Showing posts with label Bullying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bullying. Show all posts

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Quit Bullying Me Over Ryan Edwards and KISS MY ASS!

It’s been nearly a week now since Ryan Edwards was arrested, which means he’s spent nearly a week in jail.

It’s been a weird, sad time, right?

There have been conflicting reports about the reason for the arrest, with many reports claiming that he’d been caught with heroin again.

Other reports say that he was taken to jail for violating his probation by missing a court date back in May.

Either way, Ryan violated probation, which isn’t great, considering it’s the second time he’s done so.

Remember, the original arrest for possession of heroin happened last year, and he was placed on probation for a year.

When he was nearly done with that, he was arrested for failing a drug test with heroin in his system, and he was given six more months of probation.

So at this point, it seems pretty clear that probation isn’t working so great, which is probably why he’s being held without bond this time around.

His court date is set for August 6th, so he’ll be hanging out in jail for at least a little while longer.

So what’s his pregnant wife, Mackenzie Standifer, doing until then?

Doing photo shoots and telling off haters, apparently.

Remember earlier this year when she gave her Instagram account to her photographer friend?

She took it back recently, and she’s been sharing some photos of her baby bump, which is getting pretty big now, considering she’s due in October.

It seems like sometime in the past few days, she posed for some photos with her friend.

She shared this one on Instagram:

In her caption, she wrote “She has a kind soul, but a cold [heart emoji].”

Later, she edited it to add “This isn’t a new revelation, I’ve always been the ice queen.”

It’s not hard to figure out why she’s talking like this: a whole, whole lot of Teen Mom OG fans hate her.

A lot.

Some fans hate her so much that they blame her for Ryan’s drug use, because she’s an enabler, see?

She’s also been seen talking trash about Maci Bookout several times on the show, which hasn’t done anything for her popularity, either.

And that’s why the vast majority of the comments on her new post are so negative.

“You know it’s harder to be a bitch than it is to be nice and loving,” someone told her. “It’s nothing to be proud of.”

“Ice queen mom and drug addict convict dad,” another person wrote. “That poor baby.”

One person told her “I hope the father of your child sobers the hell up!”, and another pointed out “your husband is in jail and u taking pictures.”

One of her followers got super direct, telling her “Girl, get your f-cking head out of your ass and grow the f-ck up.”

Finally, Mackenzie’s photographer jumped into the fray to defend her friend, writing “I’d like to meet a single troll on this post who has a job, isn’t an addict themselves, isn’t miserable, and isn’t completely insecure.”

“You all have some major soul/hobby searching to do if putting down a hurting mom to be makes you feel satisfied or content.”

“She might have had TV time,” she continued, “but she is still human trying to figure sh-t out.”

“If you don’t know her personally your comments are baseless and a way to compensate for the sh-t in your own life.”

The friend actually made several comments on the post, and in one she wrote “Mack is one of the most selfless people I know.”

“She sees the best in people and is SO freaking loyal it’s blinding. You don’t know her, and you don’t want to.”

She went on and on about how wonderful Mackenzie is, and how nobody knows the kind of person she truly is, but before too long, Mackenzie herself stepped in to call her off.

“Lol these little phone bullies who have nothing better to do than comment ignorance on a picture can kiss my ass,” she began.

She suggested that the people “drilling me with facts you think you know about myself and my husband” take some time from doing that to “go volunteer your services at your local clinic/hospital/medical school research team.”

“I’m sure they’d be happy to have you and the breadth of your knowledge.”

So much sass in one little comment, right?

We imagine that she’s been hearing and seeing lots and lots of negativity since Ryan’s arrest — and also, you know, for almost the entire time she’s been with Ryan.

It’s understandable that she’d snap after a point.

Hopefully in addition to going off on strangers on social media, she’s also dealing with everything that’s happening in a healthier way.

After all, if Ryan’s going to be staying in jail for a while, she’s going to need to pull everything together to have that baby of theirs.

Best of luck, Mack.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Patrick J. Adams Apologizes for Perceived Bullying Attempt

Patrick J. Adams is typically a social media superstar.

The former Suits star is usually applauded for his sweet and/or funny messages, such as what he wrote to/about Meghan Markle the day before her Royal Wedding to Prince Harry.

This is what he said:

Going to bed now and thinking a lot about the strange surreal and wonderful day my friend Meghan is going to have tomorrow.

Meghan – wherever you are – we are so grateful to be here to watch you both take this monumental step together. Love deeply and live well.

Like we said: totally sweet, right?

(Adams starred for seven seasons on Suits opposite Markle; he played her love interest, Mike Ross, and his character married her character on the latest season finale.)

Patrick J. Adams tweet1

Now, however, Adams has been forced to issue an apology after an unusual incident that took place while he was in England for his good friend’s nuptials.

It’s a bit confusing, but follow along below…

Over the weekend, following the lovely ceremony and reception, Adams and his his wife, Pretty Little Liars alum Troian Bellisario, headed to the airport to catch a flight out of London.

While there, the actor shared a photo on Instagram of a sleeping woman who he says body shamed him and Bellisario, including with it the following caption:

“She reads her paper. See’s picture of me and Troian from wedding. ‘My God. What a terrible photo of you.’ I look over. ‘Really. I kind of like that photo. What do you think is wrong with it?’

“She pauses. ‘Well, you’re just so….chunky."”

“She laughs and falls asleep. I photograph her sleeping. And….scene. #royalwedding.”

Patrick J. Adams insta

Sort of a weird exchange, but the woman is the one who body-shamed Adams and Bellisario, right?

We suppose Adams could have taken the highest road and simply ignored the insult, or at least not made it public, but we didn’t interpret this caption as an attempt to bully the woman.

Others, however, did.

The USA Network star has therefore deleted the post and issued a lengthy Mea Culpa.

“Yesterday I posted a photo of a woman who did some casual body shaming of my wife and I in the airport,” Adams began his caption, which went along with the following image.

“My intention was solely to put a face to the people who think that sort of glancing commentary is necessary, helpful or funny. Some of the comments on the post instead said I was being a bully and should have taken the ‘high road’ (some also doubled down on the body shaming. Thumbs up guys!)

“I thought it over and agreed and took it down, not because I felt the woman was right or fair or undeserving of being called out but because any sense of being a bully or lashing out felt wrong.”


Adams had A LOT more to say on the topic.

He was understandably upset about the way he was being labeled and felt a need to respond in detail.

So we’ll hand the floor over to the actor…

I’m no bully. What that woman said to us was offensive and unnecessary but I should have told her she was rude and out of line and left it at that. I’m sorry I didn’t.

I was too shocked and annoyed and Canadian – so I avoided the confrontation. Again, I’m sorry. Now if you see the original post on any media outlet just know that they are choosing to take a relatively small indiscretion and make it worse. Not for me.

Because I promise you once I hit post on this message it will be out of my mind forever. But it will make whatever bullying or embarrassment I might have caused for that woman far worse for a far wider audience.

Now -this has obviously taken up far too much of our time and of the precious internet space that we need so much. Sorry about that. But let’s just finish with a quick summary.

1. Don’t talk shit about the way people look. You have no idea what’s going on with them and your commentary will always make their day worse not better.

2. If someone does. Don’t use the internet to settle scores. Tell them right to their face and in public that they’re part of the problem and not the solution.

3. Believe pretty much nothing you read in magazines. Good or bad. The machinery runs on misfortune and oversimplification.

4. Be cool to yourself and others at every opportunity. Life is too short for all of this. Thx for reading. Now back to our lives…

Pretty much the perfect reply, right?

Aside from not understanding this woman’s “chunky” comment (just look at the lovely couple above), we don’t really understand why Adams received grief for his post on the matter.

But he likely made the right choice here to just end the debate and be the bigger man.

Kudos to you, Patrick.


Monday, May 7, 2018

Derick Dillard: The View is BULLYING Me For Being Christian!

Recently, Derick Dillard went on a homophobic rant about one of TLC"s home improvement shows that features a gay couple and their family.

His controversial remarks were discussed so much that they were addressed on The View, which you can see in the video below.

Now, Derick is responding … and accusing the talk show hosts of bullying him.

The view on derick dillard 3

Derick Dillard is known for his trolling tweets and sometimes comes across as desperate for attention now that he and Jill are no longer on Counting On.

This time, instead of bashing trans reality star Jazz Jennings, he is taking aim at Nate & Jeremiah By Design, a home improvement show on TLC.

"What a travesty of family. It’s sad how blatant the liberal agenda is, such that it both highlights and celebrates a lifestyle so degrading to children on public television as if it should be normal."

Hard to see how a child being in a loving home is degrading.

"They affect this poor child, as well as what perversions are celebrated. If it were adultery, I doubt a network would be so quick to focus on the reality of it as if it were ok."

Equating same-sex marriage to adultery is, of course, quite a reach.

But he says that he"s not being hateful.

"I’m not bashing the people, I’m just calling out the public agenda at play and how a network chooses what they highlight. Christians should love all as Christ loved all. Take advantage of capitalism: boycott what you don’t believe in, but don’t boycott relationships."

So he"s not being hateful … but he doesn"t think that these people should be on television because they"re gay parents.

The view on derick dillard 2

Whoopi speaks up first, saying:

"You don"t have to agree with anybody"s lifestyle. But you don"t live in their house. Just like we don"t live in a house where there are 900 kids."

Basically, she"s saying that Derick doesn"t have much room to talk about unusual lifestyles, giving the family into which he married.

Sara Haines chimes in, saying:

"Some of my idols as parents are gay." She provides an example of a gay couple and their child (and adorable bulldog).

Sunny Hostin then says that she thinks that stances like Derick"s come from "people that lack empathy."

She also says that "people that haven"t been around gay couples."

One by one, each of the hosts on The View talks about same-sex parents, from personal anecdotes and from statistics, being healthy and loving.

The view on derick dillard 1

Derick responded to this, decrying the segment as bullying:

"Really?! Are my friends on The View really going to be our standard & champion for open-mindedness?"

One, they"re not your friends, dude. Two, they"re not the standard, but they are meeting the minimum requirements for human decency.

"Conviction doesn’t equal lack of open mindedness."

That is technically true.

"We need to love all people & promote what’s best for everyone."

See, Derick isn"t a kill-all-gay-people sort of bigot, he"s a all-gay-people-should-just-not-be-gay bigot. He believes that his views are compassionate.

"Most Americans believe this, but are fearful of bullying like this."

If he"s saying that most Americans oppose marriage equality, that is false. Just under two-thirds of Americans support same-sex marriage.

And then, of course, there"s his accusation that what these hosts have to say is bullying.

The view on derick dillard 4

First of all, they don"t really seem to talk about Derick enough for this to qualify as bullying.

As you"ll see in the clip below, they mostly talk about same-sex couples who are parents whom they know and love.

Meghan McCain shares that her mother came around on marriage equality when she realized that so many children could be adopted into loving homes.

They also talk about how, for both adults and for children, knowing families with same-sex parents makes it clear that the sort of gay bogeyman that anti-gay activists describe doesn"t at all match up with the real thing.

Derick does say that he has been exposed to people who aren"t like him, tweeting:

"I have friends who are homosexual and was in public school for 17 years, including university band, fraternity life, and spirit squad. I think I’ve more than opened my mind and eyes to experience all kinds of people very different than myself."

That"s … sad.

The view on derick dillard 5

But we have to remember that Derick Dillard comes from the far-right fringes of American Christianity.

We don"t doubt that, among the people with whom he associates, the majority do oppose marriage equality and same-sex parents adopting and a host of other things.

There is a narrative among extreme conservatives that Christianity is being oppressed in the United States, even though Christians are of course the majority.

The narrative has been very popular recently among conservative politicians, who believe that Trump and politicians like him are "hitting back" at their oppressors.

It is also a popular narrative with Derick and those who support his less-than-kind tweets.

Watch this video for yourself and decide if this is bullying … or some heartfelt discussion of a topic near and dear to the hearts of the hosts.

Derick dillard the view is bullying me for being christian

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Blac Chyna Accuses Kim Kardashian of Bullying with Valentine "Gift"

Blac Chyna’s firing off a Valentine’s Day message for her almost sister-in-law Kim Kardashian — don’t be cruel! Sources close to Chyna tell TMZ … she’s pissed about the “gift” she received the other day from Kim. As we first reported, KK sent a…


Friday, November 3, 2017

Alec Baldwin Admits to "Bullying" Women, Engaging In "Sexist" Behavior

Over the past several weeks, a number of Hollywood’s most powerful men have been exposed as serial sexual predators.

The string of scandals began with accusations against Harvey Weinstein that would eventually bring an end to one of the industry’s most esteemed film studios.

In the month that followed, allegations against Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Piven, Brett Ratner, Ben Affleck and many more pulled back the curtain on a culture of abuse and misogyny in the movie industry.

Most of the accused have feigned shock or issued timid confessions in the wake of being called out for their behavior.

Now, actor Alec Baldwin–himself no stranger to allegations of abusive behavior–is attempting to change how Hollywood addresses its ongoing misogyny issues by admitting to mistreating women before he becomes the subject of another scandal.

“I certainly have treated women in a very sexist way. I’ve bullied women. I’ve overlooked women. I’ve underestimated women,” Baldwin told Tonight Show announcer Steve Higgins at a Paley Center event on Thursday night.

“Not as a rule, [but] from time to time, I’ve done what a lot of men do, which is … when you don’t treat women the same way you treat men.”

Baldwin added:

“I’m from a generation where you really don’t, and I’d like that to change. I really would like that to change.”

Though he’s taken some flak for attributing his behavior to his age, Baldwin has mostly been applauded for his comments.

“I think it’s important for us to try to make the workplace and beyond not only comfortable and right and fair and appropriate, but as productive as well,” he explained.

“A lot of what we’re dealing with within this issue is hurting our business. It’s making it less productive.”

A father of four, Baldwin was widely castigated for an abusive voicemail he left for daughter Ireland in 2007 when she was just 11 years old.

Asked if he was aware of abusive behavior from 

“I knew of certain things, that there were rumors of things happening to people, but I didn’t necessarily know the scope, when you hear the hundreds and hundreds of women who are complaining about this… It’s been a very eye-opening experience for me personally,” Baldwin said last night.

“We’ve got to be vigilant in a new way to make sure that everybody is comfortable and that we get the job done together that we’re there to do.”

Baldwin did not go into detail about the more shameful behavior of his past, but says that going forward, he will be more conscientious in his interactions with female colleagues.


Friday, October 6, 2017

Rob Kardashian, Blac Chyna Sued by Chyna"s Ex for Bullying

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna tortured an ex of hers to the point they drove him to nearly kill himself after outing him … so claims Pilot Jones in a new lawsuit. Jones is suing Rob and BC for defamation and cyberbullying after he says they…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Selena Gomez: Justin Bieber Fans Are Bullying My Assistant!

It’s been over a year since the last time Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber broke up.

We’ve lost count of just how many times Justin and Selena split over the years, and frankly, we imagine they have, as well.

These days, Selena is dating The Weeknd, and it looks as though Jelena is well and truly a thing of the past.

But don’t tell that to the millions of Justin fans who are still holding out hope for a reconciliation.

Yes, like the Robsten obsessives who refused to accept that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart had broken up, there are thousands of social media users who maintain that Justin and Selena will find their way back to one another someday.

And for some reason, they’ve decided to target their frustrations at Selena’s personal assistant, Teresa Mingus.

Teresa posted a photo of Selena and The Weeknd (real name Abel Tesfaye) with a caption that drove Beliebers up a wall.

“In an industry that’s so hard to be loyal and love, these two made it happen,” Mingus wrote on the photo below:

Selena and The Weeknd

We waded into the swamp of foolishness that is the comments section on the photo to share with you the most ridiculous pleas from the Jelena faithful:


“True Love always finds its way.”

“Love over promo. REAL love always wins.”

And of course, this gem which appears to have been posted by about a dozen different users:

“Never Say Never @SelenaGomez @JustinBieber”

There were many variations on the theme that Selena and Abel’s relationship is some kind of promotional stunt (as though either party needs the added press, or would stand to benefit from a fake relationship).

Most of these read along the lines of “Abelena is PR” or “Abelena is promo.”

You get the point. It’s basically the Jelena fan equivalent of calling everything you don’t like “fake news.”

And it’s equally dumb.

Look, folks, we live in the world of celebrity gossip.

We eat, sleep, and breathe this stuff, so we’re the last people to dismiss your emotional attachment to your favorite celebrity couples.

But to paraphrase Selena’s BFF, Bieber and Gomez are never, ever, ever getting back together – and that’s a good thing.

By all appearances and based on the accounts of those who knew them best, this was not healthy for either party.

Both Selena and Justin seem happier and more stable these days, so maybe just let that relationship rest in peace?

No? Gonna continue to obsess over a on-again, off-again romance that started when they were both in their teens?

You go ahead with that.


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Rob Kardashian Apologizes to His Family for Bullying Chyna

Rob Kardashian is deeply remorseful for slut shaming Blac Chyna … at least that’s what he told his family. Sources close to Rob tell TMZ … he’s spoken with all of his sisters and his mom, telling them he has no excuse for posting nude pics…


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Lindsay Lohan: Come On! Stop Bullying Donald Trump!

Lindsay Lohan and Donald Trump have a lot in common.

Both have appeared in movies. Both are considered mentally unstable by a wide swath of well-informed individuals.

And both have been on their knees in front of powerful Russian men over the past year or so.

Lohan, of course, was engaged to Egor Tarabasov for a number of months before that relationship ended on a very sour note… while Trump and Vladimir Putin are friends with many mysterious and frightening benefits.

So it makes sense overall that Lohan would be a pretty big fan of the Commander-in-Chief.

She’ll need someone to executive produce her Russian Netflix series, after all, and Trump may very well soon be in search of a new job.

The troubled actress therefore came to the defense of Trump after someone Tweeted an image of a Breitbart article in which the President said he would be “delighted” to assist Charlie Gard, a critically-ill British baby that the European Court of Human Rights determined was too sick to help with experimental medicine.

Critics acknowledged this was a nice gesture by Trump, but also a rather hollow one.

It’s difficult not to see some irony in Trump’s Gard Tweet when juxtaposed with a health care plan he supports that would take insurance away from 22 million people.

“THIS IS our president,” Lohan Tweeted on Monday in response to the negative attention Trump often received.

She added: “Stop #bullying him & start trusting him. Thank you personally for supporting #THEUSA.”

Lindsay Lohan tweets

As you can see abive, Lohan went on to praise the First Family – including First Lady Melania Trump, daughter Ivanka Trump and son Donald Trump Jr. – as “kind people.”

She also asked a profound question as part of her timeline:

“As an American, why speak poorly of anyone?”

That’s a good and fair question. Perhaps she ought to direct it to Donald Trump.

This isn’t the first time ex-Mean Girls star has stood up for the President, either.

During a Facebook Live Q&A session for the Daily Mail in February, she urged Americans to “join” the man who wants to beat and bludgeon reporters.

“I think always in the public eye you’re going to get scrutinized,” she said at the time, adding:

“He is the president – we have to join him. If you can’t beat him, join him.”

Kevin Durant may appreciate and agree with that sentiment, but many lawmakers out there likely read Lohan’s words with a puzzled look on their faces, asking:

Okay, sure. That’s great. But what if we can beat back his wildly legislation? Do we still need to join him?

Back in 2004, Trump spoke to Howard Stern about Lohan.

He agreed with the shock jock’s assessment back then that Lindsay was “hot,” delving deeply into the reason why.

“There’s something there right?” said Trump to Stern. “But you have to like freckles. I’ve seen a, you know, close up of her chest and a lot of freckles.

“Are you into freckles?

This at least explains why Lohan likes Trump so much.

This and what we hinted at strongly at the outset of this post:

Both stars have sucked a great deal of Russian penis.


Friday, June 9, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Accused by Designer of Stealing Designs, Legal Bullying

Khloe Kardashian’s legal team sent a cease and desist letter to a small, independent designer, instructing her to stop accusing Khloe of stealing her work.

It looks like that’s blown up in Khloe’s face. Majorly.

If there’s one thing that truly unites the Kardashian family, it’s a fondness for cultural appropriation.

From cornrows to huge lips to big butt culture to … everything, it seems that the Kardashians scarcely have to see an element of black culture before they decide to make it their own.

But it seems that the appropriation isn’t limited to Kylie Jenner’s ever-changing body

Designer Destiney Bleu, after repeatedly calling out Khloe and accusing her of ripping off her designs.

She did this so much that Khloe’s legal team sent a nasty cease-and-desist order.

Of course, most small-time designers would be quaking in their boots when threatened with a rich person’s lawsuit.

Even if you’re in the right, just letting a lawsuit drag out in court can completely exhaust someone’s finances. You can win the case but have your life ruined.

Destiney has majorly clapped back, and no matter which of them you believe about the propietary issues, these words are absolutely worth reading.

We wonder if Khloe is regretting any of that now?

Though the response letter comes from Destiney’s legal representative, it seems pretty clear that Destiney’s words are involved.

Because the letter is decidedly not limited to legal jargon.

“It is not illegal for Khloe to copy Destiney’s designs — it is just tacky, disrespectful, and in bad taste,” says Destiney’s scathing response letter, as reported by TooFab.

“There is also something deeply uncomfortable about someone with Khloe’s wealth and power appropriating designs and fashion directly from a black woman with a small business without crediting her, making cheap knockoffs, and then attempting to threaten her into silence.”

Hold on a moment, we need to print out that line and frame it and hang it on our wall.

But the letter continues.

“You should be ashamed.”

It’s clear that we’re all meant to know exactly what Khloe’s lawyers are demanding from Destiney.

“You demand that Destiney ‘cease and desist’ her ‘false statements,’ ‘make an appropriate corrective statement,’ and ‘that [Destiney’s] trolls stop attacking [Khloe Kardashian’s] social media channels."”

How exactly is Destiney expected to stop other people from independently tweeting at Khloe?

With magic? Sorry, Khloe’s legal team, but even if you happen to think that all black people look alike, Destiney isn’t Azealia Banks.

“However, your attempt to censor Destiney with these meritless threats will have the opposite of its intended effect. Destiney will not surrender to your bullying.”

That lawyer’s absolutely right about the opposite effect business, because if Khloe had never tried to shut down Destiney’s statements, a lot of people might never have heard about this.

And, by the way, Destiney’s also happy to provide evidence of correspondences she had, which she says prove that Khloe had access to Destiney’s samples … before going on to copy them.

How sad must it be to be rich and famous but still feel the need to pluck ideas from others and claim them as your own?

We don’t know how this legal drama will unfold, but we’re sure glad that Destiney’s words are being heard.

Maybe it’ll be a boost to her business.


Friday, June 2, 2017

Kathy Griffin About to Lash Out at Trump Family for Bullying Her (LIVE STREAM)

Kathy Griffin is about to take the offensive on the photo shoot that cost her jobs and enraged the First Family — with the help of her lawyer — and we’ll be live streaming as it goes down. Kathy’s at attorney Lisa Bloom’s San Fernando Valley…


Friday, March 17, 2017

Jonathan Lipnicki Says Talking About Childhood Bullying is Liberating (VIDEO)

Jonathan Lipnicki just hit 2 big milestones — starring in more movies as an adult than as a kid … and being honest about his childhood demons. We got the former child star — who became famous as a kid star in “Jerry Maguire” and…


Friday, January 20, 2017

Directors Guild of America, Someone"s Bullying and Threatening Us Over Trump

Members of the Directors Guild of America who are working on TV coverage of the inauguration and related events tell TMZ they are being threatened by someone who has sent word out to everyone in the org … you do anything Trump-related and you’re…


Friday, December 23, 2016

Avril Lavigne to Mark Zuckerberg: Stop Bullying Nickelback!

If you’ve been anywhere in the vicinity of an Internet-capable device in the past 12 months, you know that 2016 was an absolute sh-tshow of a year.

In fact, we’ve reached the point where jokes about how bad 2016 was have made the list of things that sucked about 2016.

Fortunately, like an angel who fell to Earth and crash-landed in a Hot Topic, Avril Lavigne is here to save the day with unintentional hilarity by kicking off the most ridiculous and one-sided celebrity feud in recent memory:

The songstress and poet laureate of sk8r boi’s everywhere is married to Nickelback frontman Chad Kroger, a coupling that somehow didn’t bring about the End Times.

Short of both members of the Insane Clown Posse entering into a polygamous union with Meghan Trainor, it’s impossible to imagine a marriage that would be more horrifying to music fans, and yet, the former Mrs. Lavigne-Kroger seems oblivious to the fact that folks aren’t particularly fond of her ex-husband’s strained howls and “embarrassing Facebook memory”-caliber lyrics.

One would think that at this point she would just shrug off jokes about the fact that Chad’s name is listed in thesauruses as the antonym of “music,” but apparently punk rawk badittude never takes a day off.

Earlier this week, Facebook founder and Jesse Eisenberg impressionist Mark Zuckerberg posted a video in which he shows off his Morgan Freeman-voiced A.I. home assistant, Jarvis.

At one point in the video, the Zuck shows that even billionaires can’t resist the occasional bite of low-hanging fruit when he takes a jab at the band everyone, well … not loves to hate. Just hates, really.

When he asks Jarvis/Freeman to “play some good Nickelback songs,” the computer responds:

“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” Jarvis said. “There are no good Nickelback songs.”

“Good. That was actually a test,” Zuckerberg responds.

“How about just play some songs that our whole family likes.”

Kind of a dated reference, but Mark is a purveyor of #FakeNews, not a comedian.

(That was a joke, Zuck. Please don’t publish our private messages in retaliation.)

Anyway, you’d think that sort of thing would roll right off Avril’s back these days, but apparently not:

Avril Lavigne to Mark Zuckerberg

Lavigne posted the above note to Zuckerberg on Twitter (ironic use of social media burn!), presumably while snarling.

Avril tagged “@facebook” in the post, just so no one would think that she’s addressing Ruffalo or one of the other famous Marks with whom she’s not actually on first-name terms.

The strange part of this isn’t that Avril attempted to shame Zuckerberg for making a joke at the expense of a bunch of middle-aged straight, white millionaires by also tagging anti-bullying organizations.

No, what’s really weird is that Lavigne and Kroeger broke up last year, and yet she’s still fighting his social media fights for him.

We can’t figure it out!

Why’d ya have to go and make things so complicated, Avril?


Friday, December 9, 2016

Keke Palmer: Stop Bullying Kylie Jenner for Being Ugly!

Keke Palmer is known for being open and honest about literally everything.

She really is just a gift that way.

She never holds back, she’s always a delight, and honestly, we’re just so glad that the world worked out in a way that we get to experience her wondrousness firsthand.

For her latest act of greatness, Keke took it upon herself to defend none other than Kylie Jenner.

See, our girl got a little upset after seeing this meme of Kylie that had been making the rounds:

The meme shows Kylie back in 2012, when she was just 15 years old, before all the changes she’s made to her looks. Back then, according to the photo, people used to say “Kylie’s so ugly! Why can’t she just grow up?”

It shows that photo beside a current photo of Kylie, one that showcases all her (alleged!) surgical enhancements. But the new Kylie apparently has people saying “Ew, Kylie’s so fake! What happened to her?”

Yes, it seems like poor Kylie, in the eyes of many, has always been in a sort of “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation when it comes to her appearance.

That’s awful. And Keke simply will not stand for it.

She shared the meme, and along with it, she shared this lengthy but heartfelt message:

After Trump’s win, I really was convinced that we have become so obsessed with making things appear to be real than needing them to actually BE real.

AKA: Reality [television emoji], that’s the gag. Reality television is based off of the desire WE HAVE to see non scripted shows that MIMIC reality, “false things appearing real” that’s the ART of it, how they can make us THINK it is.

And many social media platforms support that same thing. We have settled for knock off truth in our actual reality because it’s socially acceptable to lie for likes.

Looking at this photo above I couldn’t help but stop dead in my tracks because even though I do feel like this family sets an example that it’s good to change for societies affection, how can you blame them?

We don’t think that this young woman deserves the attention she receives because of the message it sends but we don’t even think about the fact that for years the whole world damn near agreed that she was ugly.

A CHILD, that girl was a child and she was bullied and named ugly, and not as a character but as HERSELF …

And unlike some that experience such ridicule she had the $ $ $ to change, she “fixed” what the world said was broken and it worked! Now you are mad that it was that easy?

When the generation has already been force fed to love things that are false and appear as real. We are confused! So many of us on who we should be and how we should act, who we should like and how we should pursue them.

It’s all been brought to another level because being fraudulent is our countries most popular trend.

If only we could accept one another instead of bullying each other into change. We wouldn’t be so confused or misunderstanding all of these mixed messages that ultimately tell us to trade attention for respect and love for possession.

We could instead let our differences TEACH us something new instead of walking around looking, acting and being the same. WE DIFFERENT FOR A REASON.

Preach, Keke. Preach.


Saturday, June 25, 2016

Kylie Jenner Stands Up To Bullying With Selfie Sweepstakes

Kylie Jenner takes so many selfies on a daily basis you’d think it was her job.

And in fact, it sorta is her job, because it’s all part of the image-obsessed phenomenon that makes up the Kardashian-Jenner brood.

But this time, she’s going to take a selfie for a good cause.

And anyone could be in it!

The lip kit maven has teamed up with the Los Angeles LGBT Center for its Stomp Out Bullying campaign to raise funds for a good cause.

By donating $ 10, fans can enter to win a chance to pose for a pic with Kylie on the blue carpet at an anti-bullying event on July 14 in LA.

“I’ll be at the anti-bullying event on July 14th in L.A. and I want to meet up with you on the blue carpet!” she wrote in a message promoting the campaign.

“We’ll take a selfie when we meet up, too!”

If you donate more than $ 25, you can receive extra goodies like an official campaign T-shirt featuring Kylie’s signature or a digitally signed headshot of the reality star.

And if you’re a real rock star and give more than $ 2,500, you’ll get to appear in a DIY nail video for Kylie’s Sinful Colors nail polish set.

Last year, Kylie confessed on Snapchat that, as a child in the public eye, she has been the victim of bullying since she was nine.

“There are bullies everywhere,” Kylie said.

“So, this was just a little like Snapchat, to tell whoever with their own bullies, that the only opinion that ever really matters is yours.”

Later in the year, Kylie launched an anti-bullying campaign on Instagram by “sharing stories of 6 incredible people who have become heroes in their own way by taking #bullying and turning it into something positive.”

While Kylie typically makes headlines for her scandalous on-and-off relationship with noted d-bag Tyga, we’re happy to see her change it up and use her popularity for a good cause.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Rachel Roy: I Respect Love! Stop Bullying Me!

Rachel Roy has spoken out once again.

The fashion designer is prominently in the news these days, not due to any fashion she has recently designed, but due to an admission she appears to have made.

On Saturday night, Beyonce starred in an HBO special titled “Lemonade.”

It served as an hour-long promotion/visual album for her new record, which goes by the same name.

And multiple tracks on “Lemonade” contain lyrics that imply Jay Z cheated on her with a woman Beyonce dubs “Becky.”

How else should we interpret such lyrics as the following, from the track Hold Up:

Something don’t feel right because it ain’t right, especially coming up after midnight/I smell your secrets and I’m not too perfect to ever feel this worthless.

How did it come down to this, going through your call list?/ I don’t wanna lose my pride but I’ma f**k me up a bitch.

Just a few hours after Beyonce unveiled all this new music to the world, Rachel Roy jumped on Instagram (below) and made a reference to one of the songs, seemingly outing herself as Jay Z’s mistress.

better Roy instagram

Roy is the ex-wife of Jay Z’s former business partner and some believe Solange Knowles shoved Jay Z in that elevator in 2014 because she thought her brother-in-law was way too cozy with Roy.

Ever since Roy posted the above image, she has been harassed online by members of the Beyhive.

One fan of Beyonce’s even edited Roy’s Wikipedia page to say that she died… under a “Lemonade Stand.”

Wrote another misguided Internet user: “Rachel Roy won’t exist by the end of the day.”

Finally sick of all the hate, Roy went back on Instagram yesterday and shared the quote below: 

I respect love, marriages, families and strength. What shouldn’t be tolerated by anyone, no matter what, is bullying, of any kind.

Is Roy denying that she has ever slept with Jay Z here? Mostly, although one could read between the lines and argue otherwise.

More importantly, though, we must ask:

If Jay Z really did cheat on Beyonce, shouldn’t most of the hate be directed at Jay Z?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Kylie Jenner: Is She Bullying Bella Thorne?!

For the latest couple years, Kylie Jenner has been the reigning queen of social media, with 40 million Instagram followers and several million more on Facebook and Twitter.

Bella Thorne is still a far way from those impressive numbers, but she’s been called the next Kylie, and if you’ve ever seen Bella’s racy selfies, it’s not hard to see why.

The ladies have a lot in common (Bella’s even dating a much older dude!), and that’s part of the reason that many think Ms. Thorne is throwing serious shade at Kylizzle in her latest interview with Seventeen.

“I have a mean girl,” Bella revealed. “She’s in the business, and she’s very, very mean. I stay away from her at all costs. I never say hello to her. Her siblings are not mean like she is. It’s just her. 

“One of the reasons I don’t like her is because she’s been a billionaire since she was very little, and she’s never had to work for anything in her life.”

Okay, Kylie’s not literally a billionaire, but she didn’t grow up flying coach, if ya know what we mean. 

We’re not saying Bella is definitely talking about Kylie, but we’re having a tough time thinking of another born-rich teen celeb with famous siblings and a reputation for hazing her peers.

(Kylie was recently accused of harassing a young woman who showed allegedly too much romantic interest in Jaden Smith.)

It seems the class struggle is real for Hollywood’s hottest teens, as Bella is casting herself as a Bernie Sanders-esque woman of the people, and her “mean girl” (who, again is not necessarily Kylie, but c’mon…) as a Trump-like bullying snob.

Elsewhere in the interview Bella even talks about using food stamps as a kid and taking acting jobs in order to help feed her family.

“I’ve never really talked about it. I wasn’t hiding it, and it wasn’t like, ‘Oh, I’m embarrassed because we don’t have money.’ It was, ‘Oh, we don’t have money, so we’re going to work that much harder.’

“It was scary, though, because you really want those jobs. It’s a different hunger when you want your family to eat.”

Well, that’s it. We’ve chosen our side in this epic conflict.

Not only is this a clear case of a wealthy Regina George picking on a plucky Cady Heron, but Bella’s bikini photos are currently our favorite thing on the Internet.

Your move, Kylie.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Kylie Jenner Hangs With Caitlyn Jenner, Rocks Blue Lips For Bullying Prevention Day

Recently, Kylie Jenner took up the cause of bullying prevention.

As someone who’s spent her entire life in the public eye, it’s a problem with which she had plenty of firsthand experience.

After witnessing the hate speech and death threats directed at Caitlyn Jenner following her debut on the cover of Vanity Fair, Kylie says the cause became even more near and dear to her heart.

So what better way to celebrate World Bullying Prevention Day than to step out with Caitlyn Jenner and rock the color of the anti-bullying movement on her famous lips?

“Wearing blue lips today in honor of world bullying prevention,” Kylie posted, along with the pic above.

“#BlueShirtDay2015 #WorldBullyingPreventionDay wear blue and post a pic with the hashtags! Spread love & you will receive. Nothing can be done if we don’t do it together!”

Unfortunately, the same day that Kylie sent a wonderful message to her millions of young fans, she also set a terrible example with yet another “waist training” photo.

We don’t give her too much flak, as obviously no one is perfect, and unlike her sisters, Kylie can use the fact that she’s only 18 as an excuse for falling for jumping on board with the world’s dumbest fitness trend.

Still, she’s clearly aware of how much influence she carries, and we’re hoping she continues to use it for good, and not for encouraging teens to smush their internal organs in the name of beauty.