Showing posts with label Palmer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palmer. Show all posts

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Nicki Minaj I"m Gonna Sue Jesse Palmer I Never Supported My Rapist Brother

Nicki Minaj is threatening to sic her lawyers on Jesse Palmer for falsely claiming she supported her brother, who was found guilty of raping an 11-year-old. 
The rapper went off on the “Daily Mail TV” host Tuesday for a segment that aired on the show. In talking about Minaj’s ne...
Nicki Minaj I"m Gonna Sue Jesse Palmer I Never Supported My Rapist Brother

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Carson Palmer Sells Epic Arizona Palace After Cardinals Retirement

Did you know Carson Palmer lived like Pablo freakin’ Escobar during his time as QB of the Cardinals?!?! It’s true … ‘cause TMZ Sports has learned the ex-NFL superstar just sold his mansion now that he’s retired — and the place was EPIC!! The…


Carson Palmer Sells Epic Arizona Palace After Cardinals Retirement

Did you know Carson Palmer lived like Pablo freakin’ Escobar during his time as QB of the Cardinals?!?! It’s true … ‘cause TMZ Sports has learned the ex-NFL superstar just sold his mansion now that he’s retired — and the place was EPIC!! The…


Friday, March 16, 2018

Palmer in "The Thing" "Memba Him?!

David Clennon played the ceiling-sticking Palmer — who gets detected in the suspenseful blood testing scene with Kurt Russell as MacReady — in John Carpenter’s 1982 cult classic ‘The Thing.’ Guess what he looks like now!


Thursday, November 9, 2017

UFC"s Brittney Palmer: I Love Conor McGregor, "Please Come Back!"

Conor McGregor’s chances of fighting in the UFC this year just got exponentially higher … ‘cause is he really gonna let down a ridiculously attractive fan who wants him back inside the Octagon?? We got Octagon girl Brittney Palmer…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Keke Palmer Helps Dancer Pull Off Insane Balloon Deep Throating

Keke Palmer had the best view for one of the craziest, most suggestive balloon tricks ever … and she still has no idea how the chick pulled it off.  The singer and “Scream Queens” star was hosting a party at Opera Nightclub in Atlanta…


Friday, July 28, 2017

Keke Palmer SLAMS Kylie Jenner: She Changed Herself to Make Bullies Happy!

Everybody loves to criticize the Kardashians — even other celebrities. Sometimes, especially other celebrities.

Keke Palmer knows what it’s like to face constant social pressures to change your appearance, but there’s clearly no love lost between her and how the Kardashians react to that same pressure. And she goes after Kylie Jenner, specifically.

While it’s clear that Keke Palmer has a lot of empathy for the bullying that Kylie received as a world-famous child, Keke also drags Kylie for the way that she’s responded.

So, Scream Queens star Keke Palmer, who turns 24 next month, gave an interview about social media pressure.

Celebrities, but especially black women who are celebrities, have to put up with a lot of online harassment.

(It turns out that sexism and racism don’t cancel each other out! Who knew?)

Basically, Keke — who is gorgeous — has been given every piece of unsolicited “advice” that you can imagine and some that you can’t, via Twitter and Instagram.

Some of it’s blatantly racist (or, in some cases, colorist — which can happen within ethnic communities), like “bleach your skin.”

Other times, it’s just the way that society treats people to view women.

(And the way that the quasi-anonymous nature of the internet makes people feel that they’re entitled to send people this sort of “feedback”)

People have told her to gain or lose weight, to wear more or to wear less, to do one thing with her hair or to do another.

She’s also been famous since she was a minor.

So when she talks about online bullying, she knows exactly what she’s talking about.

Keke Palmer says that she finds it “absolutely hard” to remain authentic, citing social media pressures that seek to drag people down.

“Everybody wants to make everybody so crazy, stupid, ugly, or dumb.”

That’s so true.

People like easy categories for people, and that’s even truer for celebrities.

They also want to drag people down in order to feel powerful and to feel better about themselves.

“So often [famous] people feel like, you know what, I’m just going to beat [haters] to the punch and either degrade myself or be so damn perfect they have nothing to say.”

That’s so sad but she’s absolutely right.

“We’ve seen extremes of that. In the sense of the Kardashians, it’s like I’m going to show you so much and be perfect and be everything a woman should be or everything a man would like or love.”

Some people are “perfect” just for themselves.

Others seem to be responding to external criticism.

We know that Kim Kardashian in particular pays careful attention to what the world is saying about her at any given moment.

It led to her making a tweet and then a full video to shut down rumors that she does cocaine.

Keke has found her own response, though.

“And I’m going to be exactly that so you can’t bully me anymore.”

That’s a great attitude.

Though, like, it’s probably easier to talk like that when you’re really, really gorgeous — as Keke is.

Kylie Jenner stands out among her family — and not only because she’s trying to use Life of Kylie to break away and build her own brand.

She’s the queen of Snapchat, she’s arguably the most influential teenager in the world, and she’s also the youngest.

“Specifically in the situation with Kylie, where you’ve had a young girl people have seen on television since she was a kid and they literally told her she was so ugly … the ugly person in the family.”

Keke’s spoken about Kylie like this before.

People can be so cruel to celebrity children. It’s absurd.

Remember, we live in a world where vile trolls have called Blue Ivy “ugly.”

(She isn’t, but even if she were, that would be unconscionable to say)

Keke does take issue with Kylie’s response, though.

“She went and did apparently everything the world deems as beautiful.”

That’s pretty true.

Sure, different people have different opinions.

(For some, they’d prefer Kendall Jenner’s figure to Kylie’s. Others might prefer Ashley Graham’s or someone else’s)

But if you look at Kylie’s lips and hips and ever-larger boobs, it seems that she adjusts to what she perceives that her fans want from her.

And Keke thinks that it’s bonkers.

“The even crazier part is that everybody loves her for it.”

That’s true — right now, Kylie’s arguably more famous for her appearance and social media presence than she is for her family.

We’re not trying leap to Kylie’s defense by any means.

Like, we’re all just brains piloting golems made of meat and bone, and some of those flesh prisons look a little nicer than others.

So scrambling to appease your fans by radically altering your body is kind of “letting the terrorists win” in Keke’s eyes, and we totally get that.

But … we’re probably only decades away from living in a world where basically everyone can adjust their appearances pretty radically.

It’s okay that Kylie doesn’t look exactly like her genetics would have made her look, you know?

The issue, and we think that it’s Keke’s issue, too, is that Kylie seems to have changed less for herself and more to respond to social pressures.

(Though we do have to admit that, when bullying becomes especially intense, what you want for you and what they want for you can get harder and harder to tell apart)

Overall, though, Keke Palmer makes a very fair point.

PS: You guys, Keke’s been on everything from True Jackson VP to Scream Queens, but my personal favorite thing that she’s ever done was a low-budget horror film with Liz Gillies and Jeremy Sumpter, titled Animal. It’s not “good” but it’s kind of great, if that makes sense.


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Keke Palmer Hits Strip Club with 2 Chainz to Test New Song (PHOTO GALLERY + VIDEO)

Keke Palmer wanted to test the effectiveness of her new single, so she took it to a strip club with 2 Chainz – strictly for research purposes. Keke hit up VLive in Atlanta to promote her new song featuring Quavo, “Wind Up,” which…


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Keke Palmer Breaks Down At Book Signing (VIDEO)

Keke Palmer gave a teary explanation of the hardest part of being in Hollywood … all while plugging her new book oh so perfectly. Keke was at the Grove’s Barnes & Noble Saturday doing a book signing … when someone asked her about the…


Sunday, January 8, 2017

Keke Palmer Shows Off Her Ass While Shopping In Low Cut Booty Shorts (PHOTOS)

Keke Palmer went shopping in L.A. … and quickly became Cheeky Palmer with her ass hanging out. Paps got the actress out Saturday at Saks Fifth Avenue, where she was rockin’ some VERY low cut booty shorts. She’s got the shoes and shirt … wonder…


Friday, December 9, 2016

Keke Palmer: Stop Bullying Kylie Jenner for Being Ugly!

Keke Palmer is known for being open and honest about literally everything.

She really is just a gift that way.

She never holds back, she’s always a delight, and honestly, we’re just so glad that the world worked out in a way that we get to experience her wondrousness firsthand.

For her latest act of greatness, Keke took it upon herself to defend none other than Kylie Jenner.

See, our girl got a little upset after seeing this meme of Kylie that had been making the rounds:

The meme shows Kylie back in 2012, when she was just 15 years old, before all the changes she’s made to her looks. Back then, according to the photo, people used to say “Kylie’s so ugly! Why can’t she just grow up?”

It shows that photo beside a current photo of Kylie, one that showcases all her (alleged!) surgical enhancements. But the new Kylie apparently has people saying “Ew, Kylie’s so fake! What happened to her?”

Yes, it seems like poor Kylie, in the eyes of many, has always been in a sort of “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation when it comes to her appearance.

That’s awful. And Keke simply will not stand for it.

She shared the meme, and along with it, she shared this lengthy but heartfelt message:

After Trump’s win, I really was convinced that we have become so obsessed with making things appear to be real than needing them to actually BE real.

AKA: Reality [television emoji], that’s the gag. Reality television is based off of the desire WE HAVE to see non scripted shows that MIMIC reality, “false things appearing real” that’s the ART of it, how they can make us THINK it is.

And many social media platforms support that same thing. We have settled for knock off truth in our actual reality because it’s socially acceptable to lie for likes.

Looking at this photo above I couldn’t help but stop dead in my tracks because even though I do feel like this family sets an example that it’s good to change for societies affection, how can you blame them?

We don’t think that this young woman deserves the attention she receives because of the message it sends but we don’t even think about the fact that for years the whole world damn near agreed that she was ugly.

A CHILD, that girl was a child and she was bullied and named ugly, and not as a character but as HERSELF …

And unlike some that experience such ridicule she had the $ $ $ to change, she “fixed” what the world said was broken and it worked! Now you are mad that it was that easy?

When the generation has already been force fed to love things that are false and appear as real. We are confused! So many of us on who we should be and how we should act, who we should like and how we should pursue them.

It’s all been brought to another level because being fraudulent is our countries most popular trend.

If only we could accept one another instead of bullying each other into change. We wouldn’t be so confused or misunderstanding all of these mixed messages that ultimately tell us to trade attention for respect and love for possession.

We could instead let our differences TEACH us something new instead of walking around looking, acting and being the same. WE DIFFERENT FOR A REASON.

Preach, Keke. Preach.


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Greg Lake Dies: Emerson, Lake & Palmer Founder Was 69

Greg Lake –  co-founder of pioneering prog-rock group Emerson, Lake & Palmer – has passed away.

He was 69 years old.

The news comes just nine months after the death of Keith Emerson, Lake’s former bandmate and lifelong friend.

The band’s sole surviving founding member, Carl Palmer, broke the news just moments ago:

“It is with great sadness that I must now say goodbye to my friend and fellow bandmate, Greg Lake,” read a statement issued by Palmer.

“Greg’s soaring voice and skill as a musician will be remembered by all who knew his music and recordings he made with ELP and King Crimson.

“I have fond memories of those great years we had in the 1970s and many memorable shows we performed together. Having lost Keith this year as well has made this particularly hard for all of us.

“As Greg sang at the end of Pictures at an Exhibition, ‘death is life.’ His music can now live forever in the hearts of all who loved him.”

A skilled lyricist, vocalist and multi-instrumentalist, many of Lake’s innovations would eventually become archetypal of the genre he helped to create.

After releasing six multi-platinum albums, ELP broke up in 1979 and reunited in 1991, before disbanding again and getting back together for a reunion tour in 2010.

Lake released several successful solo recordings, including “I Believe In Father Christmas”, which remains a seasonal staple in the U.K.

An outpouring of social media tributes quickly made Lake a trending topic on Twitter, with many remarking on the tremendous toll the past year has taken on the world of rock music or pointing out the sad irony of the singer of a beloved Christmas song passing just weeks before the holiday.

Lake was a member of the influential rock group King Crimson in the late ’60s, but it was his work with ELP that got the mainstream to stand up and take notice.

Band manager Stewart Young tells the press that Lake passed away after “a long and stubborn battle with cancer.” 


Friday, March 11, 2016

Keith Emerson Dies; Emerson, Lake & Palmer Keyboardist Was 71

Keith Emerson – the prog rock keyboardist who co-founded the legendary trio Emerson, Lake & Palmer – has passed away at the age of 71.

No cause of death has been given, but Emerson’s death was described as “sudden.”

Sources say the musician had plans to begin touring Japan next week. His girlfriend discovered his body this afternoon at his home in Santa Monica.

A pioneering figure in the 1970s rock scene, Emerson was the first musician to tour with a Moog synthesizer, an unwieldy, futuristic-sounding instrument that had previously only been used in studio sessions by bands like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.

Emerson was revered by musicians for his technical mastery, and beloved by audiences for his onstage antics, such as using knives to wedge down keys on his synthesizer, or playing two keyboards at once.

Along with Rick Wright or Pink Floyd and Tony Banks of Genesis, Emerson was one of the instrumentalists who did for organs and synthesizers what Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton had already for done for guitars.

Social media tributes to Emerson have been pouring in from all over the globe, and not surprisingly, many of them come from musicians who credit him for making keyboards cool and inspiring them to take piano lessons.

Keith Emerson Dies; Emerson, Lake & Palmer Keyboardist Was 71

Keith Emerson – the prog rock keyboardist who co-founded the legendary trio Emerson, Lake & Palmer – has passed away at the age of 71.

No cause of death has been given, but Emerson’s death was described as “sudden.”

Sources say the musician had plans to begin touring Japan next week. His girlfriend discovered his body this afternoon at his home in Santa Monica.

A pioneering figure in the 1970s rock scene, Emerson was the first musician to tour with a Moog synthesizer, an unwieldy, futuristic-sounding instrument that had previously only been used in studio sessions by bands like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.

Emerson was revered by musicians for his technical mastery, and beloved by audiences for his onstage antics, such as using knives to wedge down keys on his synthesizer, or playing two keyboards at once.

Along with Rick Wright or Pink Floyd and Tony Banks of Genesis, Emerson was one of the instrumentalists who did for organs and synthesizers what Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton had already for done for guitars.

Social media tributes to Emerson have been pouring in from all over the globe, and not surprisingly, many of them come from musicians who credit him for making keyboards cool and inspiring them to take piano lessons.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Kendall Jones Dresses as Walter Palmer for Halloween: Funny or Foul?

You might remember Kendall Jones as the teen who incurred the wrath of the Internet by posting graphic photos from her African hunting expeditions on Facebook.

Kendall claims she inspired one of the most popular Halloween costumes of last year. We don’t recall seeing many Kendall Jones costumes, but we’ll take her word for it.

Anyway, this year she’s keeping the trend going by dressing as another trigger-happy one-percenter who royally pissed off animal rights groups.

Yes, that’s the now 20-year-old Kendall dressed as Walter Palmer – the Minnesota dentist who gained national infamy when it was revealed that he killed Cecil the Lion

Kendall captioned the pic:

“Since everyone wanted to dress up as me last year, guess who I am this year?! WALTER!! Lol ft. Cecil and a Koala climbing in the tree.”

You’d think someone who’s actually been on safari in Africa would know that koalas are only found in Australia, but we digress.

As you might have guessed, this photo has inspired some strong reactions from animal lovers, supporters of Jones and Palmer, and folks who are just weirded out by a “sexy” dentist-covered-in-blood costume.

You can place us firmly in the third group.

Thus far, there’s been no response from Palmer, and there probably never will be. Palmer has apologized for killing Cecil and seems intent on putting the incident behind him.

Kendall, on the other hand, is clearly gonna keep trying for that 16th minute of fame.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Walter Palmer: Cecil the Lion"s Killer Will NOT Face Criminal Charges!

Over the summer, the Internet flipped out over what appeared to be the unlawful killing of the beloved beast known as Cecil the Lion.

Cecil was a major attraction at Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park, and had long been part of an Oxford conservation study.

In June, he was lured out of the sanctuary, shot with a bow and arrow and tracked form more than 40 hours before eventually being shot, skinned and decapitated.

When park officials found his body, they noted that his tracking collar had been removed, thus indicating that whoever killed him was well aware that this was no ordinary lion.

In July, a Minnesota dentist named Walter Palmer admitted to killing Cecil and incurred the wrath of animal lovers the world over.

Palmer was forced into hiding and temporarily closed his dental practice. There was a time when it looked as though he might be extradited and wind up serving jail time in Zimbabwe.

To the shock of millions, however, it now seems that Palmer will not face any sort of criminal charges as a result of killing Cecil.

TMZ is reporting that Palmer has been cleared of any wrongdoing by Zimbabwe’s environmental minister.

An investigation revealed that Palmer had filed the proper papers and had “legal authority to conduct the hunt.”

A happy day for Palmer and his family, no doubt, but a sad one for those who hold Cecil’s memory close to their hearts.