Alec Baldwin just got a great result in his criminal assault and harassment case, after prosecutors realized the surveillance video created huge problems for them.
Baldwin appeared in an NYC courtroom Tuesday and prosecutors revealed they were willing to not only lower the charge to harassment...
Alec Baldwin Prosecution Blinks ... Cuts Deal
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Alec Baldwin Prosecution Blinks ... Cuts Deal
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Alec Baldwin"s Assault Arrest May Have Been Mutual Combat, Not a Crime
Alec Baldwin may have a good defense in his assault case, because there is some evidence he did not punch his alleged victim as cops first said … and what went down might not be a crime at all. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Wojciech…
Alec Baldwin Denies Punching Man in Fight Over Parking Spot
7:11 PM PT – Alec has denied the allegations on Twitter, stating, “Normally, I would not comment on something as egregiously misstated as today’s story. However, the assertion that I punched anyone over a parking spot is…
Friday, November 2, 2018
Alec Baldwin Punches Guy in Face Over Parking Spot, Gets Arrested
Alec Baldwin has spent the past two years or so punching back at Donald Trump by portraying the President on Saturday Night Live.
But now the actor has been arrested for a different sort of punch back.
As in: Baldwin has been arrested for punching some dude in the face.
According to TMZ and NBC News, the veteran actor got into an altercation with his alleged unnamed victim around 10th Street and 5th Avenue in New York City on Friday.
Insiders tell the aforementioned celebrity gossip website that Baldwin had a friend holding a parking spot for him…
… but that this other fella dared to swoop in and take it.
(It’s unclear at the moment just how the friend was holding the spot for Baldwin.)
Baldwin took exception to what he saw as a parking spot heist, screamed at the perpetrator and then slugged him in the face.
The victim, reportedly a 49-year old male, was then taken to a nearby hospital.
And Baldwin was placed under arrest.
The actor lives in the area and has a well-earned reputation for being a hothead.
The only real surprise in this story is that the man on the receiving end of Baldwin’s fist was not a photographer.
Over the past few years, Alec has mixed it up several times with paparazzi members in the streets of the Big Apple.
He was arrested in May of 2014 for confronting a police officer…
… he verbally abused a Daily Mail writer the year before.
… and he hurled gay slurs at a different photographer in between these incidents, stirring up understandable controversy and drama in the process.
Accompanied by his wife and his daughter during this latter confrontation, which took place almost exactly four years ago, Baldwin referred to his then-nemesis as a “c-cksucking f-g.”
It was a very low moment for the outspoken Liberal.
He apologized afterward and has remained relatively calm ever since. Until now, that is.
Not long after news of Baldwin’s arrest went public, President Trump was asked about the incident and showed surprising restraint by responding with a simple:
“I wish him luck.”
Neither Baldwin nor anyone on his team has spoken out yet about the arrest.
The actor has four children under the age of five with his wife Hilaria, as well as an adult daughter with first wife, Kim Basinger.
He once labeled that daughter, Ireland, as a “pig” in an infamous voicemail he left for her as a child.
But Ireland and her dad have since made up and the former has even defended her dad on Twitter, saying he deserved credit for dealing with what she called “anger management issues.”
He may now need to have that credit revoked, however.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Black People to Alec Baldwin: Shut the Eff Up, Dude!
Alec Baldwin is taking some heat for saying something kind of dumb to The Hollywood Reporter.
Okay, actually:
Alec Baldwin is taking A LOT of heat for saying something VERY dumb to The Hollywood Reporter.
The actor is featured on the latest cover of this publication, touching on nearly every topic of his personal and professional life in the feature story.
But it’s one story he tells in particular, along with his reaction to that story, that has nearly all of Twitter rolling its collective eyes.
At one point while speaking to Baldwin, writer Lacey Rose says that an African-American man named Tyrone approaches Baldwin and compliments him for his role of Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live.
Writes Rose of the encounter:
“Though he’s waving and pointing and causing something of a scene, the often-irritable Baldwin doesn’t mind a bit.
“In fact, he calls Tyrone over and the two begin cracking each other up. It’s hard to tell who’s enjoying the other more.”
Baldwin says this sort of interaction happens “incessantly” these days, elaborating in annoying detail:
I don’t know how to say this and I don’t want to get it wrong either, because everything is a minefield of bombs going off, but ever since I played Trump, black people love me.
They love me. Everywhere I go, black people go crazy. I think it’s because they’re most afraid of Trump.
I’m not going to paint every African-American person with the same brush, but a significant number of them are sitting there going, ‘This is going to be bad for black folks."”
Almost as soon after the article was published online Wednesday, Baldwin was met with major backlash on Twitter.
He may not have wanted to paint every African-American with the same brush — but then maybe he should have tried not doing exactly that.
Alec Baldwin needs to stop talking for black people, reads one tweet, while another agrees:
When liberal white men get too comfortable <<<<<<<<<<<<<.
And another: Someone should tell him that now he sounds like he’s LITERALLY turning INTO Trump by saying this FOOLISHNESS!!
And another: Boy, if you don’t….. Alec ruins everything by opening his mouth. The reason he plays a raging, fading narcissist so well is because he is one.
And another: So he’s implying that black people love him because he made fun of someone he thinks they’re afraid of. Is that racist? That feels racist

Baldwin, of course, is a very outspoken Democrat and Liberal.
He likely meant no harm by this statement.
He likely meant to simply criticize President Trump’s treatment of black people and attitude toward that race.
But he comes across like a pretty huge and conceited moron here and he should probably stop talking for a little while. He needs a timeout.
Baldwin won an Emmy Award last year for his portrayal of Trump.
He has clashed often with the Commander-in-Chief on social media.
Neither the actor nor anyone from his camp has responded yet to this line of criticism from his Hollywood Reporter interview, but it may be worthwhile for Baldwin to issue some kind of apology.
This was not a good look for the star.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Justin Bieber, Hailey Baldwin Not Married, Contrary to Alec Baldwin"s Comment
Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are not married, according to multiple sources directly connected to both, despite what Hailey’s uncle, Alec Baldwin, said. Alec told “Access Hollywood” Monday night, “They just went off and got married. They went…
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Barack Obama"s NBA Junior League Idea Sucks, Says Billionaire Alec Gores
Billionaire dude Alec Gores says Barack Obama’s “NBA Junior” idea ain’t gonna work … and if the NBA and NCAA want to fix college basketball there’s only one way — PAY THE PLAYERS!! Gores is worth a cool $ 2 bil so, when we got him out on the town…
Friday, March 2, 2018
Donald Trump Gets Dunked On By Alec Baldwin In Response Random Trash-Talk
Alec Baldwin made his first appearance as Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live way the hell back in October of 2016, and the show’s been on hiatus for the past three weeks due to NBC’s broadcast of the Winter Olympics.
So why was the president angrily tweeting about Baldwin’s impression at 5:42 this morning?
It’s a good question with several troubling answers.
The most obvious explanation for why the leader of the free world had a man-baby outburst while gnawing on his Egg McMuffin this morning is the fact that Baldwin had some unkind words for Trump in a recent interview.
“Every time I do it now, it’s like agony,” Baldwin recently told The Hollywood Reporter when asked about his Trump impression.
“Anybody over this guy,” Baldwin added. “It doesn’t matter. We have to get rid of him.”
Those are exactly the kind of comments that get under Trump’s skin, so it’s no surprise the president was so upset that even autocorrect couldn’t reason with him this morning:
“Alex Baldwin, whose dieing mediocre career was saved by his terrible impersonation of me on SNL, now says playing me was agony,” Trump tweeted.
“Alex, it was agony for those who were forced to watch. Bring back Darrell Hammond, funnier and a far greater talent!”
That tweet was only live for about 10 minutes before Trump deleted it and replaced with a version in which Baldwin’s name and “dying” were both spelled correctly.
Needless to say, Twitter wasn’t so quick to forget the president’s spelling boo-boos.
But unhinged Trump tantrums are obviously nothing new.
The weird thing about this one is, the Baldwin interview took place back on Wednesday, and the Donald has been never one to buy into the expression about revenge being a dish best served cold.
(After all, the analogy wouldn’t make much sense to someone who only eats food that congeals if it’s left to sit for more than a few seconds.)
The best explanation with regard to the timing seems to be that less than thirty minutes before Trump’s tweet, Baldwin’s interview was mentioned in a segment on Fox News, which is the president’s state-run television network of choice when he’s lounging around the White House in his bathrobe.
Of course, the real reason that Trump decided to start his morning with an old-fashioned Two Minutes Hate is that he’s coming off yet another chaotic week and he’ll do just about anything to change the topic of conversation.
It’s a typically inept move from an administration that aims for Third Reich, but usually misses the mark and lands more in the Keystone Cops area.
That said, we’ll give the Donald credit for one thing – Hammond actually does have the better technical impression, in terms of nailing Trump’s “FBI Mafia informant turned used car salesmen” mannerisms.
But wherever you stand on who serves up the best impersonation of anus-lipped commander-in-chief, there’s no denying that Baldwin’s response left Trump as roasted as one of those well-done steaks he likes so much:
“Agony though it may be, I’d like to hang in there for the impeachment hearings, the resignation speech, the farewell helicopter ride to Mara-A-Lago,” Baldwin tweeted, adding:
“You know. The Good Stuff. That we’ve all been waiting for.”
Get emmmmmm!
As though that wasn’t enough to send DJT into a diaper-filling rade, Baldwin continued:
Looking forward to the Trump Presidential Library. A putting green. Recipes for chocolate cake. A live Twitter feed for visitors to post on.
“A little black book w the phone numbers of porn stars. You’re in and out in five minutes. Just like…”
Baldwin might want to start using his middle name, a la Lee Harvey Oswald, because we’re pretty sure that qualifies as an assassination.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Alec Baldwin as Trump on SNL, Here"s How Harvey Weinstein Could"ve Gotten Away with It
Alec Baldwin jumped in the shower with SNL’s Alex Moffat to mock the paranoia in Washington that everyone is wired. Baldwin reprieved his Donald Trump character, who took Moffat — who plays Paul Manafort — to the shower where it would be…
Friday, November 3, 2017
Alec Baldwin Admits to "Bullying" Women, Engaging In "Sexist" Behavior
Over the past several weeks, a number of Hollywood’s most powerful men have been exposed as serial sexual predators.
The string of scandals began with accusations against Harvey Weinstein that would eventually bring an end to one of the industry’s most esteemed film studios.
In the month that followed, allegations against Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Piven, Brett Ratner, Ben Affleck and many more pulled back the curtain on a culture of abuse and misogyny in the movie industry.
Most of the accused have feigned shock or issued timid confessions in the wake of being called out for their behavior.
Now, actor Alec Baldwin–himself no stranger to allegations of abusive behavior–is attempting to change how Hollywood addresses its ongoing misogyny issues by admitting to mistreating women before he becomes the subject of another scandal.
“I certainly have treated women in a very sexist way. I’ve bullied women. I’ve overlooked women. I’ve underestimated women,” Baldwin told Tonight Show announcer Steve Higgins at a Paley Center event on Thursday night.
“Not as a rule, [but] from time to time, I’ve done what a lot of men do, which is … when you don’t treat women the same way you treat men.”
Baldwin added:
“I’m from a generation where you really don’t, and I’d like that to change. I really would like that to change.”
Though he’s taken some flak for attributing his behavior to his age, Baldwin has mostly been applauded for his comments.
“I think it’s important for us to try to make the workplace and beyond not only comfortable and right and fair and appropriate, but as productive as well,” he explained.
“A lot of what we’re dealing with within this issue is hurting our business. It’s making it less productive.”
A father of four, Baldwin was widely castigated for an abusive voicemail he left for daughter Ireland in 2007 when she was just 11 years old.
Asked if he was aware of abusive behavior from
“I knew of certain things, that there were rumors of things happening to people, but I didn’t necessarily know the scope, when you hear the hundreds and hundreds of women who are complaining about this… It’s been a very eye-opening experience for me personally,” Baldwin said last night.
“We’ve got to be vigilant in a new way to make sure that everybody is comfortable and that we get the job done together that we’re there to do.”
Baldwin did not go into detail about the more shameful behavior of his past, but says that going forward, he will be more conscientious in his interactions with female colleagues.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Alec Baldwin Returns to Saturday Night Live; Destroys Donald Trump
It"s been just about a month since Alec Baldwin came to Saturday Night Live to do his lovely Donald Trump impression.
And, in case you missed it, a lot of things have happened with Trump in the past month.
He bombed Syria, for one, but he also had that massive Trumpcare disaster. Throw in the constant rumors that Melania refuses to move to the White House with him and a bunch of general discontent …
Things haven"t been going too great for ol" Donnie.
And so in this skit, Baldwin"s Trump did just want the real Trump does — he met with his supporters so he can feel good about himself.
Stopping at a little gathering down in Kentucky, Trump gave a short speech about all the "good" things he"s been doing lately.
"The media is saying nice things and no one is talking about Russia," he said. "Wow, what a difference just 59 Tomahawk missiles can make."
Trump was asked questions about new jobs, healthcare, the federal rehab program, afterschool programs, and his answer to all the problems!
To just get rid of all of it, of course! And through pain and anger and tears, the people still told him "You"re my president!"
"See, that"s why I came here," Trump said, "you people stand by me no matter what. It"s like you found a finger in your chili, but you still eat the chili because you told everyone how much you love chili. It"s tremendous."
See SNL"s Trump in action in the clip below:
"SNL" Spoof of Bill O"Reilly and Alec Baldwin Both Played by Alec Baldwin (VIDEO)
Alec Baldwin did double duty on “Saturday Night Live,” playing Bill O’Reilly and supporter in chief Donald Trump. Baldwin spoofed the FNC talk show host, who’s embroiled in controversy over disclosures of sexual assault cases against him that were…
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Alec Baldwin: LYING About Sex Scene With Underage Nikki Reed?!
Alec Baldwin has a new memoir out, and like most things the sometimes-beloved actor is involved with, the release has not been without its share of controversy.
Yes, Baldwin opens up on his feud with Trump. (He even admits they have some things in common!)
And yes, he apologizes for being verbally abusive to Ireland Baldwin when she was a child (still hates her mom, though).
But Baldwin likely penned those parts of his memoir knowing they would spark some conversations that would hopefully lead to a boost in sales.
What he probably didn’t anticipate, however, is the brewing scandal surrounding the portion of the book concerning a racy scene he shot with Nikki Reed in 2006 … when the actress was just 16 years old.
Writing about his experiences shooting the indie film Mini’s First Time, Baldwin had this to say:
“I was 47, and it never occurred to me to ask how old Nikki Reed was.”
“When I found out, just as we finished, that she was 17, I flipped out on the producers, who had told me something different.”
Now, Dana Brunetti, a producer on the film, is claiming Baldwin is doubly full of it:
They say not only was Reed only 16 (not 17, as Baldwin claims), but that the actor was fully informed of her age before the scene was shot.
“My first indie film was Mini’s starring @AlecBaldwin who knew @NikkiReed_I_Am was 16 (not 17) and he didn’t mind,” tweeted producer Brunetti last night.
“In fact (Reed) was one of four actresses (Baldwin) had approved and her being the only one of those four repped by his own agency CAA.”
Brunetti went into greater detail in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter today, even going so far as to hit Baldwin with a Trump-related burn:
“It’s a lie,” Brunetti tells the magazine.
“I read it and was like, ‘What the f—. Of course he totally knew how old she was.”
Brunetti adds:
“He knew before we even cast the movie. I think he’s been method acting Trump too much and he doesn’t know the difference between fake news anymore.”
Fellow producer Ethan Astrowski backed up Brunetti’s version of events, stating:
“What Alec says happened is not accurate. I completely corroborate that. We were on set every day.”
The scene was perfectly legal due to the fact that Reed remained at least partially clothed, but lying about it is still not a good luck for Baldwin.
And he was having such a great, relatively scandal-free year, too!
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Alec Baldwin Teaches Boy Donald Trump Impersonation and It"s SO FANTASTIC!!! (VIDEO)
Alec Baldwin’s got his Donald Trump replacement lined up if ‘SNL’ ever needs one … and he’s just great, so great!!! Alec teaches a young boy his hilarious impression of the prez. The kid — a kid reporter, we think — scored when he got Alec…
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Alec Baldwin Tells Fan "Stay Black" (VIDEO)
Alec Baldwin kept it 100 with a fan in NYC, posing for a pic and telling him, “Stay black” … which we’re guessing he will … ‘cause he’s African-American. Chill. Watch the video. The guy seems to know Alec, and it’s a totally friendly exchange.…
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Saturday Night Live: Alec Baldwin Does Trump in the Alien Apocalypse!
Let"s be real with ourselves for a minute: if anyone could bring on an actual apocalypse, like an honest to goodness, for real apocalypse, it would be Donald Trump, right?
His amount of power plus his amount of ignorance … it"s just not that hard to imagine.
And, according to this glorious skit Saturday Night Live aired last night, it could happen sooner than we think.
Yes, Alec Baldwin brought his half-hilarious, half-terrifying Trump impression back to SNL last night, and instead of poking fun at something ridiculous the president has already done, they looked to the future.
One year into the future, specifically, which is when they predict "aliens from the planet Zorblatt 9" will land on earth and kill us all.
An Army troop is gathered, determined to save the human race from the aliens, who are quickly destroying the world. But before they begin their mission, Trump has some words to share.
He rambles for a moment — so true to real life, right? — and someone asks him what they should do. Trump"s response?
"We are going to bring coal back."
Is it funny or tragic? Then again, isn"t that always the question?
Baldwin"s Trump throws in an Arnold Schwarzenegger jab, a reference to "fake news," and he even manages to work in a racist joke!
Check out the possible future of our country in the video below:
Friday, January 20, 2017
Alec Baldwin Channels Donald Trump, Addresses Protestors
This NOT Just In:
Alec Baldwin is not a big fan of Donald Trump.
The actor and the President-Elect have often clashed as a result of Baldwin"s Saturday Night Live impression, which Trump believes to be terrible and awful and biased and insulting.
Baldwin once offered to stop doing this impersonation, as long as Trump released his tax returns, but no deal was ever reached between the stars.
On Thursday night, meanwhile, Baldwin addressed thousands of anti-Trump protestors who gathered in New York City outside Trump Hotel.
He was one of several celebrities (along with Robert De Niro and Cher, just to name a couple) who attended the event and who addressed those in the crowd.
"I just wanna say I"ve been standing out here in the freezing cold for a long time," Baldwin told the protestors, channeling Trump once again and added:
"I have to go to the bathroom, I have to pee. But I"m holding it in, I"m holding it in, I"m not gonna pee. I"m going to a function at the Russian consulate tonight, I"m going to hold onto it until I get there."
But Baldwin was on hand to offer a few important messages, not just to mock the soon-to-be President of the United States.
Click PLAY to see what he had to say and to see how the giant group gathered in front of him reacted:
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Alec Baldwin Jokes About Carrie Fisher Death, Draws Internet Ire
Like so many celebrities before him, Alec Baldwin has written a Tweet about Carrie Fisher’s death.
Unlike so many celebrities before him, however, Baldwin used this sad occasion to take a swipe at Donald Trump.
Baldwin and the President-Elect, of course, have been engaged in a pretty serious (that is, ridiculous) social media battle ever since the actor started to play the racist bully on Saturday Night Live.
Which is all good and fine and entertaining and everything.
But Baldwin may have taken his disdain for the impending Commander-in-Chief a bit too far when he incorporated his hatred for Trump into a Tweet about Fisher.
Wait… what?!?
How did he manage to pull that off?
“Death comes in threes,” Baldwin Tweeted, jokingly adding: “Carrie Fisher George Michael The integrity of the Oval Office.”
Ummm…. zing, we guess? LOL… to some?
Not to others, however, who felt as though Baldwin showed major disrespect to Fisher by using her passing as a chance to once again lay into Trump.

“SUCH bad taste,” wrote one Internet user, while another said:
“Another idiot that had to politicize someones death instead of just saying R.I.P. Carrie! I guess that’s too much to ask!”
Other criticisms included the following:
– “2 human beings lost their lives. Why make it political. Tacky and tasteless!”
– “Pretty tacky that you linked their deaths to politics. BTW, the integrity of the Oval Office was lost 8 years ago.”
Baldwin worked with Fisher on an episode of 30 Rock.
No one doubts that he meant little harm with his Tweet. But he still should have known better.
Or he should have at least come up with better material.
A joke about Donald Trump being an unfit President is not exactly new, or particularly hilarious. If you’re going to dip your foot in controversial waters, you’ve gotta make sure you’re being funny.
Last month, Lisa Edelstein came under fire for a similar joke.
She quipped that Alan Thicke died to avoid Trump’s presidency, writing of the actor’s death:
“RIP Alan Thicke. Seems like everyone is checking out before the Trumpacolypse.”
Elsewhere across Hollywood, more proper condolences have been pouring in regard to Fisher.
“Yesterday was a horrible day. Carrie was a special, wonderful girl. It’s too soon,” wrote her ex-husband, Paul Simon.
Added former co-star Harrison Ford:
“Carrie was one-of-a-kind…brilliant, original. Funny and emotionally fearless. She lived her life, bravely…My thoughts are with her daughter Billie, her mother Debbie, her brother Todd, and her many friends. We will all miss her.”
And George Lucas:
“Carrie and I have been friends most of our adult lives. She was extremely smart; a talented actress, writer and comedienne with a very colorful personality that everyone loved.
“In Star Wars she was our great and powerful princess—feisty, wise and full of hope in a role that was more difficult than most people might think. My heart and prayers are with Billie, Debbie and all Carrie’s family, friends and fans.”
And, finally, Fisher’s famous mother, Debbie Reynolds:
“Thank you to everyone who has embraced the gifts and talents of my beloved and amazing daughter.
“I am grateful for your thoughts and prayers that are now guiding her to her next stop.”
The Hollywood Gossip continues to send our thoughts and prayers to Fisher’s family, friends and loved ones.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Alec Baldwin to Donald Trump: Let"s Make a Deal!
Based on a recent barrage of Tweets, Donald Trump thinks Saturday Night Live is “unwatchable.”
And yet he continues to watch.
The President-Elect once again made his thoughts on this long-running sketch comedy show known over the weekend, blasting a skit that featured Alec Baldwin doing an impersonation of the mentally unstable real estate mogul.
In the bit, Baldwin made fun of Trump for his real-life penchant of re-Tweeting messages sent by random 16-year olds.
“Just tried watching Saturday Night Live – unwatchable!” Trump wrote in response. “Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can’t get any worse. Sad.”
It’s worth noting that Trump actually has made a habit of re-Tweeting strangers around the country.
And also that the ratings for Saturday Night Live have increased ever since Trump took aim at its impressions of him.
Baldwin, meanwhile, is having a blast; both at portraying Trump as an overwhelmed, immature egomaniac… and also at Trump’s reaction to this portrayal.
The last time Trump went off on SNL, referring to the program as “totally biased” and bizarrely asking for “equal time,” Baldwin shot back as follows:
“Equal time? Election is over. There is no more equal time. Now u try 2 b Pres + ppl respond. That’s pretty much it.”
The actor added:
“You know what I would do if I were Prez? I’d be focused on how to improve the lives of AS MANY AMERICANS AS POSSIBLE.”
This, of course, has become a common refrain among Donald Trump critics.
With all the problems facing this country, with all the violence and hate crimes that have sprung up since Trump’s election along, it’s baffling and depressing that our President-Elect seems more concerned about how he’s portrayed on a comedy show than anything else.
Talk about something that’s “SAD.”
So, what did Baldwin say in response this time around?
He sounds willing to compromise with Trump. It sounds as if he’s willing to stop impersonating the wannabe dictator, in fact.
In reference to his role on SNL and to Trump’s latest problems with it, Baldwin simply Tweeted the following on Sunday:
“Release your tax returns and I’ll stop. Ha.”

There you go, The Donald.
There’s your chance to rid yourself of this pressing annoyance.
Just do the same thing every other serious Presidential candidate has doe for decades and you’ll never have to see Baldwin’s giant pursed lips ever again.
You may expose how much money you owe to various companies and countries around the world by releasing your tax returns.
And you may prove to be not nearly as rich or as successful as you’ve claimed to be.
And who knows how much you’ve managed to NOT pay in taxes during that time…
… but at least you’ll be able to watch Saturday Night Live in peace finally.
What do you say?!?
Monday, November 21, 2016
Donald Trump vs. Alec Baldwin: Saturday Night Live Feud Escalates, Entertains
Donald Trump took a break from slamming Hamilton over the weekend to focus on an even longer-lasting American institution:
Saturday Night Live.
The President-Elect, who hosted the iconic sketch show in late 2015, has taken issue with how he’s been portrayed on SNL ever since Alec Baldwin came on board to impersonate the alleged racist, misogynist and xenophobe.
This past Saturday, SNL opened with Baldwin once again acting as Trump, this time pretending to be overwhelmed beyond belief by the responsibilities of being President.
After General Joseph F. Dunford – chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – entered Trump’s office to say how psyched he was to hear about the “secret” plan to defeat the Islamic State, for example, Trump fired his laptop.
“Okay, right, here we go. Here we go. Big plan. Big plan,” Baldwin said as Trump.
“Google, ‘What is ISIS?’ Oh my… 59 million results.”
This version of Trump then picked up his phone and asked: “Siri, how do I kill ISIS?”
It turned out, however, that he was talking into a Blackberry.
At other points in the skit, “Trump” listened as “Mike Pence” told him that certain items on his agenda (such as persecuting Hillary Clinton and eradicating Obamacare) could be challenging.
And Trump immediately cut him off each time, just telling him to scrap those plans because he didn’t want to deal with them.
Go ahead and watch the full Cold Open below:
The real-life Trump didn’t waste much time on Twitter after the episode aired.
Aghast and annoyed over how he was being made into a joke, Trump Tweeted the following on Sunday morning:
“I watched parts of @nbcsnl Saturday Night Live last night. It is a totally one-sided, biased show – nothing funny at all. Equal time for us?”
Baldwin, an outspoken Democrat, could not sit back and let this ridiculous statement and question slide.
He responded in a series of pointed Tweets, writing the following in response to The Donald.
“You know what I would do if I were Prez? I’d be focused on how to improve the lives of AS MANY AMERICANS AS POSSIBLE.”
The actor also replied in astonishment, not to mention sheer confusion, over Trump’s request for “equal time.”
“Equal time? Election is over,” Baldwin wrote. “There is no more equal time. Now u try 2 b Pres + ppl respond. That’s pretty much it.”
It’s true.
Trump seems to be in need of competition, in need of making this into some kind of game or contest. He somehow can’t even bask in the joy of actually winning the election.
It’s almost like he doesn’t want to govern the county.
What would Baldwin do if he were in Trump’s position right now?
“I’d be focused on improving our reputation abroad, including actually fighting for freedom and not just oil.”
This is not the first time Trump has slammed Baldwin and Saturday Night Live.
In October, he referred to an episode as a “hit job on me. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal sinks. Media rigging election!”
Many people laughed at Trump back then. But you’d think the President-Elect would have gotten the last laugh by now.
And he has.
But does he really seem like he’s enjoying said last laugh?