Showing posts with label Foul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foul. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2018

C.J. Fuller Dead at 22, No Foul Play Suspected

8:20 AM PT — A source extremely close to Fuller tells us the football star had gone to physical therapy to rehab his knee in the hours before his death … and it was clear something was wrong. We’re told Fuller tore his ACL playing in a flag…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Klay Thompson Erupts, Cusses Dude Out Over Hard Foul In Pick-Up Game

Klay Thompson was PISSED after his friend got fouled hard in a pick-up game in China — with the NBA star cussing out one of the players and nearly coming to blows.  What set Klay off was when Klay’s pal drove to the hoop and an opposing…


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Iconic L.A. Deli Owner Gary Canter"s Daughter Hints Foul Play in His Death

The daughter of Gary Canter, the late co-owner of L.A.’s famed Canter’s Deli, is accusing his widow of sinister behavior … and, as a result, she wants control of her father’s estate. Jennifer Canter says in new legal docs, obtained by TMZ,…


Saturday, April 21, 2018

Avicii"s Death Not Due to Criminal Involvement or Foul Play, Cops Say

Avicii’s death was not the result of any criminal activity or foul play … according to cops in Oman. Autopsies were performed on the DJ both Friday and Saturday, and led to the conclusion that “there is no criminal suspicion in the death” ……


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Rose McGowan: Arrested on "Drug Charges" While Fans Cry Foul!

One of the biggest fears that kept so many people silent about their experiences before the Harvey Weinstein rape accusations and the numerous outings that have followed was the fear of reprisal.

Well, Rose McGowan spoke up. In fact, she’s been one of the most prominent voices in the efforts to expose and cast out harassers and abusers in the entertainment industry.

And now she’s been arrested … for drug charges that date back to the beginning of 2017.

If you’d told us years ago that Rose McGowan was going to be at the forefront of a chorus of brave voices calling for a shift in the culture that makes women afraid to be alone with their male coworkers …

Actually, we’d have believed you.

It was in 2016 that Rose McGowen revealed that she’d been raped by a Hollywood executive.

We didn’t know by whom, at the time, though rumors have surrounded a number of powerful men in Hollywood for years and even decades.

Almost exactly one year after she revealed her sexual assault, Rose McGowan named Harvey Weinstein as her rapist.

She was, at that point, adding her voice to others — who had accused Weinstein of grotesque harassment as well as sexual assault.

But we still cannot imagine the kind of bravery that she needed to muster in order to speak up.

It appears that Rose McGowan’s outspokenness may have come back to bite her.

We don’t know if this is some sort of reprisal or just a very unfortunate and unjust coincidence.

Just at the end of October, we learned that a warrant for Rose McGowan’s arrest had been issued.

The warrant was issued in Virginia.

See, Rose McGowan apparently behind a bag on a plane.

(Never do that, folks — you might lose it, and someone might also assume that it’s a bomb and start a panic)

Allegedly, tests showed that there were traces of an illicit substance — cocaine — on the bag.

We’re talking about traces, here, so aside from the fact that every adult has the natural right to put whatever they want to in their bodies, this sounds like pretty thin evidence.

Also, “trace evidence” of drugs is notorious for producing false positives. Most people just don’t have the resources to fight a charge and they cop a plea.

The warrant for her arrest was obtained on February 1st, but apparently nobody bothered to tell Rose McGowan until late October.

Maybe they saw her name in the news and somebody got excited at the idea of arresting a celebrity. But some, Rose included, have wondered if there might have been something more serious at work.

“Are they trying to silence me? There is a warrant out for my arrest in Virginia,” Rose tweeted. “What a load of HORSES–T!”

But, as ridiculous as the whole situation sounds, Rose McGowan traveled to Virginia and turned herself in.

She was booked, briefly, before being released on $ 5,000 bond.

This is Rose McGowan’s first arrest. She has a reputation for “making trouble,” but that’s only because she calls out people and has zero chill about it.

Is this suddenly revived warrant revenge or an attempt to silence her and others? If so, it’s not working. Women are still coming forward every day.

But with the timing of everything, we can understand why Rose and many of her fans would have their suspicions.

The whole scenario is very weird.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Chris Christie Gets Destroyed At Mets Game After Great Foul Ball Catch

Chris Christie made a helluva catch, snagging a foul ball at Tuesday’s NY Mets game … and the reaction was pretty much what you’d expect. BOOOOOOOOOOO!! But fans weren’t the only ones lighting up the NJ Governor — Christie also got…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Chris Cornell: Final Investigation Details Released, Foul Play Ruled Out

On May 18, the world awakened to the sad news that iconic Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell had passed away unexpectedly after performing at a concert in Detroit. 

At first conflicting reports emerged regarding Cornell’s cause of death, but eventually police and medical investigators were able to arrive at a conclusion about the singer’s final hours.

To the utter shock of his friends, family, and fans, Chris Cornell had taken his own life.

The full results of the investigation, published today by The Detroit Free Press, paint a harrowing scene of a frantic wife enlisting the aid of a bodyguard to try and save her husband’s life from several hundred miles away.

Vicky Karayiannis told police that her final conversation with her distraught husband led her to the conclusion that Cornell had fallen off the wagon after several years of sobriety.

Fearing the worst, she called his bodyguard from her home in Los Angeles, and asked him to check on Cornell, explaining that the 52-year-old did not sound like he was okay.”

Martin Kirsten forcibly entered Cornell’s hotel room, only to find that he was too late.

The singer had hung himself with the aid of a mountain climbing clip and an exercise band.

“I went inside and the bathroom door was partially opened, and I could see his feet,” Kirsten told police in a sworn statement published for the first time today.

The investigation answers two lingering questions regarding Cornell’s final moments – namely, was he intoxicated, and was foul play involved?

According to today’s report, Cornell did have several prescription drugs in his system at the time of his death, which may have contributed to his decision to take his own life.

As for foul play, investigators have concluded that there is no reason to believe any second parties were involved in Cornell’s passing.

Rumors that circulated on social media this week, seem to have been the result of photos from the scene of Cornell’s death that were recently published by TMZ.

The images showed blood on the floor of the bathroom where he hanged himself, which many amateur sleuths took as a sign of a struggle.

However, medical experts say it is not uncommon for hanging victims to bleed from their nose and mouth.

Hopefully, the new information published today will help provide a modicum of closure to the many who are still grieving the loss of one of the music world’s great talents.


Chris Cornell, Blood in Suicide Photos NOT Evidence of Foul Play

The smeared blood found on the floor of Chris Cornell’s hotel bathroom does not indicate foul play as some have suggested … TMZ has learned. After photos of Chris’ suicide scene were released Tuesday, people speculated foul play was involved…


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Kylie Jenner Video: Fans Cry Foul Over Haunted Mannequin Look!

Kylie Jenner is looking extra curvy as she flaunts her body on video to advertise her new, super skimpy camo collection.

But some of her fans are saying that she — or, rather, her body — doesn"t look quite right in some of her promotions.

Take a look for yourself.

Kylie jenner braless selfieKylie jenners orange camo bikini

No, we can"t explain why this outfits colors are black, white, and orange.

We don"t want to imagine what sort of hellscape we"d have to be in where those colors would help anyone hide.

Even then, this wouldn"t help anyone blend in to a strange, alien world, because she"s selling bikinis.

They don"t cover much.

There are some earth tone ones that we guess match up to real-world camo, but those are still bikinis.

Obviously, like the vast majority of people who wear camouflage outfits, the people buying these are just going for the look.

We don"t know if she"s trying to extend a cultural olive branch to "middle America" or what, exactly, was the thinking.

But it"s a Kylie product so it"s almost guaranteed to sell.

Kylie jenner in orange camo

Sex sells, as they say.

Ultimately, we guess that it"s better that she"s advertising her own stuff on Instagram.

At least it"s not one of those corsets that don"t really work.

Or, worse, one of those weight loss teas that might be potentially dangerous.

If you"re gonna monetize your teenage body, we suppose that this is the way to do it.

Kylie jenner in camo

But the controversy didn"t arise from the video, but from Kylie"s billboard and similar photos, showcasing other camo bikinis.

Kylie Shop on Instagram shows rows of identical Kylies staring blankly at a camera, posed identically, wearing different patterns of the exact same camo garments.

Just like on this billboard.

It prompted at least one commenter to say that she looks "robotic."

Kylie jenners billboard

Now, as entertaining as conspiracy theories can be, this isn"t a stand-in robot for Kylie.

We think.

She looks like a haunted mannequin.

What looks "off" is almost certainly just photoshopping.

It looks pretty clear that they just swapped out one camo pattern for another, all on the same image.

We"re all for job-creation, but that is so silly when Kylie could have literally just manually modeled each of them.

But, whatever. It"s her business, her body, and her money.

Anyway, she looks way more like herself — if curvier than she used to be — in this video:

Kylie jenner hawks orange camo bikini in video watch

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Robin Thicke, Paula Patton Cries Technical Foul in Custody War

Robin Thicke has just lost his main lawyer in his custody war with Paula Patton, because a lawyer who worked in the firm that once represented Paula now works at the firm that represents Robin. Robin has been represented by attorney Larry Ginsberg,…


Saturday, December 3, 2016

Paris Hilton -- Party Foul! Who Dumped Their Vodka on My DJ Gear?? (VIDEO)

Paris Hilton and vodka did NOT go well together for once when a spilled drink screwed up her DJ gig in Miami — but at least the crowd got to watch her play handywoman. P was doing a set at Wall for Art Basel, and just when she had the club jumping…


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Eric Johnson Gets Weird With Jessica Simpson"s Mom on Vacation: Funny or Foul?

The Simpsons are a bit of a strange family. We’re not talking about Homer, Bart, Lisa, Maggie, and Marge here, but Jessica, Ashlee, Joe, and Tina.

Those first three have quirks aplenty, and we love ’em for it, but how did old-fashioned mom Tina earn a spot on the list? We’re glad you asked:

In case you were so disturbed you immediately scrolled past it, allow us to remind you of what you just saw:

That’s Jessica Simpson’s husband, Eric Johnson, with his head resting in the crotch of Jessica Simpson’s mom, the aforementioned Tina.

Tina recently posted the pic to her Instagram page, and the reactions from fans has been…mixed.

“Well that’s weird!” commented one of Tina’s followers.

“Slightly inappropriate,” wrote another.

No one in the family has replied to the online backlash, but Jess did post a photo of Eric with a caption reading, “Happy to procreate with this Man,” and we’re pretty sure that just made the whole thing slightly weirder.

Of course the Simpsons are no strangers to controversies over strange family photos.

Remember Eric and Jessica’s Fifty Shades-inspired S&M pics? How about when Jess posted a photo of Eric throwing their baby over a pool? 

Say what you will about the Simpson-Johnson clan, they’re certainly unfiltered in terms of what they share with fans.

There’s certainly no Kris Jenner PR genius behind the scenes in that household, and we appreciate it.

But maybe they could make a rule about no incestuous head-to-crotch stuff. That would be super.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Kendall Jones Dresses as Walter Palmer for Halloween: Funny or Foul?

You might remember Kendall Jones as the teen who incurred the wrath of the Internet by posting graphic photos from her African hunting expeditions on Facebook.

Kendall claims she inspired one of the most popular Halloween costumes of last year. We don’t recall seeing many Kendall Jones costumes, but we’ll take her word for it.

Anyway, this year she’s keeping the trend going by dressing as another trigger-happy one-percenter who royally pissed off animal rights groups.

Yes, that’s the now 20-year-old Kendall dressed as Walter Palmer – the Minnesota dentist who gained national infamy when it was revealed that he killed Cecil the Lion

Kendall captioned the pic:

“Since everyone wanted to dress up as me last year, guess who I am this year?! WALTER!! Lol ft. Cecil and a Koala climbing in the tree.”

You’d think someone who’s actually been on safari in Africa would know that koalas are only found in Australia, but we digress.

As you might have guessed, this photo has inspired some strong reactions from animal lovers, supporters of Jones and Palmer, and folks who are just weirded out by a “sexy” dentist-covered-in-blood costume.

You can place us firmly in the third group.

Thus far, there’s been no response from Palmer, and there probably never will be. Palmer has apologized for killing Cecil and seems intent on putting the incident behind him.

Kendall, on the other hand, is clearly gonna keep trying for that 16th minute of fame.