Showing posts with label Congrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congrats. Show all posts

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Briana DeJesus to Javi Marroquin: Congrats... On Being a Cheater!

Briana DeJesus has a message for Javi Marroquin on the occasion of her ex-boyfriend becoming a father for the second time.

But it isn’t exactly congratulatory.

A day after Javi and Lauren Comeau welcomed a baby boy into the world, DeJesus took to Twitter and strongly accused Marroquin of cheating on her.

Sort of a strange reaction, given the blessed development for the former Teen Mom 2 cast member?

Yes, but Briana thinks she has new proof that Javi stepped out on her with Comeau earlier this year.

You see, Javi and Lauren dated for a couple months in the summer of 2017.

After they split, Marroquin started getting down and dirty with DeJesus, a relatively new star on the aforementioned MTV hit.

And then not long after they split, Javi returned to Comeau’s bed.

But DeJesus now says on Twitter that the relationships overlapped. To wit:

bri react 2

Fans will likely remember that Briana traveled down to Miami for some plastic surgery on the date she cites above.

Her and Javi were very much on the outs at the time, but he showed up in Florida to support her, making it seem as if he wanted things to work out between the D-Listers.

So now we can do some math:

Comeau gave birth on November 15. She was due on December 1, however, which is 10 months after Javi and Briana were in Miami together, attempting to work things out.

According to DeJesus, this means Javi and Lauren were clearly back in touch, if not already having sex again, considering how soon she got knocked up after this Florida trip.

And according to DeJesus, this is evidence that Marroquin’s feelings for her were totally fake, as you can see by her follow-up Tweet before:

bri react 1

Again, there does seem to be a bit of time in between Marroquin and DeJesus’ break-up here.

Moreover, the status of Javi and Briana during the infamous Florida vacation remains unknown. Were they really, truly, 100% together?

We may never know, but Javi, at worst, wasted VERY little time in moving on from DeJesus.

But this doesn’t exactly come as a surprise to anyone who has followed the rocky journey of Briana, Javi and even Kailyn Lowry.

We’re pretty sure Marroquin was doing all THREE women at one point.

Lowry, though, did send an actual note of “Congrats” to Comeau and Marroquin after their unnamed son was born this week.

Those two, who share a son of their own, are on solid enough terms these days.

“It’s been amazing,” Marroquin told Radar Online about becoming a dad once again, adding:

“I even shed some tears. For those that don’t know, I’m not an emotional person anymore at all and just seeing my son come out really had me in my feelings.”

That’s great to hear.

Still, will rumors of Javi being disloyal to Comeau ever go away?

We continue to send the couple our best wishes — but other people continue to have questions…


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Duggar Clan to Amy: Congrats! We"re Letting You Back In the Family!

If you’re a diehard Duggar fan, you may have noticed the absence of “rebellious” cousin Amy in recent months.

That’s no accident, as sources say Amy was essentially kicked out of the family back in June.

Her famous cousins were banned from visiting her, and certain family members, like Jinger Duggar, even went so far as to unfollow Amy on Instagram.

“Amy is not allowed to talk about the Duggars anymore,” one insider told Radar online at the time.

“Amy went through her Instagram and had to delete all the pictures she had with her cousins.”

Explanations as to why Amy was exiled vary, but most are in agreement that the ultra-conservative Jim Bob simply didn’t approve of Amy’s slightly more liberal lifestyle.

But it seems that at some point in the past three weeks, Amy was somehow able to get back in Jim Bob’s good graces.

First, Jinger re-followed her cousin on Instagram, and now, the Duggars have chosen to acknowledge Amy’s birthday on Facebook.

Yes, the above photo was posted on the Duggars’ official Facebook page earlier this week, and while it may seem like a minor development, it’s actually a subtle way of sharing some very big news.

Until recently, Amy was, by her own admission, “out of the family.”

She was persona non grata at all Duggar gatherings, and as Jim Bob and company aren’t exactly big on forgiveness, it was widely assumed that it would stay that way.

But now, not only Amy been forgiven, it also looks as though she’s being embraced by her family.

The youngest Duggar daughters recently formed a singing group — called, of course, The Duggar Girls — and it seems Amy has been recruited to assist with their dreams of stardom.

So maybe Michelle reluctantly asked for Amy’s assistance since she’s the only person the Duggars know who actually lives in the 21st century?

We suppose that’s possible — but Michelle doesn’t do anything without Jim Bob’s approval.

So even though he’s not in this pic, you can bet JB signed off on the decision.

And if there’s ever a man who’s not keen on changing his mind, it’s Jim Bob — so you can bet Amy worked very hard to get back on his good side.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Selena Gomez to Justin Bieber: Congrats on the Engagement, Jerk!

It’s been three weeks since Justin Bieber got engaged to Hailey Baldwin, and millions of Beliebers are still reeling in shock from the news.

Of course, no one was more shocked than Justin’s most famous ex, Selena Gomez.

Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez - Split

Reports about Selena’s reaction have varied, but accounts concur that she was shocked by the engagement.

Some have claimed that Selena was happy to be rid of Justin for good, while others say she would do anything to win him back.

The former scenario was always much more believable, and it’s supported by a new report from Star Magazine.

The tabloid claims that Selena recently wrote a letter to Justin congratulating him on his engagement.

“Selena was initially blindsided by Justin’s wedding plans, but after lots of contemplation realized it’s for the best, and told him so in a letter,” a source told the tabloid.

“She told pals it gave her enormous closure, because it marked the end of a long, painful chapter of her life.”

The insider claims that with the mailing of the letter (frankly, we’re finding it tough to believe that Selena really still uses snail mail, but whatever), Selena felt that she had permanently turned the page on an important chapter in her life:

“Selena doesn’t want to be linked to Justin forever,” the insider said.

“She really just wants to get on with her life. She doesn’t want to be part of the Justin circus anymore.” 

A separate source says Selena looks forward to a future in which she and Justin can enjoy a relationship as platonic friends and share memories of their time together: 

“Selena hopes to get to a point where she looks back on her time with Justin fondly and moves on,” the insider claims.

“At the end of the day, she only wants the best for him.” 

Well, if this report is accurate, then that’s awfully mature of Selena.

Of course, it’s no surprise that she would seize the opportunity to be the bigger person.

Not only has she always been much more emotionally evolved than Justin, she’s now unburdened of the baggage that may have prevented her from seeking out a relationship with someone who’s actually on her level.

It’s a win-win!


Monday, February 5, 2018

Gisele: Congrats to Eagles, But Tom Brady"s Still the Best Ever

It’s a different Gisele this time around …  Instead of complaining that her husband can’t throw AND catch the ball after the Super Bowl (like she did in 2012), Tom Brady’s wife is congratulating the Philadelphia Eagles on winning the big…


Gisele: Congrats to Eagles, But Tom Brady"s Still the Best Ever

It’s a different Gisele this time around …  Instead of complaining that her husband can’t throw AND catch the ball after the Super Bowl (like she did in 2012), Tom Brady’s wife is congratulating the Philadelphia Eagles on winning the big…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Byron Scott to Kobe: Congrats On Oscar Nod, People Deserve 2nd Chances

Byron Scott is ecstatic his old teammate Kobe Bryant was nominated for an Oscar — and tells TMZ Sports he hopes people celebrate Mamba because people deserve 2nd chances in life. Questions have been raised about how Kobe will be received at the…


Friday, January 19, 2018

Blac Chyna to Kim Kardashian: Congrats on the Baby! I"ll Still Beat You in Court!

For a woman who was just delivered a serious blow in her court battle against the Kardashians, Blac Chyna seems to be in astonishingly good spirits.

She’s vowing to keep fighting after her huge setback.

But she’s also congratulating Kim and Kanye on the birth of their third child, calling the baby girl a “blessing.”

You didn’t miss Kim Kardashian’s new, bizarre baby’s name, right? Kimye’s youngest daughter’s name is Chicago West.

(Chicago West sounds like the name of a fashion line or perhaps like Carmen Sandiego’s apprentice, so … it’s fine)

Before the news of the baby girl’s name even broke, The Blast caught up to Blac Chyna and asked what she thought of Kim’s third child being born.

Chyna replied: “It’s always a blessing. They deserve blessings.”

Some may find it surprising that Chyna could be so chipper about the Kardashians, considering recent developments.

So, you know how Blac Chyna is suing the entire Kardashian clan?

She claims that they used their influence to sabotage her reality career when it had scarcely begun, effectively blacklisting her at E!

If true, this would mean that the Kardashians cost her not only the money she would have earned through reality TV income, but cash from merchandising and endorsements and appearances. Which is why she’s suing.

The Kardashians argue that they didn’t maliciously undercut her career — that she missed out on work because she refused to film scenes with Rob, and even got a restraining order against him.

Blac Chyna reportedly hates that argument, and countered that she shouldn’t have lost her job over her fear of Rob.

Well, RadarOnline reports that Blac Chyna’s lawsuit against the Kardashians saw a major setback.

““Chyna lost today,” their source claims.

“But it is a temporary situation. Chyna is going to fight back.”

That’s no surprise. Chyna’s a fighter, clearly.

“She is going to go back and try again and try and convince the judge of his error.”

What error, you ask?

Reportedly, the judge in the case indicated that he’s going to remove both Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner from the lawsuit.

This weakens Blac Chyna’s case, we imagine, in two ways.

One, because Kris and Kim have deep pockets, and if they’re not the targets of her lawsuit, she can’t be awarded damages directly from them.

Two, and we’re just guessing (not legal experts), but one imagines that Blac Chyna will have a harder time arguing that, say, Rob pulled some carefully crafted scheme to sabotage her reality career. Rob is … well, Rob.

He’s not exactly an evil genius.

But apparently Blac Chyna stands fully poised to convince the judge that Kim and Kris do belong within the scope of her lawsuit.

Failing though, though, she’s said to be prepared to amend her lawsuit in such a way that she can still win.

Still, though Blac Chyna’s called the Kardashians all sorts of nasty things during the course of her falling out with the family and these legal fights, it’s not a surprise that she’s speaking pleasantly about Chicago’s birth.

Blac Chyna’s link to the Kardashians isn’t Rob — it’s Dream.

When Chyna talks about Chicago, she’s not just talking about the child of her enemy, she’s talking about the newborn cousin of her own baby daughter.

Her feud with the Kardashians is … very complicated.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Matt Baier and Jennifer Conlon to Amber Portwood: Congrats on the Baby!

Although Matt Baier has moved on from Amber Portwood, how does he feel about the fact that she’s expecting another man’s child?

Better than you might think, given their personal history.

The controversial Teen Mom OG superfan-turned-cast member and his new wife Jennifer Conlon told Radar that they’re quite happy.

“We are very happy for Amber and her baby,” Conlon said.

“We’re in love ourselves so we don’t have ill will,” she adds. “Their split was a blessing in disguise for everyone involved.”

This crew is acting far too mature about all of this.

Portwood called off her wedding to Baier a second time this year after he failed a lie detector test regarding him making sexual advances.

Toward other people, that is, while dating Amber.

Although the two tried to save their relationship on Marriage Boot Camp, they split for good … and she began dating Andrew Glennon.

Glennon, who was a crew member on that show, promptly got Amber Portwood pregnant with her second child as Baier moved to Vegas.

There, Matt Baier married Jennifer Conlon, pronto.

Yesterday, Conlon spoke out for the first time about their wedding and their relationship, as the couple looks to put any rumors to rest.

Says Matt: “All I ever want is for her to be safe and happy. Amber is very intelligent. If she’s happy then I’m happy. She deserves to be happy.” 

“There are a lot of people who want me to bash Amber because of the situation. I have nothing but good thoughts and hopes for Amber.”

Baier admitted that while he wasn’t “hurt” by her pregnancy, he was blindsided, and wishes he found out from her instead of the media.

“She’s not under obligation to let me know,” he admits. “But I would’ve made the courtesy call because our relationship wasn’t over for long.”

Asked if he hoped he would reconcile with Portwood before the two moved on, Matt said, “We were very co-dependent on each other.”

“When we split there was a sense of ‘this breakup can’t last‘ because we were too dependent on each other,” the 47-year-old added.

“When I got in my relationship and she got in hers that was the sign that it’s really done. My hope is we can we remain friends.”

His new wife is equally hopeful and optimistic.

“When you meet somebody and you have a connection, you know it in your heart,” Conlon said in their candid interview.

“It’s not something you question. It felt right to us. Getting married is something we wanted. We decided it was time, so he asked me to marry him.”

As for those allegations/uncomfortable facts that Baier is a lying, cheating drug addict with 7-9 kids and a sketchy history of supporting them?

“Matt is a wonderful man,” she told Radar.

“What people think of him and how he’s portrayed, that’s not the man he truly is. He is everything and more. He’s generous and loving.”

“It’s unfortunate that people think differently.”

“Matt is a good man, yet he gets attacked in a way I don’t understand. That’s not the person in front of me. His actions don’t show that.”

Conlon says she doesn’t understand the public’s fixation with Matt’s past, adding that it “has nothing to do with the relationship.”

“The life we have now is what we have now.”

“Matt is a wonderful partner, friend and someone who listens. I take a person for who they are today and what they do now.”

Sounds very promising. Of course, they’ve only known each other a few months, and he’s only been apart from Amber a few months.

She’s also not one of the people he owes child support too, so clearly the couple will have to beat some pretty strong odds.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Common: Serena Got Married? Didn"t Know But Congrats!

Here’s Common saying he had NO IDEA his ex-girlfriend Serena Williams tied the knot last week … but he’s congratulating her anyway in one of the most interesting clips of the day. Common and Serena were one of Hollywood’s “it” couples…


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Conor McGregor: Congrats to Floyd, "You"re a Solid Fighter"

Conor McGregor is toasting whiskey to Floyd Mayweather — saying he’s a solid fighter who won their match “hands down.” Conor also says he thinks Floyd could hold his own in an MMA cage.  It’s all part of a long statement Conor issued on the…


Monday, July 31, 2017

Daniel Cormier: Congrats to Jon Jones, "Phenomenal Job"

Daniel Cormier has a message for Jon Jones — Congrats.  D.C. wasn’t in the best shape to talk after his loss to Jones at UFC 214 and left the Octagon after only a brief statement with Joe Rogan.  But now, he’s opening up … and giving…


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Jon Gosselin: Congrats to My Girlfriend! I Can Finally Quit Stripping!

Sexism is over! … Okay, not really.

But Jon Gosselin’s post congratulating his girlfriend Colleen Conrad has some people chuckling over some refreshing role reversals.

Which should not, of course, distract from celebrating this couple’s good news.

Jon Gosselin’s girlfriend, Colleen Conrad, graduated from nursing school.

The reality personality took to Instagram to congratulate her, his caption indicating that she intends to become a nurse practitioner.

Lately, we know that Jon Gosselin’s been working as a stripper.

When he’s not saving people’s lives, that is.

He’s credited the profession with putting his life back on track, which makes sense — with his novelty as a reality star, it could definitely pay the bills.

We’ve all heard stories of women who were strippers to put their boyfriends or fiances or husbands through medical school, or who at least stripped during that time.

You know, in anticipation that the future doctor or nurse would eventually become the breadwinner.

Some pointed out similarities, though we’ve seen no indications that Jon’s been bankrolling her through school or anything like that.

But it’s always nice to hear a man praising his girlfriend’s career milestones instead of the other way around.

Stripping can be a great way to make money and some find it empowering, but the age range for it to be a viable career is pretty limited.

In other words, medical professionals are likely to make more with age.

Over time, strippers are likely to make less.

In Jon Gosselin’s case, he’s kind of older than you usually picture a stripper being, but — and we say this with no intended offense — we think that his career is based more on his fame than on his looks.

And that’s totally okay.

So, if the Jon Gosselin’s novelty wears off before he lines up a new gig, if he and Colleen are still together, she could be the breadwinner for a while.

Jon Gosselin’s still famous, even though he’s no longer a reality star.

Though he’s glad that his family’s time in the spotlight has provided for a financial future for his children, he’s expressed concerns in the past that the fame may impact them in unforeseen ways.

Honestly? We don’t think that he needs to worry.

Growing up famous can screw with you plenty — just look at Kylie Jenner.

But for the Gosselin children, we can’t imagine that the long-term mental scarring from fame will hold a candle to the damage of being raised by that beast Kate Gosselin.

We also think that he knows that, but probably has very good reasons for not saying it.

Custody situations can be … complicated.

But this moment is about Jon and Colleen, and not Jon’s heavy personal baggage.

We’re glad that they were able to toast to her graduation from nursing school and to her new career.

Honestly, we hope that Jon sticks to stripping for a while if he’s enjoying it.

You want to ride that fame train as far as it will take you, you know?

So long as it keeps paying the bills, anyway.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo: Congrats on the Baby, Jill!

Just in case you missed this — how could you have possibly missed this?! — Jill Duggar announced earlier this week that she and her husband, Derick Dillard, are expecting their second child.

Or hey, they might be expecting their second child right along with their third, depending on what rumors you buy into.

Don"t forget, good ol" Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar seemed to give a little hint that Jill"s going to be welcoming twins.

In a blog entry on their site, they wrote that they talked with Jill about "what it would be like to go from 1 to 3 kids all at once," just like they did when they had twins Jana and John-David after having firstborn Josh.

But either way, it"s all very exciting, right?

And Jinger Duggar and her brand new husband, Jeremy Vuolo, are sharing that excitement in a very special video they"ve just shared.

In the video, Jing and Jere look just so happy as they tell Jill and Derick that they"re "very excited" for them and their new adventure.

Jinger was even sweet enough to cover up that eternal sex hair with a hat, as to not steal any of Jill"s fetus" spotlight!

It"s nice to see the Duggars being sweet to one another, without any talk of the horrible crimes of the eldest of the 19 Kids and Counting, isn"t it?

Watch the sweet video below:

Jinger duggar and jeremy vuolo congrats on the baby jill