Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Farrah Abraham Congratulates Matt Baier, Slams Amber Portwood! Of course

We’re still amazed at how quickly Teen Mom villain Matt Baier got married to a seemingly random woman after his (final) breakup with Amber Portwood.

But do you know who’s loving it? Farrah Abraham.

And she says so directly.

Matt Baier’s relationship with Amber Portwood was bizarre.

It’s rare for a superfan of a series to date the star and have it work out well. Usually, the stars have enough sense to avoid stalkery “fans” who are desperate for fame.

But Amber Portwood ignored a veritable fleet of red flags and spent years with Matt Baier.

Years later, and after more than one cancelled wedding, Amber had finally, finally had enough. The couple split.

Baier jumped ship and very quickly hit things off with with … a Las Vegas waitress.

He’s now married this waitress, for better or for worse. And Farrah Abraham — whom Matt has definitely tried to hit up in the past — has something to say about it.

Speaking at Gossip Long Island’s 20th anniversary celebration, where numerous dancers were modeling Farrah’s new lingerie line, Farrah spoke out to InTouch Weekly about about Matt Baier getting married:

“Congratulations to Matt!”

She just issued a simple, polite statement of congratulations to someone and didn’t use the opportunity to verbally twist the night against Amber Portwood?

We’re kidding; of course she went off. She’s Farrah.

“I mean, to honestly say … all my congratulations to Matt for getting married, because the whole time he was dating Amber was bulls–t.”

It wouldn’t be a Farrah Abraham quote if it weren’t also a serious jab at Amber Portwood, apparently.

“He never really liked Amber,” she asserts.

Oh, Farrah.

In another display of on-brand behavior, Farrah Abraham used the opportunity to plug her lingerie line.

“Thank them for having me two nights in a row!”

She’s been advertising her wares at the venue.

“We brought some class, we brought some sass, and some of my lingerie line — a lot of the women tonight are wearing it, so I’m happy to be here and happy they chose me.”

We’re almost angry that she said “class” and “sass” but didn’t rhyme either of them with “ass.”

Remember, some of Farrah’s lingerie has holes cut out in the panties in “convenient” locations. So we don’t think that saying “ass” would have hurt her branding or whatever.

This is far from the first time that Farrah has had less-than-kind things to say about Amber Portwood and chosen to (poorly) disguise those comments as well-wishes.

Remember when Farrah’s mom, Debra Danielsen, got married? Farrah was the only Teen Mom personality in attendance.

Amber Portwood gets along well with Deb, but had been struggling with morning sickness and couldn’t make it.

Do you remember what Farrah had to say to her, then?

“[Amber] wasn’t going to be here anyway, so I wish her all the best with her unplanned pregnancy and all her bulls–t.”


So, if Farrah Abraham is ever about to “compliment” you, you might want to run the other way.

Especially if you’re Amber Portwood.
