Showing posts with label Walter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walter. Show all posts

Monday, September 3, 2018

Christian Okoye Says Kareem Hunt Is NFL"s Best RB, He"s Like Walter Payton!!

It’s not Le’Veon, Zeke or David Johnson … no, according to Christian Okoye — the best running back in the NFL is Kareem Hunt!! Of course, the Chiefs’ legend is super biased. But, still … the Nigerian Nightmare is convinced Kareem is the…


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Jason Bateman Apologizes for Totally Disrespecting Jessica Walter

Arrested Development may truly be the funniest show in television history.

But there was nothing funny about Jason Bateman’s behavior during a recent interview with his co-stars.

Talking with the New York Times, the topic of Jeffrey Tambor’s on-set behavior was raised in a discussion that included Tambor himself, Bateman, Jessica Walter, Will Arnett and Alia Shawkat.

(Tambor quit the show Transparent amidst allegations of sexual misconduct and has admitted in the past to at least one tirade aimed at Walter during the filming of Arrested Development.)

“Not to belittle it or excuse it or anything, but in the entertainment industry it is incredibly common to have people who are, in quotes, ‘difficult.’ … And what you learn is context,” Batemn said, in an attempt to defend Tambor.

He continued:

“You learn about character and you learn about work habits, work ethics, and you start to understand. Because it’s a very amorphous process, this sort of [expletive] that we do, you know, making up fake life.

“It’s a weird thing, and it is a breeding ground for atypical behavior and certain people have certain processes.”

This was already a tough start, with Bateman labeling Tambor’s inappropriate remarks to Walter as merely “atypical” and simply a part of the acting process.

But making matters so much worse?

Walter was right next to him!

And he was interrupting her while she was fighting back tears in relation to what transpired with Tambor, according to the Times.

“That doesn’t mean it’s acceptable,” Shawkat jumped and said. “And the point is that things are changing, and people need to respect each other differently.”

Maintaing her composure as best she could, Walter finally got a chance to speak:

“[In] almost 60 years of working, I’ve never had anybody yell at me like that on a set and it’s hard to deal with, but I’m over it now,” she said, acknowledging that Tambor has apologized and she has chosen to let it go.

But Bateman wasn’t finished somehow.

He repeated his sentiment, saying:

“What we do for a living is not normal, and therefore the process is not normal sometimes, and to expect it to be normal is to not understand what happens on set.

“Again, not to excuse it, but to be surprised by people having a wobbly route to their goal, their process – it’s very rarely predictable.”

As you might expect, Bateman has been SLAMMED for these comments; for not just trying to mansplain away Tambor’s behavior…but to do it in front of his victim.

bate backlash

Faced with this very deserved backlash, Bateman issued a mea culpa this morning that reads as follows:

Based on listening to the NYT interview and hearing people’s thoughts online, I realize that I was wrong here.

I sound like I’m condoning yelling at work. I do not. It sounds like I’m excusing Jeffery. I do not. It sounds like I’m insensitive to Jessica. I am not.

In fact, I’m horrified that I wasn’t more aware of how this incident affected her.

I’m incredibly embarrassed and deeply sorry to have done that to Jessica,” Bateman continued via Twitter. “This is a big learning moment for me.

I shouldn’t have tried so hard to mansplain, or fix a fight, or make everything okay.

I should’ve focused more on what the most important part of it all is – there’s never any excuse for abuse, in any form, from any gender. And, the victim’s voice needs to be heard and respected. Period.

I didn’t say that and instead said a bunch of other stuff and not very well. I deeply, and sincerely, apologize.

This is, thankfully, a very good and thorough apology.

But come on, men!

This really isn’t very hard.

We need to do better.


Saturday, November 25, 2017

Charlie Rose Loses Walter Cronkite Award for Journalism

Charlie Rose isn’t just losing jobs … Arizona State University just yanked his prestigious Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism. Christopher Callahan, the dean of ASU’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication,…


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Walter Becker Dies; Steely Dan Musician Was 67

The world has lost yet another legendary musician today …

Walter Becker, one of the co-founders of Steely Dan, passed away earlier this morning.

He was only 67 years old.

The announcement of his death was first made on his personal website, with no other information than the date of his birth and today’s date — the day he passed.

As of now, we don’t know the cause of death, but we do know that he was having health problems earlier this summer that caused him to miss some Steely Dan concerts.

Donald Fagen, the other co-founder of the band, said in July that ‘Walter’s recovering from a procedure and hopefully he’ll be fine very soon.”

Tragically, as we know now, that was not to be the case.

Walter and Donald founded Steely Dan together all the way back in 1972, with Walter playing guitar and bass and co-writing the songs with Donald.

They were successful up until 1981 when they broke up, but they reunited in 1993, and they’ve been touring since then.

Though we don’t have any details about Walter’s death at this time, we do have a touching tribute written by Donald for his longtime bandmate and friend.

Read the tribute in full below:

Walter Becker was my friend, my writing partner and my bandmate since we met as students at Bard College in 1967.

We started writing nutty little tunes on an upright piano in a small siting room in the lobby of Ward Manor, a mouldering old mansion on the Hudson River that the college used as a dorm.

We liked a lot of the same things: jazz (from the twenties through the mid-sixties), W.C. Fields, the Marx brothers, science fiction, Nabokov, Kurt Vonnegut, Thomas Berger, and Robert Altman films come to mind.

Also soul music and Chicago blues.

Walter had a very rough childhood — I’ll spare you the details. Luckily, he was smart as a whip, an excellent guitarist and a great songwriter.

He was cynical about human nature, including his own, and hysterically funny.

Like a lot of kids from fractured families, he had the knack of creative mimicry, reading people’s hidden psychology and transforming what he saw into bubbly, incisive art.

He used to write letters (never meant to be sent) in my wife Libby’s singular voice that made the three of us collapse with laughter.

His habits got the best of him by the end of the seventies, and we lost touch for a while.

In the eighties, when I was putting together the NY Rock and Soul Review with Libby, we hooked up again, revived the Steely Dan concept and developed another terrific band.

I intend to keep the music we created together alive as long as I can with the Steely Dan band.

Our condolences to the people close to Walter — it sounds like he will be missed.


"Steely Dan" Co-Founder Walter Becker Dead at 67, According to Official Website

Walter Becker, the co-founder and guitarist for Steely Dan, had died, according to his official website. Becker, along with co-member Donald Fagen, wrote a some huge hits in the 70’s, including “Rikki Don’t Lose that Number,” “Deacon Blues,” “Kid…


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

"Power Rangers" Star Walter Jones is Impressed by His Real-Life Power Axe

The original Black Ranger from “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” can’t believe someone made his TV weapon into a real-life killing instrument … and now he wants his own. We got Walter Jones Monday at LAX, where our photog asked what he thought about…


Monday, December 12, 2016

Saturday Night Live Resurrects Walter White to Bash Trump: Watch!

Nobody tell Donald Trump, but Saturday Night Live mocked him yet again over the weekend in their cold open.

We know it really hurts the poor guy"s feelings — he"s made it abundantly clear that he feels bad inside when the popular comedy show talks about him — so maybe just keep this to yourself, right?

Because while we certainly wouldn"t want to make salty rain come from The Donald"s little peepers, we just can"t keep this awesome clip to ourselves.

And that"s because SNL managed to get a very, very special guest to participate in the Trump roast this week …

Walter White lives, y"all!

Yes, SNL got Bryan Cranston to reprise his role as America"s favorite meth dealer/drug lord just so they could stick it to our future President.

The world can be a beautiful place sometimes.

The premise of the skit is that Trump named Walter White as the head of the Drug Enforcement Agency, how hilarious/sad is that?

Get it, because Trump has been making the worst possible choices when it comes to picking his cabinet members?

You get it.

As of right now, Trump hasn"t commented on this, so there"s a good chance he hasn"t seen it.

So here, as long as you can keep it a secret, check out Walter White"s return in the wonderful clip below:

Saturday night live resurrects walter white to bash trump watch

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Super Bowl Champ Walter Thurmond -- Oregon Needs Chip Kelly Back ... He"s The Best Option (VIDEO)

Chip Kelly claims he’s not interested in returning to Oregon … but that’s not keeping Walter Thurmond from hoping his old coach returns to Eugene … ‘cause the ex-Ducks star says “he’s the best candidate.” Thurmond — a member of Oregon’s…


Friday, October 30, 2015

Kendall Jones Dresses as Walter Palmer for Halloween: Funny or Foul?

You might remember Kendall Jones as the teen who incurred the wrath of the Internet by posting graphic photos from her African hunting expeditions on Facebook.

Kendall claims she inspired one of the most popular Halloween costumes of last year. We don’t recall seeing many Kendall Jones costumes, but we’ll take her word for it.

Anyway, this year she’s keeping the trend going by dressing as another trigger-happy one-percenter who royally pissed off animal rights groups.

Yes, that’s the now 20-year-old Kendall dressed as Walter Palmer – the Minnesota dentist who gained national infamy when it was revealed that he killed Cecil the Lion

Kendall captioned the pic:

“Since everyone wanted to dress up as me last year, guess who I am this year?! WALTER!! Lol ft. Cecil and a Koala climbing in the tree.”

You’d think someone who’s actually been on safari in Africa would know that koalas are only found in Australia, but we digress.

As you might have guessed, this photo has inspired some strong reactions from animal lovers, supporters of Jones and Palmer, and folks who are just weirded out by a “sexy” dentist-covered-in-blood costume.

You can place us firmly in the third group.

Thus far, there’s been no response from Palmer, and there probably never will be. Palmer has apologized for killing Cecil and seems intent on putting the incident behind him.

Kendall, on the other hand, is clearly gonna keep trying for that 16th minute of fame.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Walter Palmer: Cecil the Lion"s Killer Will NOT Face Criminal Charges!

Over the summer, the Internet flipped out over what appeared to be the unlawful killing of the beloved beast known as Cecil the Lion.

Cecil was a major attraction at Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park, and had long been part of an Oxford conservation study.

In June, he was lured out of the sanctuary, shot with a bow and arrow and tracked form more than 40 hours before eventually being shot, skinned and decapitated.

When park officials found his body, they noted that his tracking collar had been removed, thus indicating that whoever killed him was well aware that this was no ordinary lion.

In July, a Minnesota dentist named Walter Palmer admitted to killing Cecil and incurred the wrath of animal lovers the world over.

Palmer was forced into hiding and temporarily closed his dental practice. There was a time when it looked as though he might be extradited and wind up serving jail time in Zimbabwe.

To the shock of millions, however, it now seems that Palmer will not face any sort of criminal charges as a result of killing Cecil.

TMZ is reporting that Palmer has been cleared of any wrongdoing by Zimbabwe’s environmental minister.

An investigation revealed that Palmer had filed the proper papers and had “legal authority to conduct the hunt.”

A happy day for Palmer and his family, no doubt, but a sad one for those who hold Cecil’s memory close to their hearts.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Bryan Cranston -- I Just Sold My Condo ... A Little Bigger Than Walter White"s Trailer



0918-bryan-cranston-building-crisnetThe man who played meth mastermind Walter White has moved to greener and bigger pastures, so he just unloaded his modest digs for a return that would humiliate the diabolical chemistry teacher.

Bryan Cranston just sold his North Hollywood condo he bought in 2008 … pre-“Breaking Bad” but post- “Malcolm in the Middle.” The digs are relatively small — 1,270 sq. ft. with 2 bedrooms and 3 baths.

He bought the place for $ 451,500 and just sold it for $ 497,000. Walter made 1,000 times that in one transaction.

But don’t cry for Bryan. He has other properties in L.A. and is doing just fine.