Showing posts with label General. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2018

United Nations General Assembly Events Cost U.S. Taxpayers Millions

The United States paid millions to host the United Nations’ General Assembly this year … ironic since President Trump became the butt of the meeting’s biggest joke. We obtained federal docs outlining costs associated with the Lotte Hotel in…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Donald Trump Says He Didn"t Know General John Kelly Fired Omarosa

President Trump either didn’t know his Chief of Staff fired Omarosa or he played dumb … this according to newly-released audio in which Trump tells her he had no idea she got the ax. You hear Trump faintly express regret as Omarosa explains…


Donald Trump Says He Didn"t Know General John Kelly Fired Omarosa

President Trump either didn’t know his Chief of Staff fired Omarosa or he played dumb … this according to newly-released audio in which Trump tells her he had no idea she got the ax. You hear Trump faintly express regret as Omarosa explains…


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Harvey Weinstein & TWC Sued by N.Y. Attorney General for Civil Rights Violations

Harvey Weinstein and The Weinstein Company are being sued by the New York Attorney General for alleged civil rights violations in the workplace. New York’s AG, Eric Schneiderman, just filed suit against Harvey, his brother, Bob Weinstein, and the…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Brett Young Destroys National Anthem, Possibly Career in General

Brett Young sang the Star-Spangled Banner prior to the NHL All-Star Game on Saturday, and we know what you"re thinking:

There was an NHL All-Star Game on Sunday?!?

There"s still such a thing as the NHL?!?

Apparently, yes and yes. We"re as shocked as you are by both of these answers.

But the surprising existence of professional hockey isn"t the point right now.

Instead, the point is the existence of the following video.

It features the aforementioned country music artist possibly damaging his career permanently by utterly destroying his country"s theme song.

Following a perfectly strong rendition of the Canadian national anthem, Young steps up to the microphone and sounds like he"d rather be anywhere on the planet that center ice at that moment.

His version of this beloved song is slow and stilted. It lacks emotion of any kind.

It seems in certain places as if he"s unsure what the next lyric is.

As you can see, we aren"t the only people who thought these mean thoughts.

One Twitter user wrote that Young sang the anthem as if he was performing at the funeral, which is an apt assessment.

It felt like it took foooooorever for the song to finish, even though Young clocked in at one minute and 50 seconds, which is 10 seconds fewer than the over/under currently set for Pink at Super Bowl 52 this Sunday.

So the performance wasn"t actually that long.

It just felt that long.

So as the pressure turns to Pink and the most-watched Star-Spangled Banner of them all in a few days, take a couple moments below to watch Young totally butcher the famous track.

We"re sure he meant well.

We"re just also sure it didn"t turn out well.

(Young"s anthem starts around the 2:10 mark below.)

Brett young destroys national anthem possibly career in general

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Donald Trump Gets Advice from 3-Star Army General: Call Rodman

One of the highest-ranked Army vets believes Dennis Rodman can help make peace with North Korea … saying Donald Trump should seriously consider meeting with the ex-NBA star to smooth things out with Kim Jong-un. TMZ Sports spoke…


Donald Trump Gets Advice from 3-Star Army General: Call Rodman

One of the highest-ranked Army vets believes Dennis Rodman can help make peace with North Korea … saying Donald Trump should seriously consider meeting with the ex-NBA star to smooth things out with Kim Jong-un. TMZ Sports spoke…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Rudy Giuliani Deflects Attorney General Questions, Job"s Not Open and Sessions Is a Friend

Rudy Giuliani insists he won’t stab Jeff Sessions in the back for the Attorney General post — and says President Trump should field all questions about the job … not him. We got the former NYC mayor at Reagan National in D.C. and…


Killer Mike"s Says Jeff Sessions, Rudy Giuliani Are Both Unfit to Be Attorney General

Killer Mike says America’s screwed when it comes to our Attorney General — while Rudy Giuliani might have a slight edge on Jeff Sessions … Mike says they both have a huge downside.  There’s buzz President Trump might tap his…


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Jacob Roloff SLAMS Little People/Big World Family, Christians in General

This should be a very happy time for the Roloff family.

Zach and Tori, after all, just welcomed their very first child into the world, helping to expand the brood made famous on TLC’s Little People, Big World.

But Jacob Roloff is here to spoil the celebration.

He’s here to once again talk openly about all the issues he has with his relatives, along with Christians in general.

Prepare to be third-degree burned by this hot take, readers!

“Christians as I have experienced them have assumed a real and damaging sense of superiority over all other belief systems,” wrote the 20-year old son of Amy and Matt Roloff on his new blog.

He added:

“They believe that their Mystic, Jesus of Nazareth, was the Supremely Gifted Mystic and that their book, The Bible, is Supreme in Knowledge and Law.”

And why is this a problem?

Because it leads to egotistical, selfish attitudes.

Continued Roloff in a rant that has gone viral:

“They have privately for so long deemed non-Christians as ‘needing help’ and diseased of the mind and spirit, condescendingly offering an empty platitude of the nature of ‘I’ll pray for you.’

“They don’t pray for you though, they pray for themselves, their spiritual security, and out of pity that you aren’t as fortunate as they to be ‘in the know.”

For these cited reasons, Roloff says he no longer considers himself a Christian.

This may not seem like a big deal to some, but it’s relevant because Jacob’s brother, Jeremy, and sister-in-law, Audrey, consider themselves to be dedicated, passionate, loyal Christians.

And they have used their own blog to make this viewpoint known, condemning such acts over the years as homosexuality, gender fluidity and pre-marital sex.

About a year ago, Roloff quit Little People, Big World in epic and memorable fashion.

He hadn’t appeared on the series for about 24 months at the time, but Jacob said he was besieged by people asking if he might make a return.

So he came out and gave them a simple answer: No. Never.

“For the sake of ‘the episode’ and ratings I’ve seen a lot of STORYLINES drawn up (loosely) about our lives,” Roloff wrote on Instagram, exposing the series as contrived.

He continued last July:

“And when I was standing here, behind the scenes and watching it from an outside perspective I just couldn’t stop laughing.

“Laughing at how hard the producers have to try to get us to follow the talking points, and at how ridiculous the talking points are.”

In conclusion, he slammed his devout Christian family as being a bunch of fakers.

“The family that is filmed is not my family,” he wrote.

“They are the Roloff Characters and I have scarcely anything in common with them, nor do I want to be a character myself.”

Wow. Amazing, right?

We respect Jacob for speaking his mind and we understand that he doesn’t want to be a part of Little People, Big World.

But can someone out there give this guy a reality show?!? He’s awesome.

We’d totally watch it.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

"General Hospital" Actor Peter Hansen Dies at 95

Peter Hansen — who played Lee Baldwin for 5 decades on the iconic soap opera “General Hospital” — died Sunday in Santa Clarita, California. Peter’s character started out as an addiction counselor at the hospital, and then the role morphed into…


Friday, December 30, 2016

Barbara Tarbuck Dies; General Hospital Star Was 74

Barbara Tarbuck, a veteran actress likely best known for her roles on General Hospital and American Horror Story: Asylum, died Monday, according to The Associated Press.

She was 74 years old.

Tarbuck’s daughter, producer Jennifer Lane Connolly, confirmed this sad piece of news to the AP yesterday.

She said that her talented mother passed away at her Los Angeles residence and suffered from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disorder, a rare, degenerative brain disease.

A native of Detroit, Michigan, Tarbuck got her start in the business at the age of nine when she appeared on Storyland, a children’s series on AM radio station WWJ.

From there, she proceeded to land a few impressive television roles, filling up her resume with such beloved shows as:

– Charlie’s Angels.

– Dallas.

– Cagney & Lacey.

– The Golden Girls.

– Mad Men.

– Dexter.

– And General Hospital.

It was on this final, long-running soap opera that she portrayed Jane Jacks over the span of 14 years.

In addition to portraying Mother Superior Claudia on American Horror Story Season 2 (below), Tarbuck stopped by two other Ryan Murphy hits, Nip/Tuck and Glee.

On the big scree, Tarbuck’s movie highlights include performances in Big Trouble (1986), Short Circuit (1986), Curly Sue (1991), The Tie That Binds (1995) and Walking Tall (2004).

She even appeared in a Broadway production of Neil Simon’s Brighton Beach Memoirs in the 1980s and Harold Pinter’s Landscape and Silence.

What an impressive career.

Tarbuck also taught acting at UCLA for years.

She studied acting at Wayne State University and graduated in 1963.

After receiving her master’s degree from the University of Michigan, Tarbuck was the lead actress at Indiana University in its inaugural theater touring company season.


Along with her daughter, Tarbuck is survived by her son-in-law, Samuel Chawinga, and two grandsons: Cianan and Cuinn Chawinga.

We send our condolences to her family, friends and loved ones.

As has been well documented by now, 2016 was a tragic year for celebrity deaths.

With this passing, the veteran actress joins a long list that includes all of the following names:

May they all rest in peace.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Jeff Sessions Selected to Be U.S. Attorney General

It looks like Jeff Sessions will be our next U.S. Attorney General.

The senator from Alabama has been nominated to this vital position by President-Elect Donald Trump, who has once again stirred up quite a bit of controversy before getting into the Oval Office.

Sessions is a 69-year old staunch Conservative who often campaigned alongside Trump.

He has been an outspoken supporter of the former Celebrity Apprentice star for months.

But that is not the controversial part, unless you think scandal ought to follow around anyone who advocated Donald Trump for President.

Sessions formerly worked as a prosecutor and was elected into the Senate in 1996.

He currently serves on the Judiciary Committee and is best known for his strong opposition to immigration reform, along with his objection to bipartisan proposals to cut mandatory minimum prison sentences.

He has supporter Trump’s proposal to build a wall along the Mexican border and he is all about deporting illegal aliens from America.

According to The New York Times, Sessions was nominated in 1986 by the late president Ronald Reagan for a federal judgeship.

However, this nomination was rejected due to a series of racially charged comments the politician had made in the past.

At the time, Sessions’ nomination was only one of two to be rejected by the panel in almost five decades.

What sort of divisive remarks has Sessions been accused of uttering?

He had earlier branded civil rights organizations such as the NAACP and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference as “un-American” and “Communist-inspired.”

He also once said that the Ku Klux Klan was fine by him, although he lost some respect for its members when he learned they smoked pot.

(Sessions does not deny making this comment, but says it was made in jest.)

Then there’s the case of Thomas H. Hughes.

An African American prosecutor, he alleges that Sessions referred to him as “boy.”

“Jeff has been a highly respected member of the U.S. Senate for 20 years,” Trump said in a statement.

“He is a world-class legal mind and considered a truly great Attorney General and US Attorney in the state of Alabama. Jeff is greatly admired by legal scholars and virtually everyone who knows him.”

Millions of people around the globe are growing more and more concerned by the kinds of people Trump is assigning to key White House positions.

He previously announced that Steve Bannon would serve as a chief advisor and… well… you can learn more about Steve Bannon here:

Sessions was one of President Barack Obama’s loudest opponents, voting against his nominees to the Supreme Court from his post on the Judiciary Committee and opposing Obama’s other major domestic initiatives.

He also seems to be in favor of Trump’s ban on Muslims.

“He simply said, and the way I understand it is, that we should slow down. Let’s have a pause and begin to analyze where the threats are coming from,” Sessions told CNN in June, amidst questions about whether or not Trump’s position was shifting.

“We have a toxic ideology, hopefully very small within Islam; certainly most people, most Muslims don’t agree with this violent, jihadist approach.

“And we need to figure out a better way to identify that.”

What do you think of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General?

What about Mike Pompeo as CIA Director?

Learn more about the latter below:


Monday, November 7, 2016

Janet Reno Dead: 78-Year-Old Attorney General Dies From Parkinson"s Complications

Janet Reno, the first female Attorney General to serve the United States, is dead following a courageous battle with Parkinson’s disease

Reno was 78 years old. 

In a statement provided by Reno’s goddaughter, Gabrielle D’Alemberte, Janet spent her final days at home in Florida with family and friends surrounding her. 

Reno served under the Clinton administration in the ’90s for nearly eight years, where she endured much criticism by her bullish actions. 

One of the more notable “scandals” was when she supported the raid after a 51-day stand-off on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, where cult head David Koresh and 80-plus followers died.

Janet referred to the demise of the Waco compound “the worst day of her life,” and said, “It was a dangerous situation.”

“The tragedy is that we will never know what was the right thing to do.” 

The government reported that the cult committed mass suicide, and set the fire. 

It’s hard for dead folks to set fire, though. 

Others speculated that it was the government who burned the compound to the ground, as Reno admitted to using teargas to end the 51-day standoff, and that government agents attempted to pick off individuals trying to flee by shooting them. 

Reno was also involved in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Whitewater, and reported Chinese nuclear espionage, among other things. 

In 2000, Reno ordered the armed seizure of Elian Gonzáles, which caused major controversy in both Cuba and the United States. 

Elian was removed from his Miami home – a town in which he shared with Reno – and ordered back to Havana, where his father lived. 

Reno graduated from Cornell University and received a degree in chemistry, before moving onto Harvard Law School, where she received her educational background in politics and law. 

After winning the nomination from Clinton – the first woman to lead the United States Justice Department – she said, “It’s an extraordinary experience, and I hope I do the women of America proud.” 

However, after the 1993 Waco incident, Reno was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and her condition began to deteriorate. 

The 78th United States Attorney General retired from the government in 2001. 

She was succeeded by John Ashcroft. 

Rest in peace, Reno, and may you find some yourself. 
