Showing posts with label Dude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dude. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

John Miller: Who is This Dude Dating Jennifer Garner?!?

Jennifer Garner stars in the new HBO series Camping.

According to most television critics, it is awful.

But here’s a piece of good news for the actress…

… she is reportedly in a very happy and healthy relationship!

According to Us Weekly sources, the beloved star is dating a 40-year old businessman named John Miller.

What his lacks in originality, his personality more than makes up for with how much he apparently cares about Garner.

“They’ve been together six months – and it’s getting pretty serious,” one insider tells the aforementioned tabloid, while another chimes in as follows:

“Jen brings out the best in John, and he is the happiest he has probably ever been. It’s a loving, healthy relationship.”

Garner, of course, has been romantically linked to Ben Affleck and Ben Affleck only for over a decade.

The stars were married and they share three kids together and, finally, after many years of going back and forth, the famous couple’s divorce was just finalized this fall.

Affleck, as you likely know, moved on a long time ago, having semi-recently dated both Lindsay Shookus and Shauna Sexton.

But Miller is the first lucky gentleman to be associated with Garner since she became single.

Just who is John Miller, you are likely wondering?

He is the CEO of CaliGroup, a company that owns Miso Robotics and a chain of about 50 CaliBurger restaurants.

Like Garner, he was previously married. And he’s very well off.

Garner and Affleck got married in 2005 and went on to welcome three kids: Violet, 12, Seraphina, 9, and Samuel, 6.

They announced their separation one day before their 10th wedding anniversary, and both filed for divorce in April of 2017. The case was finalized on October 4.

At last.

Affleck has publicly struggled with an addiction to alcohol.

He checked into to rehab for the third time just a few weeks ago, with Garner earning universal praise and acclaim for sticking by his side throughout this difficult time.

She has never bad-mouthed Ben to the press and has never threatened to take his children away or anything of that nature.

She is clearly a great person.

Heck, just this past Father’s Day, while Affleck was off sleeping with some other woman, Garner wrote the following online:

Our kids are lucky to have a dad who looks at them the way you look at them and loves them the way you love them, @benaffleck. #happyfathersday #threeluckykids #haveagreatday.

She’s the best.

Treat her well, John Miller.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Black People to Alec Baldwin: Shut the Eff Up, Dude!

Alec Baldwin is taking some heat for saying something kind of dumb to The Hollywood Reporter.

Okay, actually:

Alec Baldwin is taking A LOT of heat for saying something VERY dumb to The Hollywood Reporter.

The actor is featured on the latest cover of this publication, touching on nearly every topic of his personal and professional life in the feature story.

But it’s one story he tells in particular, along with his reaction to that story, that has nearly all of Twitter rolling its collective eyes.

At one point while speaking to Baldwin, writer Lacey Rose says that an African-American man named Tyrone approaches Baldwin and compliments him for his role of Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live.

Writes Rose of the encounter:

“Though he’s waving and pointing and causing something of a scene, the often-irritable Baldwin doesn’t mind a bit.

“In fact, he calls Tyrone over and the two begin cracking each other up. It’s hard to tell who’s enjoying the other more.”

Baldwin says this sort of interaction happens “incessantly” these days, elaborating in annoying detail:

I don’t know how to say this and I don’t want to get it wrong either, because everything is a minefield of bombs going off, but ever since I played Trump, black people love me.

They love me. Everywhere I go, black people go crazy. I think it’s because they’re most afraid of Trump.

I’m not going to paint every African-American person with the same brush, but a significant number of them are sitting there going, ‘This is going to be bad for black folks."”

Almost as soon after the article was published online Wednesday, Baldwin was met with major backlash on Twitter.

He may not have wanted to paint every African-American with the same brush — but then maybe he should have tried not doing exactly that.

Alec Baldwin needs to stop talking for black people, reads one tweet, while another agrees:

When liberal white men get too comfortable <<<<<<<<<<<<<.

And another: Someone should tell him that now he sounds like he’s LITERALLY turning INTO Trump by saying this FOOLISHNESS!!

And another: Boy, if you don’t….. Alec ruins everything by opening his mouth. The reason he plays a raging, fading narcissist so well is because he is one.

And another: So he’s implying that black people love him because he made fun of someone he thinks they’re afraid of. Is that racist? That feels racist

ab tweet

Baldwin, of course, is a very outspoken Democrat and Liberal.

He likely meant no harm by this statement.

He likely meant to simply criticize President Trump’s treatment of black people and attitude toward that race.

But he comes across like a pretty huge and conceited moron here and he should probably stop talking for a little while. He needs a timeout.

Baldwin won an Emmy Award last year for his portrayal of Trump.

He has clashed often with the Commander-in-Chief on social media.

Neither the actor nor anyone from his camp has responded yet to this line of criticism from his Hollywood Reporter interview, but it may be worthwhile for Baldwin to issue some kind of apology.

This was not a good look for the star.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Greg Hardy Knocks Out Another Dude in Seconds for 2nd UFC Fight

Greg Hardy just destroyed a grown ass man in 17 seconds in his second UFC fight … and Dana White is fired up! Hardy — the former NFL star — had already won a UFC contract on Dana’s Tuesday night contender series back in June, but Dana…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Jenelle Evans: I Found a Brand New Way to Be a Bad Mom, Dude!

Is Jenelle Evans the worst mother on all of Teen Mom?

Could be, yeah.

She definitely has some competition in a franchise that also includes the likes of Amber Portwood and Farrah Abraham, but she’s the only one who’s been investigated by CPS this month, so …

Anyway, the point is that Jenelle is just not all that great at parenting, and she’s proved that many, many times over the years.

Remember when she had Jace and told her friends that having a baby was like being in jail, and then she said that she thought it’d be OK if she went out and partied all night because her newborn would be sleeping anyway?

Or when she signed over custody of Jace to her mom so she could smoke weed with Kieffer and get arrested a ton?

That kind of stuff happened eight years ago, but there are plenty of examples from this year to choose from as well.

For instance, all those child abuse allegations against Jenelle’s husband, David Eason.

Look, we could spend days going over all the horrible, awful things Jenelle has done as a parent — literal days, probably — but let’s just get down to business and talk about this new thing, all right?

Because this new thing Jenelle’s doing to fail at parenthood is illegal and also potentially life-threatening.

See, last year, before the swamp started eating her house, Jenelle decided to get a pool.

She’s shared a lot of pictures of it since then, and it does look pretty fun. The kids seem to enjoy it, which is nice, considering everything else that allegedly goes on out there.

But there is an issue: she’s never put a fence around the pool.

Her social media followers have been hounding her about this oversight ever since the pool came to be, so much that she’s actually commented on it.

All the way in September, she tweeted that “of course” she’d put a fence around it, with “a pull lock like at public pools.”

She added that “To get your permit approved for your pool you have to get a fence, also to protect wildlife.”

And yet here we are, nearly a year later, and does the pool have a fence?

You know good and well it does not.

This issue has been getting more attention lately, probably because Jenelle’s been posting more photos and videos featuring the pool now that it’s summertime.

Like this one, where you can clearly see that there’s no fence:

On that photo, she received comments like “Y’all need a fence around the pool b4 a child drowns idiots” and “I would rather fence in my pool than bury my child but I guess that’s bc I’m logical.”

One person advised her to “Put a safety fence up around that pool or just like that an accident with those children can happen in 

Another pointed out that “She doesn’t even know the first thing about carseat safety, why would she care about her kids drowning?”

Believe it or not, while Jenelle has tons and tons of haters, she also has some fans, and those people tried to defend her by saying she does have a fence around the yard — you can see it in the background.

It’s true, the fence is obviously there, but it fences in the entire backyard, so the kids can still go outside and directly to the pool.

And according to North Carolina state law, that’s simply not good enough.

Radar Online reached out to someone from the North Carolina building codes department, and that person confirmed that, legally speaking, you have to block off your pool.

According to the law, any kind of outdoor pool is required to have a barrier that meets certain standards.

There are lots of specific measurements that barrier must have — it has to be a certain height and in a certain position, that kind of thing.

But since Jenelle doesn’t have any barrier at all around her pool, that means she’s breaking the law.

Will anything come from this? Probably not.

After all, Jenelle’s done heroin, abused animals, and stolen her mother’s credit cards all on national television, and she’s never even been in jail.

Unless something terrible happens, we can’t imagine she’ll face any consequences for this.

But still … come on, Jenelle, do SOMETHING right.


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Jenelle Evans: I"m Actually Going to Quit Teen Mom 2, Dude, I Swear to God!

Jenelle Evans knows how to throw a fit.

If there"s one thing in this whole entire world she knows, it"s that.

Well, it"s that or proper bong maintenance.

Yep, Jenelle can throw a fit like it"s her job, because in a way, it is. She"s definitely brought the drama during her many years on Teen Mom 2, and we"re all so thankful for that.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and while her brand of drama was never exactly good, we can probably all agree that it"s gotten uncomfortably terrible at this point.

So it might actually be for the best that all signs are pointing to Jenelle being done with MTV.

For real this time.

1. Where to Begin?

Where to begin

So … it’s been a bit of a week for Jenelle. And yeah, you could probably say that most weeks out of the year with some accuracy, but these past few days have been especially eventful.

2. As Always, Poor Kaiser

Jenelle and kaiser birthday pic

Sometime last week, precious little Kaiser went to spend some time with Nathan Griffith and his mother, Doris. And after they noticed some bruising on the child, they decided to take action.

3. Here We Go

Nathan griffith shirtless

Nathan reportedly sent David Eason a text to let him know that he believed he’d been abusing Kaiser, and Doris made a police report. She also told Jenelle that she wouldn’t be returning Kaiser to her that Sunday as planned.

4. Too Sad

Nathan griffith with kaiser

A 911 call that Nathan made has also been released, and during that conversation, he can be heard claiming that Kaiser had told him that “David hit him with a stick.”

5. Go, Doris!

David jenelle eason

When Sunday came, Doris kept her word — she refused to drop Kaiser off with Jenelle and David. And Jenelle, well, she got real aggravated, dude. Enough that she called the police and drug them down to Doris’ house to settle things.

6. Tough Break

Jenelle hearts drugs

The poor officer who dealt with this mess got child protective services involved, and the CPS agent determined that while Kaiser did have bruising, there wasn’t any definitive proof that the bruises were due to abuse, so there was nothing she could do.

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Friday, June 29, 2018

DeSean Jackson Supports Jameis Winston, "He"s a Good Dude"

DeSean Jackson is sticking by his quarterback — telling TMZ Sports he won’t turn his back on Jameis Winston in the wake of his suspension for a 2016 Uber incident.  “You can’t turn your back on someone when they going through something,” the…


DeSean Jackson Supports Jameis Winston, "He"s a Good Dude"

DeSean Jackson is sticking by his quarterback — telling TMZ Sports he won’t turn his back on Jameis Winston in the wake of his suspension for a 2016 Uber incident.  “You can’t turn your back on someone when they going through something,” the…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Klay Thompson Erupts, Cusses Dude Out Over Hard Foul In Pick-Up Game

Klay Thompson was PISSED after his friend got fouled hard in a pick-up game in China — with the NBA star cussing out one of the players and nearly coming to blows.  What set Klay off was when Klay’s pal drove to the hoop and an opposing…


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Bachelorette Recap: Colton Confesses! Becca Responds! Some Dude Cries!

Becca learned the truth about one of her suitors on The Bachelorette this week.

No, not the one who apparently wants to make America great again via some really controversial viewpoints.

But the one who actually used to date one of Becca’s close friends.

Whoa there, right? Talk about awkward!

We’ll start with the first group date of Season 14, however, which went to Clay, Nick, Chris R., David, Jean-Blanc, Jordan, Connor and Lincoln.

Kufrin actually fooled the fellas them into thinking they were in for a day of pampering when she surprised them with custom suits and champagne.

Everyone looked rather spiffy, as you can see above.

However, the actual activity ended up being a marriage-themed obstacle course hosted by last season’s Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay and her fiancé (yes, they’re still together!), Bryan Abasolo.

Lincoln came out on top in this event, earning a framed photo of himself and Becca for his efforts.

Things got a little weird from there, though.

Already irritating all the guys in his path, Lincolm insisted on propping the picture up on the table in front of the rest of the suitors during the date.

He also talked to it, interacted with it and, yes, kissed it multiple times.

In response, Connor hurled the photo into the pool, which prompted Lincoln to run off and whine to Becca.

“I feel threatened, physically,” he told The Bachelorette, who somehow managed to mediate the dispute without getting her rolled eyes stuck in the back of her head.

Becca eventually gives the group date rose to Jean-Blanc.

The next morning, Lincoln ended up crying – yes, real tears – over what transpired with the picture.

This guy seems like a real keeper… NOT!

For her first one-on-one date since Arie Luyendyk Jr. broke up with her on national television, Blake joined Becca at a warehouse full of Arie-themed memorabilia.

Really. This was the date, you guys.

The two then proceeded to violently destroy everything, all while Lil Jon‘s “Turn Down for What” played in the background.

Later that evening, Blake and Becca sat down for dinner and the former opened up about his previous romance, saying he found out his girlfriend at the time was about to dump him when he saw a few texts from her friend pop up on her phone.

He was trying to relate to Becca’s Bachelor-based heartbreak.

We guess it worked, too, since he received a rose after this meal concluded.

“Since night one, I have felt such comfort and a sense of ease with you,” she told him. “I feel like we’re on the same page with what we’re looking for in life and it just restores so much hope.”

The next day, it was group date number-two time with Garrett, Rickey, John, Ryan, Alex, Christon, Trent, Leo, Wills and Colton.

The men competed in an intense game of dodgeball, but it only served as precusor for the intense conversation Colton would have with Becca a few hours later.

Much to our Bachelorette’s shock, Colton came clean about a short-lived relationship with Tia Booth, who competed on The Bachelor alongside Becca and who is close pals with Kufrin.

(Another fun, romantic fact: Colton also dated Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman!)

“We had a weekend together and we had a good time, but for me the timing wasn’t right to grow what was a spark into a flame,” he explained Becca, adding:

“If my feelings were strong enough, I wouldn’t have came on [the show]. I think that from what I know of you, we could build something awesome.

“We could have the time. Whereas it wasn’t there, moving forward, with her.”

Becca, who gave her group date on this case to Willis, didn’t react positively to Colton’s confession.

“I’m not going to lie – I don’t know how I feel about it,” she replied.

“It makes me feel a little bit sick. I’m very attracted to you, I really like where our conversation was on night one and I feel like we had a lot in common, but it’s a very tricky situation.

“It puts me in a very strange position. It’s just a lot to take in right now.”

At the cocktail party prior to the Rose Ceremony, Jordan stripped down to his underwear…

… but Becca barely even noticed.

All she could think about was what Colton told her.

“I feel like I see something in you that I’m very attracted to, and there’s that interest there,” she said, basically trying to come to grips with a physical attraction to a guy who likely porked one of her friends.

Added Becca:

“Until I have more clarity, I don’t even want to really invest in this relationship. So if you sense that I am holding back with you, I am.”

(How much will Colton’s reveal impact his future on the show? Visit our section of The Bachelorette spoilers to find out!)

When all was said, done, revealed, thrown, screamed over and smooched, Becca kept Colton around.

She sent Alex, Rickey and Trent packing.

But did she make the right decision?

Click on the video below to watch The Bachelorette online and decide for yourself:


Monday, May 21, 2018

Zlatan Ibrahimovic Slaps Dude In the Ear, Gets Red Card

“Slappin"” Zlatan Ibrahimovic was just red carded and ejected from an MLS game in Montreal … after he BELTED AN OPPONENT IN THE EAR! Zlatan and the L.A. Galaxy were in Canada to face the Montreal Impact when Michael Petrasso stepped on…


Monday, May 14, 2018

Woman Arrested for Sending 65,000 Texts to Dude She Barely Knows

An Arizona woman named Jacqueline Ades has been arrested for breaking into the home of a man with whom she went on a single date last year.

This illegal act took place after she sent him approximately 65,000 texts over the course of several months, according to authorities, who have confirmed Ades would sometimes fire off as many as 500 texts in a single day.

And we know what you’re thinking:

What the what now?!?

We thought that stalker who thought Rihanna would willing sleep with him was a bit off his rocker.

The name of the man at the center of this text message flurry is unknown at the moment, but court documents state Ades met him on a dating website at some point last year.

The pair went out just one time.

According to a local ABC affiliate, the harassment began shortly after this outing.

The Paradise Valley Police Department reported that it had received four calls about Ades either entering the man’s residence or his place of business between July 2017 and this month.

In April, the man called 911 because he could see via surveillance video that Des was in his house. When police arrived the scene, she was taking a bath.

A butcher knife was later found in her car.

Ades was taken into custody and charged with felony trespass to a residence. Upon her release, she allegedly sent a text message to the man that read:

“Don’t ever try to leave me … I’ll kill you … I don’t wanna be a murderer.”

On May 4, police responded to a call from a business owned by the man because Ades was “acting irrationally and claiming to be the wife of the owner.”

She now faces felony charges of stalking and threatening and intimidating, as well as a misdemeanor count of harassment.

In an interview from an Arizona jail house late last week, Ades didn’t deny that she had been in constant, one-sided contact with the man.

“I felt like I met my soulmate and I thought we would just do what everybody else did and we would get married and everything would be fine,” Ades said.

Why did she send him so many messages?

“Loving him selflessly brought me his information,” she explained. “Because everybody just wants to take. But if you just give and you don’t stop giving, you will all of a sudden receive a lot.”

Why did she call him a “filty Jew” and reference “Hitler” and seemingly threaten his life on many occasions?

Ades often told reporters they had “negative energy” when they posed such questions, eventually adding:

“I have to share the message of love. Everybody has to love each other.”

Ades is scheduled to appear in court May 15. She is being held without bond.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hulk Hogan: "You Better Vote for Kane," He"s a Smart Dude

Another huge star is going to bat for WWE’s Kane on election day … this time, it is Hulk Hogan who says the man behind the red mask is a REALLY smart dude and would be a great mayor.  “You better vote for Kane or he’ll hit you with…


Friday, April 20, 2018

Kailyn Lowry to Jenelle Evans: Stop Talking Sh-t DUDE!

For years now, the feud between Jenelle Evans and Kailyn Lowry has been playing out in the public eye, much to the enjoyment of Teen Mom 2 viewers.

Kail and Jenelle don"t get many chances to lock horns on screen, but thanks to social media and Kail"s always-engrossing podcast, fans have enjoyed a front row seat to the drama.

The bad blood between these longtime rivals began boiling again this week thanks to some remarkably ignorant comments that David Eason made on Leah Messer"s Instagram page.

Kailyn defended her friend; Jenelle defended her husband, and thankfully for those who appreciate the entertainment value of a good reality TV feud, it all went down on IG and Twitter:

1. Happier Times

Jenelle evans and kailyn lowry

Jenelle and Kailyn weren’t always rivals, but at this point, their feud has been going on so long it’s tough to remember a time when they actually seemed to like each other.

2. The Beef Begins

Jenelle evans with kailyn lowry

The clearest indication that Kail and Jenelle are not exactly besties came back in the summer of 2016 when Kailyn poked fun at the “mystery illness” that had supposedly ravaged Jenelle’s health.

3. #KailBurn

Kail lowry on instagram

“Can’t sleep. Call all the specialists in NYC, LA, Miami, etc. #mysteryillness call The Doctors tv show….” Lowry tweeted in response to Jenelle’s appearance on The Doctors.

4. Level-Headed, As Always

Jenelle evans mother

As a reply to that pretty mild joke, Jenelle decided to dox Kail by tweeting her cell phone number. From that point forward, there’s been no love lost between these two.

5. Back and Forth Shade

Jenelle evans and kailyn lowry photo

In the months that followed, Kail and Jenelle both engaged in occasional subtle shade-throwing, but not surprisingly, it wasn’t long before Evans took things to the next level by once again using social media to undermine Lowry’s privacy.

6. Going Too Far

Kailyn lowry baby bump selfie

Jenelle basically went nuclear when she announced Kailyn’s third pregnancy to her millions of followers before Lowry was willing to go public with the news. And it certainly wasn’t the last time she went prying into Kail’s personal life.

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Friday, February 23, 2018

Jenelle Evans: I"m Terrified I"m Gonna Lose My Job, Dude!

Things are not looking great for Jenelle Evans right now.

But then again, when have they ever looked great?

From being impregnated as a teenager by one of the sketchiest characters in Teen Mom history to giving up custody of that baby to being arrested a zillion times to now …

It"s not been a fun ride, that"s for sure.

But now, thanks to David Eason"s horrific homophobic rant, she might actually be fired from Teen Mom 2.

And she"s freaking out right now, dude.

1. Bad Move, Jenelle

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

It’s hard to figure out where to begin with this whole mess, but we have to start somewhere. Let’s just say that when Jenelle made the decision to swipe right on David on Tinder, that was very, very wrong of her.

2. The Worst

Jenelle evans and david eason on halloween

David’s been awful for a long long time, what with the aggressive way he speaks to and handles Jenelle’s children to the creepy way he seems to control her, but apparently being a homophobic jackass was where he crossed the line.

3. Tsk Tsk

Jenelle eason david eason

Earlier this week, after several days of sharing his thoughts on guns and gun control, he decided to spice things up a bit by tweeting “Lmao why don’t you go tell the homo and transgender parents to start teaching their kids better morals? Oh I forgot that’s supposed to be normal.”

4. Ugh

David eason on insta

He also said that he planned on teaching his children not to be gay, because that’s how that works, and not to associate with gay and transgender people because “if you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas.”

5. Make It Stop

Jenelle evans david eason st thomas

David also called gay people “abominations,” quoted some bible verses, patted himself on the back for being “radical,” and when Chelsea Houska’s father suggested people report him to Twitter, he told him to “eat a bag of dicks.”

6. Later, David

Jenelle evans and david eason wedding pic

Considering all of that — and the fact that other members of the Teen Mom 2 cast were thinking about refusing to film until he faced some consequences — it wasn’t too much of a surprise that MTV made the decision to fire David the very next day.

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Friday, February 9, 2018

Andrew Garfield: I May Bang a Dude Someday!

When it comes to sexuality, Andrew Garfield is just so gosh darn woke.

No, the Academy Award winner isn’t gay.

In fact, he’s never been with a man or really been attracted to men or had any desire to insert his penis into anything that isn’t a vagina.

But Garfield wants the world to know that he’s open to other openings!

In July of last year, the actor stirred up a bit of a controversy when he said he was “a gay man… without the physical act.”

What made him a gay man, if he didn’t engaged in any gay sex?

He watches a lot of RuPaul’s Drag Race, Garfield explained to Out Magazine, while adding that he might have an “awakening” someday and explore another “part of the garden.

In other words: heck, he may bang a dude at some point.

Who can ever say for certain?!?

In the latest issue of Out, Garfield reiterates this somewhat strange stance.

First, he acknowledges to the publication that his previous quote was misunderstood.

“I think part of what I was trying to say was about inclusion, and about that openness to my impulses.”

But then he basically goes ahead and says the same thing again.

“Up until this point, I’ve only been sexually attracted to women,” Garfield tells the magazine, trying to explain in further detail:

“My stance toward life, though, is that I always try to surrender to the mystery of not being in charge. I think most people – we’re intrinsically trying to control our experience here, and manage it, and put walls around what we are and who we are.

Garfield proceeds to use the kind of icky “garden” metaphor as he continues to ramble:

“I want to know as much of the garden as possible before I pass – I have an openness to any impulses that may arise within me at any time.

“But, if I were to identify, I would identify as heterosexual, and being someone who identifies that way, and who’s taking on this seminal role, my scariest thought was, ‘Am I allowed to do this?"”

The role to which Garfield is referring is Prior Walter in Tony Kushner’s Angels in America, a production that featured the star as a young New York resident living with AIDS.

He appeared in this role last summer in London and will soon reprise the role on Broadway.

The play centers on homosexuality and AIDS and related issues and Garfield is very proud to be associated with it.

“To be a part of transmitting all that feels like the most meaningful thing I could do with my life right now,” he says.

“I’m in a privileged position, and I want to keep listening, and learning as much as I possibly can. I want to be a part of the world spinning forward as much as anyone else.”

This is an admirable point of view.

This is really all Garfield should have said on the subject.

It’s great to support the LGBT community and it’s great that he wants to feel like he understands all sides of sexuality.

But he doesn’t. That’s just a fact.

There’s nothing wrong with being attracted to women and still believing in inclusiveness, in equal rights. There’s everything right about it in fact.

Garfield doesn’t need to go so far out of his way to pretend he relates to the gay community by pretending he’s part of the gay community.

Or could see himself being part of it someday.

That’s just an odd thing to say and it takes away from his overall point, leading to headlines such as the one above.

Don’t try so hard, Andy. We all know you’re one of the good ones already.


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Halsey Gets Crotchety When Dude Steps On Dress

Halsey didn’t PLAN on showing the world her underwear at an amfAR Gala in NYC — but when a dude stepped on her dress, pulling it down … she was exposed like Trump’s scalp in a wind tunnel.  The singer was rocking a high-cut black dress…


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Tyron Woodley: Here"s What It"s Like to Knock a Dude Out

UFC champ Tyron Woodley recently told Joe Rogan he doesn’t really like fighting, “I’m just good at it.”  Yeah, that’s not true. He LOVES it.  Especially when he’s smashing dudes out of consciousness.  Woodley clarified his comments…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

UFC Bans Photog for Calling Cyborg a "Dude"

The UFC has Cris Cyborg’s back in a big way — banning an MMA photog (who works for the gym where Holly Holm trains) after the guy referred to Cyborg as a “dude.” The man behind the offensive comments is Mark Aragon — who handles photography and…


Friday, December 22, 2017

Justin Bieber Goes Full Neymar, Nutmegs Dude In Soccer Game

Justin Beiber’s out at UCLA looking like rec league Neymar — dribbling circles around his opponents and straight NUTMEGGIN’ a dude!! It’s more impressive feats of athleticism from Bieber … who’s also flashed talent on the ice, on the court and…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Jenelle Evans on Husband"s Abuse Allegations: He Probably Didn"t Do It, Dude!

Let"s be real, Jenelle Evans has never been the brightest crayon in the box.

Remember when she actually, honest to goodness believed that her lawyer could get her out of jail time because she had a Kesha concert to attend?

Like, yes, that was the reason she got all those feathers in her hair, and Kesha was her idol, but … really, girl?

That was several years ago, and you"d think that she"d have taken the opportunity to grow up at least a little since then.

But it simply has not happened.

Let"s take a good, hard look at Jenelle"s latest scandal, and her response to it.

Just for fun, but also to come to terms with the fact that there is literally no hope left for humanity …

1. David Eason = Bad News

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

OK, so Jenelle has been with David Eason for a couple of years now, right? And it’s important to remember that Jenelle has never, ever dated a good guy. Probably because good guys aren’t so interested in girls with over a dozen mug shots who have also done heroin on national television.

2. David’s Crimes

Jenelle evans david eason photo

Before getting with Jenelle, David was accused of assaulting his heavily pregnant girlfriend, and also of strangling her shortly after she gave birth to their child. He’s also been charged with crimes like breaking and entering and larceny.

3. Red Flags

Jenelle evans and david eason photo

In fact, until just a few weeks ago, David was considered such an awful person that he wasn’t allowed to see his own son. His ex filed an order of protection that made it illegal for him to contact the kid, and he almost went to jail for violating the order when he saw his son in a grocery store and approached him for a hug.

4. … More Red Flags

David eason and jenelle evans not touching her baby bump

As if all that wasn’t bad enough, Teen Mom 2 fans quickly developed a hatred for David after he was shown being overly aggressive and mean with Jenelle’s two sons. We saw him get angry at Kaiser, who was barely a toddler at the time, for not behaving, and we also saw him call Kaiser a “screaming little bitch.”

5. Just Red Flags as Far as the Eye Can See

David eason picture

Things are so bad between David and Jenelle’s sons that we’ve heard that Jace has told his therapist that he’s afraid of David. He even told Jenelle several times that he didn’t want her to marry him.

6. Poor Babs 🙁

Jenelle evans david eason and barbara evans

Another awful thing about David is the way he tries to alienate Jenelle from her mother, Barbara. He’s insisted that she call her by her name instead of calling her “mom,” and Barbara has said that he’s the worst guy Jenelle’s ever dated. Which is saying a lot.

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