Friday, January 15, 2016

Rob Kardashian Diet Drama: Kanye Makes Me Crave Doughnuts!

It’s been three weeks since Rob Kardashian was diagnosed with diabetes during an emergency hospital visit.

Insiders claim that after initially ignoring doctors’ orders, Rob is now taking his health seriously and adhering to a strict diet. Unfortunately, like all of us, he can still be tempted by…the sight of Kanye covered in doughnuts?

Rob posted the photo on the right last night along with a caption that reads, “Mood,” along with a bunch of anguished Emojis.

Since we know it’s not the sight of smiling old-school Kanye that’s got Rob feeling down (How could it make anyone feel anything but pure joy?!), it’s safe to assume he’s bummed about the lack of doughnuts in his foreseeable future.

We don’t know much about the details of Rob’s recovery, but we can safely assume he’s not allowed much in the way of deserts these days.

In fact, several insiders say Rob will undergo gastric bypass surgery in the near future, which would mean that his days of binge-eating anything are soon to be at an end.

We’re sure it’s a hard adjustment for a man who loves his food as much as Rob does, but hey – at least he’ll always have Kanye in a bathtub, right?