one of the most in-demand models working today.

No easy feat, as in addition to the stress of walking the runway in front of her industry’s best and brightest, Kendall’s personal life is under intense and constant scrutiny.

Currently, Jenner’s relationship with NBA star Ben Simmons is a subject of tabloid fascination.

Add to that the fact that a new season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians kicked off Sunday night, and it’s hard to imagine how Kendall ever gets a moment’s privacy.

The situation would be enough to give anyone anxiety.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Lil Xan Breaks Down Mental Breakdown That Included Keying G-Wagon

Lil Xan says he suffers from anxiety and that’s what everyone saw on display when he keyed his whip … but he’s good now, and so is the G-Wagon. We got the rapper Tuesday at LAX, and asked what led to his mental breakdown a couple weeks ago.…


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Kanye West Thought Doctors Would Kill Him During Mental Breakdown

Kanye West thought he’d get killed while being hospitalized at UCLA after suffering a mental breakdown. In the newly released interview with Charlamagne tha God, West talks about his 8-day hospitalization in 2016. He says Kim was out of town when…


Kanye West Says "Taylor Swift Moment" Indirectly Triggered Breakdown

Kanye West says Taylor Swift was one of the factors that caused his nervous breakdown in 2016 — namely, the aftermath of exposing her and how it affected his radio play. Ye released his interview with Charlamagne tha God Tuesday — and in the…


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Having Mental Breakdown After Being Fired from Teen Mom OG?!

As we just saw on Teen Mom OG, Farrah Abraham and MTV have severanced their relationship.

Basically, she was told that if she wanted to continue filming the show, she"d have to stop doing her webcam shows — and it seems pretty clear now which career path she chose.

It"s been a while since all this actually happened — nearly five months — but Farrah still has some pretty strong feelings about what happened.

And honestly, the girl does not seem well.

1. First Things First

Farrah abraham red hair

So let’s kick this off by talking about the actual scene, which began with executive producer Morgan J. Freeman sitting down with Farrah to “look at just sort of how people are treated.”

2. SO Compassionate

Farrah lynn abraham

Morgan started to tell her that having “compassion and understanding” while filming was important, but she cut him off with “I am so compassionate. I am so understanding. I am working my ass off, just like everyone.” And that last part may be true, but Farrah Abraham calling herself compassionate and understanding is really just so crazy.

3. Poor Kristen

Farrah abraham blonde photo

The big issue here seemed to be Farrah’s treatment of a specific producer, Kristen, who Farrah refused to work with. Morgan called her attitude “very challenging,” to the point where “the amount of work that goes into keeping you happy with crew has bubbled up to a point that we have to figure out if we move forward.”

4. "F–king Shoot Me"

Farrah abraham a picture

She basically told him to just figure it out, and he responded by telling her that for some reason, out of all the moms on all the shows, she was “the only one that’s a problem.” To that, compassionate and understanding Farrah said “I’m sorry. F-cking shoot me for being who I am.”

5. Difficult

Farrah abraham see through lingerie picnic

He said that what she was was difficult, and she actually denied that with a straight face, because obviously there’s no limit to her delusions. Hilariously, she added that she doesn’t “need anymore drama.”

6. The Next Issue

Farrah abraham camgirl

But Farrah’s terrible attitude wasn’t the only problem — Morgan also said that “there’s been friction” concerning the “adult activities” she’d been promoting. Meaning, of course, those webcam shows she’d been doing.

View Slideshow

Alaskan Bush People: Is Gabe Brown Having a Breakdown?

The Brown family is out of L.A. and reportedly filming Alaskan Bush People again … in Washington State.

But some fans of the show are worried about Gabe Brown, and see his recent behavior on social media as erratic — at best.

Is Gabe having a breakdown?

Recently, Gabe took to social media to defend his younger sister, Rain, against some now-deleted unkind comments.

Gabe wrote:

“God sees your face and knows your name how do you think you make him feel??”

That sure sounds … ominous. Until Gabe softens his words with the next line.

“He loves you and so do I I wish with everything I have actually.”

Again, Gabe starts to sound menacing without making any direct threats.

“We have had many wonderful friends in law enforcement God bless them for all they do to make life a safer place.”

This time, however, he takes things up a notch.

“I wish they were here on IG you wouldn’t have said half of the hateful illegal things.”

These words had some fans worried that Gabe is in a bad place, emotionally. Angry outbursts on social media can be a bad sign.

For contrast, look at the sorts of words that Gabe usually likes to share on social media.

Like when he celebrates International Women’s Day.

“Mister Cupcake and I wanted to wish everyone a wonderful national womens’ day it’s nice to take a moment out of our year to appreciate all the amazing women in our lives and throughout history which today I’m calling herstory have a great night everyone and God bless us all.”

Sometimes, he just gives positive shout-outs for his followers.

“Late night make me happy that feeling that everyone you love is fast asleep and safe waiting in the tomorrow for you to catch up it’s like the time inbetween and it’s all mine that’s how it seems anyway good night instafriends.”

His warm messages are a far cry from his heated messages to people who troll his sister.

“God bless us all and remember to make every tomorrow better love you all.”

It was only recently that Gabe Brown broke his social media silence with a triumphant return to Instagram.

And he didn’t return a moment too soon.

Rain, in her role as the Brown family’s unofficial spokesperson though she’s barely 15, had warned of an imposter pretending to be Gabe Brown online.

At the time, Rain had explained that Gabe wasn’t on social media at all because he was not having a good time or in a good place, emotionally. She’d warned fans that anyone pretending to be him was just catfishing them.

Unfortunately, not all fans got the memo.

Because when Rain showed off her “third wheel” status as Gabe made out behind her, fans accused Gabe of cheating.

Specifically, a number of commenters were shocked and revealed that they had been flirted with or seduced by “Gabe.”

Even after Rain’s warning and the situation being explained to them by other commenters, some remained steadfast in their belief that it had been Gabe Brown himself who wooed them over social media.

Others who had acknowledged that they were catfished still found the photo hurtful, because they believed that it was insensitive to them since their feelings had been played with.

Between all of that, existing issues, his mother’s recent recovery from cancer, and his family moving multiple times within the space of a few months, it’s understandable that Gabe Brown might be struggling.

But … is his behavior really erratic?

That’s hard to say. Sometimes, his posts aren’t as coherent as they could be … but plenty of people struggle to know what to say and how to say it on social media.

But it looks like he was just standing up for his little sister, Rain, who is only 15 and absolutely should not get the kind of hate that she does.

(Seriously, we cannot stress enough that she is a young teenager who is doing fans a huge favor by updating them on her life and her family at all, and should not receive hate or trolling for any reason)

Who wouldn’t go above and beyond to defend their younger sister from vicious trolls who should know better?

Gabe didn’t actually make any threats, he just … implied that he could potentially make a threat if he wanted to, but chose the high road.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Tori Spelling: Family and Friends Worry After Mental Breakdown

Tori Spelling began the month of March with what’s been described as a mental breakdown, with police called for a domestic disturbance.

While reports vary on whether or not Tori was actually hospitalized and given the help that she needs, it appears that she’s in a bad place.

This whole situation has her family and friends very, very worried.

Two calls to emergency services in as many days?

Yes, appaently Tori called 9-1-1 the night before about a possible intruder — but it was just her husband, Dean McDermott. The next day, police were called about alleged psychological issues.

Those who care about Tori Spelling feel that this is cause for concern, reports Us Weekly.

Their source elaborates:

“Her friends and family are all very, very worried.”

And from the rest of this report, it sounds like there’s a lot of cause for concern.

According to this source, those close to Tori think that her marriage is taking its toll on her well being in multiple ways.

Some say that her nervous breakdown was caused by a fight with Dean.

But the source says that she won’t even hear suggestions of a split.

“You would think the cheating, money problems, and constant arguing would be enough for Tori to decide to divorce Dean, but she refuses to even discuss it.”

Apparently, she is preoccupied with how ending her marriage might look to judgmental members of the public.

“Tori believes a divorce would label her as a failure.”

Some people really buy into the stigma about divorce.

Behind closed doors, however, the source claims that the couple is having serious financial issues.

“They are heavily in debt.”

Also behind closed doors, it seems that Tori is reportedly frustrated by her husband’s lack of employment.

“Tori has had enough of Dean’s moaning about not being a working actor and is demanding he get a real job to support their family.”

Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be happening.

Per the source, Dean “will start a cooking school or take up another professional hobby, then give it up.”

Oh dear.

Remember, Tori and Dean aren’t just supporting themselves. They have five children, the oldest of whom is only 11.

(Liam is 11, Stella is 9, Hattie is 6, Finn is 5, and Beau just turned 1 on March 2nd)

Worst of all, she’s reportedly considering a sixth child. Given her circumstances, that’s getting her slammed by critics.

Reportedly, Tori and Dean are relying heavily upon Tori’s 72-year-old mother, Candy Spelling.

“Candy pays for all of the kids’ expenses.”

While Candy can certainly afford to take care of the needs of her grandchildren (her estimated net worth is over half a billion), no adult likes being dependent upon their parent’s support.

And it’s said that Tori in particular is preoccupied with what the world thinks of her and of her marriage.

“She is more concerned with perception than her own relationship.”

The source echoes what many fans are feeling upon learning all of this:

“It’s just very sad.”

It’s good to hear that, no matter what shenanigans Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott get into, their children’s needs will continue to be met by their grandmother.

A lot of critics don’t feel sympathy for Tori, since she made money as a celebrity and also comes from a lot of money and has still found herself in this financial predicament.

(People living paycheck to paycheck don’t tend to have a lot of sympathy for people who somehow blew through millions of dollars)

Even so, at least for the sake of her five children, let’s all hope that Tori can get through any psychological and financial issues.

And let’s also hope that they can rake in some money that doesn’t come from a relative. That might do some good for more than just their finances.
