Showing posts with label Suffering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suffering. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Emily Simpson Opens Up About Suffering 4 Miscarriages in 5 Years

On this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Emily Simpson revealed that she almost died.

Emily explained that she had four miscarriages in five years.

Now, she is opening up about her experiences with tragedy.

On The Real Housewives of Orange County, Emily’s Mother-in-law Pary did her best to dissuade her from trying for another baby.

“Your body couldn’t handle it before,” Pary reasoned. “Can it handle it now?”

Pary reminded her: “You almost died.”

“I know,” Emily acknowledged. “I forget that sometimes.”

She explains her sad personal history to the camera.

“It was very difficult for me to have children,” Emily revealed. “Over the course of about four years, I had five miscarriages.”

“And then Shane and I did in vitro,” she adds. “I carried twins until about four months, and then I went into labor, and I lost them.”

That is absolutely heartbreaking.

“I remember laying in the hospital bed, needing a blood transfusion ‘cause I lost so much blood,” Emily shares.

“And I remember thinking to myself, ‘Wow, this is what it feels like to die.’ I can just picture it. I can picture the hospital room,” Emily says.

“I can picture the lights, I can picture the nurses,” Emily describes. “They were all crying. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through”

“I still have nine embryos left,” she shares. “Embryos, not eggs. Embryos”

“I’ve always wanted to have more than one girl,” Emily shares.

“Sara and I were so close growing up that we just had that bond,” she adds. “It was just the two of us.”

Emily adds: “She’s my best friend even now.”

“My mom had a lot of issues,” Emily continues. “a lot of things she was dealing with when my sister and I were growing up,”

“So,” she says. “That’s really why my sister and I connect so much and on such an emotional level.”

“We’ve just been through a lot of things together,” she explains.

Emly says: “I wanna give that same thing to Annabelle that I had with Sara.”

But her husband is adamant that Emily not risk another pregnancy, saying: “No.”

On Instagram, Emily teased the episode by opening up about her own experiences.

“October marks pregnancy and infant loss awareness month,” Emily begins.

She continues: “It was a time in my life when I never felt so ALONE”

“It’s a difficult episode for me to watch,” she says of this latest episode.

“But I hope sharing my journey brings light and awareness to such a difficult and taboo subject,” Emily explains.

“And,” she writes. “Hopefully helps other women out there feel less ALONE”

“TAG your friends, family or any other women out there who may be dealing with the same issues,” Emily suggests. “Let’s support one another.”

That is not always good advice. For some, miscarriages are very personal. Others simply will not welcome the reminder.

“THANK YOU to my beautiful sister @ms_moffitt for sacrificing so much to carry all three of my children for me when my body failed me,” Emily shares.

That is Sara Moffitt, the same sister with whom she has a close bond. That is clear.

“And,” she concludes, thanking “my husband @shanesimps for being by side through it all.”


Thursday, September 6, 2018

"Gilligan"s Island" Star Dawn Wells Suffering Financially After Surgeries

“Gilligan’s Island” star Dawn Wells is severely down on her luck — nearly $ 200k in the red — and she’s seeking financial aid from Gilligan fans … TMZ has learned. Dawn famously played Mary Ann Summers on the iconic TV sitcom, but according to a…


Saturday, August 18, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Suffering Breakdown After Dumping Younes Bendjima?!

As far as relationships go, Kourtney Kardashian has always been the boring one in her family.

A lot of people would call her the boring one in general, but that’s not exactly fair.

She may have only been with two guys the entire time she’s been famous — Scott Disick and Younes Bendjima, and remember, she was with Scott for over a decade.

(She also had that fling with Justin Bieber, so we guess she’s been with two and a half guys since her family began their reign of terror on the world.)

But with all the drama that came from her relationship with Scott alone, it just wouldn’t be appropriate to call her boring, you know?

There’s been all those terrifying benders during the Scott years, all the fights, and the pregnancy rumors … nobody has the time to get started on how many pregnancy rumors there were.

And believe it or not, now that she’s broken up with Younes Bendjima, it seems like that’s going to provide a solid amount of drama, too.

They really do spoil us, those Kardashians, don’t they?

We heard about their breakup just a couple of weeks ago, and while we haven’t heard a concrete reason for the split yet, there have been a few theories.

One is that Kourtney dumped Younes because she was suspicious that he was cheating on her — remember, we saw those photos of him looking pretty cozy with Jordan Ozuna, former love interest of Justin Bieber.

Gross, right?

Reports claimed that she never caught him in the act, but that she had sufficient evidence that he’d stepped out on her, so she cut him loose, even though he denied doing anything wrong.

Another theory is that he isn’t a fan of the kind of scandalous pictures she shares of herself on social media, and that he always wished she was more modest.

This makes sense, because last month, when she shared a bikini picture, he commented with “That’s what you need to show to get likes?

Again, gross, right?

Finally, other sources say that their age difference was just too much to overcome — Kourtney is 39, and Younes is 25.

Maybe it was all of those issues combined, or maybe it was something else altogether, we don’t know, but one thing everyone seems to agree on is that she’s the one who did the dumping.

And now, according to a new report from Radar Online, she’s having a very, very hard time with it all.

“She’s hurting and humiliated after her split from Younes,” a source tells the website.

“She always thought she knew what she was doing, even with the huge age difference between them.”

But now that she’s seen him getting all cuddly with Jordan, “She’s gone completely into her shell, won’t talk to any of her sisters, and refuses any kind of therapy.”

“Kourtney scoffs that she’s fine,” the insider continues, “but she’s never turned her back on her family like she is now.”

It seems that the only reason she spends time with them is “when they do have to hang out contractually to film their TV show.”

Poor Kourtney allegedly “feels like an idiot” for spending nearly two years with what everyone thought was a rebound, and how pitiful is that?

It’s also not so great for the people around her, as the source says that “She’s silent and snaps at everyone.”

“No one knows what she gets up to when she’s alone and Scott has the kids, but all signs are pointing to it not being good.”

What does that mean, what could Kourtney possibly be getting into in her alone time that is that bad?

Maybe she’s eating gluten? Processed foods, even? Could she be searching around for another young pop star to have hotel meet-ups with?

But even if she’s not doing horrible things now that she’s single, it does sound like she’s having a hard time dealing with everything.

And if she is, then here’s hoping she pulls through soon!


Friday, June 22, 2018

Moby says Melania Trump"s Coat Proves Detachment to Human Suffering

Moby would like to give Melania Trump the benefit of the doubt after she wore a tone-deaf coat on her way to visit immigrant children held at detention centers … but the legendary producer just can’t bring himself to do that based…


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Dad Suffering New Chest Pains and Will Head to Hospital

Meghan Markle’s dad is hurting from the fallout over his deal with a paparazzi agency — hurting both physically and emotionally, and it looks like he’s going back to the hospital as early as Monday night. Thomas Markle tells TMZ, he’s experiencing…


Saturday, May 5, 2018

"Star Trek" Star Nichelle Nichols Suffering from Severe Memory Loss, Claims Son

Nichelle Nichols — best known for playing Lieutenant Uhura in “Star Trek” — is suffering from severe short-term memory loss and needs protection from being taken advantage of … according to her son. Nichols’ son, Kyle Johnson, filed legal docs…


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Amber Portwood: Suffering from Mental Health Issues During Pregnancy

Amber Portwood is not in a good place right now.

But then again, she’s never been in a good place, not once in all the years we’ve known her, so it’s to be expected at this point.

After years of dealing with drug addiction and massive anger management problems and, you know, prison, not to mention the supreme creepiness of Matt Baier …

She’s been through a lot, to say the least.

So now that she’s settled down a little bit, since she’s cut Matt loose and found a new creeper to play house with and since she’s pregnant again, you’d think things would be easier, right?

At least a little bit.

But if you honestly thought that, then you must not be too familiar with Ms. Portwood.

While it looks like she gets along better with Andrew Glennon than she did with Matt, we don’t imagine that will be the case forever — Andrew has two exes with restraining orders against him, so a happy ending with Teen Mom’s OG felon doesn’t seem likely.

And while it may look like she’s in a better situation to have a child now than she was when she was a broke teenager, it really doesn’t feel that way.

After all, she doesn’t really parent the child she already has, and we all saw how maternal she was when she did have custody of Leah.

Spoiler if you missed the first few seasons of Teen Mom: most inanimate objects appear to be more maternal than Amber.

Look, the point is that it’s all just bad, everything about this whole situation is bad and weird and scary.

And in a new interview Amber just did with People, she’s opening up about how bad things are for her these days.

In the interview, Amber revealed that she “had a concern” with her depression recently, and after speaking with her doctor, they concluded that “it was a concern that postpartum [depression] was something that could happen because of how I’m doing right now.”

She explained that she wants to “nip it in the bud before anything gets too bad or you go into a really deep depression, which is not good for me right now, obviously.”

So she began taking antidepressants, which she said is “just something you have to do to make yourself feel better, and you have to make sure it’s safe for the baby and just move forward from that.”

First of all, it’s sincerely wonderful that Amber took the steps to get help if she’s been feeling depressed. Lots of antidepressants are perfectly safe during pregnancy, and it’s a great thing that she’s taking care of herself like this.

Obviously there’s no shame in admitting you’re struggling, and if she does develop postpartum depression down the line, she’s got a head start on battling it.

It’s also good that she seems to be wising up a little when it comes to her health.

Last year, after Amber broke up with Matt, she made statements about how she’d stopped taking her medications because she thought it was just her situation that was making her feel depressed.

Except she’s said many times that she’s bipolar, which isn’t something you just get over by getting out of a bad situation — not that depression is either, but bipolar disorder is a lifelong thing.

She’s also said before that the medications she normally took weren’t safe for pregnancy, but maybe since she’s already on antidepressants, she’ll consult her doctor about any other meds she made need after having the baby.

Maybe this is the first step to a whole new and improved Amber!

We can dream, right?

Oh, also in the interview, she specified that she’s 33 weeks pregnant right now, which means that she conceived within the first few weeks of dating Andrew.

What a world.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

David Ortiz: Tom Brady"s Diet Is "Suffering," Hell No I Wouldn"t Try It!

Tom Brady’s crazy-strict diet might work for him, but David Ortiz says he’d never touch the TB12 Method ‘cause it’s straight-up torture! Big Papi went deep on his post-MLB eating habits in a recent interview … admitting he CRUSHES everything…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Suffering from Multiple Mental Illnesses?

Whether you love her or hate her, one thing is certain about Farrah Abraham: she"s been through some stuff.

She got pregnant at 16 with her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Derek Underwood, and during the pregnancy, Derek passed away in a car crash.

After that happened, she didn"t get a ton of emotional support from her parents, and we saw how much it all affected her in therapy sessions featured in those early seasons of Teen Mom OG.

We also saw her mother, Debra Danielsen, slap her, and while the incident itself wasn"t filmed, we also saw the aftermath of an incident involving Farrah, Deb, and some police officers.

You remember — they got into some sort of fight, Farrah called 911, and when officers arrived to their house Deb answered the door holding a knife, because cooking waits for no one, not even the law.

Farrah has maintained that she suffered horrific abuse during her childhood, but her parents have denied it — it really is a mess.

And now, Debra is introducing another little piece of this sad puzzle: she"s claiming that her daughter suffers from both borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.

Debz made an appearance on a webshow called Shot Topics, where she discussed Farrah, Teen Mom, her wedding, and more.

To start, she was asked about Farrah being fired from the show — she says she actually found out about it from the tabloids, which is a neat way of learning your daughter pretty much cost you your job.

She also says that she doesn"t know much about the whole thing, since her relationship with Farrah is a little tough right now, but she does know that "she terminated any relationship or agreement" in regards to filming those adult webcam shows.

And that"s strange, since that pretty much seemed to be the reason she cut ties with MTV, because she wanted to be able to work in the adult industry.

But still, Deb says that the reason she"s not doing Teen Mom is that she wants to focus on scripted television, which should be a fun adventure for all of us!

Later, she starts talking about how it might have been a good idea for Farrah to take a step back from filming anyway, so she could focus on her own wellbeing.

From there, she starts making some general statements about mental illness, how there"s nothing shameful about it and how treatment can help so much, which is a wonderful sentiment to express.

It"s also pretty clear who she"s talking about.

"If you have borderline personality disorder, if you have narcissism, if you have any of these kinds of things," she says, "they"re all highly treatable."

"All is not lost, but I will say deep down inside I know my daughter, she"s kind, she"s loving, she"s sweet and very compassionate."

She adds that she thinks Farrah works hard, "she just needs to step back a moment and take some time and get healthy and take time for her so she can heal."

When asked specifically if she thinks Farrah has those disorders, she said that she does.

It"s kind of a weird thing to reveal about your daughter in an interview, but Farrah once claimed Debra has Asperger"s, so maybe that"s just a fun family activity for these people, you know?

Whether or not Farrah really does suffer from borderline personality disorder and/or narcissistic personality disorder, it seems pretty clear that Deb is right about one thing.

The girl could definitely use plenty of time to focus on herself and work through some stuff away from cameras, whether the cameras are for Teen Mom or porn or anything else.

Farrah abraham suffering from multiple mental illnesses

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Tori Spelling Suffering Breakdown at Home According to 911 Caller

Police are at Tori Spelling’s home after a 911 caller reported she’s having some sort of breakdown … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us cops are responding after the call came in around 7 AM, saying Tori was being very…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: In Rehab After Suffering Miscarriage?!

To be honest, we thought that we knew the full, tragic extent of Catelynn Lowell’s current issues with her mental health.

But, as it turns out, we really, really did not.

Since Catelynn has lived so much of her life on television, we’ve been able to see many of the heartbreaking things she’s been through.

We saw her agonize with Tyler Baltierra over the decision to place their first daughter for adoption, and we saw how completely unsupportive their parents were about it.

We saw how terrible her mother was to her afterwards, to the point where it was almost too uncomfortable to watch.

And then, when she and Tyler had precious little Nova three years ago, we saw her suffer from severe postpartum depression after giving birth.

More recently, Catelynn has been in and out of rehab since December, dealing with suicidal thoughts and trying to work through her childhood trauma.

It just seems like a whole, whole lot for one person to go through.

Now, thanks to a genuinely upsetting new report, we’re learning that she’s been through even more than that.

To give a little background, there was some interesting footage in the teaser for next week’s new episode of Teen Mom OG.

In the teaser, the one that aired immediately after the most recent episode, we saw Catelynn tell Tyler that Nova was going to be a big sister — meaning, of course, that she was pregnant.

She even presented a positive pregnancy test.

That would be a fine little scene if the cast members weren’t so active on social media, because let’s be real, if Catelynn was pregnant right now, there is literally no way we wouldn’t know all about it.

So what’s going on?

According to a source who spoke with The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, “Catelynn got pregnant and surprised Tyler and Nova and then had a miscarriage not long after.”

“That happened right before she went to treatment when she tweeted about thinking about killing herself.”

Oh, Catelynn …

The source adds that “The crew and production staff heard she was about six weeks pregnant when it happened, but no one is 100 percent sure.”

So that makes it sound like the miscarriage definitely had a hand in her worsened depression, right?

It’s absolutely heartbreaking to think about, but there’s another layer to the whole thing that makes it just a little bit harder.

“They don’t do voiceovers until the episode is all done and being edited usually,” the insider explained, “so Catelynn had to talk about trying to get pregnant and then getting pregnant even after she had the miscarriage.”

“We felt badly for her.”

Yes, obviously. It actually sounds kind of cruel to make her do this.

The source also said that her miscarriage “is definitely going to be a big topic on the show.”

“That’s why last week they made sure her voiceover was something like, ‘I’m not telling Tyler I took my birth control out."”

If Catelynn did go to rehab very soon after the miscarriage, then left early, returned to complete her treatment, and then went in for another round of treatment a couple of weeks after that, it seems safe to say that she isn’t doing terribly well.

Here’s hoping she’s able to work through everything — because she’s been through enough hard times for a lifetime.


Monday, December 25, 2017

Eric Garner"s Daughter in Coma After Suffering Heart Attack

The daughter of Eric Garner — whose death at the hands of an NYPD officer arresting him over untaxed cigarettes sparked national outrage — is reportedly in a coma after suffering a heart attack. Erica Garner, who has become an advocate…


Monday, September 11, 2017

Scott Disick: Suffering From Severe Liver Disease (Report)

Last week, we reported that Scott Disick was hospitalized after being placed on a 5150 psychiatric hold.

At the time, it was widely assumed that  Kourtney Kardashian’s ex had suffered a breakdown as a result of several of months of non-stop drinking and drug use.

However, those closest to Disick maintained that the circumstances that led to the hospitalization were more complex than the media realized.

Now, it looks as though we may know what they were referring to.

“Scott started using drugs and alcohol as a way to escape from his problems,” an unidentified friend of Scott’s told Radar Online last week, adding:

“However, the more he continued to drink, the worse his other problem became.”

The source went on to say that authorities determined that Scott presented a danger to himself, not because of any erratic behavior, but because of his refusal to take life-saving medications.

Sadly, it seems the meds that are reportedly keeping Scott alive are necessary due to the self-destructive fashion in which Disick has lived much of his adult life.

Last month, multiple outlets reported that Disick was suffering from a liver condition widely attributed to his years of heavy drinking and the non-stop bender that comprised his summer, in particular.

Now, insiders close to the reality star are confirming that Disick is indeed in very poor health.

“Kourtney [Kardashian] and Scott know that the incident was caused by him not taking medications that he is prescribed,” says one insider.

According to the source, Kourtney and Kris Jenner called the police when they realized that Scott had gone off his medication while continuing to drink, thus putting his life in danger.

Authorities placed him under a 72-hour psychiatric hold, the longest allowable by law.

During that time, Disick reportedly resumed taking his meds.

Psychiatric holds are considered a last-ditch move that’s reserved solely for potential life-and-death scenarios.

If police determined that Scott going off his meds essentially constituted a suicide attempt, then it seems Disick’s health problems are far more serious than initially thought.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Kate Middleton: Already Suffering Severe Morning Sickness?

Yesterday, the world learned that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.

While it’s joyous news that’s been met with applause and well-wishes from the global community, there has been some concern among those who follow Kate’s personal life closely.

During her first two pregnancies, Kate suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum, a rare condition that results in morning sickness so severe it often leads to hospitalization.

The illness is generally at its worst in the first months of pregnancy, and according to Life & Style, Kate spent time in the emergency room shortly after learning of her third pregnancy.

The Duchess of Cambridge was rushed to a medical facility in Marleybone, London last month, for what was initially reported as a bout of dehydration and exhaustion.

It’s now widely believed that her condition was caused by hyperemesis gravidarum.

The illness typically results in nausea and uncontrollable vomiting.

Sadly, these difficulties are nothing new for the 35-year-old.

Kate was hospitalized for the first time while she was pregnant with Prince George.

She became ill again while pregnant with Princess Charlotte, but was treated at home in Kensington Palace.

The fact that she was rushed to an emergency room again this time around has led many to the conclusion that the symptoms are more severe than they were during her last pregnancy.

Unfortunately for Kate, the illness often becomes more unmanageable with age.

Fortunately, however, it’s at its worst during the first trimester, so the worst might already be over.

Whatever the case, Kate’s latest struggle is a reminder of what’s led fans all over the world to fall in love with the soon-to-be mum of three.

Despite knowing that battling another round of severe illness, Kate has put a smile on her face and done her best to downplay her disease.

Royals are generally thought of as being a particularly rugged breed, but coping with a serious medical issue in the public eye requires a toughness few are capable of.

Thus far, Kate has handled her most recent battle with hyperemesis gravidarum the same way she handled the first two – with courage and grace befitting a future queen.

We’ll keep you updated on Kate’s condition as more information becomes available.


Saturday, May 6, 2017

Loretta Lynn Hospitalized After Suffering Stroke

Loretta Lynn is in a Nashville hospital after suffering a stroke at her home Thursday night. A rep for the country legend shared the news Friday … saying the 85-year-old is responsive and expected to make a full recovery. Lynn, who is STILL…


Loretta Lynn Hospitalized After Suffering Stroke

Loretta Lynn is in a Nashville hospital after suffering a stroke at her home Thursday night. A rep for the country legend shared the news Friday … saying the 85-year-old is responsive and expected to make a full recovery. Lynn, who is STILL…


Monday, April 3, 2017

Tarek El Moussa: Am I Suffering from a Midlife Crisis?!?

Changes continue to be afoot for Tarek El Moussa.

But what do they mean?

That’s what Tarek himself is now wondering.

Over the past several days, fans of the Flip or Flp co-host have seen a surprising new side to El Moussa.

Most notably, they’ve seen his shirtless side, courtesy of a photo shoot that centered on Tarek’s VERY impressive physique.

Who knew he was hiding these rippling muscles and this well-sculpted six-pack under the shirt he always wore on HGTV and while making other public appearances?!?

Tarek shared pictures such as the one above in response to estranged wife Christina El Moussa doing the same.

In a clear battle of revenge bodies, Tarek felt a need to do something in reply after Christina stripped down to her bikini and took Instagram followers behind the scenes of an ad campaign that features both herself and her six-year old daughter.

While we were taken aback to see the ripped figure hiding under Tarek’s clothes, we can’t say we were too shocked by what Christina is rocking on a daily basis.

She’s always been very svelte and attractive.

Not that we’re complaining about the revealing photos, of course.

So anyway. This brings us to this past weekend and another picture posted by Tarek.

In his latest social media image, the reality star keeps his top on, but shifts his head over to give supporters a look at a new haircut.

We’ve shared the fresh look at the outset of this article and we aren’t even the ones questioning Tarek’s inspiration for it.

He’s the one who is openly speculating on why he’s undergone a makeover to various parts of his person.

“OH NO!!! New #clothing.. New #hairstyle…. #No more sandals!! Half #naked pics!!! Is this a mid life crisis??” El Moussa wrote as a caption to the black-and-white picture of his new haircut.

He added:

“My sister hooked up the new #hollyweird hair style @l33hairartistry… looking pretty fly for an #old guy!!”

Okay, so maybe Tarek is being a tad sarcastic here.

But no one could blame the guy if he really does want a fresh start.

It’s sounding more and more like Flip or Flop will get canceled after Season 7.

Christina has been making the media rounds and re-introducing herself to the world, most likely in the hopes of landing a solo series on HTV or another cable network.

Where would this leave Tarek, whose reputation isn’t exactly unassailable these days following a round of ugly rumors?

It’s hard to say.

But Tarek appears to see the writing on his professional wall and is trying to do something about it. He’s fighting back. He’s sharing his story.

And it actually is an inspiring story to share, considering El Moussa was diagnosed with both testicular cancer and thyroid cancer a few years ago.

“I shot this and was too embarrassed to share so I didn’t,” Tarek captioned one of his workout photos, adding:

“I know my journey has inspired many people so I made the difficult decision to post.. this is after battling 2 cancers and a debilitating back injury.”

Hoping to serve as a role model for other cancer survivors, he concluded:

“My doctor said ‘You would probably never be able to life weights again’… that motivated me to prove him wrong and get into the best shape of my life!!!

“Thank you to my trainer @quintin_tucker for all the hard work and motivation and @pyejirsa for the amazing photos.

“Remember….it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”


Monday, February 13, 2017

Leah Messer: BOTH Twins Suffering From Muscular Dystrophy?

Leah Messer has one of the worst hard luck stories that the Teen Mom franchise has ever told, and that’s really saying something.

One of the show’s most harrowing storylines revolves around Leah’s daughter, Ali Simms, and her struggle with muscular dystrophy.

On last week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Leah was brought to tears by the possibility that the disease might rob her daughter of her ability to walk.

Now, in a preview for this week’s episode, Leah reveals that she’s afraid Ali’s twin, Aleeah Grace, may also suffer from the debilitating genetic condition.

“They actually want to get Gracie tested for MD as well,” Leah says in the clip.

It might seem that Leah would already know if Aleeah is afflicted with the same condition as her sister, but the disease can take many forms, and symptoms sometimes don’t manifest until later in life.

Despite the frightening implications, Aleeah is apparently unafraid:

“She’s excited that she actually gets to go to Columbus with us this time,” Leah said.

“I mean, the possibility of her even having it is worrisome to me.”

Given that the episode was filmed several months ago and Leah has made no mention of Aleeah suffering from the illness, she’s probably in the clear.

A little good news is no doubt very welcome in the Messer household, as Leah has seen little of it in recent years.

The 24-year-old only recently regained custody of her twins from her first husband, Corey Simms, after losing it due to what the court considered irresponsible parenting practices.

Messer is in the process of rebuilding her life after struggling with addiction and unspecified “emotional issues,” and learning that her other eldest daughter is also suffering from MD would obviously be a tremendous blow.

Fortunately, there’s reason to be optimistic, and while the episode will no doubt be fraught with tension, we’re confident that things will work out in the Messer family’s favor.

At least we certainly hope so.

Leah’s daughters have captured viewers’ hearts and seeing them suffer another setback would be devastating.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to get caught up for what’s sure to be a highly emotional installment.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Kate Middleton: Is This Proof She"s Suffering from Bulimia?!

Kate Middleton just cannot catch a break.

She can’t catch one with all those endless reports about how she’s the laziest royal in history, but lately she’s been the subject of a whole bunch of rumors about her health.

If we’re to believe the tabloids, Kate is suffering from bulimia.

Just yesterday, we discussed some new claims from the National Enquirer: claims about how the eating disorder knocked Kate, who is 5’9″, down to just 89 pounds.

If we’re to believe the Enquirer, Kate’s illness can be proved by just one photo of the duchess with a bandage on her finger.

“What does that even mean?” you might be wondering. “How can a bandage on a finger prove that she’s bulimic?”

Well, settle in, friends, because some doctor just ran his mouth to Radar and explained the whole dang thing.

Dr. Stuart Fischer explains that “It’s very common for women who suffer from bulimia to have cuts on their fingers and hands because they’re inducing vomiting, they are putting their fingers down their throat and will bite down on their fingers and knuckles.”

The good doctor continues by saying that “It’s highly suspicious that she is wearing band-aids on her hands so frequently.”

“It’s extremely unlikely she would be injured repetitively in these places on her hands. Kate would have to be a carpenter or someone opening oysters or claims for a living!”

Well, many people would say that Kate does literally nothing ever for a living, so that can’t be it.

But still, it seems like quite the conclusion to jump to, especially for a doctor, someone who knows how serious bulimia can be.

And he does know — he says that “It’s a frightful and damaging way to lose weight.”

“She’s got the best chefs in Europe,” he exclaims.

“She might feel immense pressure under the spotlight but it’s better than being under the ground in Westminster Abbey!”

Way to take it to a dark place, buddy.

While it’s true that Kate does have bandages on her fingers somewhat frequently — if you check out those three photos above, she’s wearing them in the first two, and her thumb appears to be cut in the third — that doesn’t mean she’s bulimic.

Maybe she likes to cook but isn’t that great at it. Maybe she has countless other hobbies that could hurt her fingers.

Or maybe little Charlotte is a biter. We don’t know.

The point is that yes, Kate is very thin, but she’s always been very thin. Sometimes that’s just how bodies are built.

Just because she’s slim and rocks a band-aid from time to time doesn’t mean she has an eating disorder, and it feels weird that we even have to say that.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Kanye West: Reportedly Suffering From Extreme Paranoia as Kardashians Rush to Be By His Side

As you’ve likely heard by now, Kanye West was hospitalized yesterday after reportedly suffering a psychological breakdown during a session with his personal trainer. 

Sources say West was put on 5150 psychiatric hold after allegedly attempting to assault one of his trainer’s employees.

When authorities arrived, Kanye was handcuffed to a stretcher and transported to the psychiatric unit at UCLA Medical Center.

There’s no word yet on whether the rapper is still being treated at the facility, or if he’s been released.

Whatever the case, insiders say the situation is far more serious than even Kanye’s closest friends and relatives initially thought.

Prior to his hospitalization, West canceled his current tour after behaving erratically on stage and cutting several concerts short in dramatic fashion.

“He was crazy and delusional,” an insider close to West tells Radar Online.

“He is having hallucinations, and is paranoid.”

One insider claims Kanye is on suicide watch and struggling with terrifying paranoid delusions.

Friends and family have reportedly been particularly concerned over West’s fears that former friends Jay Z and DJ Khaled had hired hitmen to have him killed.

Last night, Kim Kardashian canceled an appearance at a New York event honoring her late father in order to return to Los Angeles and be by her husband’s side.

Today, she was joined by her mother and sisters, who returned from the East Coast ahead of schedule in order to offer their support.

It’s the second major setback in as many months for a couple who’s accustomed to living their lives in the public eye.

Monday night’s Angel Ball was to mark Kim’s return to the spotlight after being robbed at gunpoint in Paris last month.

Now, sources expect the couple to lay low once again until Kanye’s treatment plan is sorted out.

The rapper’s notorious ego and outsized personality have made him a frequent target of ridicule over the years, and sadly, some on social media have continued to mock West following news of his hosptialization.

Of course, anyone who’s experienced mental illness, either first hand or by watching a loved one’s struggles, can tall you that what West and his family are going through this week is no laughing matter.

Our thoughts are with Kanye, and we hope he gets the help and support that he needs.
