Thursday, July 28, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Is Michelle A Bully?

We knew it was going to be an interesting week in the Big Brother house when James made a bold move and nominated Frank and Bridgette for eviction. 

It wouldn’t be Frank if he rolled over and admitted defeat, so he got work on ways to get either him or Bridgette off the block and Da’vonne put up. 

No one would even entertain that idea and it was getting cumbersome to watch him cornering everyone. He was no doubt annoyed when both Da’vonne and Nicole were picked to play in the veto. 

It was the OTEV. Remember the competition that solidified Frank’s fate the last time he was in the house? Yeah, it seems like it’s going to do just that again. 

After several heats of the competition, Michelle emerged as the winner. She fell and hurt her head quite a bit, so it was a little surprising she managed to continue. 

Michelle was ecstatic at having some power, but she knew she was going to be Frank’s number one friend for the rest of the week. 

He immediately got her to go in a room with him and he started strategizing, but Michelle was pretty clear that the house didn’t want her to use it. 

Frank implied they did and wanted Da’vonne to be the one going out of the game on Thursday, so Michelle asked him to prove it. 

She went to sit with her alliance members and told them everything. James said they should call a house meeting to discuss what should happen. 

Frank was quick to quip that they should get rid of Da’vonne. She fired back that it wasn’t going to happen.

Paulie then emerged from the bathroom and said that he was going to pull Frank aside and tell him his game was over. 

Frank respected that and the conversation was over. 

Michelle then went to get ready and Bridgette followed. Michelle doesn’t have the time of day for Bridgette. 

She feels like she stole Frank from her and has done a lot of sketchy things in the house. 

She was brutally honest with Bridgette, who tried to make amends with her. Michelle made it clear that there was a time when Frank was her number one, but Bridgette’s scheming put an end to that. 

At the veto meeting, Michelle decided not to use the veto. This means that either Frank or Bridgette will be evicted. 

What do you think of the latest drama?

Was Michelle too rude to Bridgette?

Hit the comments below!