Showing posts with label Richer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Richer. Show all posts

Friday, August 31, 2018

"Crazy Rich Asians" Sequel Will Make Crazy Rich Singapore Crazy Richer

If you think you’re excited about the inevitable sequel to “Crazy Rich Asians,” you’ve got nothing on Singapore … because its movie industry is poised to rake in a fortune from the next installment.  A rep for the Singapore’s Infocomm…


Friday, July 6, 2018

Anthony Bourdain Richer Than Will Suggests

Anthony Bourdain’s will surprised lots of people when it was revealed he died with around $ 1.2 mil in assets, because everyone thought he was way richer … turns out, he was. We obtained a copy of Bourdain’s will, and it appears he created a trust…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Jim Bob Duggar: Richer Than Ever, Still Feuding With Ben Seewald

How’s your 2018 going so far?

From a financial standpoint, you’re probably not starting the year as strongly as Jim Bob Duggar, but at the same time you’re not responsible for dozens of increasingly scandal-prone children and in-laws, so you’ve got that going for you … which is nice.

Yes, despite Jim Bob’s “high-class” hoarding and near financial collapse, it seems the Duggar patriarch is once again living high on the hog.

A new report from The Richest has Jim Bob’s net worth at roughly $ 3.6 million.

That’s not as much cash as it may sound like, due to the aforementioned wealth of mouths to feed.

But it’s also much better than Jim Bob’s been doing in recent years.

As recently as early 2017, JB was said to be on the brink of bankruptcy thanks to a string of financial miscalculations and the declining popularity of his family’s once-beloved reality show.

We recently learned exactly how much the Duggars are paid for Counting On, and it’s not quite as much as you might expect.

Sources say the family pulls in $ 25,000 per episode.

It’s a lot of money for just a few days’ work, but it’d also divided roughly 47 bajillion ways.

Of course, that doesn’t mean Jim Bob is struggling. Far from it, in fact.

These days, he’s back to gloating about his wealth (just as Jesus would do) at pricey financial “seminars” hosted by his friend Jim Sammons.

JB spoke of his fondness for the debt-free life in a recent seminar, telling the assembled crowd:

“After just seeing the first session, the truths from God’s Word being taught through Mr. Sammons began to convict me of my need to ‘owe no man anything but love.’”

Obviously, most of Jim Bob’s kids and their spouses are inspired by his ability to earn, but there’s at least one member of the family who thinks the Duggar patriarch has lost his way.

We’re talking, of course, about Jessa Duggar’s husband, Ben Seewald.

Jim Bob and Ben have clashed in the past over differences in their religious views, and it seems they’re once again butting heads.

Ben reportedly doesn’t think his father-in-law’s devotion to amassing a Scrooge McDuck-like swimming pool full of gold coins is particularly godly, and it seems he’s not shy about making his feelings known.

Jim Bob needn’t worry, of course, as he has the full support of the rest of his family, particularly Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard, who’s currently unemployed, but has taken to asking fans for money online, thus keeping the greed alive for a new generation.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial and eternally thirsty family.


Friday, November 10, 2017

Boosie Says Meek Mill Will Only Do 10 Months and Get Richer Than Ever

Boosie thinks Meek Mill should be celebrating his 2 to 4-year sentence … because he’s gonna do way less time than that, and make way more money than he would if he wasn’t behind bars. We got Boosie at LAX and he told us a guy like…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

"Shark Tank" Star Kevin O"Leary Says Apple"s Newest iPhone is a Status Symbol That"ll Make Him Even Richer!!!

One of the biz moguls on “Shark Tank” thinks Apple’s latest iPhone is priced ridiculously … but it’s still gonna sell like crazy and it will make him a bloody fortune. We got Canadian businessman Kevin O’Leary Wednesday at LAX and he says the…


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Kris Jenner: I Made Caitlyn Jenner Richer!

Kris Jenner is the Queen of keeping her family in the spotlight. 

The 61-year-old Keeping Up with the Kardashians star has had a lot of input into the careers of her children for several years now. 

That’s not a bad thing. They will likely find ways to make money until the end of time, so the Kardashian brand is not going anywhere soon. 

The seventh spin-off of the reality series, Life of Kylie, debuted with solid ratings on Sunday night. It secured 1.1 million viewers and a 0.5 rating. 

However, with choppy editing, it seemed thrown together at the last minute with a severe lack of plot. 

With Kris being the matriarch of the family and keeping the kids in business, many have questioned just how big Kris made Caitlyn Jenner. 

In a new interview, the family matriarch opened up about a lot of things, but one of the most important was how much Caitlyn Jenner had in her bank account when they got together. 

Speaking on Janet Mock’s “Never Before” podcast, the momager touched on her beginnings as a manager, before making it all the way to the top of the game.

Unsurprisingly, she learned most of her skills in the business field from her first husband, Robert Kardashian Sr., and his high-flying social circle. 

I married Robert Kardashian when I was 22 years old. Everybody that I was surrounded by for two decades was at the top of their game in the entertainment business: the head of every studio, the best attorneys in the world, the people that were running the most incredible industries,” Jenner said in a portion of the interview published on Lena Dunham’s Lenny Letter. 

“I was watching my husband be the biggest kick-ass attorney that I’d ever seen. I was so proud of him doing that. I learned a lot along the way.”

Her skills at managing were put to the test when she met Caitlyn Jenner (previously known as Bruce) in 1990. 

“Then, when I met and married Bruce Jenner, I became his manager instantly because he didn’t have a lot going on. I saw this incredible potential, and he wasn’t doing anything,” she said.

“Nobody was booking him for speeches. Nobody was sending him out on the road. I thought, ‘Wow. You should be this incredible public speaker.’ I just figured it out to that point.”

In order to ensure the family had money, Jenner put her skills to good use and got ready to make sure Caitlyn was maximizing the full potential to earn more money. 

“I told my assistant, Lisa, ‘OK, listen. We have the greatest guy here. He really knows his craft. He is really good at what he does, but he doesn’t have anybody doing anything for him. He doesn’t have a lot going on. He has $ 200 in the bank. What are we going to do?’” she said.

“Because the kids have to eat. We have to get it together.”

It does go a long way to prove just how integral Kris is to her family. Her skills at keeping people in the spotlight are second to none, and she even spent her last dime to make Caitlyn a household name again. 

“I think I spent my last dime, I’m not even kidding, making these beautiful, glossy press-kit folders and took every great article that had ever been in Sports Illustrated and any really beautiful magazine and I started making copies,” she revealed.

“We put together 7,000 press kits, and we mailed them to every speakers’ bureau in the United States. Then we sat back, and we waited for the phone to ring.”

Despite the troubling financial situation, Kris is adamant that the money did not define their relationship. 

“I fell in love with him, 150 percent. I’ve always looked at things like, ‘We’re just going to figure this out,’” she recalled.

“I don’t stop and think about, What’s the plan here? I just went for it. I realized after we got married and I had a limited amount of money, and I said, ‘We’re going to move into this house. We’re going to work hard.’”

It’s certainly interesting to hear what Kris has to say on the matter. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Friday, March 24, 2017

NeNe Leakes Says Her Contract"s Gotta Be Richer than Kim"s (VIDEO)

NeNe Leakes knows ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ producers would never say how much money Kim Zolciak is getting for her comeback, but NeNe thinks it’s gotta be less than her booty. We got NeNe at LAX Thursday where she told us there’s a reason she…
