Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Matt Baier: Married! Again! To Someone Named Jennifer Conlon!

Matt Baier has moved on from Amber Portwood.

Like, way, way, WAY on.

Like, officially and legally on, until death does him part.

That’s right, Matt Baier just got married again!

According to E! News, the former Teen Mom star exchanged vows recently in Las Vegas with a woman named Jennifer Conlon.

We don’t know a great deal about Conlon, except she clearly has never tuned in to watch Teen Mom online or on television… lest she would have known to stay far away from her new husband.

Baier tells E! that he and Conlon have been together for about six months.

He met her in a Sin City restaurant not long after splitting from Portwood earlier this year and Conlon has two daughters of her own.

“She’s not a public figure. So we kept our relationship private,” he says, adding that he never formally proposed:

“It was one of those situations where it just kind of felt like the right thing. We really get each other.

“We both have overcome a lot of stuff. It felt like the right thing to do. It just kind of happened that way.”

Sounds promising.

The 46-year old Baier and the 27-year old Portwood had been engaged to get married themselves.

They had even been planning an October wedding.

But the reality stars broke up while filming Marriage Boot Camp this summer, ending a rocky three-year romance.

The trouble really started last August when reports surfaced that Baier facing legal problems for failing to paying child support to numerous other women for numerous secret biological children.

(Editor’s Note: Baier and Portwood don’t share any kids, but she’s the mother to eight-year-old Leah with ex Gary Shirley; and she’s pregnant again.)

It didn’t help the relationship when Portwood then learned that Baier had offered Catelynn Lowell Baltierra a Xanax when she was suffering through a panic attack.

Despite their many hiccups, however, Baier still had hope for a future with Portwood as recently as August of this year.

“I’ll hold out hope for a reconciliation,” he told E! at the time, elaborating as follows:

“But if nothing else, I hope we can stay friends. We started off as best friends and that’s what I miss the most from her: her friendship.

“To not have that is painful. When something happens, my natural instinct still is to call her and tell her everything. She was my family.”

This would explain why Baier was devastated over Portwood’s second pregnancy news and perhaps why he reacted in jealousy/pain/anger by marrying Conlon.

Appearing on on Dr. Drew’s podcast in July, Portwood admitted she still talks to Baier, but also that she was working on herself. Not on saving the relationship.

“I personally am just trying to better myself,” she told the Teen Mom reunion host.

“I just kind of lost myself, my independence as a woman [and] as a person because I was too focused on Matt.”

She subsequently Tweeted her excitement about her impending bundle of joy and her future with its father.

“Thank you everyone for all the kind words,” Amber wrote. “I’m very excited for my future with Andrew and our little family we are starting together! Love.”

Do you think we’ve truly seen the last of Portwood and Baier as a couple?

Despite the marriage and despite the bun in the former’s over, we have our doubts.
