Friday, July 1, 2016

Jenelle Evans Flaunts Weight Loss, Shills Diet Tea

As she told us yesterday (with the help of a bikini pic, of course) Jenelle Evans is not pregnant.

In fact, she claims her belly is rapidly shrinking these days, as evidenced in the pics below:

Jenelle posted those side-by-side images to Instagram today, along with the following caption:

“SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: One is before my two weeks on the @flattummytea cleanse, one is after. 2 cups of tea a day (one morning, one at night), some light exercise, a little dedication and ta-da, this is the result. Very happy.”

Yes, Jenelle credits the difference between the two pics to Flat Tummy Tea, a corporation whose entire marketing campaign seems to be centered on getting young female reality stars to shill their products on Instagram.

Hey, we guess it’s better than that waist training BS.

If you’re thinking to yourself that it’s more than a tad ridiculous that Jenelle claims to have lost that many inches in two weeks thanks to “light exercise” and some magic tea … well you’re not alone.

The comments on this pic feature a wide variety of speculation as to what’s really going on here, ranging from “she’s pushing her stomach out” to “she’s actually pregnant.”

Some folks even went full-Oliver Stone and and unleashed some bonkers conspiracy theories:

“There’s a pic on here saying she’s not pregnant yadda yadda, but there’s no octopus tattoo, and then this,” writes one follower. “Just own up to it, you’re knocked up!”

Whoa. You’re blowing our minds, juliealaine26.

Don’t get us wrong, we think something’s a foot here.

But we don’t think Jenelle is pregnant.

Or maybe we’re just slaves to wishful thinking.

Considering Ms. Evans is currently fighting two custody battles at once, we’re really, really hoping she’s not pregnant.