Showing posts with label Didn't. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Didn't. Show all posts

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Former Miss USA Malibu Fire Didn"t Stop Our Wedding!!!

Former Miss USA Tara Conner had no idea the ravaging Malibu fire would turn her into a hell of a wedding planner … ’cause the natural disaster forced her to plan it again from scratch with only 24 hours to spare.
We’re told Tara and Eli James got married on November ...
Former Miss USA Malibu Fire Didn"t Stop Our Wedding!!!

Danielle Staub"s Ex I Didn"t Secretly List Our House ... She Knew All Along!!!


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Danielle Staub"s Ex I Didn"t Secretly List Our House ... She Knew All Along!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Amanda Bynes "She"s the Man" Caused Severe Depression ... I Didn"t Like Me As A Boy

Breaking News
Amanda Bynes is opening up about her past issues with drugs, acceptance and a deep battle with depression brought on by one of her most famous movie roles. 
Bynes starred in “She’s The Man” back in 2006, playing a teen girl who dressed like a boy, pretending to be ...
Amanda Bynes "She"s the Man" Caused Severe Depression ... I Didn"t Like Me As A Boy

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner"s Partner Says Trans Leaders Got It Wrong, She Didn"t Vote For Trump

Caitlyn Jenner is being treated more harshly by her own, transgender community than the general public because they think she voted for Donald Trump … but she didn’t, according to her partner. Sophia Hutchins says a few leaders in the trans…


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Matt Barnes Says He 100% Put Ball In Kobe"s Face, Kobe 100% Didn"t Flinch

All the Internet detectives can put their magnifying glasses down … Matt Barnes is ending the debate, telling TMZ Sports he DEFINITELY faked the ball RIGHT AT Kobe Bryant. And, of course … Kobe didn’t flinch. The debate over this 8-year-old NBA…


Monday, October 1, 2018

Ashley Darby: My Husband Didn"t Grope that Man! It"s All Lies!

Ashley Darby is speaking out now that her husband Michael Darby has been accused of sexual assault.

Not only is the The Real Housewives of Potomac star standing by her man, she’s claiming that charges have not even been filed.

She also announces that her husband has not been suspended by Bravo. Is she telling the truth?

Ashley Darby took to her Instagram Story on Saturday to affirm her support her embattled husband.

“No charges filed,” she writes. “No arrest made.”

“No Bravo suspension,” she continues. “No worries.”

She then promises fans: “We’ll keep you posted.”

That is very interesting … considering that two of those claims are in conflict with reports.

TMZ‘s report, which we are inclined to believe, says that Darby has been charged with felony assault.

(He has also been charged with misdemeanor improper sexual contact)

He has also been suspended by Truly Original, the production company behind The Real Housewives of Potomac.

And he has been suspended by Bravo, who say that they have procedures to follow when allegations of this nature are made.

It is curious that Ashley would make an announcement that is contrary to what we’ve heard.

As you may recall, these allegations — reported to police within days of the October 1 incident — were made by a cameraman, Orville Palmer.

According to his accusation, Michael Darby began by giving him what he perceived to be a flirtatious look.

On its own, that’s a pretty subjective perception, and almost never a crime.

He says that Darby then grabbed and groped his butt.

He says that he put down the camera and demanded that Darby stop touching his butt.

There was another alleged incident, days before, in which Michael Darby is said to have kicked him in the butt.

Kicking someone’s butt is not necessarily sexual in nature, but consider this:

One: you should not be touching anyone’s posterior without permission.

Two: kicking a butt might not be inherently sexual, but it’s inherently assault. Stop it.

As we mentioned, Palmer filed charges just days after the October 1 incident.

Some may feel a surge of anger towards Ashley for standing by her husband when these allegations have been made.

We should remember that blame for misdeeds — alleged or proven — should not be misplaced to a person’s family or loved ones.

Ashley, like so many people who are close to those who are accused of predatory behavior, is struggling to reconcile the man she knows with what she has now heard.

She may believe that this is over a vendetta against her husband, or somehow a ploy to make money.

Be angry with her for her claims that are contrary to reports, if you like, but not every wife is likely to file for divorce when allegations surface.

What makes this story a little complicated is that this alleged sexual assault case is that this is a married man who is accused of groping another man.

Obviously, not all sex crimes are about attraction, but a lot of people find that surprising and even difficult to accept.

There have been other famous man-on-man assault stories. The most famous among them are probably Brendan Fraiser and Terry Crews.

No one has the right to touch another person without their consent.

It is neither “gay” nor “homophobic” to report a sexual assault committed by one man upon another. Crimes are crimes.


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

LeBron James Says He Didn"t Join Lakers to Be Closer to Hollywood

LeBron James says his move to join the Lakers was strictly a basketball decision — and had NOTHING to do with his budding Hollywood career.  … so, you believe him?  King James just spoke with reporters at Lakers Media Day where he was…


Friday, September 14, 2018

Danielle Mullins" BFF: I Didn"t Mean to Say Muslim People Have Sex With Goats

Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali are one of 90 Day Fiance‘s most controversial couples — even though they’re now bitter exes.

Back when they were together, one of Danielle’s friends made a joke about Mohamed having lost his virginity to “his family goat.”

Because many viwers pointed out that her jab appeared to have bigoted undertones, she is finally explaining herself to Danielle’s fans.

Danielle’s friend Beth Mahar took to Danielle’s Facebook page to set the record straight.

“Ok folks,” Beth writes. “Since my comment to Mohamed about his family goat is still such a hot topic for some people I am taking this opportunity to explain it”

“I am not racist in any way, shape or form,” Beth insists.

“I am married to a Muslim immigrant from Pakistan,” she shares, adding that she has been married “for the past 7 years now.”

She even notes that “My husband is a much more devout practicing Muslim than Mohamed Jbali.”

Obviously, friendship or even marriage does not preclude someone from being a bigot. But that doesn’t mean that Beth is a bigot, either.

“This TV show, 90 Day Fiancé, etc, etc, is strictly for entertainment purposes only,” Beth points out.

Beth says: “My comment to him about the family goat insinuating basically that the family goat was his first sexual experience was for entertainment value only”

“Was it inappropriate or in bad taste?” Beth asks. “Yes, probably so, and I sincerely apologize to anyone who it may have offended.”

After that very reasonable apology, she writes: “(except Mohamed…LOL)”

“But seriously,” Beth continues. “I truly am not racist and no TV show whether reality or not should be taken so damn seriously.”

“By the way just for everyone’s information,” Beth explains. “That comment and filming of this particular scene was filmed over a year ago.”

“Again,” Beth continues. “I didn’t mean to offend anyone other than ‘s–t head’ and I certainly do not have anything against Muslims.”

That is very reassuring to hear!

Beth concludes: “I hope this helps to clarify my comment for those who got the impression that I am a racist, Muslim hater.”

This is a complicated topic!

On the one hand, it’s absolutely a reality television show. No one should seek to emulate the behavior that they see from random reality stars.

On the other hand, the words that we say have impact, especially when those words are broadcast to millions of TV screens.

Inside jokes or personal jabs don’t translate well through television.

Some people may be offended, while others may parrot those insults to others who are not Mohamed Jbali but merely share his skin tone.

It is great that Beth Mahar came forward to clear the air about this, even though it is admittedly pretty weird that she did it on Danielle’s Facebook page.

(She could have made it on her own page and then let Danielle share it)

But it’s important to remember that making fun of a bad person for something like weight, accent, or cultural differences doesn’t just impact them — it impacts entire communities.

You can poek fun at Mohamed’s misdeeds if you like, but leave his culture out of it.


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Goldberg Swears He Didn"t Threaten to Kill President Trump

WWE Hall of Famer Bill Goldberg insists he did NOT call President Trump a “spatastic sh*t head” in a series of violent tweets directed at the POTUS … claiming he was hacked.  Goldberg’s official Twitter account started going off about Trump…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Beer Mile Runner Disqualified, You Didn"t Drink Enough Beer!

The dude who crushed a Beer Mile run in less than four and a half minutes had his time officially disqualified … ‘cause he left too much foam in his bottles. For real. The poor guy’s name is Corey Bellemore … and after recording a new…


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Won"t Guarantee Trump Didn"t Say N-Word on Tape

Sarah Huckabee Sanders can’t say for sure there isn’t a recording of President Trump saying the n-word. The White House Press Sec. was bombarded Tuesday with questions about Omarosa’s many secret recordings … during the campaign…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Tori and Zach Roloff: 14 Things You Probably Didn"t Know About Us

Tori and Zach Roloff star on a reality television show that documents their lives.

But still.

How well do you feel like you really know these Little People, Big World stars?

The couple manages to be an open book, but it also manages to NOT reveal every single chapter of their story.

With this in mind, we"re put together a list of facts and tidbits that may surprise even the most ardent of Zach and Tori followers.

Were you aware of each of the items listed below?

1. Tori Worked at Roloff Farms!

Adorable on thanksgiving

It’s true. She met Zach because she was hired in 2010 to help out with the very busy pumpkin season. “A coworker told me, ‘Zachary really thinks you’re cute, but doesn’t think you’ll ever go out with him,"” Tori once told People.

2. It Was Love at First Sight

Jackson tori and zach

Or close to it, at least. “Our first date lasted five hours, and we’ve been together ever since,” Tori told People in this same interview. How sweet, right?

3. Tori Was Zach’s First

Roloffs on xmas eve

His first GIRLFRIEND, that is. We can’t speak on anything else. But Zach once told People that he “never really dated” before meeting his wife.

4. The Couple Got Married on TV!

Roloff wedding day

TLC aired the 2015 ceremony; which, of course, was attended by all of Zach’s famous loved ones. “My parents played a huge role in setting up the farm, making it all nice,” said Zach back then, while Tori added: “Matt planted a bunch of wheat fields behind the gazebo. There’s like these huge rolling hills of wheat, which are really beautiful.”

5. Tori’s Maiden Name is Patton

Tori roloff on insta

Nothing too groundbreaking here, we’re just guessing most people didn’t know this.

6. Tori Cried While Reciting Her Vows

Tori zach and jackson roloff

“I commit myself to you, body and soul,” Tori said on her wedding day, promising her new husband “neck rubs” and to try and be a “less picky eater,” while making US cry by concluding: “You are my light Zachary, I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us.”

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Donald Trump Says He Didn"t Know General John Kelly Fired Omarosa

President Trump either didn’t know his Chief of Staff fired Omarosa or he played dumb … this according to newly-released audio in which Trump tells her he had no idea she got the ax. You hear Trump faintly express regret as Omarosa explains…


Donald Trump Says He Didn"t Know General John Kelly Fired Omarosa

President Trump either didn’t know his Chief of Staff fired Omarosa or he played dumb … this according to newly-released audio in which Trump tells her he had no idea she got the ax. You hear Trump faintly express regret as Omarosa explains…


Friday, August 10, 2018

Younes Bendjima SWEARS He Didn"t Cheat, Begs Kourtney to Take Him Back!

After two years together, it’s over between Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima. And, with accusations of cheating, things are turning ugly.

Younes is adamantly denying that he ever cheated on his favorite MILF.

He still hopes that Kourtney will take him back. He sitll loves her.

HollywoodLife reports that a source close to Younes says that he hopes to reconcile ASAP and go back to having hot cougar sex with Kourt.

“Younes is denying he ever cheated on Kourtney,” the insider says.

Cheating rumors arose after he was spotted looking cozy — but, genuinely, just cozy — with Jordan Ozuma.

The source continues: “He swears he has only been loyal to her since the moment they first met.”

Younes is faithful to Kourtney, the insider says, “and has done nothing wrong.”

“He still loves her a lot,” the source continues. “And can’t believe it is over.”

The two of them just finished their sexy Italian vacation together and now they’re done. That totally sucks — for both of them.

“He has been apologizing,” the insider says. “Trying to explain any misunderstandings.”

That can be difficult to do. Especially if someone has already decided that you are not trustworthy.

“And,” the source reveals, Younes has been “begging Kourtney for a second chance.”

Kourtney admittedly did not “catch him cheating red-handed,” the source admits.

So, she merely suspects that he cheated on her.

But it sounds like she has more than a couple of partying pics, as the insider says that “she had enough evidence to believe that he was not being faithful.”


What’s more, the source says, is that Kourtney resented becoming “the worried girlfriend constantly checking up on her boyfriend and his friends on social media.”

When it comes to Jordan Ozuna, she has made it very clear that there was no funny business going on between them.

“Younes and I are not involved romantically at all,” Jordan said after photos of the two at a party surfaced.

“We were both invited to Mexico for a mutual friend’s birthday party with 13 other people,” Jordan explained.

“It was nothing more than friends having fun at the beach,” Jordan clarified. “No, we aren’t romantically involved in any way, shape or form.”

That’s probably true. But it might not make a difference with a split this ugly.

Ultimately, this may come down to Kourtney’s feelings.

Reports say that a major source of strain between the two was their age difference.

Sure, Younes is a mature guy, but he’s still well over a decade Kourt’s junior. They’re just at fundamentally different stages of their lives.

That might not always be the case for two people of their respective ages (Kourtney is 39 while Younes is 25), but Kourtney is a mother of three and Younes is an aspiring supermodel.

Their lives are on different tracks, and though they may both be hot and though they may have even hotter sex, that doesn’t mean that they are compatible in the long term. No matter how much they may wish otherwise.

It’s sad to see them break up. But they’ll always have their happy, sexy memories.


Friday, August 3, 2018

Travis Scott"s Camp Says They Didn"t Edit Trans Model from Album Cover

Travis Scott had nothing to do with editing a famous transgender model off his latest album cover, because the artwork he received is exactly what he released … so say sources close to the rapper. We’re told the final version of Travis’…


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Demi Lovato Didn"t "Suffer" an OD, She Caused It Says Interventionist

Demi Lovato didn’t “suffer an overdose” — she caused it — so says a famed interventionist. Jeff VanVonderen – who appeared on the A&E show “Intervention” — says Demi’s alarming relapse resulted from choosing to stop using the…


Demi Lovato Didn"t "Suffer" an OD, She Caused It Says Interventionist

Demi Lovato didn’t “suffer an overdose” — she caused it — so says a famed interventionist. Jeff VanVonderen – who appeared on the A&E show “Intervention” — says Demi’s alarming relapse resulted from choosing to stop using the…
