Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts

Friday, June 8, 2018

Buff White House Chef Andre Rush Talks Army Past, Trump"s Diet and Workout Routine

Andre Rush — the White House chef who looks more like a bodybuilder — says he never expected his military career to lead him to D.C., but it all worked out … and speaking of workouts … The retired Army Master Sergeant Chef was on “TMZ Live”…


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Meghan Markle: In Danger Due to "Extreme" Wedding Diet!!!

We hate to be the bearer of terrible news, but…

… there may not be a Royal Wedding on May 19.

Because there’s trouble brewing between Meghan Markle and Prince Harry? Because the former’s alleged issues with her family have caused the couple to rethink their plans?

No and no.

It’s because there may not be a bride with whom Harry can exchange vows on that date.

Not if Markle keeps crash dieting in the way outlined by Radar Online, which claims that Megan is simply wasting away at the moment.

Oh no!

According to a source who spoke to this website on the condition of anonymity because he or she likely does not exist, Markle has lost 23 pounds in just two weeks.

That’s the sort of result that would make Kim Kardashian jealous, but it’s also the sort of result that has Harry concerned.

It’s just not normal; or, more importantly, it’s just not healthy.

Says the aforementioned insider:

“The word is that [Meghan is] eating ice cubes to dull her appetite, and a private chef is preparing juices and low-calorie meals.

“She’s totally avoiding carbs and has cut out wine completely.”

This sounds both dangerous and very distasteful.

Ice cubes are fantastic for helping one cool down a drink, but they don’t come close to representing a full meal. Or even an appetizer. Or a snack.

“Meghan is also working with a personal trailer, running and doing Yoga as often as she can,” Radar writes.

Can’t she at the very least enjoy a cheat day on occasion? This is supposedly what Harry frequently asks his fiancee, bus she responds that any and all dietary cheating can wait until the honeymoon.

(In between sessions of boning, we guess. Ohhh yeeeah!)

Look, we can’t imagine the pressure Markle is under these days.

She’s about to get married in front of a global audience that could climb into the hundreds of millions.

It therefore makes sense that she wants to look her best and it even makes sense that she’s been encouraging Harry to shed a few pounds.

The former Suits star certainly is not the first woman striving to drop some weight in time for her wedding.

But you need to be responsible in how you approach this task.

Previously, we had reported on Markle letting the nuptials pressure get to her by becoming somewhat of a bridezilla.

“Meghan’s driving everyone crazy with her diva demands,” an insider told Life & Style a few weeks back, adding of the bride-to-be:

“She’s a perfectionist, and she’s trying to control everything going on around her.”

That’s fair. And it’s not placing her health in any sort of danger.

Overall, though, it’s pretty clear that Markle really needs to get this wedding over with, for the sake of her mental and physical health.

She needs to say “I Do,” enjoy the reception and tha attention that follows — and then jet off to that honeymoon to take advantage of the aforementioned eating and boning.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

David Ortiz: Tom Brady"s Diet Is "Suffering," Hell No I Wouldn"t Try It!

Tom Brady’s crazy-strict diet might work for him, but David Ortiz says he’d never touch the TB12 Method ‘cause it’s straight-up torture! Big Papi went deep on his post-MLB eating habits in a recent interview … admitting he CRUSHES everything…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Kylie Jenner is on an Insane Diet. And She"s "Miserable."

Here’s the good news surrounding Kylie Jenner:

The 20-year old has decided against traveling to Mexico and undergoing dangerous weight loss surgery, as earlier reports claimed she had been considering.

These reports alleged that Kylie really was that desperate to shed her pregnancy pounds after she gave birth.

But here’s the bad news surrounding Kylie Jenner:

She is still so adamant that she must regain her stupid bikini body that she’s taking different extreme measures in order to lose weight.

And, according to OK! Weekly insiders, this new strategy is working; Kylie has lost A LOT of weight.

At a price, however.

Quoting Heat Magazine, OK! writes that Kim Kardashian has “been helping Kylie every step of the way and giving her loads of advice,” while “[whipping] her into shape the moment she had the baby.”

How very sweet, right?

Stormi Webster enters the world and … BAM! The sisters start working on what’s truly important: Kylie’s body.

Sources had previously stated that Jenner gained 35 pounds while pregnant – and this report claims she has already lost 25 of those pounds!

How has she pulled this off?

Via a diet that consists of “wild salmon for breakfast, turkey and salad for lunch and then sometimes just soup early evening,” the insider says, explaining that Jenner is sure to never consume more than 1,500 calories in one day.

That sounds awful.

And not very healthy, either.

Kylie supposedly avoid all carbs and nearly all sugar and has gotten “straight back into training” at the gym.

She’s really setting quite the example for little Stormi, isn’t she?

Kardashian famously dropped 69 pounds in the months after giving birth to her second child.

She kept meticulous track of her weight throughout this process, setting a horrible example to young fans around the globe.

But this was apparently a great example for Kylie, who has always wanted to emulate her half-sister and who is now reluctantly taking her advice.

“Kim has told Kylie that she’ll regret it later if she doesn’t do the hard work now, but she’s finding it miserable,” the source told Heat, adding:

“She knows she only has a bit to go so doesn’t want to give up, but it’s very hard.”

We don’t want to say that Kylie is ignoring the responsibilities of being a new mother by working out this much and by dieting this intensely.

We’re sure she’s been there for Stormi.

But she and her siblings REALLY need to STFU up when it comes to weight loss, especially post-pregnancy weight loss.

There really are far more important things to be thinking about during this time of one’s life… not to mention the fact that they are setting an unrealistic example for their fans.

Kylie Jenner has the money for a personal chef and for a gym at her home.

She doesn’t have a full-time job from 9-5.

She can absolutely dedicate large chunks of her day to this weight loss mission if she so chooses, but she shouldn’t pretend like it’s something the average mother can attack with the same vigor.

That’s it. Rant over.

We can now return to making fun of the name Stormi Webster.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Catelynn Lowell Is Ruining My Diet!

Back in December, Catelynn Lowell left rehab after six weeks of intensive treatment for trauma and other emotional issues

Shortly thereafter, Lowell checked back in, after apparently deciding she wasn’t ready to return to her often hectic life.

It’s been reported that Catelynn recently suffered a miscarriage and has been struggling to cope with the crushing loss. 

That still hasn’t been confirmed by the Baltierras, but whatever the case, we know that Lowell is prioritizing her mental and physical health these days after going through a very difficult time.

The recovery process has reportedly required Catelynn to make some major changes to her diet.

Sources say she’s excited about the prospect of turning a corner with regard to her health.

And one person who’s reportedly very happy about Catelynn’s new commitment to nutrition and weight loss is her husband, Tyler Baltierra.

As you may remember, Tyler was accused of fat-shaming Catelynn after he made some brutal comments about her weight on an episode of Teen Mom OG.

“That’s a big assquesadilla, it has a lot of chicken,” Baltierra said while Lowell was eating.

“It’s your body, you could do what you want. Obviously I don’t want no heifer for a wife!”

He later added:

“Would you want to be married to some big heifer?”

Sadly, it seems these days, he’s not being much more supportive.

Balterra has lost some weight in recent weeks, and he recently revealed that he did so despite – not because of – Catelynn.

Recently a Twitter follower asked Tyler if he’s concerned that losing weight so rapidly might cause Cateltynn to feel insecure and exacerbate her depression.

He basically responded that he couldn’t care less:

“The only one responsible for managing Cate’s emotions… is Cate. I have goals too that I refuse to put on the back burner,” Tyler tweeted.

Shortly thereafter, he accused her of sabotaging his diet:

“When I started my health kick Cate didn’t want to join me and kept ordering pizza and I had to eat my salad while staring at the beauty of that perfect looking, cheesy pepperoni greatness!” Baltierra tweeted.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more classy behavior from Tyler.


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Derick Dillard ROASTED by Fans Over New Haircut, Awful Diet!

We’ve seen Derick Dillard with long hair and with short hair. While TLC has fired Derick for his transphobic tweets against Jazz Jennings, fans can still see his haircut mishaps on social media.

And his latest haircut, though neither his longest or his shortest, might be his worst ever. Fans are roasting him over it, left and right.

We don’t want to go so far as to say that the haircut is a divine punishment, but Derick Dillard’s disastrous ‘do might be a natural consequence of the awful things that he says.

At the risk of perpetuating stereotypes … if you’re super anti-LGBT+ and you’re also not the sort of person who associates with many women outside of your family, your hairstyling might suffer.

Maybe that’s not a priority for Derick Dillard?

But though there are absolutely heterosexual men who are hairstylists, in addition to plenty of straight male barbers (I’m not clear on how barbers are different from hair stylists and at this point in life I’m too afraid to ask) …

… We almost wonder if homophobia and some nervousness about women is behind the fact that Jill always cuts Derick’s hair.

Plenty of people cut their own hair or their partner’s hair, but they’re being frugal.

As we saw when Jill and Derick shared those tone-deaf date night photos, the Dillards are not shy about spending money that many believe may have come from their dubious fundraising.

So it may be that Derick is afraid that going into a salon and letting a woman who isn’t his wife (some vile temptress!) or perhaps even a gay man cut his hair would test either his marriage or his faith.

But, you know what?

We should also consider that Derick Dillard’s bigotry isn’t necessarily behind his weird haircuts.

Maybe he just likes letting Jill cut his hair, no matter how it makes him look.

Because, for all of Derick’s many, many flaws, he loves his wife and it’s something that they can do together.

Again, this is just our speculation, but that’s almost sweet.

Speaking of sweet, the “best” (worst) photo of Derick’s new hair comes with him eating cookie dough (the best way to eat cookies) in a snap that Jill shared to Instagram.

Jill wrote the caption:

“My sweet hubby @derickdillard #livingontheedge eating some raw #cookiedough #lol”

And here’s the photo:

His hair.

If you think that we’re overreacting to this 1970s-era horror-show and merely assuming that fans had the same response, think again.

Commenters wrote:

“I’m sorry, but everything about this photo is creepy.”

Many thought that he looked like a creepy uncle from decades past.

“I like this family but this guy looks like someone on the 70’s show.”

That’s a reference to That ’70s Show, and they’re not wrong.

(Note, the emover that was so very fashionable around 2007 is not the same — it had much more body and gave a more sculpted, sleeker look)

“Ahahaaaaaaaa! Cuz he is a SLOB!!!”

That last comment was less about Derick Dillard’s haircut, we think, and more about his recent eating habits.

Remember how Derick Dillard came back from his controversial mission trip, looking as gaunt as Jesus is sometimes depicted?

Fans were worried.

Now, he seems to be snacking on junk food exclusively. We all like junk food, but things like his corndog-and-twinkie “midnight snack” have fans feeling alarmed.

Catastrophic weight loss followed by binging on junk food can be worse than just binging on junk food alone. We’re not shaming Derick Dillard for his eating habits (heck, I don’t even shame Trump for his eating habits), just confirming that his concerned fans have some validity.

As you can imagine, the fan responses to the photo of Derick have now broken down to debates over Derick Dillard’s transphobic tweets against Jazz Jennings and the trans community.

Those calling out Derick for his bigoted stances are themselves being accused of “bullying” by Derick’s defenders.

While posting comments teasing Derick over his hair sounds like classic bullying — it is, ultimately, his choice, we don’t see how pointing out that Derick’s recent controversial statements are bigoted is bullying.

Because his statements about trans kids and about trans teen Jazz Jennings have been … well, inflammatory.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Morgan Spurlock Says Trump"s McDonald"s Diet Fills a "Sad Hole"

Morgan Spurlock thinks President Trump’s obsession with McDonald’s has psychological overtones … proof he’s an unhappy man looking for any form of fulfillment. We got the “Super Size Me” star at LAX, and he weighed in on Trump’s documented…


Morgan Spurlock Says Trump"s McDonald"s Diet Fills a "Sad Hole"

Morgan Spurlock thinks President Trump’s obsession with McDonald’s has psychological overtones … proof he’s an unhappy man looking for any form of fulfillment. We got the “Super Size Me” star at LAX, and he weighed in on Trump’s documented…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Rob Kardashian: Will His Deadly Diet KILL Him?!

Kris Jenner might have eternal life thanks to ritual baths in money that she’s taken for decades, but we can’t say that about every Kardashian.

Rob Kardashian’s battle with his weight has been well-publicized over the past several years, and after everything that’s happened, it’s getting worse.

Right now, things are so bad that Rob’s friends reportedly fear that he might die.

Rob Kardashian’s rapid weight gain apparently began back in 2012, after he broke up with Rita Ora.

If you’ll recall, he famously accused her of having cheating on him “with 20 dudes.” He took to Twitter to share this unsubstantiated allegation and to question how she had time, given her career and all that.

That was an irresponsible use of Twitter, but obviously it pales in comparison to Rob Kardashian’s more recent Twitter meltdown.

Rob was withdrawn, socially, and he was said to be eating his feelings.

(We get it — food is happiness in its purest form)

Apparently, one of the primary culprits behind his was Rob’s fondness for milkshakes.

You don’t really think of milkshakes as a hefty source of calories. They’re fluffy and liquid.

(A lot of people have a similar problem with alcohol — ordering a salad without dressing, which is just a bowl of yard waste, but getting three alcoholic drinks with more calories than the dressing could have ever contained)

The thing about weight gain is that, because you see yourself every single day, you’re less likely to notice changes in your figure that someone who sees you month-to-month might pick up on.

So Rob’s weight went up and up and up.

You might remember that, back in late 2015, Rob Kardashian was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.

Type 1 is the kind that you’re born with.

What we’re talking about is Rob developing insulin resistance over an extended period of time due to his weight and inactivity.

That’s a serious condition, extremely rare for a guy to develop in his twenties, and things looked bad.

However, after he hooked up with Blac Chyna, it seemed like things were looking up.

Blac Chyna immediately talked about getting him to eat healthier food.

(Though, as many people will stress, unless you’re a bodybuilder or athlete or model, your best bet hinges less on what you eat than on how much)

In fact, we saw a video of Rob Kardashian’s massive weight loss back when Chyna was helping him out.

(Diabetes can result in massive weight loss, but he had also changed his eating habits and fitness habits, under Blac Chyna’s guidance)

But when he and Chyna split, he’d turn to food again.

The thing about food is that it’s an immediate source of happiness, even if you’re fully aware that it’s going to make it harder for you to attain long-term happiness.

(It’s the same way with alcohol or heroin, really)

In fact, some blamed Blac Chyna for Rob’s second diabetes scare when he was hospitalized almost exactly one year after the first time, back in 2016.

Obviously, Blac Chyna doesn’t magically control Rob’s eating.

Now that these two are broken up for good, though, RadarOnline reports that Rob’s friends are terrified for him. They fear that his diet will kill him.

“At the moment, ice cream is his big weakness.”

I read that line and thought “isn’t it everyone’s?” I have a half a quart of blue cotton candy ice cream in my freezer and I have to exercise a lot of control to just eat a little at a time.

But when it comes to Rob, we have to keep two things in mind:

One, that he has diabetes, so there are things that others can enjoy that are simply dangerous for him.

Two, that his portion-control is … reportedly very alarming.

“He thinks nothing of having two or three tubs in the afternoon.”

We wish that we could believe that they meant those, like, smaler-sized pints of ice cream, but a “tub” of icecream is … well, it’s a tub.

“It’s wreaking havoc on his diabetes.”

Yeah. Ice cream has a lot of sugar.

“Not to mention the added stress the weight is putting on his heart.”

Heart health is something that everyone has to worry about — not just diabetics.

Rob does not naturally have a very large frame, so the added weight could be a real burden on his whole body.

“He thinks food is the only good thing in his life.”

That’s … so sad. He has a daughter, Dream.

We have to say that ratting out your friend’s eating habits to an entertainment news outlet isn’t a great way to change their habits.

Shame doesn’t stop people from eating very often.

It’s more likely to just make them isolate themselves more and, while isolated, eat more while hiding it from everyone else.

This could be bad news for the Kardashian family. Are they going to lose Rob just as they welcome three new family members next year?

Maybe Rob will turn things around.

At this point, it’s all up to him.


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Kristin Chenoweth Blasts Kim Kardashian Critics Over "Flu Diet" (VIDEO)

Kristin Chenoweth wants everyone hating on Kim Kardashian’s “flu diet” to get off their damn high horse and take a chill pill … because EVERYONE’S DONE IT!! Kristin was arriving at LAX Wednesday when we asked her about Kim giving the “flu…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Kim Kardashian"s Flu Diet is Really Working Wonders on Her Body (PHOTO GALLERY)

Kim Kardashian made a joke about the flu helping her drop some poundage … but these pics prove a little temp can do a body good. Paps got Kim out and about in L.A. Tuesday night in a bralette, skin-tight pants and a very loose coat that let…


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Lena Dunham: I Lost Weight on the Donald Trump Diet!

Donald Trump has been president for 18 days now, and the impact of his haphazard style of governance and willingness to flout the central tenets of the Constitution can be seen everywhere.

But hey, on the bright side … at least the situation has helped Lena Dunham shed some pounds?

Yes, the living embodiment of the phrase “born on third, thinks she hit a triple” stopped by the Howard Stern’s Sirius XM radio show on Monday morning 

Asked about her recent weight loss, Dunham credited the regime of Commander Baby Fists with inadvertently helping her drop the extra pounds:

“Donald Trump became president and I stopped being able to eat food,” she told Stern.

“Everyone’s been asking like, ‘What have you been doing?’ And I’m like, ‘Try soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness and you, too, will lose weight.’”

Yes, Lena says she became so distraught since Trump was elected back in November that she basically stopped eating.

Tens of millions of Americans have taken issue with Trump’s Muslim ban and other controversial measures, but Dunham’s dislike for the president is both political and personal:

“He said I was a B-list actor with no mojo,” she griped to Stern.

B-list? Pretty tame by Trump trash talk standards, but it doesn’t take much to wound Lena.

This is far from the first time that Dunham has criticized Trump, and she’s been admirably scathing in her assessment of his first weeks in office during her current press tour to promote the sixth and final season of Girls.

“All he does is talk about women like they’re objects,” she said at TimesTalks: A Final Farewell to the Cast of Girls.

“It doesn’t reclaim our power to talk about him like he’s an object. It doesn’t reclaim our power to insult his physicality.”

Obviously, this story has us deeply conflicted.

Dunham is right to be so critical of Trump, but at the same time, she’s Lena Dunham.

The same Lena Dunham who tried to reach out to women who have had abortions by stating that she wishes she’d had an abortion.

The same Lena Dunham who takes to social media to complain about culturally insensitive sushi and guns in Jason Bourne movies.

At first, agreeing with Lena on an issue made us feel ill at ease, but then we had an epiphany:

Maybe she’s fostering unity by offering us something the whole nation can agree on:

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, everyone can agree that the only appropriate response when Dunham starts talking about the importance of her cellulite is looooong sigh punctuated by an exaggerated eye roll.

See? We can still agree on some issues, America.

Let’s all thank Lena Dunham for helping us see the light and then go right back to trying to ignore her.


Friday, November 11, 2016

Serena Williams -- NO MORE JUNK IN MY TRUNK ... Begins No Donut Diet (VIDEO)

It takes great sacrifice to be a great champion and Serena Williams is making the biggest sacrifice of all — DONUTS!!!!  The tennis superstar was greeted at LAX by a fan who wanted to gift Serena with a dozen delicious treats from the…


Friday, July 1, 2016

Jenelle Evans Flaunts Weight Loss, Shills Diet Tea

As she told us yesterday (with the help of a bikini pic, of course) Jenelle Evans is not pregnant.

In fact, she claims her belly is rapidly shrinking these days, as evidenced in the pics below:

Jenelle posted those side-by-side images to Instagram today, along with the following caption:

“SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: One is before my two weeks on the @flattummytea cleanse, one is after. 2 cups of tea a day (one morning, one at night), some light exercise, a little dedication and ta-da, this is the result. Very happy.”

Yes, Jenelle credits the difference between the two pics to Flat Tummy Tea, a corporation whose entire marketing campaign seems to be centered on getting young female reality stars to shill their products on Instagram.

Hey, we guess it’s better than that waist training BS.

If you’re thinking to yourself that it’s more than a tad ridiculous that Jenelle claims to have lost that many inches in two weeks thanks to “light exercise” and some magic tea … well you’re not alone.

The comments on this pic feature a wide variety of speculation as to what’s really going on here, ranging from “she’s pushing her stomach out” to “she’s actually pregnant.”

Some folks even went full-Oliver Stone and and unleashed some bonkers conspiracy theories:

“There’s a pic on here saying she’s not pregnant yadda yadda, but there’s no octopus tattoo, and then this,” writes one follower. “Just own up to it, you’re knocked up!”

Whoa. You’re blowing our minds, juliealaine26.

Don’t get us wrong, we think something’s a foot here.

But we don’t think Jenelle is pregnant.

Or maybe we’re just slaves to wishful thinking.

Considering Ms. Evans is currently fighting two custody battles at once, we’re really, really hoping she’s not pregnant.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Biggest Loser Scandal: Did Bob Harper Promote Bulimia, Diet Pills?

A show focused on helping people lose weight is meant to be motivating and, at times, heartbreaking.

Yet, NBC’s The Biggest Loser has been plagued with accusations, from extreme weight loss to creating an unrealistic environment for contestants to continue after they leave the show.

A few contestants have revealed that they gained all of the weight they lost, and then some.  This led to an even bigger discussion about metabolism and extreme weight loss.

Now, Los Angeles County police are looking into possibly “drug activity” at the King Gillette Ranch, where contestants stayed during their time on the show.

A few contestants have come forward with claims that trainer Bob Harper not only handed out appetite-suppressants, he also promoted eating disorders.

The point of The Biggest Loser is to retrain those with obesity issues to lose weight the healthy way, through diet and exercise.

TV ratings, however, matter more.

According to Radar Online, season two contestant Suzanne Mendonca claims that “People would take amphetamines, water pills and diuretics,” and vomit in the bathroom.

“I vomited every single day,” Mendonca admitted.

“Bob Harper tells people to throw up: ‘Good,’ he says. ‘You’ll lose more calories.’”

Joelle Gwynn participated on the “couples” season, and remembers Harper’s assistant giving her “a drug inside a brown paper bag,” and telling her that it would “really help” her lose weight.

Then, Gwynn said, the show’s physician, Dr. Robert Huizenga “gave us some lame explanation of why (the drugs) got added to our regimen and that it was up to us to take them.”

Dr. Huizenga refuted these claims, clarifying that the show administered drug tests to make sure diuretics and other weight-loss drugs weren’t being used.

Gwynn doesn’t buy it, though, and recalls Harper telling her off-camera to lie about her caloric intake of 1500 per day.

“I want you to do 800 calories or as little as you can,” Harper allegedly told his charge, likely in hopes that she would lose the most amount of weight and win the competition.

Harper spoke up about the claims, calling them “absolutely false.”

Trainer Jillian Michaels left the show in 2014 amid disagreements with producers.  Though she never stated exactly why, some wonder if it was due to the treatment of contestants.

“I went to them and said I’d like to see these changes and they said no,” Michaels told the Daily Mail.

“So, I did not quit; they basically said, ‘No we’re not interested in changing x, y and z, so we will part ways.

“In all fairness, it was their show, so I said if we can’t do this, this and this, I’d like to be released, and they said you’re released.”

Friday, March 25, 2016

Rob Kardashian CHEATS on Diet With In-N-Out!!

Oh, Rob, are you backsliding on your diet already?

It was just a couple weeks ago when the sock designer flaunted a brand new slimmed down figure – the result of a strict diet and exercise regimen prescribed by his girlfriend Blac Chyna.

Word has it Rob"s lost more than 50 pounds under the guidance of his new lady love, who he"s been dating for about two months now.

But anyone who"s ever been on a diet knows the drill. You start to see results, then you treat yo"self. Again. And again.

Yesterday, Bobby Boy posted a video to Instagram of him and Blac at the drive-thru at In-N-Out Burger, apparently his favorite.

"Where we at?" he asks Blac, who is busy on her phone.

"In-N-Out, baby," replies Ms. Chyna, who surprisingly doesn"t seem too miffed.

"Yay! Yay!" chants Rob, obviously sick of the steamed cardboard diet Blac"s been feeding him.

We kid. Blac"s reportedly been cooking her man healthy, home-cooked meals, but also insisting that he stay away from fast food. To say she"s been strict is a gross understatement, as we saw her lose her sh*t upon the sight of tortillas in Rob"s pantry.

On his birthday last week, Rob also stopped by the burger joint to treat himself to a Double-Double, possibly animal style. Totally understandable – everyone knows calories don"t count on your birthday.

Then earlier today, a TMZ paparazzo caught Rob and Blac at the airport and asked about cheat days.

"It"s my birthday, so we do a lot of cheat days," Rob replied.

Evidently he"s one of those annoying people who insists upon everyone celebrating his "birthday month," because his actual birthday was more than a week ago.

However, it looks like Rob received the best prezzie possible on his big day: a GIFT CARD to In-N-Out.

"Finished up my IN N OUT gift card today lol mannnnnnnn," he wrote on Instagram.

Aww. Guess tasty time is over for the Robster. 

Rob kardashian cheats on diet with in n out

Friday, January 15, 2016

Rob Kardashian Diet Drama: Kanye Makes Me Crave Doughnuts!

It’s been three weeks since Rob Kardashian was diagnosed with diabetes during an emergency hospital visit.

Insiders claim that after initially ignoring doctors’ orders, Rob is now taking his health seriously and adhering to a strict diet. Unfortunately, like all of us, he can still be tempted by…the sight of Kanye covered in doughnuts?

Rob posted the photo on the right last night along with a caption that reads, “Mood,” along with a bunch of anguished Emojis.

Since we know it’s not the sight of smiling old-school Kanye that’s got Rob feeling down (How could it make anyone feel anything but pure joy?!), it’s safe to assume he’s bummed about the lack of doughnuts in his foreseeable future.

We don’t know much about the details of Rob’s recovery, but we can safely assume he’s not allowed much in the way of deserts these days.

In fact, several insiders say Rob will undergo gastric bypass surgery in the near future, which would mean that his days of binge-eating anything are soon to be at an end.

We’re sure it’s a hard adjustment for a man who loves his food as much as Rob does, but hey – at least he’ll always have Kanye in a bathtub, right?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Jared Fogle Blames Sex Drive On Subway Diet

The filth that is Jared Fogle will do anything for a lower sentence.

The ex-Subway spokesman and accused pedophile is looking at 12 1/2 years behind bars, which his lawyers are trying to get reduced with a new excuse.

According to TMZ, lawyers brought in a sexual behavior expert to testify that prior to his Subway deal, Fogel had a “compulsive eating disorder.”

The lawyers believe that when Fogle lost the weight, he developed compulsive hypersexuality disorder.

First of all, 12 1/2 years is not nearly long enough.  

Second of all, the judge had better not put him in solitary confinement, but instead leave him to the other inmates.

And how does compulsive hypersexuality disorder have anything to do pedophilia?  

It’s a weak excuse, but one that the lawyers must think might work in trying for five years in prison instead of 12 1/2.

Fogle released a statement to the court today, claiming that he’s learned his lesson from keeping child pornography and having sex with minors, and won’t commit such crimes again.

“I owe a huge apology to the people who supported me and my positive messages the last 15 years,” Fogle said.

Fogle has been ordered to pay $ 1.4 million to 14 victims after being arrested in August.