Friday, December 1, 2017

Matt Baier and Jennifer Conlon to Amber Portwood: Congrats on the Baby!

Although Matt Baier has moved on from Amber Portwood, how does he feel about the fact that she’s expecting another man’s child?

Better than you might think, given their personal history.

The controversial Teen Mom OG superfan-turned-cast member and his new wife Jennifer Conlon told Radar that they’re quite happy.

“We are very happy for Amber and her baby,” Conlon said.

“We’re in love ourselves so we don’t have ill will,” she adds. “Their split was a blessing in disguise for everyone involved.”

This crew is acting far too mature about all of this.

Portwood called off her wedding to Baier a second time this year after he failed a lie detector test regarding him making sexual advances.

Toward other people, that is, while dating Amber.

Although the two tried to save their relationship on Marriage Boot Camp, they split for good … and she began dating Andrew Glennon.

Glennon, who was a crew member on that show, promptly got Amber Portwood pregnant with her second child as Baier moved to Vegas.

There, Matt Baier married Jennifer Conlon, pronto.

Yesterday, Conlon spoke out for the first time about their wedding and their relationship, as the couple looks to put any rumors to rest.

Says Matt: “All I ever want is for her to be safe and happy. Amber is very intelligent. If she’s happy then I’m happy. She deserves to be happy.” 

“There are a lot of people who want me to bash Amber because of the situation. I have nothing but good thoughts and hopes for Amber.”

Baier admitted that while he wasn’t “hurt” by her pregnancy, he was blindsided, and wishes he found out from her instead of the media.

“She’s not under obligation to let me know,” he admits. “But I would’ve made the courtesy call because our relationship wasn’t over for long.”

Asked if he hoped he would reconcile with Portwood before the two moved on, Matt said, “We were very co-dependent on each other.”

“When we split there was a sense of ‘this breakup can’t last‘ because we were too dependent on each other,” the 47-year-old added.

“When I got in my relationship and she got in hers that was the sign that it’s really done. My hope is we can we remain friends.”

His new wife is equally hopeful and optimistic.

“When you meet somebody and you have a connection, you know it in your heart,” Conlon said in their candid interview.

“It’s not something you question. It felt right to us. Getting married is something we wanted. We decided it was time, so he asked me to marry him.”

As for those allegations/uncomfortable facts that Baier is a lying, cheating drug addict with 7-9 kids and a sketchy history of supporting them?

“Matt is a wonderful man,” she told Radar.

“What people think of him and how he’s portrayed, that’s not the man he truly is. He is everything and more. He’s generous and loving.”

“It’s unfortunate that people think differently.”

“Matt is a good man, yet he gets attacked in a way I don’t understand. That’s not the person in front of me. His actions don’t show that.”

Conlon says she doesn’t understand the public’s fixation with Matt’s past, adding that it “has nothing to do with the relationship.”

“The life we have now is what we have now.”

“Matt is a wonderful partner, friend and someone who listens. I take a person for who they are today and what they do now.”

Sounds very promising. Of course, they’ve only known each other a few months, and he’s only been apart from Amber a few months.

She’s also not one of the people he owes child support too, so clearly the couple will have to beat some pretty strong odds.
