Showing posts with label Escalates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Escalates. Show all posts

Monday, July 9, 2018

"Double Dare" Trademark Dispute Escalates as Viacom Sues for Name Rights

A heated competition’s brewing over Nickelodeon’s “Double Dare,” but Viacom — which owns the popular game show — isn’t playing around … and filed a lawsuit to prove it. According to new legal docs obtained by TMZ, a man named Charles Armstrong…


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

TMZ Live: Cardi B vs. Nicki Minaj The War Escalates!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Khloe Kardashian: Conflicted Over Baby’s Last Name  Lamar Odom: Comeback In The Works? Stormy Daniels Mystery Suspect Revealed? Wu-Tang Teams Up With James Comey 


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Comedian Michael Blackson Escalates Beef with Kevin Hart During His Stand-Up

Michael Blackson’s taking his feud with Kevin Hart to another level … by doubling down on jokes about Kevin’s height and how he cheated on his pregnant wife. The comedian skewered Hart during a portion of his stand-up set at The Wilbur Theatre in…


Sunday, August 13, 2017

YG Traffic Stop Escalates, "I"m Not Getting Out of the Car"

YG refused to follow orders and get out of his car during a traffic stop because he was afraid cops would do bad things to him. Law enforcement sources tell us … the rapper was cruising Wednesday night in his Mercedes-Maybach in Burbank when…


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Soulja Boy Brings Royalty, Floyd Mayweather Into Chris Brown Beef; Feud Escalates to Next Level

So much for any chance of the momentary detente struck between Chris Brown and Soulja Boy extending to full-on peace accord status.

Chris’ two-year-old daughter, Royalty, has just been dragged into his feud with the rapper, which may send Team Breezy over the edge.

If you haven’t been on the Internet this week, well, you’ve missed quite a show in the form of this explosive Chris Brown-Soulja Boy feud.

It all hilariously started Monday night after the “Crank That” rapper liked an Instagram pic posted by Karrueche Tran, Chris’ ex-girlfriend.

Karrueche dated Chris for years, but the couple broke up.

In 2015. For a guy who beat his previous girlfriend, you’d think Chris would want to not come across as a psycho stalker, but so it goes.

”Chris brown just called and said he wanna fight me,” Soulja said on Twitter, claiming Chris threatened him over his behavior on Insta.

Then the following videos, and threats, were exchanged:

“Aye @chrisbrown pull up n—a and I’ll knock yo Bitch A– out,” SB yelled. “P–sy a– n—a. Stop snorting so much coke n—a! FRUITS.”

Fruits refers to the Fruit Town Pirus, a gang that Chris has long been associated with; Soulja also laid into Chris for beating up Rihanna.

Ya Boy further said that “Karrueche don’t want you n–ga!” and threatened to “beat the f–k out” Brown if he ever returned to the ‘hood.

Seriously, watch the video above. We can’t do it justice.

Chris responded, without irony, that “this s–t is beneath me” … but that he would whomp Soulja’s ass in the boxing ring in three rounds.

Which brings us to these latest bizarre developments …

After Soulja’s mom got mad and he apologized (really), the feud has ramped back up, with Chris’ little daughter, Royalty, now in the mix.

Soulja’s the one who brought her into it, too … mostly.

Again, it started on Instagram, where he shared a photo of Royalty with Floyd Mayweather and TheMoneyTeam (Floyd’s crew) tagged.

The implication? Chris’ two-year-old wants to see her father get his ass lit up in the ring, and that Floyd, the boxing champ, is all for it.

To call this a “low blow” by Soulja is an understatement.

It gets weirder, though. Chris’ baby mama Nia Guzman tagged Floyd in the pic; Soulja just reposted it before the whole thing went viral.

Her explanation of that, when confronted by TMZ?

She says her Royalty picture had nothing to do with Chris and Soulja’s verbal sparring or their threats to duke it out in a boxing match.

Rather, TMT has taken her under its wing. Obviously!

According to Nia, she and the little one have been hanging out with Mayweather recently … and “Floyd is investing in Royalty’s future.”

Yeah. We got nothing. Maybe even less than nothing.

The singer, for his part, is royally (pun not intended) pissed and making it clear that Soulja best back the hell up off his little girl ASAP.

You wanna start with CB, fine. But leave her out of it.

All we can say for sure is that if this keeps going, you might actually see these two throw down, as the Internet is already hoping for:

CB vs. SB


Monday, November 21, 2016

Donald Trump vs. Alec Baldwin: Saturday Night Live Feud Escalates, Entertains

Donald Trump took a break from slamming Hamilton over the weekend to focus on an even longer-lasting American institution:

Saturday Night Live.

The President-Elect, who hosted the iconic sketch show in late 2015, has taken issue with how he’s been portrayed on SNL ever since Alec Baldwin came on board to impersonate the alleged racist, misogynist and xenophobe.

This past Saturday, SNL opened with Baldwin once again acting as Trump, this time pretending to be overwhelmed beyond belief by the responsibilities of being President.

After General Joseph F. Dunford – chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – entered Trump’s office to say how psyched he was to hear about the “secret” plan to defeat the Islamic State, for example, Trump fired his laptop.

“Okay, right, here we go. Here we go. Big plan. Big plan,” Baldwin said as Trump.

“Google, ‘What is ISIS?’ Oh my… 59 million results.”

This version of Trump then picked up his phone and asked: “Siri, how do I kill ISIS?”

It turned out, however, that he was talking into a Blackberry.

At other points in the skit, “Trump” listened as “Mike Pence” told him that certain items on his agenda (such as persecuting Hillary Clinton and eradicating Obamacare) could be challenging.

And Trump immediately cut him off each time, just telling him to scrap those plans because he didn’t want to deal with them.

Go ahead and watch the full Cold Open below:

The real-life Trump didn’t waste much time on Twitter after the episode aired.

Aghast and annoyed over how he was being made into a joke, Trump Tweeted the following on Sunday morning:

“I watched parts of @nbcsnl Saturday Night Live last night. It is a totally one-sided, biased show – nothing funny at all. Equal time for us?”

Baldwin, an outspoken Democrat, could not sit back and let this ridiculous statement and question slide.

He responded in a series of pointed Tweets, writing the following in response to The Donald.

“You know what I would do if I were Prez? I’d be focused on how to improve the lives of AS MANY AMERICANS AS POSSIBLE.”

The actor also replied in astonishment, not to mention sheer confusion, over Trump’s request for “equal time.”  

“Equal time? Election is over,” Baldwin wrote. “There is no more equal time. Now u try 2 b Pres + ppl respond. That’s pretty much it.”

It’s true.

Trump seems to be in need of competition, in need of making this into some kind of game or contest. He somehow can’t even bask in the joy of actually winning the election.

It’s almost like he doesn’t want to govern the county.

What would Baldwin do if he were in Trump’s position right now?

“I’d be focused on improving our reputation abroad, including actually fighting for freedom and not just oil.”

alec b tweet

This is not the first time Trump has slammed Baldwin and Saturday Night Live.

In October, he referred to an episode as a “hit job on me. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal sinks. Media rigging election!”

Many people laughed at Trump back then. But you’d think the President-Elect would have gotten the last laugh by now.

And he has.

But does he really seem like he’s enjoying said last laugh?





Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 3 Recap: The Rage Escalates

Could things really get any worse for Leah Messer? Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 3 answered that question in the wake of her custody fight.

Meanwhile, the tumult of Kailyn Lowry’s life threatened to blow Leah’s drama out of the water this week, which is truly saying something …

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, or follow Leah’s tumultuous personal life at all, you knew this was coming, but still. Man, was it ugly.

Learning that the terms of her custody arrangement with Corey Simms had been reversed, she said, “My nerves are just f–king shot.”

“I just know my girls aren’t coming home. I ain’t dumb. Something’s not right … [the judge] doesn’t understand that’s completely ridiculous.”

Speaking of completely ridiculous, Adam Lind posted what baby mama Chelsea Houska claimed was an inappropriate picture online.

For once, however, we’re not talking about Adam Lind nude selfies on Insta or NC-17 Adam Lind sex photos with his girlfriend Stasia.

No, this was a photo of the couple’s six-year-old daughter, Aubree, that Chelsea felt was not suitable for Lind’s public online audience.

MTV must have agreed, because they did not show it.

Chelsea’s friend weighed in that there were “creepy people” out there that Aubree is “too old for that” … whatever that actually was.

When she confronted Adam and asked him to delete it, his response was “Kidding me? There’s nothing bad about that. What the f–k?”

The Housk was furious. “I literally hate him,” she said.

There was no hate, only love, for the new man in Jenelle Evans’ life, David Eason, a welder and father of two who she met on Tinder.

Again, we already know how this is going to play out.

Spoiler alert: There are fights. There are arrests. It’s just a question of when the footage airs, how bad it gets, and how Barbara reacts.

Further up the East Coast, the anger was flowing hardcore as the men of Kailyn Lowry saw tensions building between them like crazy.

It started when Javi Marroquin went to Isaac’s school and reported back to Kailyn that Jo Rivera could not bathe or dress the kid right.

Kail texted Jo, who became defense as you’d expect.

He replied that Javi should worry about his own kid, and later, Kailyn and Jo got into a fight when she showed up early to pick up Isaac.

MTV, somehow, did not catch this epic argument.

Kailyn filmed portions of it on her cell phone, however, in the event that she needs to go to court – always a good sign of any relationship.

At issue? Jo wearing sweatpants, apparently.

While his slovenly look may seem like kind of a trivial detail, for Lowry it was emblematic of a much bigger issue she sees with Rivera.

“I did question your appearance because to me, at 4:30 on a Sunday, you should have your life together,” Lowry is heard telling Jo.

Javi also got involved, hollering “Take care of your s–tty dog. Take care of your s–t,” and basically saying Jo has no drive or ambition.

Really drilling his wife’s ex where it hurts, Javi said, “Just cause you have another baby, doesn’t mean you neglect your other son.”

Jo Rivera and Vee Torres got engaged recently and have a child of their own, and Kailyn also said that Jo’s a bad role model to Isaac.

“What can he look up to Jo for?” Kail told Javi.

“Telling his mother to go f–k herself?”