Showing posts with label Bully. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bully. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2018

Ashanti Calls 50 Cent an Internet Bully for Trolling Her Ticket Sales

Ashanti is giving 50 Cent a taste of his own medicine after he dissed her hard on social media — labeling him a social media bully while using one of his least favorite nicknames! We got Ashanti Thursday at LAX, and asked…


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Ian Ziering Protests School Bully That"s Threatened to Kill Other Students

Ian Ziering says there’s a student with a history of violence at his daughters’ school, and it’s gotten so bad, he’s scared it could escalate to a massacre if the school district keeps protecting the boy. Ziering was joined by several parents…


Friday, August 31, 2018

Carole Radziwill Doubles Down: Bethenny Frankel is a Bully!

In real life, Bethenny Frankel is mourning Dennis Shields, both in private and in public. On the The Real Housewives of New York City reunion, however, she’s been facing off against her frenemies.

Carole Radziwill accused her of bullying her now that they’re no longer friends.

Some RHONY fans took issue with her accusation, and Carole took to Twitter to defend herself. Who is right?

Towards the end of The Real Housewives of New York City Season 10, Episode 21, ex-friends Bethenny and Carole did a postmortem on how their friendship ended.

“What she does is, she creates this narrative, this false narrative about me,” Carole accused. “This false narrative that I’m some girl who’s this, this and this.”

“It’s completely false,” Carole said as she aired her grievances. “Half of it is lies.”

When Bethenny interrupted, Carole said: “Are you going to continue to bully me, or am I going to be able to speak?”

Multiple times, Carole doubled down on her accusation that Bethenny is a bully who has been bullying her.

“Let’s stop using the word bully,” tweeted a fan. “These women are getting paid a lot more of money to be on this show. It’s a choice.”

The fan points out that, in contrast: “When children are getting bullied in schools or People for being different are harassed. That’s bullying.”

Carole replied … and shared that she disagreed.

“I get your point but don’t belittle what is happening here,” Carole wrote in her tweet. “[Obviously] I can handle it but kids need to know…..mocking someone and talking over a person is an intimidation technique. I.e. Bullying 101.”

“If they learn to stand up against that,” Carole wrote. “The bully won’t be quick to escalate it.”

But fans weren’t letting Carole off of the hook.

“You need to think carefully about the word bully,” a fan tweeted. “You haven’t been bullied at all. You both don’t like each other. You both said hurtful things. Move on.”

The fan cautioned Carole: “Don’t undermine others that have had their lives ruined by bullying by saying what has happend with you and Bethenny is bullying.”

“No I disagree,” Carole wrote. “We need to call out even the smallest infractions as bullying. Only this way we can change the dynamic.”

Carole continued: “Just like the movement is calling out ALL inappropriate actions. Men will pause next time they reach for a girls shoulders to rub. Change happens slowly.”

Fans remained unconvinced, and continued to try to explain to Carole that bullying refers to a specific dynamic between perpetrator and victim.

“So where’s the power differential in this situation?” tweeted a fan. “Where’s the intimidation? Where’s the fear? Where’s the helplessness?”

Carole is a rich white woman who is related to royalty. Her potential pool for who could conceivably bully her is pretty narrow.

“She has a choice,” wrote another fan. “Bullied people don’t have a choice. It was an argument between two friends that aren’t getting along right now.”

This is a very complicated topic. A lot of terms — especially buzzwords — get thrown around and then misused until they’re all but meaningless.

Most people would look at two former friends who are no longer again and say that they are feuding. One says cruel things about the other? That’s feuding.

In contrast, the only Muslim kid at a middle school isn’t “feuding” with some mean kids on his bus. A gay child isn’t “feuding” with the classmates who tell him to hang himself.

At the same time, is the definition of bullying as narrow as these fans suggest? Perhaps there are different types of bullying.

Language is complicated, and both the literal meanings of words and the connotations of those words can evolve over time.


Sunday, July 15, 2018

Logan Paul Says Aaron Paul"s a "Bully," I"d Beat Your Tiny Ass!

Same last name … but NO love between Logan Paul and “Breaking Bad” star Aaron Paul — with Logan telling TMZ Sports he would beat Aaron’s ass if they ever came face-to-face.  Their beef goes back a few months … when Aaron trashed Logan for…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Wendy Williams Has NO RIGHT to Bully Kylie Jenner!

You may find this a little hard to believe, but it sounds like Wendy Williams has gone and ticked off Kim Kardashian.

Just kidding: that’s not at all hard to believe, because Wendy Williams is awful and she ticks off everyone.

Wendy, for whatever reasons, has always insisted on saying things that she seems to think are edgy or funny or just honest observations.

The thing is, all those things she always says are, in reality, mean and rude and just really, really wrong.

To give an example of this — and to lead into this story of Kim’s outrage — let’s take a quick look back at what Wendy said about Kylie Jenner on a recent episode of her talk show.

“She’s only 20,” she told her audience. “Her 20 is more like 35, because she’s grown up on TV in front of us… plus she’s got the mid crisis makeover already.”

The “makeover” she’s referencing here, of course, is Kylie’s rumored plastic surgery.

It’s true that her face looks a lot different these days, but the only thing the littlest Jenner has admitted to is lip injections.

She’s always been quiet about all the other plastic surgery everybody swears she’s had.

Still, Wendy kept bringing up the alleged plastic surgery, even telling Kylie that “you can do whatever you want to yourself, but the baby is still going to look like the old you.”

She also theorized that the reason Kylie hasn’t confirmed the pregnancy yet is because Travis Scott left her — she called it a “split and run.”

The splitting, just in case you’re confused, is supposed to have happened to the condom.


Next, Wendy said that we’d all be “judging her parenting skills,” trying to figure out if she’s actually taking care of the baby herself or if she leaves the childcare to a team, or if Travis is involved with the baby at all.

Finally, she said that she’d “crack [her] son’s skull” if he looked like Travis, so that’s sweet.

The whole segment was just so shady, which makes sense, because that’s what Wendy does best.

But Kim is 100% not here for it.

As a source explains to Hollywood Life, Kim is absolutely livid over Wendy’s remarks about Kylie.

“Wendy’s crossed the line with Kim in the past,” the insider says, “but this time is probably the most upsetting because she’s so protective of Kylie, especially right now.”

“Kylie is already at her most vulnerable point, and bullying her like this is so cruel, it’s unforgivable.”

It’s true — if you keep up with the Kardashian gossip at all, as Wendy surely does, then you’d know that several reports have been claiming that Kylie isn’t in the best place mentally right now.

She’s allegedly struggling with the weight gain and body changes that come with pregnancy, and since she’s so young, she’s probably feeling nervous about what’s to come.

So to kick her while she’s down like this, with jokes about Travis leaving her and remarks about her face?

Not cool, Wendy. Not cool at all.

The source adds that “Kim is not happy with Wendy at all,” and she’s “already asked one of her assistance to get the show’s producers on the phone.”

Get ‘em, Kim!


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Nick Cassavetes" Ex-Wife Says He"s a "Bully" and She Took Their Kid Out of Fear

Nick Cassavetes’ ex-wife has fired back at him after he accused her of stealing their child …she says the famed director has engaged in shocking conduct that has forced her and her daughter underground. Heather Wahlquist tells TMZ Nick is actually…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Blac Chyna Ex Says She Was Such a Bully, I Almost Committed Suicide

Blac Chyna is a massive hypocrite who is every bit as much of a bully as Rob Kardashian … so claims the guy whom she once allegedly dated. Pilot Jones says Chyna all but ruined his life after their breakup when she posted his phone number and he…


Monday, July 10, 2017

Rob Kardashian"s Lawyer Will Promise Restraining Order Judge He Won"t Bully Blac Chyna on Social Media

Rob Kardashian’s lawyer will appear in court Monday morning and tell the judge … his client will voluntarily refrain from attacking/bullying Blac Chyna on social media. Sources connected with Rob tell us, he’ll be represented by Robert Shapiro of…


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Shut the F--k Up, Khloe, You Bully!

The Kardashians are an extremely close family, full of love and sisterhood and all kinds of nice, sweet things.

But sometimes, families fight. It"s an unavoidable fact.

It"s just that when the Kardashians fight … well, they tend to get a little trashy with it.

You"ll see what we"re talking about in this sneak peek from Sunday night"s new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

In the clip, the family is down in Costa Rica on their big fancy vacation, lounging in a mansion by the beach and generally just soaking up their own good fortune.

Khloe, Kim, Kourtney and Kris have a little hang-out session on the deck, and Kris tells Khloe that she heard she wasn"t having a good time on the trip.

Khloe, who is straight up pouting like a child, complains that she doesn"t get to spend a lot of time with everyone anymore, so she wanted to get in some solid bonding time while in Costa Rica.

"Kylie and Tyga are locked away in their room," she tells Kris. "You and Corey are doing whatever you and Corey do, you don"t like to do any activities."

Kris tries to tell her that she"s wrong, that she loves activities, but Khloe cuts her off so that she can continue airing her grievances.

"Kim has her things where she"s … whatever," Khloe begins, but Kim isn"t having it.

She tells her little sister that she was afraid of whitewater rafting — it sounds like an issue that"s already come up — and adds "What"s the point in making it not fun for us to want to hang out with you if you"re always snappy?"

Kim has a point, but Khloe shuts down, telling everyone to "get away," and she tells Kim that she"s "ruined her mood already today."

In what turns into the most awkward, immature scene we"ve seen on this show in a while, which is really saying something, Kris and Kourtney try to comfort Khloe, but she refuses to listen.

"This is what I can"t handle," Kim begins, "you"re just so f-cking … like you"re so annoying. It"s like, shut the f-ck up."

"You"re the negative one," she continues, "just saying how awful we are. You"re like a big bully who bullies all of us."

Kim walks away after that, and in a confessional, Khloe says that she just wants to hang out with her family, and she doesn"t understand why that"s bad.

It"s bad because she does it in the most obnoxious way possible, but if she doesn"t understand that at this point, it"s unlikely she ever will.

Watch Khloe and Kim go at each other"s throats in the video below:

Kim kardashian shut the f k up khloe you bully

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Is Michelle A Bully?

We knew it was going to be an interesting week in the Big Brother house when James made a bold move and nominated Frank and Bridgette for eviction. 

It wouldn’t be Frank if he rolled over and admitted defeat, so he got work on ways to get either him or Bridgette off the block and Da’vonne put up. 

No one would even entertain that idea and it was getting cumbersome to watch him cornering everyone. He was no doubt annoyed when both Da’vonne and Nicole were picked to play in the veto. 

It was the OTEV. Remember the competition that solidified Frank’s fate the last time he was in the house? Yeah, it seems like it’s going to do just that again. 

After several heats of the competition, Michelle emerged as the winner. She fell and hurt her head quite a bit, so it was a little surprising she managed to continue. 

Michelle was ecstatic at having some power, but she knew she was going to be Frank’s number one friend for the rest of the week. 

He immediately got her to go in a room with him and he started strategizing, but Michelle was pretty clear that the house didn’t want her to use it. 

Frank implied they did and wanted Da’vonne to be the one going out of the game on Thursday, so Michelle asked him to prove it. 

She went to sit with her alliance members and told them everything. James said they should call a house meeting to discuss what should happen. 

Frank was quick to quip that they should get rid of Da’vonne. She fired back that it wasn’t going to happen.

Paulie then emerged from the bathroom and said that he was going to pull Frank aside and tell him his game was over. 

Frank respected that and the conversation was over. 

Michelle then went to get ready and Bridgette followed. Michelle doesn’t have the time of day for Bridgette. 

She feels like she stole Frank from her and has done a lot of sketchy things in the house. 

She was brutally honest with Bridgette, who tried to make amends with her. Michelle made it clear that there was a time when Frank was her number one, but Bridgette’s scheming put an end to that. 

At the veto meeting, Michelle decided not to use the veto. This means that either Frank or Bridgette will be evicted. 

What do you think of the latest drama?

Was Michelle too rude to Bridgette?

Hit the comments below!

Big Brother Recap: Is Michelle A Bully?

We knew it was going to be an interesting week in the Big Brother house when James made a bold move and nominated Frank and Bridgette for eviction. 

It wouldn’t be Frank if he rolled over and admitted defeat, so he got work on ways to get either him or Bridgette off the block and Da’vonne put up. 

No one would even entertain that idea and it was getting cumbersome to watch him cornering everyone. He was no doubt annoyed when both Da’vonne and Nicole were picked to play in the veto. 

It was the OTEV. Remember the competition that solidified Frank’s fate the last time he was in the house? Yeah, it seems like it’s going to do just that again. 

After several heats of the competition, Michelle emerged as the winner. She fell and hurt her head quite a bit, so it was a little surprising she managed to continue. 

Michelle was ecstatic at having some power, but she knew she was going to be Frank’s number one friend for the rest of the week. 

He immediately got her to go in a room with him and he started strategizing, but Michelle was pretty clear that the house didn’t want her to use it. 

Frank implied they did and wanted Da’vonne to be the one going out of the game on Thursday, so Michelle asked him to prove it. 

She went to sit with her alliance members and told them everything. James said they should call a house meeting to discuss what should happen. 

Frank was quick to quip that they should get rid of Da’vonne. She fired back that it wasn’t going to happen.

Paulie then emerged from the bathroom and said that he was going to pull Frank aside and tell him his game was over. 

Frank respected that and the conversation was over. 

Michelle then went to get ready and Bridgette followed. Michelle doesn’t have the time of day for Bridgette. 

She feels like she stole Frank from her and has done a lot of sketchy things in the house. 

She was brutally honest with Bridgette, who tried to make amends with her. Michelle made it clear that there was a time when Frank was her number one, but Bridgette’s scheming put an end to that. 

At the veto meeting, Michelle decided not to use the veto. This means that either Frank or Bridgette will be evicted. 

What do you think of the latest drama?

Was Michelle too rude to Bridgette?

Hit the comments below!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Bella Thorne: My Bully is a Billionaire & She"s Always Flaunting Her Cash!

Last month, we reported that Bella Thorne is being bullied by one of her young Hollywood colleagues.

One famous teen seemed to fit the description perfectly, but Bella has denied that Kylie Jenner is her mean girl

So who could it be?

Unfortunately, Bella refuses to spill the beans, but she has continued dropping breadcrumbs, and we’re sure someone will figure this mystery out eventually. We’re counting on you, Internet!

“It’s not I hate her because she’s a billionaire,” Thorne clarified in a recent interview with the Huffington Post.

“I don’t like her because she is a billionaire and makes sure everyone knows that she is, which is like, I didn’t grow up with money or anything like that. And even if I did, I’m not very much like that.” 

Bella continued to frame the battle as a class matter, casting herself as the hot, redheaded Bernie Sanders doing battle with some catty young Donald Trump:

“If somebody wasn’t flaunting it in a mean way to make other people feel bad about themselves, then I would not mind it,” she told the website.

“It’s when people do it in certain types of ways that make you not appreciate them as much.” 

Bella assured fans that she’s doing just fine, and she says she only talks about this feud so that her fans who are struggling with bullying will realize that they’re not alone.

“It’s not necessarily about one person,” she said. “There’s always a mean girl in school – it’s in Hollywood too.

“Our life is not so overly glamorous. It’s exactly what you’re going through, but there’s photos taken of it.”

The life of a young Hollywood starlet might differ from your own in more ways than the number of times you’re photographed over the course of a day, but we see her point.

Now, back to the question of who this famous young bully could be. Feel free to leave your best guesses in the comments.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Mickey Rourke -- Donald Trump"s a "Bitch Bully" ... "I Like the Black Dude" (VIDEO)


Mickey Rourke does not mince words … he detests Donald Trump, or as he calls him, a “bitch bully.”

Mickey showed up at Mr. Chow Wednesday night when he revealed his choice for Prez.   

Advice for Ben Carson …you need to get your name out there more.