Showing posts with label Baier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baier. Show all posts

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Amber Portwood Accuses Matt Baier of Abuse on Marriage Boot Camp!

In just a few short weeks, we will be receiving such a delightful, exciting gift …

And that gift is the premiere episode of the new season of Marriage Boot Camp!

This season, we"re most excited to see Amber Portwood work through her issues with Matt Baier, because even though their relationship obviously didn"t work out, there"s still a lot we"d like to know about their breakup.

We"re also dying to see if Andrew Glennon, her new boyfriend/baby daddy and a crew member for Marriage Boot Camp, makes any sort of cameo.

Plus, if you know Amber, then you know that she"s completely incapable of not bringing the drama, right?

And thanks to this special little sneak peek of what has to be some of her most explosive scenes, we know that she really, really brought it.

The clip begins with sirens and flashing text that reads "Amber Alert," which is in kind of poor taste, considering what Amber Alerts actually are, but we get it.

Next, we see her hitting a punching bag with a baseball bat, then she yells "F-ck you, bitch!" at someone — it looks like her mother.

"Do I look f-cking high?!" she screams at someone else.

Later, Amber tells Brandi Glanville to "shut the f-ck up before I flip this f-cking table against your goddamn head," and while we don"t know the context, it does seem to be a bit of an overreaction.

In another scene, this one with Matt, she tells him that he"s a "piece of sh-t," to which he responds with an incredulous "really?"

"Why do you think I"m so angry?" she asks. "Because you hit me!"


So there"s basically two things this could mean.

One, they did one of those therapeutic exercises that they do on the show, he accidentally hit her during it, and thanks to her clear anger issues during this time, it set her off.

Two, he was physically abusive to her during their relationship.

Unfortunately, there is some evidence to that second option — for example, last summer, right around the time she would have been filming this, she admitted in an Instagram rant that she"d been the victim of domestic violence.

"I"ve been through domestic violence," she said then. "I was the one on the other f-cking end with the domestic violence — it went both ways."

"However," she added, "I never opened my motherf-cking mouth about anybody ever f-cking hitting me! Anybody! Because that"s what a real f-cking woman does!"

"That"s what a real woman does. I can f-cking take that!"

Obviously that"s not true, and it"s really truly awful to state that "real women" don"t seek help if they"re being abused.

But Simon Saran, Farrah Abraham"s sometimes boyfriend, claimed that this was true — he even specified that "Matt has punched her on several occasions."

At the very least, we know that Amber is prone to violent relationships, because we saw her beat Gary Shirley more than once in the early seasons of Teen Mom.

There were also rumors that Amber was abusive to Matt, complete with a photo of Matt"s injuries that he claimed were from a separate incident altogether.

It"s all very, very suspicious, isn"t it?

Check out Amber in action in the video below:

Amber portwood accuses matt baier of abuse on marriage boot camp

Monday, February 5, 2018

Fox News" Bret Baier Lost Super Bowl Bet to CNN"s Jake Tapper

Honestly didn’t see this one coming … a FOX News reporter made a friendly Super Bowl bet with CNN’s Jake Tapper — and the REAL winner is a charity for military vets.  We spotted FOX News chief political anchor Bret Baier at LAX and asked…


Monday, January 22, 2018

Matt Baier: CAUGHT Cheating On New Wife! (Exclusive)

Back in November, Teen Mom OG fans were stunned by the news that Amber Portwood"s ex-fiancé, Matt Baier, had gotten married.

The announcement came as a shock, not only because Matt and Amber had only broken up a few months earlier, but also because the public wasn"t even aware that Matt was dating anyone.

We later learned that Matt and Jennifer Conlon got hitched after just a few weeks of dating.

Fans on social media offered words of caution about Baier, whose sketchy behavior was well-documented during his time on MTV.

Conlon dismissed their concerns, but new evidence obtained exclusively by The Hollywood Gossip suggests she may want to consider the possibility that Matt is every bit as shady as he appears…

1. The Baier Truth

Matt baier is perplexed

Matt didn’t earn a lot of fans during his time as a reality star, thanks in part to allegations of unpaid child support, infidelity, and drug use. He claims he was misrepresented on the show, but evidence obtained by The Hollywood Gossip indicates that Matt may have already been unfaithful to his new wife…

2. Meet Mimi

Matt baier in a hotel lobby

A woman identified only by the alias “Mimi” revealed to us that she and Baier have been carrying on an online relationship that has continued despite the fact that he’s now married to Conlon. “Matt and I met on Snapchat a couple of months ago, and when he sent the message saying he was deleting his Snapchat, I asked him about it and he sent me his number and said to keep it private, we have texted almost every day since, and he even calls me every now and then,” Mimi claims.

3. Married Matt

Matt baier and jennifer conlon

When Matt got married, Mimi eventually found out about it … but not from Baier: “There was about a 2 day span where he ‘disappeared’ on me, which as I found out was when he got married. It has been confirmed to me from an editor at another gossip site/magazine that he is in fact married and that the number I have is really his number,” she writes us.

4. The Con Is On

Amber portwood matt baier selfie

In the past, Baier has been accused of using women (with Amber being his most famous victim, of course), and it looks as though he may be repeating that pattern with Mimi: “He is supposed to be leaving Vegas tomorrow to come see me, but I get the feeling he isn’t coming. I sent him money for travel(yes that was stupid, but I also thought if I funded the trip then he would actually come). I think he will either make some excuse not to leave tomorrow, and use the money, or stop talking to me completely.”

5. Still Hopeful?

Matt baier is lame

Mimi says she remained optimistic regarding her future with Matt despite mounting evidence that he’s not to be trusted. “I hope he does actually come here. I have been nothing but nice to Matt, and he has done nothing but lie to me. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt as I do with most anyone, but apparently the tabloids and tv have proved to be right,” she says.

6. A Familiar Pattern

Matt baier amber portwood pic

“Matt tells me he is in love with me, and we are together, and he even wants to get married. I guarantee when busted he will deny it,” Mimi writes. She’s even attempted to enlist the help of some of Baier’s fellow MTV stars in hopes of exposing his cheating ways …

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Friday, December 8, 2017

Matt Baier and Jennifer Conlon: Wedding Details Revealed!

On November 24th, while most of us were still working on our leftover turkey, Teen Mom “star” and notorious fame-seeker Matt Baier was getting married.

We’re still bewildered by the news, but we’ve learned a lot about this random relationship since the nuptuals.

And now we know more about the Vegas wedding itself.

Matt Baier’s wife, Jennifer Conlon, has already spoken out about him and why they decided to get married: 

“When you meet somebody and you have a connection, you know it in your heart.”

Thinking with your heart sure will lead you to make some choices, folks.

“It’s not something you question. It felt right to us.”

Well, that explains their relationship … sort of. But what about marriage?

“Getting married is something we wanted. We decided it was time, so he asked me to marry him.”

That’s how proposals usually work.

“Matt is a wonderful man,” Jennifer Conlon claims.

All evidence on Teen Mom to the contrary?

“What people think of him and how he’s portrayed, that’s not the man he truly is.”

Ah, the ol’ “he’s a totally different person now because I say he is” line. Sure.

So, if Matt Baier isn’t what the world has seen him to be, then what exactly is he like?

“He is everything and more. He’s generous and loving. It’s unfortunate that people think differently.”

Well, if you go on television and portray yourself as a slimy, dishonest guy who seemed to be there for the cameras and not for Amber, how are people supposed to reach different conclusions?

“Matt is a good man, yet he gets attacked in a way I don’t understand. That’s not the person in front of me. His actions don’t show that.”

So he’s one of those very rare people who are better behaved when they aren’t on camera.

Conlon goes on to explain how Matt Baier is magically a better person now.

“His past has nothing to do with the relationship.”


“The life we have now is what we have now. Matt is a wonderful partner, friend and someone who listens.”


“I take a person for who they are today and what they do now.”

It’s like the old saying goes: those who forget the past live in bliss and never regret it!

“He’s my best friend. He loves me for me. We look forward to having a beautiful life together. My life led to finding my soul mate.”

All of that … very affectionate nonsense tells you plenty about their relationship, in terms of feelings.

But what new information do we now know about their wedding itself?

Well, The Ashley reports that Matt Baier and Jennifer Conlon got married in Vegas, which we already knew, because their marriage certificate was registered in Clark County, Nevada.

Remember how Matt Baier tried to get Amber Portwood to get married in the Little White Wedding Chapel in Vegas?

Well, don’t worry, he didn’t try to repeat this with Jennifer Conlon. These two tied the knot in The Little Neon Chapel.

Nothing classes things up like neon!

The couple got the “traditional” ceremony (as traditional as you can get in a small room in what’s technically part of a shopping center). That means that they did not have the ceremony officiated by an Elvis impersonator.

The best news is that it doesn’t sound like either of their children were forced to bear witness to this … touching moment of genuine affection … as all of the witnesses to their union were unfamiliar names. The Ashley suggests that they were provided by the chapel, and we are inclined to agree.

Well, at least Farrah Abraham is happy for Matt Baier, for whatever that’s worth.

Though this random union has left us scratching our heads, we’re reminded of one little detail:

So, Conlon said that she didn’t watch Matt Baier, implying that his “fame” (is there such a thing as a W-list celebrity? Because that’s Baier) wasn’t what attracted her to him.

Yet witnesses have reportedly said that she recognized him from TV when they first met.

What if Conlon is running the same game on Baier that he ran on Amber Portwood? Well, part of it — getting famous by association?

We’re not accusing her of anything, of course, but we can’t help but wonder.

If so, well, Matt Baier might be getting a taste of his own medicine.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Farrah Abraham Congratulates Matt Baier, Slams Amber Portwood! Of course

We’re still amazed at how quickly Teen Mom villain Matt Baier got married to a seemingly random woman after his (final) breakup with Amber Portwood.

But do you know who’s loving it? Farrah Abraham.

And she says so directly.

Matt Baier’s relationship with Amber Portwood was bizarre.

It’s rare for a superfan of a series to date the star and have it work out well. Usually, the stars have enough sense to avoid stalkery “fans” who are desperate for fame.

But Amber Portwood ignored a veritable fleet of red flags and spent years with Matt Baier.

Years later, and after more than one cancelled wedding, Amber had finally, finally had enough. The couple split.

Baier jumped ship and very quickly hit things off with with … a Las Vegas waitress.

He’s now married this waitress, for better or for worse. And Farrah Abraham — whom Matt has definitely tried to hit up in the past — has something to say about it.

Speaking at Gossip Long Island’s 20th anniversary celebration, where numerous dancers were modeling Farrah’s new lingerie line, Farrah spoke out to InTouch Weekly about about Matt Baier getting married:

“Congratulations to Matt!”

She just issued a simple, polite statement of congratulations to someone and didn’t use the opportunity to verbally twist the night against Amber Portwood?

We’re kidding; of course she went off. She’s Farrah.

“I mean, to honestly say … all my congratulations to Matt for getting married, because the whole time he was dating Amber was bulls–t.”

It wouldn’t be a Farrah Abraham quote if it weren’t also a serious jab at Amber Portwood, apparently.

“He never really liked Amber,” she asserts.

Oh, Farrah.

In another display of on-brand behavior, Farrah Abraham used the opportunity to plug her lingerie line.

“Thank them for having me two nights in a row!”

She’s been advertising her wares at the venue.

“We brought some class, we brought some sass, and some of my lingerie line — a lot of the women tonight are wearing it, so I’m happy to be here and happy they chose me.”

We’re almost angry that she said “class” and “sass” but didn’t rhyme either of them with “ass.”

Remember, some of Farrah’s lingerie has holes cut out in the panties in “convenient” locations. So we don’t think that saying “ass” would have hurt her branding or whatever.

This is far from the first time that Farrah has had less-than-kind things to say about Amber Portwood and chosen to (poorly) disguise those comments as well-wishes.

Remember when Farrah’s mom, Debra Danielsen, got married? Farrah was the only Teen Mom personality in attendance.

Amber Portwood gets along well with Deb, but had been struggling with morning sickness and couldn’t make it.

Do you remember what Farrah had to say to her, then?

“[Amber] wasn’t going to be here anyway, so I wish her all the best with her unplanned pregnancy and all her bulls–t.”


So, if Farrah Abraham is ever about to “compliment” you, you might want to run the other way.

Especially if you’re Amber Portwood.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Amber Portwood: Matt Baier is a Thief and a Liar!

OK, so Matt Baier is just a really terrible person with no redeemable qualities whatsoever, right?

You know it, we know it, everybody knows it.

We still don’t know exactly how many children he has, but we do know that he has at least a handful that he doesn’t help support. He’s very manipulative, and we’re not convinced he feels feelings like the average human.

Also, on a more superficial note, he’s like really greasy? For no reason?

On the last season of Teen Mom OG, Matt really began showing his true, awful colors by doing things like trying to guilt Amber into marrying him in Las Vegas when she really wasn’t into it, then trashing her behind her back to MTV cameras.

Later, he offered a Xanax to Catelynn Lowell, which was not a great move since, you know, that’s illegal, and also because Amber’s dealt with addiction in the past, so having a boyfriend peddling pills isn’t ideal.

In last season’s finale, she had suspicions that he was cheating on her, so he took a lie detector test. He was shown to have lied on a question about making sexual advances towards a woman, and she lost it.

In real life, that last bit happened back in May. It took another month or so (and a season of Marriage Boot Camp!) for Amber to kick him to the curb for good.

We’re seeing that slow, agonizing breakup on the current season … and it’s been rough.

On the season premiere, things were very tense between them, and at the end of the episode, Amber seemed to call off not only their wedding, which was scheduled for October, but their engagement, too.

We don’t blame her one bit — on top of the possible cheating and the manipulation and the grease, he’s been stealing from her, too.

In last night’s episode, Amber spoke to her family about her issues with Matt, telling them that “He told me that we could separate our bank accounts if it makes me feel good.”

They should have been separate from the beginning, considering the fact that she makes a huge salary and also the fact that he obviously cannot be trusted.

But sure, that’s a nice gesture or whatever.

Then Amber said that “Within the last three years we’ve been together, tallying everything up, it’s been $ 120,000 that I have no clue where it’s went.”

“We’re not engaged and I feel like he’s a pathological liar.”

She did clarify that she does know where some money went — to one or more of Matt’s countless kids.

“I just realized he’s sending his daughter money that’s not even his money!” she exclaimed.

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard that Matt stole money from her — who could forget last season’s reunion show, when Matt explained that he had thousands of her dollars in a backpack in Las Vegas?

“I’ve given Matt more chances than I’ve given any man,” Amber told a producer later on the show. “Back in the day, I would’ve broken up with your ass.”

So why hadn’t she broken up with his ass at that point, after everything he put her through?

“I think it’s because I’ve invested so much time into it,” she said. “I just feel like I got caught up in a relationship where I lost all my sense of independence.”

“I stopped believing that I knew what I was talking about because I kept being told I was wrong, but I knew I was right! That’s my fault, for letting my guard down.”

Nah, girl, it’s his fault for being trash, actually.

Thankfully, she did say that she was “almost done” with Matt in that moment because “I have too much ahead of me for this sh-t.”

She was right, too — she’s with a brand new guy now, Andrew Glennon, and they’re expecting their first child together!

Of course, there’s a high chance that this new relationship may turn out to be an even bigger train wreck than her relationship with Matt was.

We haven’t heard her accuse him of anything (yet), but we do know that a couple of ex-girlfriends of his have filed restraining orders against him for stalking and other concerning behaviors.

Guess we’ll just have to keep watching Teen Mom OG to see how this one turns out!


Friday, December 1, 2017

Matt Baier and Jennifer Conlon to Amber Portwood: Congrats on the Baby!

Although Matt Baier has moved on from Amber Portwood, how does he feel about the fact that she’s expecting another man’s child?

Better than you might think, given their personal history.

The controversial Teen Mom OG superfan-turned-cast member and his new wife Jennifer Conlon told Radar that they’re quite happy.

“We are very happy for Amber and her baby,” Conlon said.

“We’re in love ourselves so we don’t have ill will,” she adds. “Their split was a blessing in disguise for everyone involved.”

This crew is acting far too mature about all of this.

Portwood called off her wedding to Baier a second time this year after he failed a lie detector test regarding him making sexual advances.

Toward other people, that is, while dating Amber.

Although the two tried to save their relationship on Marriage Boot Camp, they split for good … and she began dating Andrew Glennon.

Glennon, who was a crew member on that show, promptly got Amber Portwood pregnant with her second child as Baier moved to Vegas.

There, Matt Baier married Jennifer Conlon, pronto.

Yesterday, Conlon spoke out for the first time about their wedding and their relationship, as the couple looks to put any rumors to rest.

Says Matt: “All I ever want is for her to be safe and happy. Amber is very intelligent. If she’s happy then I’m happy. She deserves to be happy.” 

“There are a lot of people who want me to bash Amber because of the situation. I have nothing but good thoughts and hopes for Amber.”

Baier admitted that while he wasn’t “hurt” by her pregnancy, he was blindsided, and wishes he found out from her instead of the media.

“She’s not under obligation to let me know,” he admits. “But I would’ve made the courtesy call because our relationship wasn’t over for long.”

Asked if he hoped he would reconcile with Portwood before the two moved on, Matt said, “We were very co-dependent on each other.”

“When we split there was a sense of ‘this breakup can’t last‘ because we were too dependent on each other,” the 47-year-old added.

“When I got in my relationship and she got in hers that was the sign that it’s really done. My hope is we can we remain friends.”

His new wife is equally hopeful and optimistic.

“When you meet somebody and you have a connection, you know it in your heart,” Conlon said in their candid interview.

“It’s not something you question. It felt right to us. Getting married is something we wanted. We decided it was time, so he asked me to marry him.”

As for those allegations/uncomfortable facts that Baier is a lying, cheating drug addict with 7-9 kids and a sketchy history of supporting them?

“Matt is a wonderful man,” she told Radar.

“What people think of him and how he’s portrayed, that’s not the man he truly is. He is everything and more. He’s generous and loving.”

“It’s unfortunate that people think differently.”

“Matt is a good man, yet he gets attacked in a way I don’t understand. That’s not the person in front of me. His actions don’t show that.”

Conlon says she doesn’t understand the public’s fixation with Matt’s past, adding that it “has nothing to do with the relationship.”

“The life we have now is what we have now.”

“Matt is a wonderful partner, friend and someone who listens. I take a person for who they are today and what they do now.”

Sounds very promising. Of course, they’ve only known each other a few months, and he’s only been apart from Amber a few months.

She’s also not one of the people he owes child support too, so clearly the couple will have to beat some pretty strong odds.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Amber Portwood Reacts to Matt Baier Marriage News: NO 1 CURRR!!

Amber Portwood’s response to Matt Baier’s surprise wedding bombshell isn’t what a lot of people expected, given the couple’s history.

The Teen Mom OG star’s longtime boyfriend and sometime fiance got married this week in Las Vegas … but she has no f–ks to give.

Despite their intense relationship – they were engaged for over a year, and together as recently as this summer – Amber is just over it.

The Teen Mom OG star “doesn’t care” about her ex-fiance’s surprise marriage, a source reveals, and that’s pretty much all there is to it.

“Amber is happy in her new life,” the insider says.

“She doesn’t care that Matt is married.”

As previously reported, Matt Baier married Jennifer Conlin earlier this week; Matt and Jennifer have been together for just a few months.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, which broke the story late Tuesday, Conlon is 35-year-old waitress at a Las Vegas restaurant.

She’s also a single mother of two daughters of her own; Baier has between seven and nine kids (reports vary) from previous relationships.

Little is known about his romance with Conlon, including how or when exactly they got together, and Matt says he’s keeping it that way.

Baier told E! News, is “not a public figure … we kept our relationship private,” he says, adding that he never proposed to Jennifer either.

“It was one of those situations where it just kind of felt like the right thing. We really get each other. We both have overcome a lot of stuff.”

“It felt like the right thing to do,” Matt added.

“It just kind of happened that way.”

Portwood did not have any advance notice about it, from what we’re told, as The Ashley reports “Amber [was] not aware that he got married.

She and Baier officially ended their turbulent relationship this past August, not long after calling off their wedding for the second time.

The final straw was when Baier, a recovering drug addict, offered her co-star member Catelynn Lowell a Xanax at a press day in NYC.

This was upsetting for several reasons, not the least of which that it’s illegal, but perhaps more significantly, that he claimed to be sober.

His authenticity called into question, Baier later took a lie detector test and failed when pressed about sexual advances toward others.

Amber later opened up about the breakup:

“It was rough, but it was a necessary thing to do. I needed to see where I was in my head and it’s a beautiful thing because I just feel better.”

A major reason she’s feeling better is Andrew Glennon, a crew member she met on Marriage Boot Camp (which she filmed with Baier).

While she went on that show ostensibly to reconcile – or at least reach some level of closure – with Baier, things took a different turn.

She ended up dating Glennon, and though she insists there was no cheating or overlap with Matt, that relationship progressed quickly.

Five months later, Portwood, the mother of 9-year-old Leah with ex Gary Shirley, as Teen Mom fans know, is having a baby with Andrew.

“When I first found out I was a little scared. I don’t know what to expect. Having a new baby is new likes, new wants, new needs,” she said.

“So it’s very nerve-racking,” Portwood added, insisting that despite that, ”We’re both very happy. I feel like it’s a new chapter of my life.” 

It sure is. 


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Matt Baier Just Got Married. Yes, For Real. [Shocking Details]

Apparently Matt Baier has moved on from Amber Portwood. Just months after their breakup, the infamous Teen Mom star is married.

Not dating, not engaged, but married.

This comes as quite the surprise, to put it mildly, given where he and Amber were earlier this year – even earlier this summer.

So who is Matt"s wife (!) and how did this come to be? How will Portwood – now expecting a baby of her own – respond to this bombshell?

Join us as we attempt to get to the bottom of who Matt Baier married, why she agreed and what this means for the Teen Mom universe …

1. The Longtime Couple

Amber portwood and matthew baier

A seemingly mismatched pair from the start, Amber Portwood and Matt Baier had been together for several years before calling it quits this summer. To put it mildly, he had baggage, and they had major trust issues.

2. A Shaky Foundation

Matt baier and amber portwood throwback

Matt, a Teen Mom superfan, also famously flirted with Jenelle Evans and Farrah Abraham online before making a connection with Portwood and somehow entering a serious relationship with her. Many saw him as a walking, talking red flag from the beginning, and that’s even before we learned about his past …

3. Gary Does His Research

Gary on teen mom og

A good thing too. Gary Shirley, the father of Amber Portwood’s daughter and noted Matt Baier critic, famously confronted her on Teen Mom OG with a dossier of sorts on her new partner. This contained the almost too crazy to believe revelation that Matt has at least seven children from at least two previous relationships (some other accounts claim that he has eight or nine kids … he has never denied that it’s one of these large amounts).

4. Standing By Him Just the Same

Baier and portwood

While learning about Matt’s past – something he blamed on years of addiction – caused Amber to call off the couple’s wedding at the time, she did not end the relationship. If anything, they seemed to come out stronger following the intense backlash he received, as she frequently lashed out at his critics.

5. You Have No F–king Idea!

Matt baier book cover

Amber even wrote the foreword for Matt’s book, which actually exists, and in which he defiantly tells his life story. It was the ultimate show of unity from the couple, who announced plans to marry once again.

6. The Wheels Come Off

Matt baier with amber portwood photo

Alas, Matt’s penchant for shadiness reared its ugly head again earlier this year, as he was caught in a number of compromising situations – with the Teen Mom: OG cameras rolling no less.

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Matt Baier: Married! Again! To Someone Named Jennifer Conlon!

Matt Baier has moved on from Amber Portwood.

Like, way, way, WAY on.

Like, officially and legally on, until death does him part.

That’s right, Matt Baier just got married again!

According to E! News, the former Teen Mom star exchanged vows recently in Las Vegas with a woman named Jennifer Conlon.

We don’t know a great deal about Conlon, except she clearly has never tuned in to watch Teen Mom online or on television… lest she would have known to stay far away from her new husband.

Baier tells E! that he and Conlon have been together for about six months.

He met her in a Sin City restaurant not long after splitting from Portwood earlier this year and Conlon has two daughters of her own.

“She’s not a public figure. So we kept our relationship private,” he says, adding that he never formally proposed:

“It was one of those situations where it just kind of felt like the right thing. We really get each other.

“We both have overcome a lot of stuff. It felt like the right thing to do. It just kind of happened that way.”

Sounds promising.

The 46-year old Baier and the 27-year old Portwood had been engaged to get married themselves.

They had even been planning an October wedding.

But the reality stars broke up while filming Marriage Boot Camp this summer, ending a rocky three-year romance.

The trouble really started last August when reports surfaced that Baier facing legal problems for failing to paying child support to numerous other women for numerous secret biological children.

(Editor’s Note: Baier and Portwood don’t share any kids, but she’s the mother to eight-year-old Leah with ex Gary Shirley; and she’s pregnant again.)

It didn’t help the relationship when Portwood then learned that Baier had offered Catelynn Lowell Baltierra a Xanax when she was suffering through a panic attack.

Despite their many hiccups, however, Baier still had hope for a future with Portwood as recently as August of this year.

“I’ll hold out hope for a reconciliation,” he told E! at the time, elaborating as follows:

“But if nothing else, I hope we can stay friends. We started off as best friends and that’s what I miss the most from her: her friendship.

“To not have that is painful. When something happens, my natural instinct still is to call her and tell her everything. She was my family.”

This would explain why Baier was devastated over Portwood’s second pregnancy news and perhaps why he reacted in jealousy/pain/anger by marrying Conlon.

Appearing on on Dr. Drew’s podcast in July, Portwood admitted she still talks to Baier, but also that she was working on herself. Not on saving the relationship.

“I personally am just trying to better myself,” she told the Teen Mom reunion host.

“I just kind of lost myself, my independence as a woman [and] as a person because I was too focused on Matt.”

She subsequently Tweeted her excitement about her impending bundle of joy and her future with its father.

“Thank you everyone for all the kind words,” Amber wrote. “I’m very excited for my future with Andrew and our little family we are starting together! Love.”

Do you think we’ve truly seen the last of Portwood and Baier as a couple?

Despite the marriage and despite the bun in the former’s over, we have our doubts.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Amber Portwood: Matt Baier is Driving Me NUTS!!!

The new season of Teen Mom OG is almost here! And that means another glimpse into the everyday life of "production puppet" Amber Portwood.

We know how things go for Amber — she ends up pregnant with her second child, and not by Matt Baier. Their engagement is over.

But it won"t be until we actually watch Season 7 that we see exactly how she got to where she is. But here"s a sneak peek into Amber and Matt"s crumbling relationship.

Amber portwood a photo

Whether you need to set your DVRs or you just watch Teen Mom OG online, folks, the new season is nearly upon us.

That means a lot.

Big highlights are going to include seeing Farrah Abraham get up to her usual nonsense … in what might be her final season.

Remember, Farrah Abraham announced that MTV had fired her over her sex work.

Other reports suggested that perhaps the real problem was that no one likes Farrah.

Farrah walked it back later, saying that she had learned that she was not fired, but … we don"t know what to make of all of that.

Farrah isn"t exactly considered to be a reliable source.

Regardless, we don"t know if we"ll see her on MTV again or not, so we"ll have to "treasure" these last moments with Farrah.

(Or maybe just plan a party for her final episode)

But let"s not allow that to distract us from Amber Portwood.

Remember, she goes from an engagement to Matt Baier to seeing a new man — Andrew Glennon.

Who is also her baby daddy.

So we"re eager to see every step that she took in going from point A to point B.

Amber portwood at 2017 vmas

In the clip below, Amber Portwood is struggling in her relationship with Matt Baier.

And she"s clearly stressing about things.

Between a need to pamper herself a little and the realities of being a celebrity — that she"s filmed and photographed and wants to look her best — Amber goes in to get her eyelashes done by an esthetician named Beth.

But there"s no rest for the famous, so she gets asked how things are going.

And the short answer is that they"re … not great.

"I feel like with Matt a bunch of different stuff," Amber says.

"I don’t know what is real, what’s not real."

That can happen a lot in rocky relationships, especially when celebrity status is involved. You hear so much — but what do you believe?

Amber lists the things that she"s fed up with:

"With all the women bulls–t, the kid s–t, him, just the way he was sometimes."

She"s already saying "was." Foreshadowing their eventual split?

Amber on teen mom

Of course, Amber"s mother, Tonya, has her own opinion about Matt Baier.

And she"s not being subtle about it.

"He’s just being a horrible person."

Amber doesn"t quite see it that way, countering:

"He"s not a horrible person," she says calmly while Beth works on her eyelashes.

But Tonya"s sticking to her point of view, describing Matt Baier as "a con."

And this is what prompts Amber to back down from badmouthing Baier because she says that she does love him and they have great times together.

Clearly, in the long run, those "great times" weren"t enough.

Amber portwood and andrew glennon

Amber and her mother also mention what they have planned to try to fix things.

Their appearance on Marriage Boot Camp, of course!

(Has there ever been a series that treats its title as just a suggestion to this degree?)

As we all know, this doesn"t quite work out the way that they"d imagined, since Amber Portwood"s baby daddy is a Marriage Boot Camp producer.

And yes, the two of them met while Amber and Matt were filming that series.

Life comes at you fast, as they say.

Watch the clip below to get into Amber"s headspace before she and Matt tried to patch things up:

Amber portwood matt baier is driving me nuts

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Matt Baier: Trying to Get with Farrah Abraham AGAIN?!

Fact: Matt Baier is one of the most embarrassing people in the history of people.

Embarrassing, creepy, manipulative, gross … if it’s a negative adjective, there’s a solid chance it describes Matt.

We all saw how his relationship with Amber Portwood played out — how he reached out to her on Twitter right after she was released from prison, how he moved in immediately after meeting her for the first time.

We saw red flag after red flag, until eventually he was basically in control of her entire life.

She revealed that he was in charge of her bank account, of paying all her bills, and that at one point he even carried her license for her.

It was pretty alarming.

After a while though, Matt got a little too big for his Teen Mom-loving britches, and after stealing thousands of dollars from her, handing out drugs to her friends, and making sexual advances towards another woman, Amber cut him loose.

She dumped him in spectacular fashion over the summer, even threatening him with a lawsuit for the money she said he stole from her.

That wasn’t the first time she slammed him publicly before taking him back — far from it — so we imagine Matt couldn’t have taken it very seriously.

But after that, Amber really was done, and she began dating Andrew Glennon to prove it.

And if just dating him wasn’t enough to show that she was done with Matt, she also got pregnant just a few weeks into the relationship, if that.

It would almost be enough to make you feel sorry for Matt, right? 

Almost, but not quite.

Matt has taken the opportunity to get some attention again by giving an interview all about Amber’s pregnancy news.

“Amber is a great mother,” he said. “If this is what she wants then I’m extraordinarily happy for her and I wish them nothing but the best.”

He also said that he’d be sending her a congratulatory text.

It was a sweet enough thing to say, and he deserves some credit for not being too weird about the whole situation.

But then he gave an additional interview about Farrah Abraham, and, well, he doesn’t get any credit anymore.

To give a little bit of background, just in case you’d blocked out this part of Matt’s sketchy history, he actually tried to seduce Farrah via Twitter before he settled for Amber.

He tweeted her messages like “I’m a big fan and u r very beautiful” and “Forget online dating. I’d be honored to take u out.”

Somehow she managed to resist his obvious charms, and Matt moved on to Amber.

(Well, he tried Jenelle Evans next, and then moved on to Amber, but let’s not add insult to injury by pointing out that Amber was Matt’s third choice of Teen Moms.)

He’s claimed that he never wrote those things to Farrah, that his friend tweeted the messages from his account, which … come on.

After Farrah saw that Amber was with Matt, she tried to call her and warn her that he’d been creeping all over the place, but Amber refused to listen to reason.

Later, Farrah said during a reunion show that Matt looked like a pedophile, Amber tried to fight her, and now they’re mortal enemies.

Matt supported Amber’s hatred of Farrah at the time, even dedicating much of his memoir to how awful she is, but he’s changed his tune now.

Speaking out about Farrah’s supposed firing from Teen Mom OG for her work in the porn industry, Matt defended her by saying that “Farrah and I have always had our differences, but what she does to support her child is her business.”

“One thing I have always respected about Farrah is the fact that she works constantly. People may not agree with how she makes her money, but at least she is setting her family up for the future.”

About MTV, he said the network “has a lot of balls passing moral judgment on anyone.”

“It seems like their motto is ‘you can’t act stupid or do anything we deem immoral unless of course you do it on our show and it helps ratings.’ Total double standard and total hypocrites.”

“Act as immoral as you want,” he continued. “Just don’t do it outside the confines of the show. Keep the crazy in the house.”

Uh … yeah? MTV has a reality show to make, is it really outrageous that they’d prefer any and all shenanigans to be shenanigans that can be put on Teen Mom?

Sure, it’s dumb to think they’d be cool with Jenelle’s heroin use and Amber’s domestic violence but not Farrah’s work in adult entertainment.

But if that’s where they draw the line, then that’s their decision.

And besides, Matt, no amount of sucking up in the press is going to get you in Farrah’s good graces. Stop.

See what we mean about how embarrassing this guy is?


Sunday, November 5, 2017

Matt Baier: Devastated Over Amber Portwood"s Pregnancy News!

Have you heard the good news? Or the technically good but still very, very concerning news, as it were?

Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child!

After several outlets reported that Amber is expecting a baby with her boyfriend of approximately two seconds, Andrew Glennon, Amber confirmed it herself on Friday.

She shared the news on Instagram, saying “I’m very excited for my future with Andrew and our little family we are starting together!”

She also did an interview with Us Weekly in which she explained that “When I first found out, I was a little scared,” but “after the initial shock, it was nothing but happy thoughts and just enjoying my time with my boyfriend.”

“I just kind of sat down and thought about it and realized that it was a big step in my life and it was a good thing actually, and I was really happy within 30 minutes.”

It seems like a very short amount of time to come to terms with all that, but hey, we know that Amber isn’t really one to take things slow.

After all, she and Andrew began dating in August, barely three months ago, and she just met the guy in June.

It’s also worth mentioning that she met him while filming Marriage Boot Camp, the show she went on to try to save her relationship with Matt Baier.

So there was literally no downtime between Matt and Andrew. And it’s not exactly like Andrew was the knight in shining armor who saved her from ol’ douchey Matt, either.

Two of Andrew’s ex-girlfriends have restraining orders against him, and they’ve accused him of stalking them.

He’s really and truly a creep, and in some ways, he’s even worse than Matt.

And hey, since we keep talking about Matt, how do you think he’s handling all of this?

Hint: not that well.

Radar Online reached out to him to ask him about the pregnancy news, and it sounds like he wasn’t aware of it until they called him — his first response was apparently “You’re kidding.”

When he gathered his thoughts, he said “Amber is a great mother. If this is what she wants then I’m extraordinarily happy for her and I wish them nothing but the best.”

He also said that while he hasn’t talked to her “at all” since their split, he did plan to “text her congratulations.”

As for his own life, he said that he’s “doing great,” and that he’s even got a new significant other himself.

It can’t be easy for him though — with as many kids as he has out there and as much as he loved Amber’s fame and money, you’d have to imagine that he wanted to be the one to impregnate her.

And as one of his friends explains to Hollywood Life, he really is struggling with this development.

It’s because “Matt has a lot of regret about their breakup,” and “he feels like Amber is the one that got away.”

“There’s still a part of him that was hoping they might eventually get back together, so this pregnancy news hit him hard.”

Aww, poor guy!

Except wait, they broke up because he failed a lie detector test, specifically a question about whether or not he made a sexual advance towards another woman.

And also because he stole thousands and thousands of dollars from her, and said horrible, humiliating things about her on national television, and tried to control her whole entire life … the list goes on and on.

So yeah, it’s definitely a good thing Amber got away from him and cut ties in such a permanent way.

Now we just have to hope that Andrew manages to kep his own creeper tendencies at bay, and also that Amber somehow manages to develop some parenting skills in the upcoming months.

Then we’ll be set!
