Showing posts with label Jacob. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jacob. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Jacob Tremblay Scores $100k Movie Deal for Sequel to "The Shining"

Jacob Tremblay’s stock keeps rising ‘cause he keeps landing big roles … like his next one in the sequel to “The Shining.” The 12-year-old star child actor has scored a $ 100k deal to appear in the next movie based on Stephen King’s work,…


Friday, October 19, 2018

Jacob Roloff: Gushed Over, Praised by Fiancee Isabel Rock

Last month, Jacob Roloff and Isabel Rock announced their wedding date.

Now, Isabel can’t help but gush about the former Little People, Big World star.

Isabel is telling fans how supportive Jacob is — and revealing how he helps her with her art.

Jacob Roloff Helps Isabel With Her Art

“The man behind the resin pieces,” Isabel Rock gushed on social media alongside a glimpse of Jacob helping with her art.

“I couldn’t have done it without his help,” she admits.

Isabel explains: “If you are not familiar with resin, there are so many steps and tricks and measuring.”

“And,” she continues. “You can’t mess any of it up or you’ll ruin the entire piece.”

Isabel then announces: “Jacob always comes through!”

Isabel wasn’t done praising the love of her life.

“He really is the most helpful and supportive fiance,” she gushes.

Her post ends: “I really love him so much!”

Awww, they’re so cute.

And he has been supportive of her in other ways that do not have to do with her art.

Alongside this tender photo, Isabel recently gushed about how Jacob helped her self-image.

“When I first saw this photo,” Isabel writes. “I was horrified at how chubby my cheeks looked.”

“This beautiful picture, with all of its complexities that make it what it is,” she describes.

“And of course,” Isabel laments. “I zeroed in on the most negative thing I could find.”

“My cheeks are one of Jacob’s favorite things about me,” she reveals.


“I’ve had them since birth,” Isabel says of her cheeks. “And apparently, they’re never going away.”

She explains how Jacob’s feedback helped her to appreciate the image.

“Now, with some perspective, I see this photograph as one I will cherish for life,” Isabel writes.

“The way he is looking at me,” she admires. “That perfect Iowa sunset.”

She mentions: “The fact that there were so many deer in a meadow behind us and our dogs were in that same meadow playing ball.”

“Life is a lot like this,” Isabel notes.

A huge part of being a celebrity who posts lowkey thinkpieces to Instagram is drawing larger life lessons from individual photos.

“We tend to hone in on the negatives,” Isabel acknowledges. “It is the way we have trained our brains to work since the beginning.”

“We focus on what we don’t like, what we don’t have, what we wish were different,” Isabel explains.

Isabel continues: “Instead of looking at the whole picture and admiring it for all that it is.”

“I’d like you to join me in training our minds to see things differently,” Isabel invites her followers.

When looking at the world, she says, “we don’t have to see it negatively.”

She suggests that they join her in “Practicing gratitude, daily affirmations, changing our thought patterns,”

“All of these things,” Isabel says. “Can shift our perspective.”

She is absolutely right. Sometimes, the key to changing the way that you think is just daily practice.

Isabel points out that rejecting the natural instinct to focus on the negative can make people’s lives better.

She suggests focusing on this “so that when something bad comes along we can still find the good in it.”

“We can still find the light,” Isabel concludes.

She then follows that post with a couple of tags.

“#worldmentalhealthday,” she writes. “#ilovehimsomuch”

Jacob has been publicly supportive of Isabel’s art, but it’s great to see that he gets involved in the process.

His mother, Amy Roloff, has also shown her support by giving Isabel’s gallery showings a boost on social media.

It is heartwarming to see that Jacob also lends emotional support to Isabel when it comes to loving herself.

Heartwarming, but not surprising — they are, after all, engaged.


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Jacob Roloff: Why He Might NEVER Make Peace With Matt

Last month, Jacob Roloff announced his wedding date. He and his fiancee have been spending a lot of time with his family.

Well, with most of his family. Jacob and his dad are still awkward around each other … when they’re even in the same room.

An inside source has come forward to open up about why Jacob and Matt might never mend their shattered relationship.

RadarOnline has the scoop on why the Little People, Big World patriarch and his youngest son can’t see eye to eye.

“Jacob and his dad,” the insider begins. “They don’t have the best relationship.”

Well, that’s not exactly a huge bombshell.

In fact, it’s kind of an understatement. Things are tense now, but once upon a time, these two were fully estranged.

“I think when his parents divorced,” the source continues. “He put a lot of the blame on his dad.”

“His mom was hurting for a long time,” the insider explains.

Now, she has been able to heal and to move on with her new love.

(She and Chris Marek have been together for two years and counting)

The source continues about Jacob, saying: “and he believes Matt was the sole cause of that.”

This insider believes that, to Jacob, it is “like his dad is the one that blew up the whole family.”

There’s more to it than Jacob seeing his father as the instrument of his family’s disruption.

“I also know that they don’t really see eye to eye on a lot of things,” the source shares.

“And there’s this tension between them,” the insider admits. “But they make it work.”

“They’re both slowly building on their relationship,” the source adds. So that’s progress!

“But,” the insider follows up. “I did know Jacob was very angry when his parents were first going through the divorce.”

Jacob Roloff wrote about his issues with his family in his book, and made it clear that a huge sticking point for him was the reality series.

“The entire concept of reality TV is strange because, as a viewer, you are subscribing to a particular illusion,” Jacob wrote.

This illusion, he explained, is “that you are witnessing and being let in on the secrets of the subjects’ lives.”

Obviously, the cameras aren’t omniscient or hidden, and then there’s planning, producing, and editing. It’s not a documentary, it’s entertainment.

As Jacob says: “In reality you are being shown a shallow character and only what someone else approves of, in relation to narrative and talking points.”

There was a more practical gripe that Jacob had with his folks, and the reality series was involved in that, too.

On Twitter in 2015, he leveled the accusation at his parents.

“Man I wish it didn’t feel like I was getting f–ked out of the money from the show that was my childhood right now,” he wrote.

We can’t claim to know the details of the Roloff family’s financial dealings.

We can say that Jacob was a teenager at the time, and there are few worse experiences than feeling chronically powerless.

Jacob felt that he grew up with few choices — in terms of the reality show, in terms of even his personal beliefs.

Fortunately, he at least remained close from his mother even after he set off away from his family.

On Mother’s Day in 2016, he posted a tribute to Amy.

“I loved the memory of how simple that time was,” Jacob wrote.

“And how us kids would just run around and eat fruit, play soccer, and be outside,” Jacob continued. “it was bliss!”

Jacob is what you would call outdoorsy.

“Even with sibling and parent quarrels, it was all part of it,” Jacob concluded. “I love this picture and I love my mom.”

As we mentioned, though, Matt and Jacob are making it worse.

Jacob has once again been spending time with his family, even though he and Matt aren’t exactly close these days.

Sometimes, people in families do things that are truly unforgivable. These people are toxic, and you cut them out of your life.

But sometimes, resentments formed as personalities clash can be smoothed over with time as both parties grow older and wiser.

Only time will tell if Matt and Jacob can once again become close.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Audrey Roloff and Jacob Roloff: No Longer Feuding?!

Even though Audrey Roloff is quitting Little People, Big World because it’s God’s plan, she’s still a public figure. Fans and followers can still see glimpses of her life on social media.

So color many fans surprised when none other than Jacob Roloff, Audrey’s brother-in-law, showed up on her Instagram. And no shade was thrown.

Have Auj and Jacob really buried their feud?

On Saturday, August 4, Auj took to her Instagram stories to share a glimpse of her spending family time with her husband and his siblings.

That’s right — all four Roloff siblings, each with their respective significant others.

She captioned her image “Ice cream walks.”

in it, you can see that Audrey and Jacob, her brother-in-law, are getting along perfectly well.

Auj goes out of her way to pan over to Jacob where he is walking with his fiancee, Isabel Rock. 

Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff, Ice Cream Walks

Awwww, they look so cute!

Jacob doesn’t follow Audrey on Instagram — he also doesn’t follow his father, Matt Roloff. But Audrey has “liked” nearly all of his posts for a while, now.

They might not really seem like best buddies on social media, but it looks like they’re getting along well enough in real life.

Feud rumors have swirled about these two since long before Audrey skipped Jacob’s engagement party, but it looks like things have improved.

At the very least, neither feels the need to skip out on a family activity where the other is present.

Some feuds are brought about by a specific instance. Someone was snubbed, or had a huge fight.

While it’s possible that something like that happened behind closed doors between Jacob and Auj, Jacob doesn’t do the family’s show so fans certainly haven’t seen it.

Instead, it looks like these two have ideological differences.

Jacob is an outspoken agnostic who resents having been brought up with no choice about his own religious beliefs or activities. That’s an understandable source of anger. No one likes to feel powerless.

Audrey is a diehard Christian whose views lean towards the traditional and conservative, even going so far as to refer to a “twisted generation” while praying for her daughter.

In other words, these two are apparent opposites. The only thing that they seem to have in common is Jeremy Roloff and nice hair.

Since Jacob and Audrey see the world in such different ways — and both are so outspoken — how are they able to get along so well?

Part of that is almost certainly that they are just getting accustomed to each other. They are, after all, family.

But there may be a secret ingredient to how these two in-laws are getting along: Isabel Rock.

A number of fans believe that Isabel quashed Audrey and Jeremy’s feud and helped them to mend fences earlier this year.

Sometimes, being aggressively friendly and loving two people can, in the nicest possible way, strongarm them into getting along. And it seems to have worked.

At the moment, the Roloff siblings are all visiting their grandfather in California. He will turn 90 on January 1, 2019.

It is wonderful to see and hear that Jacob and Audrey can set aside their differences for family activities — like ice cream walks.

It is normal for close relatives to have wildly different views. What makes a family non-toxic is when they can respect each other’s views.

Respecing them doesn’t mean pretending that they agree. But since neither Jacob nor Audrey are, like, nazis or whatever, it’s good that they can get along amicably.

And it’s great that Isabel (allegedly) orchestrated their happier relationship.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Jacob Roloff Uses Baby Pics to Send Pointed Political Message

Jacob Roloff knows that a picture often says one thousand words.

But the former Little People, Big World star is here to tack on a few more words to a couple very cute pictures.

Roloff recently shared a pair of images on social media, one of which features himself as a very young child with his mother; and the other of which features himself as a very young child with his dad.

But Roloff doesn"t want followers to see these snapshots and think "AWWWW."

He wants them to see these snapshots and think about the very troubling policy of our White House in response to immigrants trying to cross the Mexican-U.S. border.


Scroll down to see what we mean…

1. Jacob is the Most Outspoken Member of His Family

Jacob roloff outdoors

This isn’t saying too much, maybe, considering the lack of drama around the Roloffs usually. But Jacob is someone who quit Little People, Big World two years ago while simultaneously calling out the show and his relatives for being all fake and phony.

2. Down with Reality TV!

Jacob roloff lost in thought

In his new memoir, Roloff goes off in general on reality TV. It’s not an overly brazen stance, but it’s not something you hear often from an ex-star.

3. What About President Donald Trump?

Donald trump presser

You may not believe this, but Jacob has a few opinions about the Commander-in-Chief. (Spoiler Alert: He’s not a big fan.)

4. But Did He Really Stomp on the Flag?

Jacob roloff outside

There was outcry in July 2018 that Roloff took out his frustrations with Trump by stomping all over the U.S. flag. The photo of this alleged incident has been deleted and it’s unclear whether folks just read too much into Jacob’s foot placement.

5. Jacob Did Not Shy Away from His Feelings, Though

Jake view

In the wake of that flag controversy, Roloff invited fans to debate with him on Twitter, while making it clear that his political views represented who he is as a person.

6. Okay. So What’s Going On Now?

Jake t2

Roloff has posted this picture of him as a young boy, being held by his famous mom, Amy. Cute, right?

View Slideshow

Monday, July 9, 2018

Jacob Roloff Curses Off Donald Trump, Defends... American Flag Stomping?!?

Jacob Roloff is not one to withhold his opinion.

The former Little People, Big World star quit this TLC show two years ago because it found it to be phony and recently went off on the ridiculous nature of reality television in a new book.

This is not someone afraid to speak his mind.

In case you haven’t noticed, the same can be said for many Donald Trump supporters, which is why Jacob has landed himself in a bit of Internet hot water.

Late last week, Jacob shared an image on Instagram that appeared to be a protest of either the country in which he lives; the President; or both.

On the occasion of July Fourth, Roloff posted a picture of himself with his two feet on the American Flag.

Was he accidentally standing on this symbol?

Was he doing so on purpose as some kind of statement against the current White House and all it stands for?

Most Internet users assumed the latter, taking Jacob to major task for showing such disrespect and calling him out on social media for his actions:

roloff remove

According to various commentators, the photo was reported to Instagram and eventually deleted.

We can’t even find a copy of it anywhere in the archives of the World Wide Web, so we unfortunately do not have the scandalous snapshot here for readers to debate and consider.

However, Amy Roloff did post a photo in celebration of America’s birthday last week and many followers used its Comments section to remark on Amy’s youngest son.

“You might want to teach your youngest son it’s very disrespectful to step on a flag and post a picture of. It’s very disrespectful,” one user wrote, while another chimed in as follows:

“I’m all for people having different views, but stepping on the flag and telling the president to ‘f–k off’ is disgusting.”

Indeed, this was a line that Jacob used in response to a few critics.

Happy to mix it up on Twitter, Jacob recently fired back at someone who didn’t agree with Roloff’s stance in regard to the topic of family separation at the Mexican border.

Your bio says family is everything yet you’re offended I am posting about the reunification of immigrant families… hmm, the 21-year-old wrote, concluding his reply as follows:


It’s also evident that Jacob is aware of the controversy surrounding his flag photo, as he encouraged further talk about it on Twitter, while refusing to back down or apologize.

“For everyone ASTOUNDED at my political views… they are not new,” he wrote online this weekend. “And they are inseparable from who I am.”


Not wishing to upset their loyal fanbase, most Roloff family members keep their political opinions to themselves.

Matt came under some attack himself back in December when it appeared as if he supported Trump.

But Jacob, of course, is NOT a cast member any longer on Little People, Big World.

He is not beholden to producers and is free from concern over ratings.

In other words: He’s outspoken by nature and has no professional reason to keep quiet.

This may not be the last time we hear from Jacob Roloff on the issue of Donald Trump.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Amy Roloff Shares Rare Photo with Molly... and Jacob! Wow!

It’s a good time to be Amy Roloff.

Earlier this week, the Little People, Big World star was actually knighted, as she was awarded a pretty special distinction by those in charge of the Portland Rose Festival.

Then, she celebrated a very cool milestone with members of her family.

But both of those achievement paled in comparison to what Amy was likely most proud of from the past few days…

… a chance to spend time with her son AND daughter.

Indeed, Molly Roloff has apparently paid her mother a rare visit, as Amy has excitedly shared multiple photos of herself and her loved one on Instagram.

“Molly came to the farm for a short visit this past weekend and I was so excited and happy to see her. Love this girl. She’s doing awesome,” wrote Amy as a caption to the trio of images we’ve shared here, adding:

“She was here to see good friends for one is heading to NYC. #momentslikethesearepriceless #familyandfriends #amyssecondactcontinues.”

Making the occasion even more unique, as you can see above?

Amy got to hang out with both Molly and Jacob.

The Roloff matriarch has a perfectly strong relationship with both of these children, of course.

But unlike her two other kids (Zach and Jeremy), they do not film Little People, Big World with their parents; nor do they live close by.

Molly and her husband live a couple hours away, while Jacob and his fiancee live anywhere they want in the Pacific Northwest, traveling the region in their RV, with their two dogs.

As you can see below, Molly made the most of her time with family, too, getting a visit in with sister-in-law Tori and adorable nephew, Jackson.

He really is so very precious, don’t you think?

Amy last hung out with Molly in late April, making the journey over to her house in Spokane, Washingtin to chill with her and husband Joel.

“The best time in Spokane visiting Molly and Joel this weekend!” wrote Amy on Instagram at the time, concluding:

“Hike, walk around the neighborhood, favorite bookstore, local eatery, church, great conversations…. Sure will miss them! I’ll be back.”

We doubt Molly will ever be back on TLC, however. She seems very content to remain far away from the glare of television cameras.

Could we see a return from Jacob, though? It’s possible.

The youngest of the Roloff clan has very clearly reconciled with his parents and siblings.

But questions have now been raised in general about the future of the farm and of this reality TV show.

Did you catch the latest Little People, Big World episode? We explained HERE why it cast some doubt on what’s to come for various members of this family.

We also outlined below why the series may soon come to an end.

We hope we’re very wrong, but take a look and see if you agree with the points made here:


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Jacob Roloff: Did He Just Totally Snub His Dad?

Over the past several months, Jacob Roloff has said on many occasions that he’s made up with his family.

The former Little People, Big World star has explained that he was lashing out back when he quit this TLC series; that he has since grown up a lot; and that he’s once again on solid terms with his loved ones.

And, based on photos such as the one below, we have no reason not to believe Jacob.

He’s clearly smitten with his nephew, Jackson, as his Instagram timeline is chock full of photos of himself and the one-year old.

But take a closer look and you’ll notice that there are no new pictures of Jacob and his father anywhere on this page.

We’ve had a hard time tracking down any of Matt Roloff and his youngest son on the former’s Instagram account, too.

This might mean nothing at all, of course.

Or it may be another clue that there’s tension between father and son, perhaps dating back to Jacob’s aforementioned decision to leave the world of reality television behind.

In his new book, “Out to See,” Jacob details how he couldn’t handle how each episode (heck, practically each interaction) was totally fake and scripted.

And now, in a passage excerpted by Radar Online, Jacob discusses at length the influence of “mentor” and “father figure” Mike Detjen.


“I appreciate Mike’s influence on me a lot,” Jacob writes of someone we admittedly had never heard of prior to this publication.

Having met Mike through his youth soccer team, Jacob says Detjen would often drop him off at practice or at games.

“Some took place hours away, and he would get me reading Popular Mechanics and Popular Science out loud during the long drive,” Jacob says, adding:

“I expanded my mind and learned new words from the writing inside those magazines, and even things I didn’t fully understand helped me later as a writer and reader.”

Roloff goes on to say that Mike was a “major influence on my mental development.”

Sadly, he passed away due to “cardiovascular complications” in 2008.

And Jacob recalls being left heartbroken in his book, writing:

I think I was in fifth grade at the time and I remember every detail of the morning my mom came to my room to tell me that Mike had not made it through his surgery.

I don’t remember the days afterward very well – only that I skipped school for a few days and was likely very foul to anyone around me. I cried often.

This is a sad story and an interesting story, but it may not reveal anything at all about Jacob’s relationship with Matt.

Except, at other points in his memoir, Jacob wrote at length about his siblings and his mother; he barely even mentions his dad.

Jacob doesn’t follow Matt on Instagram, either.

Moreover, as previously reported, Amy Roloff hosted an engagement party for her son after he proposed late last year.

It’s unclear whether Matt bothered to do the same.

We’re speculating here, of course, and it’s worth noting that Jacob shared a throwback photo of his parents this past February.

He cited rumored “rifts” between family members at the time and wrote the following as a caption:

My parents have always been pretty amazing. They both succeeded in life, had a family and provided for and gave their kids all that they wanted, within disciplined reason.

My dad taught me practical, mindful things like chess, how to build a fire, and other sorts of exercises in basic critical thinking to a degree that I still carry the lessons with me today.

He was also a great storyteller, sitting all of us kids by the fire and telling stories of “dark, windy nights.”

My mom, always making sure we knew we were loved, supported all our efforts and hobbies as often as she knew about them, even coaching all of us kids in soccer in our early years.

She also instilled in us a very good sense of manners and respect that I find myself appreciating more and more everyday.

Hmmm… okay. Fine.

Maybe there is no beef between Jacob and Matt.

But what about between Jacob and Audrey, huh?!?!?!?!?


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Jacob Roloff Labels Reality TV "Ridiculous," Details Split from His Family

Note to Little People, Big World viewers:

If you’ve been holding your breath for the last few months, waiting for news that Jacob Roloff is set to return to his family’s reality show, then you may go ahead and exhale.

Because the news has been confirmed and Jacob is on his way back to this TLC series?


Because he likely never will be and there’s no point in risking suffocation at this point.

We’re nearing the two-year anniversary of Roloff stunning fans by announcing his resignation from Little People, Big World.

He did so in July of 2016 by saying he was sick of “storylines [being] drawn up” about him and his relatives, hinting strongly that the program was scripted.

Jacob went on to cite “ridiculous talking points” that producers asked cast members to mention, while labeling his loved ones as “characters” in this misleading drama.

With these statements, Roloff left the world of reality television and has spent the past several months traveling around the Pacific Northwest with his fiancee and two dogs.

Over time, however, Jacob slowly made up with his family and has now opened up about his time in front of the camera.

This is what Jacob writes in his new book, “Out to See,” in regard why he left the show:

Among so many things, I simply did not want this ridiculous reality TV to use up so much of my time, lest it leave too deep an imprint on my ability to influence the world otherwise.

I did not want this imposition to become my identity, and so I rebelled in the manner that I did, and eventually exited the show.

Let no one ever accuse Jacob Roloff of not being a profound individual.

Jacob also touched on his series departure last May, while expounding last June about the ways he’s grown up since making this decision.

“I remember at that time, I was causing strife,” Roloff said last summer about the previous summer, adding:

“I said inflammatory things. Even as I said those things, I would admit that in about a year, I’d probably regret some of this.”

Jacob went on to admit that he “rebelled” as a teenager and “left the show and left the religion I was brought up with, and I left it in a pretty flamboyant way.”

But now? 

Now he loves to spend time with his niece and nephew and parents and there are no hard feelings between any of them.

Still, we read excerpts from his memoir and can’t fathom he ever shows up on front of a camera again.

“The entire concept of reality TV is strange because, as a viewer, you are subscribing to a particular illusion – that you are witnessing and being let in on the secrets of the subjects’ lives,” he writes.

“In reality you are being shown a shallow character and only what someone else approves of, in relation to narrative and talking points.”

Wait… WHAT?!?

Jacob is saying that what we see on reality television is not exactly true reality? We’re stunned!

Concludes Jacob in this passage:

“This was my meaning in saying the ‘Roloff Characters’ in the past; not that the real people are characters or deliberately acting; but whichever Roloff you think you know is… sculpted specifically to entice and convince you to keep this channel on.”

Welp, now we’ve heard everything.

There’s no way this applies to Keeping Up with the Kardashians at least.

That show depicts each of those sisters precisely as they really are, with no editing and no scripts involved at all.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Isabel Rock: Pregnant With Jacob Roloff"s Baby?

Prodigal Roloff Jacob and his fiancee Isabel Rock recently had an engagement party with friends and family.

But as those sweet photos came in, fans started to wonder if these two had more to celebrate than just an engagement. Is Izzy pregnant?

Isabel Rock saw the comments and realized that she could no longer stay silent.

People look at her somewhat poofy dresses and they look at her engagement to Jacob.

Is she dressing this way to obscure a baby bump? A number of fans think so.

And given Audrey Roloff’s passive-aggressive Instagram post about pre-marital sex that came right after news of Jacob’s engagement, it’s easy to see how the two might be related.

The below image shows that Isabel sees people’s comments and is responding to the speculation …

… But you get the impression that she’d have loved to have been able to not talk about this.

(For a little while, anyway)

Fans wrote things like:

“Is she pregnant?” and “Either the dress poofed up front or she’s pregnant.”

Take a look at Isabel’s reply:

She says that she is not pregnant, writing:

“I can see my summer bod is coming in nicely.”

She also writes:

“Not pregnant, just eatin’ good.”

A lot of people have figures similar to Isabel’s, but when you’re marrying into a famous family, you unfortunately become the subject of a lot of speculation.

As much as she would have loved to have not acknowledged the speculation, it’s nice that she did.

Hopefully, that speculation is behind her for a little while, and fans can focus on what’s really in these touching photos.

Isabel shared this picture on Instagram, captioning it:

“One of my favorite parts about the day was how much these two, my dad and Jacob’s mom got along.”

She follows that sweet line with a heart eyes emoji.

“Even though Jacob and I have been together for three years, they met for the first time this year.”

She and Jacob have known each other for even longer than that. Not every parent meets their teenage child’s friends’ parents, however.

“More photos because there were just so many and it was such a beautiful day.”

“On Sunday, we had an engagement party and it was a wonderful day full of loved ones.”

This was her caption to yet another set of precious pics.

“We are so incredibly blessed to be walking into this season of life with so many amazing people by our side and endless support.”

They really did seem to have a lot of friends and family as guests.

“My heart wanted to burst all weekend and I cried more than once.”

Tears aren’t just for sad occassions.

“Thank you to those who came, celebrated, and shared your hearts with us on this special day. We love you all so much.”


“To my fiance, I just can’t wait to marry you.”

Izzy even drops part of the wedding date in her tag, writing:


As fans looked at photos of Izzy and her friends, some began to wonder if Isabel’s “worldly” friends were the reason that Audrey Roloff skipped the engagement party.

Most people might look at Isabel’s friends and see a normal group of young people, but Audrey has been known to shun fellow members of her “twisted generation.”

So, for example, some wonder if she might avoid a party that includes a woman with facial piercings who runs a nail business that has “666” in the name.

Others, however, think that maybe Audrey was just staying home with sweet baby Ember.

Not everything has to be about drama. We hope.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Audrey Roloff Skips Jacob Engagement Party, Fuels Feud Rumors

Audrey Roloff often posts about faith and family.

But while the Little People, Big World star clearly has a great deal of the former, we’re definitely starting to believe talk that she has some issues with the latter.

Specifically, we’re pretty certain Audrey and Jacob Roloff do not get along.

Like, at all.

Chatter over whether Audrey and her brother-in-law hate each other started circulating in December, back when the Internet realized that they never appear in photos together.

Like, ever.

This is especially unusual when you consider how often the Roloffs hang out and how often Audrey shares pictures of herself and her loved ones.

So, we got to thinking: Why would Audrey and Jacob not get along?

And there are actually a couple obvious reasons:

1. Audrey is VERY open about her strong faith and religion, while Jacob is either agnostic or atheist. He certainly isn’t a practicing Catholic.

2. Jacob is like Holden Caulfield in Catcher in the Rye: he hates phonies. Remember, two years ago he quit Little People, Big World because he couldn’t stand the scripted nature of the series.

How does point number-two relate to Audrey?

She’s faced some scrutiny from followers who seem to think she exploits her religion to make money.

So this all brings us to the latest reason to believe there really is bad blood between Audrey and Jacob.

Over this past weekend, the family hosted an engagement party for Jacob and Isabel Rock, about four months after the former proposed to the latter during a trip abroad.

And you can guess who didn’t show up, right?

Based on photographs shared on Instagram at least, that is?

Yup: Audrey Roloff.

“We celebrated Jacob and Izzy yesterday! What a great engagement party it was!” Jacob wrote as a caption to the first image in this article.

As you can see above, he’s posing with mother Amy, brother Jacob, daughter Ember and… that’s it.

Could Audrey simply have had other plans? Absolutely.

Could she even have been at the gathering, just not in this picture? Yes.

But there’s starting to be a pattern here.

Considering the divergent personalities of Audrey and Jacob, it’s not far-fetched that they wouldn’t get along. Nor would it even be that huge of a deal.

Who says all in-laws have to get along perfectly well?

We’re just noting here that there’s yet another example of a rivalry within one of television’s most beloved families.

Perhaps Audrey and Jacob will work it out, perhaps not.

Perhaps there’s some smoke here, but no fire… although we doubt it because all talk of a feud could be so easily solved if the stars simply posed in the same picture together.

Not even side by side. Just in the same frame!

Until that happens, however, we’ll continue to speculate and Internet users will continue to ask questions.

That’s just how this all works.


Monday, April 23, 2018

Amy Roloff Throws Engagement Party for Jacob Roloff and Isabel Rock

Recently, Little People, Big World viewers got to see Amy Roloff celebrate her one-year anniversary with boyfriend Chris Marek. That was a big deal for her.

But an even bigger event for the entire Roloff family is Jacob’s engagement to longtime girlfriend Isabel Rock.

And to celebrate, she’s throwing a party. But who’s not getting an invitation?

Sharing this sweet group photo, Amy Roloff writes:

“I’m excited that my friend Jack is in town. We’ll catch up on life over a little coffee and goodies from Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen.”

Her fans and followers are not surprised to see that she is monetizing her social media. Some drag her for it, but hey, good for her for making that money.

“Make your get together a little extra special or share with family and friends by ordering today. Enjoy!”

Then she gets down to business, revealing a major family event.

“We’ll be having a party Sunday to celebrate Jacob and Isabel’s engagement.”

That is so sweet!


Now, none of the Roloff’s have been gushing with details or photos of the party.

(It is perfectly okay for celebrities to designate some activities as private occasions, even something as innocuous as an engagement party)

We do know some details.

For example, Isabel Rock shared this detail about the menu on Twitter:

“Our engagement party is on Earth day, so I requested there be no meat.”

Regardless of your opinions on the ethics of meat consumption, we should all acknowledge that the environmental impact from farming livestock can have a hefty impact on the world.

That includes things like widespread antibiotics use on livestock contributing to drug-resistant bacteria. That includes things like waste from livestock being dumped into rivers or sprayed over large areas (yes, really).

It was wonderful of them to consider that. And if you shudder at the idea of a party without any meat on the menu, remember that cake contains zero meat.

Amy Roloff announced the party, so it’s likely that it took place at her house.

(Which is just a stone’s throw from Matt’s home … which, as we’ve mentioned, gets super awkward for the divorced parents)

Obviously, Zach and Tori are going to be there. They’re even in the photo.

It’s likely that Jeremy and Audrey will be there, despite Auj’s alleged feud with Jacob.

(People think that Isabel may have diffused that feud anyway)

And it seems likely that Matt will show up.

What we don’t know is whether significant others like Caryn Chandler or Chris Marek will be invited.

To avoid conflicts, they might make it a family-only affair.

That isn’t the only big event that Jacob and Isabel have planned for this week.

Though the Roloffs are known for taking lots and lots of photos, Isabel is more likely to snap a photo of one of her paintings than she is to snap a selfie.

(Though, to be clear, she still has plenty of pics of herself)

It seems that on Monday, she and Jacob will be doing what fans interpret to be engagement photos.

As Isabel hinted in this self-depricating tweet:

“I’ve been preparing for like a week to look halfway decent tomorrow and I’ll still end up looking like a f–king potato in all the photos I take.”

We wonder if Jacob writing about his favorite photo of Isabel, which is not her most flattering, was meant to encourage her to be confident about her appearance. That’s so sweet.

Fans responded to Amy’s post by issuing their repeated congratulations.

Many also chimed in that they missed seeing Jacob on Little People, Big World.

The reality series was a major — though certainly not the only — source of contention that drove Jacob to storm off of Roloff Farms a few years ago.

It was only in late 2017 that he began to reconcile with his family.

That reconciliation began just months before his epic Iceland proposal to Isabel.

We don’t know that he’ll show up on the series again any time soon.

Especially since fans have not always been kind to him.
