Showing posts with label Feuding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feuding. Show all posts

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Jinger & Amy Duggar Bury the Hatchet ... But Why Were They Feuding In the First Place?

Back in November of 2016, Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo at one of those massively-attended ceremonies that have become a common occurrence in Springdale, Arkansas in recent years.

With few exceptions, the Duggars marry very young, and they invite hundreds of guests to their weddings, including, of course, their many siblings and other familial relations.

But as fans pointed out following Jinger’s wedding, one of the most famous members of the extended Duggar clan was not in attendance at the ceremony or the reception.

In fact, Amy Duggar was 1,300 miles away in Las Vegas.

As you might imagine, Jinger’s ultra-conservative family are no great fans of Sin City, and many assumed that Amy’s choice of vacation destination was her way of flipping the bird to Jim Bob and company,

Adding fuel to the fire of a major feud was the revelation that Jinger stopped following Amy on Instagram.

As In Touch Weekly points out, the Duggar obsessives of Reddit went wild when they noticed that Amy was posting selfies from Vegas as Jinger was saying “I do” in Arkansas.

“Maybe Jinger and Amy had a falling out,” one fan speculated.

“I actually bought the plans excuse. Duggar weddings are always announced like two months prior,” remarked another, referring to Amy’s explanation that she was merely attending to a prior engagement.

“They could’ve easily bought tickets to another destination before that.”

“I think the family is huge enough now that having every person attend every event is getting increasingly unlikely,” a third fan noted.

“There is no rift between me and my cousins at all. It was just wrong timing,” Amy told Entertainment Tonight at the time.

“We already had something scheduled.”

But fans weren’t buying it. 

In addition to the fact that Jinger had cut ties with her cousin on social media, the whole situation came on the heels of reports that the Duggars were no longer allowed to talk to Amy, per Jim Bob’s orders.

This week, Jinger began following Amy on Instagram again, but for many, even that’s not sufficient proof that she’s been welcomed back into the family.

After all, Jinger’s reputation as the family rebel is well-deserved., and if anyone were to defy Jim Bob’s commands and get in touch with Amy, it would be her.

In all likelihood, Jinger never harbored any ill will toward Amy at all.

It’s a fact that Duggar wedding dates are often kept secret until just weeks before the wedding, and Amy may have already made other plans.

What seems far more likely is that she was ordered to end her relationship with Amy and is now going against Jim Bob’s wishes.

Keep an eye on this situation, folks.

The feud may be over, but there’s a good chance the drama is just beginning.


Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Cast: ALREADY Feuding with Denise Richards!

We told you before it was officially announced, folks: Denise Richards is joining The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

All of the Real Housewives are stars as part of the franchise, but Richards will be among those who were famous for years and years as actresses before they stepped into the world of reality television.

That is why she has reportedly secured a first-rate contract.

We have the details on that below … along with a report from RadarOnline that says that producers are encouraging the other Housewives to not hold back on account of Richards" celebrity status.

Well, at least one of the actress" new costars is already prepared to throw down without pulling any punches.

There"s drama afoot. Take a look:

1. So, Denise Richards is joining RHOBH’s cast


Producers are banking a lot on Denise being a success on the show

2. By banking, we mean cash

Denise richards red carpet photo

It’s reported that Denise is getting $ 1 million for her first season, and even a four-season guarantee.

3. That’s music to her ears

Denise richards at the grove

Denise is apparently a huge fan of the series, but everybody likes money

4. And producers have a request for the cast

Denise richards in a silver gown

According to RadarOnline, “Producers have told them they want the drama and not to hold back,” the insider says. “Basically, they don’t want them to be kissing her ass.”

5. One cast member has already volunteered

Erika girardi meme gonna give the gays everything they want

“Erika has already stood up,” RadarOnline’s source says. “And said she’d treat Denise the same as anyone else.”

6. Erika Jayne is down to throw down

Erika jayne in beverly hills

Erika is willing to do conflict with any celebrity. Per the insider: “She said, ‘If I don’t like her, I don’t like her.’”

View Slideshow

Monday, August 6, 2018

Audrey Roloff and Jacob Roloff: No Longer Feuding?!

Even though Audrey Roloff is quitting Little People, Big World because it’s God’s plan, she’s still a public figure. Fans and followers can still see glimpses of her life on social media.

So color many fans surprised when none other than Jacob Roloff, Audrey’s brother-in-law, showed up on her Instagram. And no shade was thrown.

Have Auj and Jacob really buried their feud?

On Saturday, August 4, Auj took to her Instagram stories to share a glimpse of her spending family time with her husband and his siblings.

That’s right — all four Roloff siblings, each with their respective significant others.

She captioned her image “Ice cream walks.”

in it, you can see that Audrey and Jacob, her brother-in-law, are getting along perfectly well.

Auj goes out of her way to pan over to Jacob where he is walking with his fiancee, Isabel Rock. 

Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff, Ice Cream Walks

Awwww, they look so cute!

Jacob doesn’t follow Audrey on Instagram — he also doesn’t follow his father, Matt Roloff. But Audrey has “liked” nearly all of his posts for a while, now.

They might not really seem like best buddies on social media, but it looks like they’re getting along well enough in real life.

Feud rumors have swirled about these two since long before Audrey skipped Jacob’s engagement party, but it looks like things have improved.

At the very least, neither feels the need to skip out on a family activity where the other is present.

Some feuds are brought about by a specific instance. Someone was snubbed, or had a huge fight.

While it’s possible that something like that happened behind closed doors between Jacob and Auj, Jacob doesn’t do the family’s show so fans certainly haven’t seen it.

Instead, it looks like these two have ideological differences.

Jacob is an outspoken agnostic who resents having been brought up with no choice about his own religious beliefs or activities. That’s an understandable source of anger. No one likes to feel powerless.

Audrey is a diehard Christian whose views lean towards the traditional and conservative, even going so far as to refer to a “twisted generation” while praying for her daughter.

In other words, these two are apparent opposites. The only thing that they seem to have in common is Jeremy Roloff and nice hair.

Since Jacob and Audrey see the world in such different ways — and both are so outspoken — how are they able to get along so well?

Part of that is almost certainly that they are just getting accustomed to each other. They are, after all, family.

But there may be a secret ingredient to how these two in-laws are getting along: Isabel Rock.

A number of fans believe that Isabel quashed Audrey and Jeremy’s feud and helped them to mend fences earlier this year.

Sometimes, being aggressively friendly and loving two people can, in the nicest possible way, strongarm them into getting along. And it seems to have worked.

At the moment, the Roloff siblings are all visiting their grandfather in California. He will turn 90 on January 1, 2019.

It is wonderful to see and hear that Jacob and Audrey can set aside their differences for family activities — like ice cream walks.

It is normal for close relatives to have wildly different views. What makes a family non-toxic is when they can respect each other’s views.

Respecing them doesn’t mean pretending that they agree. But since neither Jacob nor Audrey are, like, nazis or whatever, it’s good that they can get along amicably.

And it’s great that Isabel (allegedly) orchestrated their happier relationship.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tyrese Admits Feuding Publicly with The Rock Was Unprofessional

Tyrese admits airing his dirty laundry with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was NOT cool … straight-up calling it unprofessional. Tyrese took himself to task when he talked to Van Lathan on ‘The Red Pill’ podcast. You’ll recall…


Tyrese Admits Feuding Publicly with The Rock Was Unprofessional

Tyrese admits airing his dirty laundry with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was NOT cool … straight-up calling it unprofessional. Tyrese took himself to task when he talked to Van Lathan on ‘The Red Pill’ podcast. You’ll recall…


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Amanda Stanton and Robby Hayes: Feuding on Twitter!

Though Amanda Stanton has talked abut her exes before, a recent vague tweet about an unnamed ex prompted Robby Hayes to come forward as the subject of her subtweet.

It was a mess.

Now Amanda is explaining why she shared what she did, and how she had never expected Robby to blow it out of proportion.

Amanda Stanton took to Twitter last week to share something truly bizarre that happened to her.

“I got a new debit card last month and got an email from an ex this morning.”

And it was more awkward than you’d think.

“Forwarding me an email that his Disneyland Annual Pass payment was declined & to update my card info…”

Which struck her as him asking her to continue to pay for his Disneyland pass. Absurd.

“I sure know how to pick em.”

Amanda’s cheating ex, Robby Hayes, decided to reveal that he had sent the email. He explained his actions on Twitter, writing:

“Lol is this how it happened or was I was trying to help you poor thing?”

His false sympathy after clearly feeling defensive about his email … did not go over well.

But as Amanda Stanton explains to E!, she had never meant to strike a never with him.

“It’s a shame he still harbors such harsh emotions towards me.”

They’ve been broken up for months, now. It seems that she didn’t expect him to be so touchy … or even to see her tweet.

She goes on to say that she wishes him “nothing but happiness and peace for him.”

That’s very kind of her to say.

Now that Dean Unglert is done with The Bachelor: Winter Games and has sadly broken up with Lesley Murphy (even though they were so cute together), 

Deanie Babies has an aptly named show on iHeartRadio titled Help! I Suck at Dating, which was clearly inspired by his disastrous Bachelor in Paradise love triangle.

“I guess what I was so confused about is that it’s been eight months and I have obviously moved on with my life.”

That email came out of the blue.

“I haven’t talked to Robby in forever; that’s the first time I’ve heard from him.”

Understandably, she didn’t feel like keeping in touch given how thngs ended (with him being exposed as an alleged cheater).

Amanda explains what went down.

“I checked my e-mail and I saw that he forwarded me his Disneyland membership…I got a new [credit card], and so his payment was being declined.”


“The funny thing is he can say he thought it was going to collections, but there was an option there to update your card information.”

If your card is no longer paying for a service like that, it doesn’t usually go to collections. The service just stops. It’s a day pass to a theme park.

Amused, she decided to share it.

“I just thought it was funny he was forwarding it to me other than putting his own card information on there.”

Now she has come to regret that decision.

“I think my mistake is saying anything on Twitter. I did think it was funny and that’s why I said something.”

She says that she had not realized that he would view this as an antagonistic tweet.

“I had no idea and I was completely shocked that he reacted the way that he did. It was just a funny tweet. I wasn’t even throwing shade at him nor did I hint that it was about him.”

She had zero intentions of unveiling Robby as the culprit.

“I wasn’t going to ever tell anyone it was about him.”

He told the world himself, for some reason.

“I was actually pretty embarrassed by it, because when I tweeted it, I never expected that to happen, nor did I want attention from it.”

A lot of tweets that blow up like hers did were never intended to do so.

“So, I guess I was confused why he reacted that way, because no one would have known it was about him.”

One wonders why he decided to draw attention to himself in this manner.

“I don’t know if he just wants attention, and that’s why part of me doesn’t even want to talk about it, because I feel like I’m giving him what he wants.”

Amanda then comes in with a pretty damning but possibly spot-on assessment of Robby’s motives.

“Like, he doesn’t even care that it made him look bad! I feel like he just wants attention — whether it’s good or bad.”

There are a lot of people like that in the world.

Oh well. Lesson learned, we guess.

And this isn’t the first time that Robby has done something that Amanda didn’t expect.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Shannon Beador: Feuding with Tamra Judge Over Friendship with David Beador?

We know how much financial support Shannon Beador’s receiving each month, but we also know that this is court-ordered. She and David are divorcing … and things are not amicable.

But you know who seems to get along just fine with Shannon’s ex? Her “friend,” Tamra Judge.

And Shannon is reportedly furious over this betrayal.

A source tells RadarOnline that Shannon feels betrayed by Tamra Judge, because Tamra’s husband Eddie is still hanging out with David Beador despite this contentious divorce.

Considering how hostile things are with David right now, every time that Shannon sees evidence that Eddie and David are still bro-ing out, she feels betrayed.

“Shannon thinks that it is really messed up.”

In her view, Tamra — who knows what it’s like to get divorced — should put her foot down about Eddie’s continued association with David.

“She does not understand why Tamra allows Eddie to hang out with David when she is supposed to be her best friend in the world.”

David Beador and Eddie Judge Hang Out

Evidence like this photo, which features both Eddie and David, reportedly drives Shannon up the wall.

From the start of the divorce, Tamra has made a big show of being Team Shannon.

She voiced her support for Shannon on social media.

And she even tipped off Shannon, it’s said, to the existence of David Beador’s young hot new girlfriend.

“Tamra was the first one to tell Shannon about Lesley, and even called him out on New Year’s Eve when she learned that he spent the holiday with his new girlfriend!”

And one has to wonder if Tamra only knew this because of Eddie’s continued association with David.

This report goes onto say that Tamra has been very defensive about this.

“Tamra told Shannon that she really had no idea that David and Eddie were still hanging out.”

That seems to be a hard pill to swallow, as the two men aren’t exactly being covert.

Shannon, it seems, doesn’t believe it.

“She thinks that Tamra isn’t telling the truth, because there is so much proof that David and Eddie are still close.”

It is, as we said, hard to miss.

To make this situation stranger, Tamra and Shannon are supposed to be best friends.

Tamra is a fitness guru and helped Shannon lose weight after Shannon put on a modest amount of weight thanks to stress.

And Tamra is personally aware of how stressful divorces can be.

Tamra is estranged from her daughter, who accused her mother of emotional abuse — which she says was particularly bad as she was getting divorce.

(She would allegedly make negative statements about Simon Barnes to her children and, when she was unhappy with them, she would allegedly call them “Simon” to compare them to her hated ex)

So it’s not like Tamra thinks that divorce isn’t a big deal.

Shannon is understandably under a lot of stress as she tries to go through this contentious divorce while looking after her three teenage daughters.

It was reported by someone close to Shannon that David became so petty after a recent support ruling that he had the water turned off to Shannon’s house — cutting off water to his daughters, too.

That’s not a sign of a healthy divorce process. And neither are reports that David was seen in the courthouse, shaking with fury and yelling hateful profanities at Shannon.

Divorce is zero fun.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Kelly Dodd and Vicki Gunvalson: Feuding Over Ex"s Hookup

Kelly Dodd finished her divorce from Michael Dodd, but responded with understandable outrage when Vicki Gunvalson appeared to be playing wingman for Michael and helping him hook up on a Vegas trip.


The upside to this whole messy situation is that we’ll get to see it all play out next season on The Real Housewives of Orange County. But here’s what we know:

There’s some great news in Kelly Dodd’s personal life that she’s been just bursting to share.

On February 23rd, the Real Housewife took to Twitter to make the happy announcement:

“My divorce is final today!! Over the moon happy!”

Divorces are among the most stressful experiences that a person can have — short of staying in a doomed, miserable marriage.

That’s not really a surprise, since we all saw Kelly Dodd’s marriage in shambles on The Real Housewives of Orange County last November.

Some divorces take years of court battles, so it’s wonderful news that Kelly Dodd got her divorce in such a short time.

However, Kelly’s (former?) friend, Vicki Gunvalson, has become the subject of Kelly’s ire over her ex’s hookup.

See, while in Vegas, apparently Vicki and her boyfriend, Steve Lodge, more or less set up Kelly’s ex, Michael, with a mutual friend.

Kelly was furious to see Vicki appear to give Michael aid and comfort. That’s pretty understandable.

RadarOnline has the scoop on this drama that is unfolding between Kelly Dodd and Vicki Gunvalson.

For starters, it sounds like Vicki is denying everything.

“Vicki has tried doing everything she can to back pedal on this one, and she insists that she did not purposely try to set Michael up with her and Steve’s mutual friend.”

So … it just happened?

“She told Kelly that the hookup happened organically while they were on vacation, and that she didn’t mean to hurt her at all.”

We wonder how Kelly took those assurances.

Just kidding — no need to wonder.

“Kelly obviously thinks that Vicki is full of s–t and so does the rest of the cast.”

That’s a bold claim. 

“Vicki was supposed to be her friend, and now Kelly just thinks that she is nothing but a backstabbing b—h.”

There are clearly a lot of emotions at play, here.

“But Kelly is moving on from this and is not going to waste any more time worrying about her ex-husband — and ex-friend!”

Oh goodness. Will this be a new longstanding feud, or will they mend fences at the end of this storyline?

Unfortunately, it sounds like Vicki’s stubbornness might cost her a friendship.

“Vicki isn’t even trying to kiss Kelly’s a– at this point because she really believes that she did not do anything wrong.”

Even if you don’t think that you did anything wrong, sometimes it helps to apologize and take steps in that direction.

It sounds like Vicki’s loyalties are torn.

“Vicki honestly likes Michael, and she cannot change the fact that Michael and Steve are close friends now.”

A lot of people end up being friends with each other’s exes. It’s part of life. Most don’t vacation with them, but still.

And it looks like some are just blaming Steve.

“Kelly knows that the two are friends, so for her to try and put the blame on Vicki is just complete crap!”

It’s worth noting that RadarOnline reports that this drama will play out, on camera, on the next season of The Real Housewives of Orange County.

In other words, viewers and fans will get to see Kelly Dodd explode over this on camera.

Is Kelly Dodd right — did Vicki betray her (and the unwritten “girl code”) by enabling Michael Dodd to hook up?

Is Vicki Gunvalson right — is Kelly freaking out over something that was beyond Vicki’s control, with Vicki merely being polite to her boyfriend’s friend and an organic hookup taking place?

Perhaps, as the storyline plays out on television, we’ll all find out together.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Feuding with Kim Kardashian, Desperate for Attention?!

Oh, that Kylie Jenner and all of her wild and crazy antics!

She’ll never stop, will she?

This time last year, we had a good time poking fun at Kylie for her ways.

Her sincere love for taking selfies and filming herself in all those pointless Snapchat videos, the way she never really seemed to be able to understand anything beyond her own limited point of view.

Like, remember that little reality show she had last summer? And how completely unaware she was of how self-centered she looked?

That used to be fun and all, but now that we know that Kylie is going to be a mother soon … well, it’s not all that fun anymore.

Maybe it’s because of the way she began refusing to step outside the minute she started showing, or maybe it’s all the unfortunate circumstances surrounding her pregnancy.

But we’ve been feeling mighty concerned about how this whole thing is going to turn out.

And if there’s any truth to this new report about Kylie and how she’s handling Kim Kardashian’s new baby, then we’ll be more concerned than ever.

As a source explains to Radar Online, Kris Jenner, the OG momager herself, “is stuck in between caring for Kylie, who is moody and pregnant, and Kim, who she really wants to spend time with right now to be there for her new granddaughter.”

“And she is stressed out!”

The issue is that Kim apparently “really needs her mom right now more than ever because Kris has a solution for everything and knows how to raise a baby better than anyone.”

But meanwhile, “Kylie is through being pregnant and she wants her mom to be accessible to her at all times, which she has been up until this week.”

… Kylie, baby, no.

It’s definitely understandable that she’s feeling vulnerable and moody right now.

After all, she’s 20 years old, heavily pregnant, and her boyfriend hasn’t been around all that much.

But at some point, you’ve got to try to fight through the hormones and all that mess to realize there are other people in the world, right?

Another layer to this whole thing is that “Kylie and Kim’s relationship was already on the rocks before all of this because Kim is super jealous of the fact that Kylie is the youngest and now the richest in the entire family.”

That doesn’t seem right, does it? That Kylie has more money than Kim?

But with her insanely successful cosmetics company, we guess it could be true.

And speaking of the cosmetics business …

This source also claims that Kylie “resents Kim because she believes she intentionally tried to steal her makeup gig.”

Oh, because makeup was a completely random thing for the Kardashian/Jenner girls to get into? It was a totally creative, unique choice Kylie made?


Thankfully, the source adds that “It is turning out to not be as big of a deal as Kylie thought because her sales have not been impacted by Kim’s new line.”

Really, it just sounds like Kylie is kind of freaking out right now and lashing out at anyone and everyone for whatever reason crosses her mind.

And again, that’s understandable, given the circumstances, but … come on, Kylie.

Get it together, just a little.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Jim Bob Duggar: Richer Than Ever, Still Feuding With Ben Seewald

How’s your 2018 going so far?

From a financial standpoint, you’re probably not starting the year as strongly as Jim Bob Duggar, but at the same time you’re not responsible for dozens of increasingly scandal-prone children and in-laws, so you’ve got that going for you … which is nice.

Yes, despite Jim Bob’s “high-class” hoarding and near financial collapse, it seems the Duggar patriarch is once again living high on the hog.

A new report from The Richest has Jim Bob’s net worth at roughly $ 3.6 million.

That’s not as much cash as it may sound like, due to the aforementioned wealth of mouths to feed.

But it’s also much better than Jim Bob’s been doing in recent years.

As recently as early 2017, JB was said to be on the brink of bankruptcy thanks to a string of financial miscalculations and the declining popularity of his family’s once-beloved reality show.

We recently learned exactly how much the Duggars are paid for Counting On, and it’s not quite as much as you might expect.

Sources say the family pulls in $ 25,000 per episode.

It’s a lot of money for just a few days’ work, but it’d also divided roughly 47 bajillion ways.

Of course, that doesn’t mean Jim Bob is struggling. Far from it, in fact.

These days, he’s back to gloating about his wealth (just as Jesus would do) at pricey financial “seminars” hosted by his friend Jim Sammons.

JB spoke of his fondness for the debt-free life in a recent seminar, telling the assembled crowd:

“After just seeing the first session, the truths from God’s Word being taught through Mr. Sammons began to convict me of my need to ‘owe no man anything but love.’”

Obviously, most of Jim Bob’s kids and their spouses are inspired by his ability to earn, but there’s at least one member of the family who thinks the Duggar patriarch has lost his way.

We’re talking, of course, about Jessa Duggar’s husband, Ben Seewald.

Jim Bob and Ben have clashed in the past over differences in their religious views, and it seems they’re once again butting heads.

Ben reportedly doesn’t think his father-in-law’s devotion to amassing a Scrooge McDuck-like swimming pool full of gold coins is particularly godly, and it seems he’s not shy about making his feelings known.

Jim Bob needn’t worry, of course, as he has the full support of the rest of his family, particularly Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard, who’s currently unemployed, but has taken to asking fans for money online, thus keeping the greed alive for a new generation.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial and eternally thirsty family.


Friday, December 29, 2017

Kate & Pippa Middleton: Feuding Over Meghan Markle?!

If you believe every tabloid story, Meghan Markle is creating more waves within the royal family than Henry VIII ever did.

Ever since Meghan and Prince Harry got engaged last month, the press has had Meg creating drama pretty much non-stop.

To hear the tabloids tell it, the royal family is like a soap opera with declining ratings, and Meghan is the sexy wild card that the writers bring in to stir things up.

First, it was widely reported that Meghan was feuding with Kate Middleton.

After Kate and Meghan were photographed together while apparently thoroughly enjoying one another’s company, the press was forced to change its tune.

Now, several outlets are claiming that Meghan and Kate are getting along too well–and Kate’s sister, Pippa Middleton, is not happy about it.

According to In Touch, Kate and Meg are inseparable these days, and the situation has Pippa feeling like the odd woman out.

“They used to do everything together and speak daily,” an insider tells the tabloid.

“But now that Meghan lives practically under the same roof as Kate at Kensington Palace, the dynamics have changed and Pippa feels shoved out.”

The source says Pippa voiced her complaint to Kate, but the Duchess was having none of it.

“Kate fought back and told Pippa that it’s her duty to make Meghan feel welcomed,” the insider claims.

Yes, apparently Kensington Palace is the coolest table in the cafeteria, and Kate is basically Regina George.

The situation may sound ridiculous, but so does the idea of a country having a royal family in 2017.

While all of this is going on, Meghan has her own drama back in the States, and no, we’re not talking about Suits.

Earlier this week, Harry threw shade at Meghan’s family, and now, the actress’ ever-shady half-sister Samantha Markle is publicly capping back.

Like we said, the reports about Meghan are sounding more and more like cheesy soap storylines, and we couldn’t be happier about it.

It’s not that we want her life to be filled with unnecessary drama; we just want her to suitably represent her homeland.

If our salty-ass president has taught the world anything, it’s that no one stirs up drama like Americans–and now, Meghan is driving that message home.


Friday, December 15, 2017

Vicki Gunvalson and Meghan King Edmonds: FEUDING Between Season!

In a shocking twist, Vicki Gunvalson recently mended fences with both Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador. But … that doesn’t mean that she’s just going to be nice to everyone.

Recently, Vicki made some less-than-flattering comments about her RHOC costar, Meghan King Edmonds, who is pregnant and also returning next season.

And Meghan King Edmonds isn’t taking that lying down.

Previously, Vicki Gunvalson told Us Weekly that Meghan King Edmonds simply doesn’t belong on The Real Housewives of Orange County.

“No desire, truly no desire to see her. She lives in St. Louis, I don’t even know what she was doing on our show anyway.”

Wow. That’s not subtle at all.

“She lives in St. Louis, she’s pregnant, she has her husband, they’re going to have six kids, she’s not friends with anybody.”

That’s so mean! Like, the St. Louis thing is one thing, and we don’t know why her husband is a factor, but saying that she has no friends is just unkind.

“I don’t know what the correlation with her is.”

That’s … some interesting word choice. Maybe she means that she doesn’t see Meghan King Edmonds’ appeal, or what makes her a fit for the show?

“She’s socially friends with people, but we don’t all hang out together.”

Just because not everyone hangs out doesn’t mean that Meghan doesn’t hang out with some costars.

“I think it’s time for her to turn the chapter to something else and maybe not be our show, we’ll see.”

That’s … not nice.

Vicki sure had a lot to say about Meghan King Edmonds, who responded by telling Us Weekly exactly why Vicki Gunvalson is wrong … and maybe a little pathetic.

“She’s so desperate.”

Sounds like Meghan King Edmonds isn’t holding back, either.

“She says she doesn’t care about me, yet she’s one of my top engagers on Instagram.”

Oh dang, she came with receipts! 

“I don’t even follow her.”

Vicious. We’re living for this.

“And she’s talking about me. It’s laughable.”

Also, showing that you can come back for somebody just as hard they came for you is a great way to show that you absolutely belong on The Real Housewives of Orange County.

“Additionally, I’m really close with Tamra [Judge] and Shannon [Beador], so goes to show how little she knows them.”

So, yes, Meghan has friends, Vicki.

In late November, rumor had it that Bravo was looking to fire three Real Housewives of Orange County stars.

It wasn’t surprising for anyone to see Peggy Sulahian’s name on that list of … what’s the opposite of hopefuls? Nopefuls?

Peggy is a huge bigot and got slammed by a number of other Housewives, past and present. This a woman who allegedly tried to ban her own gay brother from their father’s funeral.

But what really sealed her fate was that she wasn’t interesting. Her “dumb foreigner” act didn’t fool anyone, and she was transparently getting into fights with costars because cameras were rolling. The report that she was then fired was not a surprise.

When we heard that Lydia McLaughlin was fired, it wasn’t a huge shock — she played her part this season, but she didn’t grab anyone’s attention.

Meghan King Edmonds had been on the list of Housewives expected to get the axe, but she’s reportedly staying on the show next season.


Because Meghan King Edmonds is pregnant with her second child. Pregnancy drama will hook some folks.

The knowledge that Meghan almost didn’t make it back on the show was probably part of where Vicki was coming from with her dismissal of Meghan.

Of course, Meghan King Edmonds is widely regarded to be the prettiest of the Real Housewives of Orange County, which could potentially also be a factor.

Jealousy is real. And Meghan is only 33 — which means that she was barely in her 20s when the series, on which Vicki has been a member since day one, launched.

So there could be a lot of resentment there. But we don’t know for sure if that’s a factor in Vicki’s mind.

Either way, next season sure is going to be interesting, since these two are already exchanging heated words.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Feuding with Briana DeJesus Over Javi Marroquin!

Just when you thought the situation between Kailyn Lowry, Javi Marroquin, and Briana DeJesus couldn"t get any messier …

Real quick though, why would you ever even think that?! Do you even know anything about these people?

Anyway, just when you thought things couldn"t get messier, Briana went and stirred the pot again with a very questionable Instagram post.

Here, let"s just break it all down …

1. Let’s Start at the Very Beginning …

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin pic

Kailyn and Javi used to love each other once, believe it or not. A lot. They got married, had precious little baby Lincoln, but then things started to go bad because as much as they loved each other, they were never a great fit.

2. RIP, True Love

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin kiss

We may never know exactly what happened between them — at least not until they release that book they’re writing together! — but we do know that Kailyn filed for divorce at the end of 2015, just before he left for his deployment. They tried to work it things out for a long time, but it obviously just didn’t happen. When he returned home in the summer of 2016, things were clearly over between them.

3. All the Rumors

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin

We’ve heard that she cheated on him, that he cheated on her, that they were both in relationships while still married because they both agreed it was over. We’ve heard that she divorced him because she told him didn’t want more kids and he did. We’ve heard just all sorts of things, and none of them are good.

4. Yikes

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin picture

On recent seasons of Teen Mom 2, we’ve seen Javi break into the home he used to share with Kailyn, and she even resorted to getting an order of protection against him — something he thought was pretty silly. She eventually dropped the order because it made it too difficult for them to coparent, but obviously things were extremely tense between them.

5. Getting Better!

Kailyn javi photo

At some point this year though, things changed. After she dropped the protection order, they began getting along better. They both acknowledged that things were going good between them, which was so nice to see.

6. Here Comes Trouble

Briana dejesus car selfie

But then enter Briana.

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Monday, October 23, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Feuding With Kailyn Lowry at the Teen Mom 2 Reunion?

Jenelle Evans had a quite an … interesting time filming the latest Teen Mom 2 reunion special in Los Angeles over the weekend.

And by “interesting,” we mean that short of the studio burning down, the whole thing couldn’t have gone more disastrously.

It’s hard to even know where to begin when discussing Jenelle’s latest trip to SoCal.

Some say the problems began when her husband, David Eason, pulled a knife and began drunkenly stabbing balloons at a pre-party the night before the taping.

Others maintain that the weekend went off a cliff the next day when Eason fought Nathan Griffith backstage.

Both worthy theories that will likely be debated by Teen Mom 2 scholars for generations to come.

But this is Jenelle we’re talking about, so naturally, the situation is actually even worse than it initially seems, and the whole thing started going downhill well before her plane touched down.

As you may have heard, Jenelle and Kailyn Lowry have been feuding for quite some time. 

Despite the fact that they seem to hate each other’s guts, however, the co-stars apparently keep in touch via text.

Apparently, Kail recently got offended by a GIF from a recent episode of TM2 that showed Jenelle’s son Kaiser begging for food.

“There’s nothing funny about this,” Lowry commented on the GIF.

Jenelle apparently thought there was something funny about her child going hungry, so she fired off a bunch of irate texts at Lowry.

Insiders say Kailyn didn’t particularly care for the message in which Jenelle referred to her as “bitch ass.”

“They didn’t speak to each other,” a source at the taping tells Radar Online.

Of course, it wasn’t only Kailyn who had beef with Jenelle.

Her mother, Barbara, agreed to tape a segment only if producers assured her she wouldn’t have to take the stage at the same time as Jenelle.

“Barbara cried,” says the insider.

“She’s worried that David Eason is controlling and abusive. They both refused to come on stage together.”

The source adds:

“Dr. Drew asked Jenelle about the rumors and she kept saying how he isn’t controlling … She just goes on and on about how David isn’t controlling.”

As we mentioned earlier, the taping concluded with a brawl that allegedly started when Jenelle flipped out on her mother for hugging the Nathan Griffith’s girlfriend.

Clearly, these are hard times for the Evans-Eason clan.

But on the bright side, Jenelle’s life continues to make for some compelling television.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of the tumultuous life of Ms. Evans.
