Showing posts with label Engaging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Engaging. Show all posts

Friday, November 3, 2017

Alec Baldwin Admits to "Bullying" Women, Engaging In "Sexist" Behavior

Over the past several weeks, a number of Hollywood’s most powerful men have been exposed as serial sexual predators.

The string of scandals began with accusations against Harvey Weinstein that would eventually bring an end to one of the industry’s most esteemed film studios.

In the month that followed, allegations against Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Piven, Brett Ratner, Ben Affleck and many more pulled back the curtain on a culture of abuse and misogyny in the movie industry.

Most of the accused have feigned shock or issued timid confessions in the wake of being called out for their behavior.

Now, actor Alec Baldwin–himself no stranger to allegations of abusive behavior–is attempting to change how Hollywood addresses its ongoing misogyny issues by admitting to mistreating women before he becomes the subject of another scandal.

“I certainly have treated women in a very sexist way. I’ve bullied women. I’ve overlooked women. I’ve underestimated women,” Baldwin told Tonight Show announcer Steve Higgins at a Paley Center event on Thursday night.

“Not as a rule, [but] from time to time, I’ve done what a lot of men do, which is … when you don’t treat women the same way you treat men.”

Baldwin added:

“I’m from a generation where you really don’t, and I’d like that to change. I really would like that to change.”

Though he’s taken some flak for attributing his behavior to his age, Baldwin has mostly been applauded for his comments.

“I think it’s important for us to try to make the workplace and beyond not only comfortable and right and fair and appropriate, but as productive as well,” he explained.

“A lot of what we’re dealing with within this issue is hurting our business. It’s making it less productive.”

A father of four, Baldwin was widely castigated for an abusive voicemail he left for daughter Ireland in 2007 when she was just 11 years old.

Asked if he was aware of abusive behavior from 

“I knew of certain things, that there were rumors of things happening to people, but I didn’t necessarily know the scope, when you hear the hundreds and hundreds of women who are complaining about this… It’s been a very eye-opening experience for me personally,” Baldwin said last night.

“We’ve got to be vigilant in a new way to make sure that everybody is comfortable and that we get the job done together that we’re there to do.”

Baldwin did not go into detail about the more shameful behavior of his past, but says that going forward, he will be more conscientious in his interactions with female colleagues.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Breaking Courtship Rules, Engaging in Premarital Sex?!

Even if you don’t know much about the Duggar family, there’s a good chance that you’re familiar with their incredibly strict courtship rules.

Parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are almost as well known for their extremely conservative views on dating and relationships as they are for their massive brood.

But the latest Duggar daughter to enter a courtship might be refusing to comply with her family’s stringent guidelines.

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth announced their courtship back in November, and fans immediately got the impression that the relationship had been going on much longer than they were letting on.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Joy-Anna and Austin have been an item for well over a year, and that they’ve boldly ignored her family’s courtship rules.

“Despite this ‘courting’ nonsense, Joy-Anna and Austin have actually been having sex together for a year,” says a source close to the family. 

The Duggars not only forbid premarital sex, non-married couples aren’t permitted to engage in any kind of physical contact.

The insider says Joy-Anna and Austin made it clear from the start that they do not share her parents’ beliefs when it comes to sex:

“Jim Bob and Michelle can preach all they want about their children’s chastity, but the plain fact is that their kids are like anyone else’s; when they get to their late teens, their hormones are raging,” the source claims.

“Joy-Anna is no different, and she and Austin went way past the hand-holding stage a long time ago — and it led to them getting the fright of their young lives.”

As for the news that Joy-Anna is pregnant with Austin’s baby – predictably, the story’s been exaggerated, but the insider maintains it does have a factual basis:

“Joy-Anna believed that she had become pregnant by Austin,” says the anonymous family friend.

“Given her family’s beliefs, you can imagine the panic mode that followed for the duo.”

He adds:

“That was obviously a huge sigh of relief for everyone concerned, but it didn’t erase the horror for Jim Bob and Michelle that they had come closer than close to having another family scandal on their hands.”

Obviously, it’s insane to compare consensual sex between two adults to the scandal that ensued after the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls (four of whom were his sisters), but in Jim Bob and Michelle’s eyes, anything that causes their fanbase to question the strength of their faith and the effectiveness of their parenting is a threat.

The Duggars have bizarrely cashed in on their kids’ sexual restraint, and the news that Joy-Anna refuses to remain chaste for her parents’ sake would constitute a tremendous blow to their reputation.

Their fears about being exposed as less pious than they’ve let on may help explain why Joy-Anna and Austin seem to be getting rushed toward the altar.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Jeremy Vuolo: Jinger Duggar"s Fiance Spotted Engaging in WEIRD Behavior With Own Cousin!

Reports that Jessa Duggar is pregnant with her second child are dominating today’s Duggar news and providing some much-needed publicity for the second season of Counting On which happens to not-so-coincidentally premiere tonight.

But while the expansion of the Seewald clan will no doubt receive plenty of screentime, the show will reportedly focus primarily on the courtship between Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo.

Yes, Jinger and Jeremy are engaged and Counting On cameras were reportedly on hand to capture the early days of the couple’s relationship.

(They’ve only been dating for a few months, so in a way, we guess it’s still the early days.)

There’s no word yet on whether or not the JinJer wedding will be televised, but Vuolo was recently on hand for another couple’s nuptials, and you can bet the events of that night will definitely not be featured on a Duggar-approved show.

In fact, you can be sure Jinger’s parents are doing some serious cringing today:

The Duggar Family News Facebook page recently posted the above photo along with a caption reading:

“Jeremy doing the garter tradition to his cousin. I’m pretty sure we won’t see this at his wedding.”

Yes, the leg that Jeremy is getting so up close and personal with belongs to his cousin.

Now, to be fair, the garter thing is sort of like the bouquet toss for the single men at a wedding.

It’s not uncommon, but it’s a little weird in this case for a few reasons:

For starters, let us repeat that that’s Jeremy’s cousin.

That’s weird on its own, but considering he’s soon to marry into a family was recently involved in an incestuous sex scandal, you would think he’d just take a pass.

Speaking of Jeremy joining the Duggar clan, the family is so chaste that they don’t even allow engaged couples to kiss before the wedding.

Considering they don’t even allow their daughters to expose their ankles in public, we imagine that Jim Bob and Michelle aren’t too cool with the garter tradition.

Watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for tonight, then check out the premiere to see if Jer has some explaining to do.

He might find himself on the receiving end of a Jim Bob glare that could bend a spoon.