Showing posts with label Fiancé. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fiancé. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2016

LuAnn de Lesseps: Why Did She Forgive Fiance Tom D"Agostino Jr.?

He made her look like a total ass hat on The Real Housewives of New York, but LuAnn de Lesseps still wants to marry fiance Tom D"Agostino Jr.

Entertainment Tonight had a sit-down with de Lesseps at her Hamptons home, where they discussed her relationship with D"Agostino and where they stand after he was caught kissing another woman days after proposing to the reality star.

The revelation unfolded on camera, with de Lesseps pacing back and forth in a hotel room, furious as her future husband (whom she had dated for about 6 minutes before he proposed), admitted that he done wrong.

It turns out that all is forgiven, and the wedding is still on.

"We love each other,” de Lesseps told ET.


“I always say if you can"t forgive the people you love, then who can you forgive? … I"m not going to let a silly kiss ruin the rest of our lives.”

The couple"s talk made de Lesseps wonder if they should move forward with wedding plans, but…nah.  It was just a dumb mistake.

“If he was trying to hide something would he really be in public? In the middle of the Regency Hotel? Kissing somebody?” she asked.

“I think he was just being stupid, and people make mistakes.”

Oh, girl.  Come on.

“I think the key is to know and believe that someone is truly remorseful and somebody truly made a mistake, that there was no premeditation,” she continued.

“I think it was not premeditated — I think it was a silly move and something that he feels really terrible about, and that meant really nothing to him.”


The Countess and Mr. Kissing Bandit plan to wed in Palm Beach on New Year"s Eve.  While de Lesseps confirmed that co-star Sonja Morgan is on the invite list, she"s not so sure about those other bitches.

“I’m still working on my guest list,” she claimed. “This is the most exciting time of my life, getting married again after all this time. I am thrilled. I am not going to let what has happened on the show ruin the most exciting time of my life."

Translation: Ramona "Stinger" Singer is not invited.

As for Bethenny Frankel? She"s on de Lesseps" shit list for not coming straight to her with evidence that D"Agostino cheated.

“She should’ve talked to me first,” she told People Magazine.

“Not the other women, not tried to call Tom, but talk to me. I find that very bizarre. It’s terrible.

"That’s not somebody who has your best interest in mind – that’s someone who has their own agenda. [They] don’t have my back.” 

I don"t usually say this, but I agree with the Countess.

Luann de lesseps why did she forgive fiance tom dagostino jr

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Farrah Abraham Buys Her Own Engagement Ring, Still Without a Fiance

Farrah Abraham is the owner of a 14-carat engagement ring, but she is not getting married anytime soon.

On last night’s season premiere of Teen Mom OG, Abraham told her mom, Debra Danielson that her boyfriend, Simon Saran has “organized” a proposal of sorts, but it was Abraham who picked up the tab.

Not only has Saran not proposed, but he hasn’t paid her back for the ring.

“He said to get it and was excited about it … I thought he was going to purpose and nothing has ever happened,” Abraham told her mom over the phone.

“I have this ring … and Simon still hasn’t paid me back for it. I’m just really upset he did that.”

Debo couldn’t help but marvel at the ring as mom and daughter Facetimed, but was furious that Saran would do such a thing.

Later on in the episode, Abraham met up with her friend, Jenna at her Los Angeles hotel room, and told her the same story.

“I bought an engagement ring and it’s at my house,” Abraham told Jenna.

“I pretty much hid because I was like, ‘I don’t know what to do with this.’ And then he never pays me back for it or proposes and it’s like someone teasing me.”

When Jenna suggested that perhaps they weren’t meant to be, Abraham silent response spoke volumes.

“I’m not getting what I want and it’s really annoying,” Abraham, 25, told her. “So, we’ll see.”

In another scene, Saran joined Abraham while she was looking for homes in LA.  Things reached a boiling point, because these two can’t be in the same room as each other without fighting.

 “You’re interrupting me when I was trying to talk to you,” Saran said to his non-fiancee.

“If you’re worried about interrupting, than maybe you’re not the right person to talk to me then,” Abraham shot back.

Turn that ring into a piece of property, or put it into your 401k, Farrah.  This dude is not going to propose to you any time soon.

Jeremy Vuolo: Jinger Duggar"s Fiance Spotted Engaging in WEIRD Behavior With Own Cousin!

Reports that Jessa Duggar is pregnant with her second child are dominating today’s Duggar news and providing some much-needed publicity for the second season of Counting On which happens to not-so-coincidentally premiere tonight.

But while the expansion of the Seewald clan will no doubt receive plenty of screentime, the show will reportedly focus primarily on the courtship between Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo.

Yes, Jinger and Jeremy are engaged and Counting On cameras were reportedly on hand to capture the early days of the couple’s relationship.

(They’ve only been dating for a few months, so in a way, we guess it’s still the early days.)

There’s no word yet on whether or not the JinJer wedding will be televised, but Vuolo was recently on hand for another couple’s nuptials, and you can bet the events of that night will definitely not be featured on a Duggar-approved show.

In fact, you can be sure Jinger’s parents are doing some serious cringing today:

The Duggar Family News Facebook page recently posted the above photo along with a caption reading:

“Jeremy doing the garter tradition to his cousin. I’m pretty sure we won’t see this at his wedding.”

Yes, the leg that Jeremy is getting so up close and personal with belongs to his cousin.

Now, to be fair, the garter thing is sort of like the bouquet toss for the single men at a wedding.

It’s not uncommon, but it’s a little weird in this case for a few reasons:

For starters, let us repeat that that’s Jeremy’s cousin.

That’s weird on its own, but considering he’s soon to marry into a family was recently involved in an incestuous sex scandal, you would think he’d just take a pass.

Speaking of Jeremy joining the Duggar clan, the family is so chaste that they don’t even allow engaged couples to kiss before the wedding.

Considering they don’t even allow their daughters to expose their ankles in public, we imagine that Jim Bob and Michelle aren’t too cool with the garter tradition.

Watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for tonight, then check out the premiere to see if Jer has some explaining to do.

He might find himself on the receiving end of a Jim Bob glare that could bend a spoon.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: BACK TOGETHER With Abusive Fiance?!

Earlier this month, Lindsay Lohan accused her fiance, Egor Tarabasov, of cheating in a bizarre late-night social media rant in which she also hinted that she was carrying his baby.

We now know that Lohan is not pregnant – but the situation with Tarabasov is far worse than previously thought.

Video that emerged on August 5 showed Lohan and Tarabasov engaged in a physical altercation in public.

The clip seemed to suggest that Lohan was in, at best, a disturbingly unhealthy, unstable relationship.

At worst, it appeared to reveal that she’s a victim of domestic abuse.

In the midst of the public outcry that followed the video, Lohan announced that she had broken up with Tarabasov.

Fans were relieved, as it seemed that after years of self-destructive behavior, the troubled actress was finally acting in her own best interest.

Now, however, it seems that reports about Lohan lying about her breakup were accurate, and she is still planning to marry the Russian billionaire.

Seemingly as a means of announcing that she and Tarabasov were back on, Lindsay posted this photo of herself wearing the lavish emerald engagement ring with which he proposed:

She removed it shortly after the video leaked earlier this month.

Lohan gave no explanation for the reconciliation, but several fans expressed concerns about the 30-year-old continuing her relationship with Tarabasov.

She’s made no formal announcement, but at this time it seems that Lohan is planning to proceed with her plans to marry Tarabasov.

Hopefully those closest to her are monitoring the situation closely.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: In Denial As Friends Urge Her to Leave Abusive Fiance?

Earlier today, video of a physical altercation between Lindsay Lohan and her fiance, Egor Tarabasov, was leaked online, drawing astonished reactions from fans.

The footage, which many have described as highly disturbing, is being taken by some as definitive evidence that Lindsay was desperately crying out for help when she described herself as a “victim of domestic violence” early on in her relationship with Tarabasov.

The accusatory post was quickly deleted, but it was only the beginning of Lindsay’s very public relationship troubles.

Red flags have been appearing for months, and last week, family and friends became deeply concerned when Lindsay accused Egor of cheating during a bizarre, late-night social media rant.

“Lindsay is trying to make this seem okay and it is just not okay,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“Her family and friends think that she is in danger now and she cannot hide it anymore.”

The insider adds that Lohan’s inner circle is concerned, as despite the fact that she’s made a number of shocking accusations against Tarabasov, she always ends up going back to him.

“It seems like there is nothing that anyone can do,” says the source.

“Lindsay cut herself off from all of her network of people and she has become Egor’s puppet,” the pal said, adding, “Lindsay said that she does not want to live without him!”

“No one knows what to do because she seems out of her mind right now.”

Sadly, it’s a cycle that’s familiar to many who have loved ones who have been victims of abuse.

“Many of Lindsay’s close friends hate him and have been begging her to leave him for good,” said the source.

“Lindsay flipped out on everyone and said that no one wants to see her happy.”

Lohan’s father, Michael Lohan, is particularly angry and has stated that he would relish the opportunity to give Tarabasov a taste of his own medicine:

“I welcome the opportunity for him to sit down with me face to face,” Michael said.

“I’d give him the opportunity to slap me, so I would have a reason to man-handle him like he did Lindsay.”

He added, “He isn’t worth going to jail for.”

Michael previously praised Egor and stated that he believed Tarabasov and his family had the power to “save Lindsay’s career.”

Even after several indications that Lindsay’s relationship was with Egor was unhealthy, Michael expressed his excitement over the possibility that his daughter was carrying Tarabasov’s child:

As for Lindsay throwing Egor’s phone, Michael says the 22-year-old Russian real estate 

Lohan has yet to respond to the controversy over the footage that was released today.

Tellingly, the 30-year-old actress made her Instagram page private shortly after the video appeared online.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Slams Fiance for Cheating, Hints at PREGNANCY

Oh, Lindsay Lohan.

You had such a good run there of being quiet, sane and seemingly in love

On Saturday night, the often-troubled actress went on a major Twitter rant against fiance Egor Tarabasov, accusing him of cheating on her… 

… and also implying that SHE’S PREGNANT.

The problems actually began on Friday, with Lohan sharing a Snapchat video (captioned “ET phone home”) in which she said:

“My fiancé’s being really angry at me, but I’m drinking water to get him to come home. Honey, come home, please.”

A day later, Lohan really let Egor having it, posting a number of messages and pictures across Twitter and Instagram.

For instance, she posted a picture on Instagram with her man that depicted his face obscured by scribbles.

“He wore black and I wore white…” she wrote, quoting the 1966 Cher song “Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)” along with three wise monkey emojis and an anchor.

“I guess #art is whatever you make of it,” she added.

Sure. We guess so.


Several days ago, Lohan threw Tarabasov’s phone in the sea, although she later claimed it was just a joke.

“I guess I was the same at 23…” Lohan later wrote of her younger fiance. “S—ty time-it changes at 26/27 @e2505t thanks for not coming home tonight. Fame changes people.”

She wrote those words as a caption to the following image of the couple:

How did fame allegedly change him in this case?

Shorty afterwards, Lindsay shared a photo of Tarabasov at a party along with the caption:

“Wow thanks #fiance with Russian hooker @dasha_pa5h.”

(She was referring to Dasha Pashevkina, whose Instagram account has since been deleted.)

From there, the former Mean Girls star shared a video that was anything but fetch: it featured her fiancé partying and it included the message:

“Home? First time in my life-bare with he/ he cheated on me with hooker #meangirls #meanboysu b.”

An hour later, Lohan tweeted a link to pictures of herself with a baby bump from her 2009 movie Labor Pains, which is about a woman who pretends to be pregnant.

“Lindsay Lohan labour pains trainer – I am pregnant!!” she wrote.



In late June, Lohan said she would definitely consider having kids in the future.

We know: that’s a scarier thought than Jon and Kate Gosselin getting back together to have more children.

A short while after this frightening implication, Lindsay Instagrammed and then deleted an email address and mailing address of the woman she claimed Tarabasov was with, captioning it as follows:

“It’s legal if you’re selling yourself and not a Russian from #moscow right my baby @e2505t.”

For some reason, she hashtagged Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump with the message.

In April, Lohan got engaged to her then-22-year-old boyfriend of eight months, who gave her with a five-carat emerald ring at the time.

Now, however, it appears that he’s given her a heart attack.

And perhaps some sperm to help create a baby. Yikes.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Matt Baier Child Support Cases Dropped! Is Amber Portwood"s Fiance Telling the Truth?!

Earlier today, we reported that Amber Portwood’s fiance, Matt Baier, was called the “ultimate con artist” by his own son.

Needless to say, no one seemed very surprised by the 26-year-old’s assessment of his estranged father.

After all, Baier allegedly has nine kids by seven different baby mamas, most of whom have filed suit against the 45-year-old deadbeat dad over the course of the past year.

Several women have claimed that they were unable to locate Baier in order to demand that he pay for years of back child support.\

Others say he declared financial hardship, and they decided to go after him once he started bringing in those hefty Teen Mom checks.

Whatever the reason that he got away with it so long, it looked like the jig was up for Baier.

But then something completely unexpected happened…

The case started turning in Baier’s favor.

First, Baier avoided a showdown in court by securing a delayed hearing that would allow his lawyers to shore up a better defense.

Apparently the extra time was all they needed, because Radar Online is reporting that two of Baier’s five child support cases have been dropped.

It’s safe to assume non-disclosure agreements were part of the ruling, as none of the parties involved have spoken publicly about the case.

It’s possible that Baier and the unidentified women have settled out of court, or that the claimants are planning to refile in a different court.

Whatever the case, the other women who claim they’ve been stiffed by Baier remain outspoken on the topic of their ex:

“I’m repulsed by him,” said his ex Jeannette Reedy in a recent interview.

That seems to be the consensus, Jeannette.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Bachelor Ben Higgins on Fiance: "I Put Her Through Hell and Back"

The season 20 finale of The Bachelor doesn’t air for another two weeks, but as we reported yesterday, we do know that Ben Higgins is engaged.

And though Ben doesn’t reveal to whom he bestowed that final rose, our Bachelor Spoilers gave us the answer long ago.


On Monday’s episode, Ben revealed that he was in love with two of the contestants, JoJo Fletcher and Lauren Bushnell, and he told them so.

Clearly, professing your love for two women on camera for all the world to see presents a bit of conflict – not only for Ben, but for the two apples of his eye.

Ben loves two but can only pick one. The one who isn’t picked has to live with that rejection. But the one who does get picked has to deal with the knowledge that her fiance is in love with someone else.

We’re guessing Ben didn’t really think ahead on that one.

Now here’s the twist (LOOK AWAY if you don’t want spoilers)… 

Ben picked Lauren. But sources say she was so freaked out about his love for JoJo that it caused the couple unsurmountable problems, leaving some to believe he ultimately went with option #2

So who’s the fiance? We don’t know, but according to Ben, it hasn’t been easy for her.

“I’ve had tough conversations,” Ben told Us Weekly. “I put her through hell and back.”

Dang. We kinda wish the camera was rolling for those convos. That’s where the friggin’ gold is.

“We continue to move forward because we continue to communicate,” insisted Higgins. “She’s been supportive and loving, and ultimately we’re going to get through it. We have gotten through it.”

Still, Ben says he has no regrets about telling the two women he loved them, because no one ever likes to admit they regret things.

“You can go back and regret things,” he says, “but it put me in a place now where I’m very happy.”

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Matt Baier: Amber Portwood"s Fiance Has EIGHT Kids?!

Last week, it was widely reported that Amber Portwood’s fiance Matt Baier has seven kids by as many as five different women.

Portwood defended Baier and issued a statement denying that the dude has as many kids as Snow White had dwarves. Turns out she was right. Radar Online is not reporting that Baier has eight kids!

Yes, the site claims to have located a sixth baby mama who says she has an 8-year-old daughter with Baier.

Kelly Maguire Nunn is a 36-year-old Boston native who says that Baier proposed to her and got her pregnant during their brief relationship – and then abandoned her.

While she is not one of the five women taking Baier to court for back child support, Nunn claims the 44-year-old deadbeat dad owes her more than $ 10,000.

According to Nunn, she and Baier met and started dating in 2007 while they were both employees at a Frito-Lay warehouse in Massachusetts.

She says he popped the question using almost the exact same speech he used when he proposed to Portwood.

“He asked me to meet him at work, and he gave a very similar speech,” she tells Radar.

“He said, ‘This is where we met and bonded, we’re two peas in a pod.’ It was almost verbatim what he said to Amber.”

Nunn claims Baier insisted that they start a family immediately, but left without a trace when she was just one month pregnant.

He reportedly met their daughter only once, at which time he dragged Nunn and the young girl to a casino where he dropped a bombshell on his former fiancee:

“He said, ‘I’ve been spending a lot of time with her. I know she’s mine and I should feel a bond, but I don’t feel anything,’” Nun  says.

“He’s a pathological liar, a con man. I bet he thinks he found the jackpot with Amber.”

Sadly, Amber seems to be completely deaf to that sort of warning.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Amber Portwood"s Fiance is a "Good Conman," Says His Ex

Gary Shirley was right to be suspicious of Amber Portwood’s fiance, Matt Baier, because the dude is sketchy.

Baier, 44, has actually fathered at least eight children, and is being taken to court on March 22nd by each and every mom for unpaid child support.

One of the mothers is Baier’s ex-fiance, Kelly, who recently revealed all sorts of details about their relationship to The Ashley.

“He gets into your head, he’s a good conman,” Kelly said.

“I thought he was the one for me, that we belonged together. He has this way of making you think that everyone else is crazy. [And] He loves you like no one else.”

Kelly and Matt met at work in 2007, started dating, and then,”within a month he had moved in,” she recalled.

Shortly after, Baier proposed to Kelly pretty much the same way he did with Amber.

“The speech he gave before proposing to Amber was almost verbatim to what he told me when he asked me to marry him,” Kelly explained, adding that he wanted to knock her up right away.

Kelly was hesitant, and wanted to wait until after the wedding to try and have kids, but Baier “was really pressing to have a baby.” 

Sooner after, Kelly was pregnant.  And Baier went bye bye.

“I found out I was pregnant in September and by October, Matt was GONE!”

Kelly, who had no idea Baier fathered so many other children, kept in touch, just assuming he was freaked out that everything was moving so fast (even though it was all at his insistence).

Kelly gave birth to a daughter, but Matt didn’t meet her until she was a month old.  He even had the balls to introduce himself as “her sperm donor,” Kelly said.

Matt disappeared again until their daughter was two, at which time he came crawling back, “begging for forgiveness.” 

The threesome took a trip, which Kelly hoped would connect Matt with his daughter, but he admitted he “didn’t feel anything” for the child.  

So, the two never spoke again, and Kelly moved on with her life, while Matt met another woman and fathered yet another kid.

Now married, Kelly told the site she was watching Teen Mom OG, her “guilty pleasure,” when she saw Baier on the show.

“It was surreal,” she said. “When I saw him on there I almost died.” 

Kelly watched his relationship with Amber unfold, noticing a lot of similarities.

“He didn’t do the shady stuff all at once, this is trickling in for her,” Kelly explained.

“When you’re with him, you don’t see the red flags. It wasn’t until afterward that I saw everything and I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t seen it before.” 

“My advice to Amber would be to RUN! Don’t get pregnant, that’s the big thing,” Kelly warned.

On a January 18th after-show, Portwood admitted to getting cold feet before her October nuptials to Baier.  

“It wasn’t cold feet about the wedding,” Baier told OK! after.

“It wasn’t about not wanting to get married … it was that it’s now coming up so soon and that she just got very, ‘OMG, I can’t believe I’m actually getting married because I never thought I would.’”

“Everything is great!” he added.

My God, Amber Portwood. RUN.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Matt Baier: Amber Portwood"s Fiance is a Lying Thief, Former Friend Claims

It takes a lot for Amber Portwood to realize she’s made a bad decision, but we’re guessing even she’s starting to realize that getting engaged to Matt Baier was a big mistake.

Amber was warned against getting involved with Matt from the start, but – as is her tendency – she ignored the sound advice of her family, friends, and fans and rushed headlong into an awful situation.

As we learned on this week’s episode of Teen Mom: O.G. Matt appears to have seven kids from multiple different women, some of whom he may not have seen in years.

Now, it seems Baier is being sued by five baby mamas for back child support.

Needless to say, Baier is looking pretty shady these days, and the latest from report from Radar Online featuring a troubling story from a former friend certainly isn’t helping.

Judy Cornett is a well-known child safety activist who’s been a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show and written countless articles advocating for at-risk youth.

She met Baier in 2008, and – thinking that he was similarly passionate about the issue – invited him to stay at her home so that they could attend a protest together.

She began to regret the mistake when Baier wouldn’t stop coming on to her.

“He was very flirtatious, but I wasn’t receptive to it,” Cornett claims. 

Baier lingered in Cornett’s home in Tampa for a full two weeks, during which time Cornett made an appearance on a local television show, for which she was paid $ 1,500 in cash.

After leaving Baier alone in the house to run errands, Cornett returned home to find that the money was gone.

Cornett says Baier denied stealing the cash and broke down in tears. Shortly thereafter, he claimed he had a friend wire him the money and gave her the entire missing sum.

I made him get in a cab and leave,” Cornett says. “I never saw him again.”

She concludes her interview with Radar with a personal message for Amber:

“Please understand that this is not a personal vendetta against Matt and I am not trying to create any problems for your TV show. I’m a mother and I also care for you and your sobriety,” Cornett says.

“I am fearful that Matt has not changed. I personally feel that he is still continuing his behavior of conning, manipulating and lying his way through life. He has been searching for that pot of gold and I believe he probably thinks he has found it with you.”

Amber, you may want to listen. It could save you a lot of trouble.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Michelle Dockery Pays Tribute to Late Fiance

Three days after John Dineen passed away from cancer, Michelle Dockery paid moving tribute to her fiance at his funeral service in Cork, Ireland.

The sad event took place a day after Dineen would have turned 35 years old and just a few miles down the street from the farm on which he grew up.

“I was honored to know John, to love him and be loved by him,” said the Downton Abbey star, according to The Irish Times.

“He was my friend, my king, my hero, my everything. We celebrate him, we honor him and we will miss him.”

Dockery was introduced to Dineen through her co-star Allen Leech.

He died while under hospice care on Sunday, following a difficult battle with a rare form of cancer that lasted most of the year.

The same newspaper confirms that Dockery also quietly sang the 1937 Oscar Hammerstein song “The Folks Who Live on the Hill.”

“John’s charm was legendary,” the actress added in her speech.

“He could persuade anyone to do what he wanted in the least pushy way possible – particularly the women. He had a presence that was electric when he came in to the room. He had a wicked sense of humor. He had a genuine interest in other people.”

We send our thoughts and prayers to all who knew John Dineen.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

John Dineen Dies; Fiance of Actress Michelle Dockery Was 34

John Dineen – the fiancé of Downton Abbey star Michelle Dockery – has passed away at the age of 34.

Michelle Dockery, John Dineen

A senior director at a London-based consulting firm, Dineen had been battling a rare form of cancer since earlier this year.

With Dockery at his bedside, he passed away on Sunday at a hospice facility near his birthplace in Cork County, Ireland.

Dockery – who is best known for her role as Lady Mary Crawley on the acclaimed British period drama – began dating Dineen in 2013 after they were introduced by her Downton co-star Allen Leech.

She released a statement through her publicist today in which she thanked fans for their “kindness and support.”

The statement concluded with a request that the Dineen and Dockery families be “left to grieve in private.”

Fiercely protective of her privacy, Dockery was rarely seen in public with Dineen and avoided mentioning their relationship in interviews.

She first mentioned her in engagement in a September 2014 interview, saying, “I have a wonderful man in my life from Ireland.” 

Reps for Dockery have stated that she will not be speaking publicly on the matter of Dineen’s death and that fans and well-wishers donate to cancer research organizations in lieu of sending gifts.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Gary Shirley to Amber Portwood: Your Fiance Has SEVEN KIDS!

“Her fiancé has seven kids and she don’t even know about this,” Gary Shirley, Amber Portwood"s ex, boldly yet casually declares on Teen Mom: OG.


In the first Teen Mom Season 5 trailer, there was no doubt about the fact that the OGs are all facing their share of adversity this coming season.

(Okay, maybe not Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell, who remain the most perfect couple EVER, but that"s a tangent for another time.)

But look, it"s always a rough road for Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley, and this snippet from the new season, kicking off January 4, shows it.

Gare-Bear is seen telling his attorney the alleged fact above about Baier, Amber"s fiance, just before the camera cuts to her yelling at Shirley.

“I’ve been with this man over a year, I think I know him,” Portwood says, defending her man whose romance with her has been suspect at best.

Still, “we are very happy,” she told MTV News of her partner.

“I’ve never felt this way about somebody else in my life.”

Matt Baier popped the question last November, as fans who watch Teen Mom online likely remember. A year later, they are going strong.

The single mom shares daughter Leah, 6, with Shirley, but requests legal joint custody of their little girl – a big step up – this season.

“I’ve been out for three years and I’m sober,” she says.

“I want joint custody of my daughter.”

Given that she"s been in prison, while Gary Shirley and Kristina Anderson got married and are chilling at home making babies of their own?

That could be a tall order for Ambs.

Gary shirley to amber portwood your fiance has seven kids